[情報] 2015 by Daily Horoscope(整體、愛情)

看板Libra作者 (擋不住的魅力)時間9年前 (2014/12/26 08:45), 9年前編輯推噓12(1202)
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出處:Libra Zodiac Horoscope for 2015 by Daily Horoscope 內容: 不負責大綱提示: 整體: 如果秤子過去走的是高尚正直、誠實路線, 翻上檯面公開化的某個危機就是未來事業的轉機。 做好決定,就勇敢前進不要猶豫囉! 愛情: 有對象的人有福啦,只要你肯點燃熊熊愛火, 2015會打下良好基礎、2016更蓬勃發展; 單身的人也有福啦, 有機會遇上你的繆思女神/男神,帶領你到新的創造力境界。 不過,期待已久的承諾對話可能大約在冬季出現XD 家庭、事業部分有時間再翻... ------- 全文 整體: 你的星座符號是以天秤來表示,因為你是平等、平衡、正義的化身。 你絕對是個「跟人打交道」的人, 你幾乎一直被激起你全然信任的朋友們圍繞著, 因為你受到人們崇高正直的吸引。 在2014年,雖然你可能遇見一點也不誠實的人,至少有那麼一個。 可是你選了高尚的路線,一如以往, 全世界都看到你相信誠實(honest, 誠實、正直、真誠、坦率)的道路, 誠實是最佳上策。 在未來一年(2015), 你將有機會捍衛你相信的事物、價值,以一種非常公開的方式。 這次的機會甚至可能帶給你一些惡名, 這將有助於你進一步的事業。 你可能把這個視為一次千載難逢的機會, 它可能對你的未來有巨大的影響。 不論你決定怎麼作, 一定要仔細考慮、思考清楚。 當你做出決定之後, 毫不猶豫的大步向前吧, 因為猶豫會延遲你的計畫,甚至讓你看起來很軟弱。 愛情: 對秤子來說,這應該是很浪漫的一年。 你一定想了很多有關愛和夥伴關係的事, 與特別的人完美結合的渴望有希望實現。 這個運勢將持續2015年, 你的愛情關係蓬勃發展,浪漫依然令人眼花撩亂又充滿活力。 2015年,雖然會有很多的機會讓激情活躍, 但是那取決於你是否讓火焰一直燃燒。 如果你這麼作, 你跟重要他人或者未來伴侶的關係,將有良好基礎, 並且在來年將會蓬勃發展。 在今年秋天,新家或是改進的生活狀況可能讓你跟特別的人,進一步點燃溫暖的感覺。 如果你是單身,你可能遇到一個似乎是你的繆思/靈感來源的人, 這個人真正了解你深層的那部份。 這個人會把你的創造力帶領到一個新的、令人興奮的境界。 如果你承諾一段關係, 你會到達豐富又深刻的共融狀態,這將持續整個2015一整年。 在寒冷的季節的某個週末時刻,將出現一場期待已久、對你們未來的對話。 --- Libra Zodiac Horoscope for 2015 Your sign is represented by the Scales, because you are the embodiment of fairness, balance, and justice. You are definitely a "people person," and you are almost always surrounded by friends who inspire complete trust because you are drawn to people of high integrity. In 2014, though, you may have encountered at least one individual that wasn't quite so honest. However, you took the high road as you always do, demonstrating for the world to see that you believe the honest path is the best path. In the year ahead, you will have the opportunity to stand up for something you believe in, and in a very public way. This chance may even bring you some notoriety, which will help you to further your cause. You will probably see this as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it may influence your future in a big way. Whatever you decide to do, make sure you are carefully considering and thinking it through. After you make the decision though, stride forward without hesitation because hesitation can delay your plans and even make you look weak. Love: It should have been a very romantic year for people of your sign, Libra. You must have thought a lot about love and partnership, and you have hopefully filled your longing for the perfect bond with someone special. This trend will continue into 2015 as your relationships flourish and romance remains dazzling and vibrant. Although there will be many opportunities to keep the passion alive in 2015, it will be up to you to keep the flame burning. If you do, your relationship with a significant other or a future partner will have an excellent foundation, and will thrive in years to come. A new home or an enhanced living situation that is possible by the fall will further ignite the warm feelings you have for a special person. If you are single, you have probably met someone who seems to be almost like your muse - this person truly understands you at your deepest level. This person will lead you to bring your creativity to a new and exciting level. If you are involved in a committed relationship, you have reached a state of communion that is rich and deep, and this will continue throughout 2015. A special weekend getaway at some point during the colder months will bring about a long-awaited conversation about your future. Family: For most Libra people, your family life has been far more harmonious than it has been in a very long time. Even if you had some issues with family members, overall, your personal view of your family life was more harmonious. That's mostly because you took the time to be more sensitive and receptive to the needs of your loved ones, and they have noticed. This has drawn you closer together, and made your connection quite rewarding. A relationship that has recently begun in your life or will soon begin, will start to feel more like a family relationship, whether you share blood ties or not. This person will become increasingly important to you, throughout 2015 and will be able to provide all of the love, support, and encouragement that you might seek from a family member. This person may offer you advice about a challenging family matter in the summertime, and you are advised to listen and dedicate to this person's opinion the deserved attention. You need to remain always-aware of keeping tabs on this relationship. If you devote the proper time and attention to it, it may become one of the greatest treasures of your life. Career: When it comes to business, Libra, you are one of the most well-rounded signs of the zodiac. You tend to have an almost innate knowledge of every aspect of the field in which you work, and a knack for quickly learning what you don't know. If you aren't at the top of the ladder, you are well-thought-of by both by your peers and the higher-ups, and this coming year you are primed for a significant increase in title and/or responsibility. This change, which is likely to be complete by end of summer, will bring a greater sense of abundance into your life. You are thought of as the "go-to" person for problem-solving and interpersonal relationships. You are moving up and quickly. If you run your own business, you have made or will soon make many wonderful and useful new contacts. One person you meet may become a key player in one of your enterprises and will be instrumental in ensuring your success in that venture. Your intelligence, integrity, fairness, and intellectual grasp of your work will impress anyone who is a decision-maker. The year ahead looks quite good. New opportunities will be abundant, and as usual you will make the most of any and all connections that come to you. -- Copyright Daily Horoscope. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Libra/M.1419554750.A.D66.html ※ 編輯: xul1021 (, 12/26/2014 08:55:32

12/26 09:10, , 1F
12/26 09:10, 1F

12/26 09:47, , 2F
12/26 09:47, 2F

12/26 10:23, , 3F
好像很不錯 good
12/26 10:23, 3F
※ 編輯: xul1021 (, 12/26/2014 10:40:10

12/26 12:12, , 4F
12/26 12:12, 4F

12/26 12:14, , 5F
12/26 12:14, 5F

12/26 12:26, , 6F
12/26 12:26, 6F

12/26 12:35, , 7F
12/26 12:35, 7F

12/26 12:35, , 8F
12/26 12:35, 8F

12/26 17:13, , 9F
2015快到了... 超想脫單的~
12/26 17:13, 9F

12/26 20:00, , 10F
12/26 20:00, 10F

12/26 20:30, , 11F
推 好運 也希望如此QAQ 想順利畢業
12/26 20:30, 11F

12/26 23:50, , 12F
12/26 23:50, 12F

12/27 03:53, , 13F
12/27 03:53, 13F

12/27 13:16, , 14F
12/27 13:16, 14F
文章代碼(AID): #1KdA--rc (Libra)