[心情] 澄清..疑問...一下....的說辭.....

看板LifeSci_92作者 (外籍生的複雜度...)時間20年前 (2004/09/19 23:15), 編輯推噓7(709)
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嗯 一堆同學和學長姐對於我這種外籍生的動機感到..... mmmm...說是'不解'好了...嗯 所以我今天來澄清一下... 長篇大論的....其實來之前已經寫過一遍了給我那裡的親朋好友了..來po一下: 親愛的眾位親朋好友們: 你們還好嗎? 相信你們一定對我選擇唸台大感到不解, 我將會在這裡詳細的說明一下, 其來龍去脈和因果關係, 如果 有什麼問題或是建議等等, 我會洗耳恭聽, 來者不拒的, 還請 各位多多指教。 我選擇的學習環境有三大優點, 在這裡略為報告一下, 其一, 台灣的地理環境位於歐亞大陸和南北美洲之間, 受到雙 方之影響深遠, 具有中國傳統之資料庫內涵和西方科學之意念 型態的影響, 造成其混亂之主因, 但更代表了東西之交流就在 台灣, 這中間, 有寶貴的經驗在累積, 有適應的方法正在形成, 確是極為稀有且重要的, 尤其是對於我這東西混雜,精神錯亂的 學生, 有極大的助益。 其二, 台灣文化具有的獨特風格乃是真的隨機應變、花樣百出, 其柔軟度和其一物百用之能力都已登峰造極, 不消說, 什麼都 善於省時、省事、省力, 這是極為可貴的。造就這些能力的, 當然是競爭遠比美國國內的校園多, 壓力遠比美國大, 把這些 在台灣視為當然的美麗給壓了出來, 好像雨後的彩虹一般。 而在台灣, 人與人的互動也達到最高點, 少了機械、紙張來 代理一切, 而我相信, 那正是我需要的訓練。 當然, 我的期望不限於此, 我想, 尋根之旅, 是人生中很重要 的一部分, 不了解自己從哪裡來, 不了解自己是什麼的話, 又 怎麼能擁有自信, 邁向未來呢? 當我沒有這著力點時, 我又 如何去發揮我無限的潛力, 開創我自己的未來呢? 我深信, 這 是我必經的旅途。更尤其當我輩自詡為擁有雙語能力時, 怎能 不對自己的母語和歷史有深刻的了解呢? 再著說了, 我體會到 那運用母語學習的直覺感應, 及體驗至了解語言的深刻, 使我 沉浸於一種不言而喻的喜悅感, 我深信, 不管結果如何, 這一 段經過一定是值得我這一番折騰的。 過去, 我不曾給予你們令人信服的理由, 那是因為, 我自己都 不甚明瞭, 只有一腔熱血和強烈的直覺, 導向我不為所動的決 心, 當時, 還記得你們的許多詳盡的意見, 我都有確實的想過, 真的很謝謝你們, 但這個機會, 我認為是不容錯失的, 我會保 留我的退路, 不至走進死角的, 希望你們也會祝福我。 我想, 很多人對我放棄加州戴維斯分校的機會, 很是可惜, 而 我也聽到了, 所以, 我並沒有放棄這個機會, 畢竟, UCD 確是 有它的好處, 而今年的UCD校園生活也於我助益良多, 不管是 獨立的練習也好, 寫作的訓練也好, 從實際的生活以至學科的 基本功, 都是無可取代的歷練, 成功的增肥報國計劃, 和許許 多多的回憶, 將永遠培伴著我, 然而, 我的下一學年, 我期望 我可以在台大尋找到我想要的, 在那之後, 又會如何, 我自己 也不清楚, 只因不想那時再道別, 先說一聲, 後會有期, 我的朋友們, 記得多聯絡, 如果我不被什麼飛來橫禍給架走的 話, 我們還會再見面的, 那時, 你可能已經可以算是我的 學長姐了呢... 畢竟, 我在UCD的學分仍屬於一年級生, 而你們 這些Over-achievers也大概不知道怎地搶來100多200學分了吧, 尤其是那些想要學醫的朋友們, 不管怎地, 祝福你, 祝福我。 小子, Derek 筆 嗯 嗯 事情大概是這樣.... 嗯 我還有寫了一篇英文版的: To my friends, families, and those of whom that may concerns, My decision to attend NTU is not a random one, as many of you may think. In actuality, I do realize that credential-wise, NTU might not serve as well as UCD would to most of the world. However, at this stage of my life, I need many things that I considered NTU could offer and UCD can't. For one, the position of Taiwa n, you see, is literarily between and in the clash of the West and the East; there fore, it has quite some experiences and exposure that assembles my situations, and qu ite a lot of positives that I must hand my hats off to NTU, or the culture of Taiwa n itself. I understand that, Taiwan's culture, seems to be in chaos at times for the unst able politics and clashes of ideas from all over that makes it have a hard time of d efining itself. However, that is, truly, diversity and its necessary phase of dealing with diff erences. In this light, my future experiences at NTU to me, will be a more global and di verse one as oppose to my exposure in the small college town, Davis. In fact, I consider the skill of adaptation and flexibility in Taiwan culture i s valuable to acquire for my future successes. Its quality in making the best out of the r esources one has, is truly remarkable. It presents the quality of change, a quality of l ife that alters itself to fit in its environment. A sense of competitiveness, I must acquire. Only in specific settings like this , will I be able to experiment and learn this, instead of being in the safe bubbl e of America. Nevertheless, in the setting such as Taiwan, you would be forced to practice pe ople skill, unlike in America where paper works and internet interfaces allow you to do thi ngs without any one else. Of course, my motivation is not limited to this. A search of root also became a n essential priority of mine, as part of finding myself and my self-esteem. It ha s not occur to me, until recently, that I need drive and motivation to possibly reach any successes, and these qualities only evolves from a person with self-esteem. Wit hout understanding and reverence for my own roots and culture, I will not be able to stand firm and still to face all my obstacles as I move on in life. Thus, I do take i t that, this is the experience that I need. More importantly, I also need a little picking up upon my first language. I hav e found that, I can understand many things, inherently, better in context of my first l anguage, and it would be unintelligent to not take advantage of this. Ultimately, it is part of the reason that I was given bilingual education for, to absorb information prop erly with multiple channels of languages, namely English and Chinese for this purpos e. Earlier than this time, I was not able to give any of you a complete explanatio n for my decision since I didn't really completely understood it myself other than that I have a firm conviction that it must be done at one point or another. NTU presents me w ith this opportunity, and I believe that I should take it. Many of you may have known my decision and found my place in UCD peculiar. Howe ver, that was part of my decision as well. You see, after consulting knowledgeable indivi duals, I realized that there are many qualities in UCD that I will want to expose to as well (for I did get in already... it'd be a waste if I don't attend it... and procedure-w ise, to keep my options open, allowing room for plan A, B, C, D.... in case one is to n ot work all that well... dorm life is a essential part to human development, and that I 've experienced it myself =p... connections that I might possibly encounter in UCDa vis will be beneficial to me ... resources that UCDavis do offers... chance to meet and learn from some great professors in UCDavis... fresh air before I go into air pollution ar ea... essential practice and learning opportunities for English language basis that I must not give up... friends and families that are here =p... learning how to cope with locking your self out 5 times... learning how to cope with bike of stolen parts... learn how to cope with lost c ell phones... learn how to cope with computer crashes... learn to plan and organize my time w ith deadlines... see the really cool balloon explosion demos... do the labs with scary acids... see the cows grazing peacefully on grass... feel the country life, along with the country sm ell =p... feel the joy of coming back home again =p... learn to appreciate everything bet ter... learn to deal with stress before midterms... experience the fast internet =p... experience making my own space... learn to deal with suitemates (not one of the easier ones..).. gain pounds =p , hehe, got about like 11 more pounds on myself with American fo od and biking daily... biking skill, heh, and seeing the 1st biking light ever =p... strength ening bonds between me and those doctor-becoming friends =p (haha, it could be you =p, don' t ever forget me)... okok, stop the list... it's big and fat enough...). For some of you, I did tell you that I am sure that this NTU experience will ta ke place as like an "abroad studies" kind of thing for this following academic year, mea ning I won't be seeing you guys next year... For now, I am only sure of what happens this next year, for the year after that is still not mapped out yet. We'll keep in touch though. I love you all (don't take this wrong, it is, as in the correct, corresponding kind =p). I will miss you all (=p). Wish me luck! Sincerely, Derek Yang P.S. If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to email me back and tell me about it =p!!! If you like to correct this huge paper for grammatical errors or spelling, that's is mighty welcome too =p >>> okay...看到這裡的人 如果覺得還解釋的很不夠 還可以找我面談 =p -- ======================================== 活著就是一種價值 做事就有獨特意義 ======================================== -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: 09/19, , 1F
襪靠!!! 德瑞你太強了 讓我推一下 09/19, 1F 09/19, , 2F
該推 09/19, 2F 09/20, , 3F
說實在的...你的文筆很棒 09/20, 3F 09/20, , 4F
有這機會能跟你一起學習真的很興奮呢 09/20, 4F 09/20, , 5F
哈哈 很高興能有這機會和大家(眾位..) 09/20, 5F 09/20, , 6F
(套英文老師的話..精英中的精英) 09/20, 6F 09/20, , 7F
一起學習 相處 合作 等等 ^^y 09/20, 7F 09/20, , 8F
hmm...Chinese culture is worth learning 09/20, 8F 09/20, , 9F
while it may not be totally absorbed in 09/20, 9F 09/20, , 10F
a year,but i believe u could learn lots 09/20, 10F 09/20, , 11F
of things in NTU.Life is learning,huh? 09/20, 11F 09/20, , 12F
嗯嗯 生命要有內涵嘛 =p 09/20, 12F 09/20, , 13F
活的開心 活的精采 活的充實 ^^ 09/20, 13F 09/20, , 14F
其實 認真活著每一秒 就好了吧... 09/20, 14F 09/20, , 15F
明天怎樣誰也不知道..更何況是一年呢... 09/20, 15F 09/20, , 16F
一點期許..也是讓我自己可以更認真些吧 =p 09/20, 16F
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