[情報] 2015/12/6 by Daily Horoscope

看板Libra作者 (C.Ai)時間8年前 (2015/12/06 00:16), 8年前編輯推噓6(600)
留言6則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Libra horoscope for Dec 6 2015 You may be making light of a situation that isn't all that light. You are prob ably aware of this, Libra, but it may seem like the easiest alternative at the moment. You need to keep in mind, though, that the easiest path isn't always the best one, and you need to face the issue and deal with it logically and ma turely. If you don't you will have to face the music eventually, and by then i t will have escalated to a bigger problem. If you do deal with it now, you can get past all the angst you are feeling and earn that sense of relief you crav e. -- Copyright ? Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh ------------------------------------------------------- 你不願正視一個不樂觀的局面。也許你已經察覺到了,秤子,在當下這似乎是一個比較容 易的選擇。但你必須記得,最好走的路永遠不會是最好的那條路。你必須去面對問題,有 邏輯性且成熟地去處理它。若不願面對就必須承擔後果,而且接下來會擴大成更嚴重的問 題。如果現在就去處理,你會擺脫所有憂慮然後感到如釋重負。 ------------------------------------------------------- 昨天冷到腦袋都打結了,螢幕盯了大半天,實在是翻不出來……今天乖乖交上來囉~ 還有什麼沒說的,自首無罪………抓到加倍!!!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Libra/M.1449332204.A.DAF.html

12/06 00:31, , 1F
12/06 00:31, 1F
※ 編輯: aie115 (, 12/06/2015 02:57:17

12/06 11:44, , 2F
12/06 11:44, 2F

12/06 12:10, , 3F
12/06 12:10, 3F

12/06 12:40, , 4F
幹 完全準
12/06 12:40, 4F

12/06 13:08, , 5F
12/06 13:08, 5F

12/06 23:14, , 6F
12/06 23:14, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #1MOmtisl (Libra)