[情報] Daily Horoscope 09/03

看板Leo作者 (化做千風)時間8年前 (2016/09/02 21:12), 編輯推噓11(1101)
留言12則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Some people can usher abundance into their lives easily and freely. It seems like no great feat to them because they are at ease and they have great confidence in their abilities to manifest good things. You, on the other hand, tend to worry and second-guess yourself sometimes. When your mind is in a state of fear or upheaval, it is harder to find abundance. You need to relax, Leo, and to truly recognize that you have more power than you have used in the past. Make this a new and more powerful chapter in your life by believing in yourself. *** Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh ----------------------------------------------------------------- 有些人可以輕鬆自在地讓自己的生活變得豐富,因為他們心是定的、也對他們展現美好事 物的能力有著極大的自信心。而你們,在另一方面來說,有時候卻傾向擔憂和反覆猶豫; 當你們的內心處於恐懼或者是動盪不安的狀態時,就很難去讓生活變得豐富。你們需要放 輕鬆,獅子們,並且真正地認清自己事實上比過去有更多的力量。透過相信自己來開啟你 們嶄新且有力量人生章節吧! ================================================================= 今日運勢摘要: 別去看他人有了甚麼,因為每個人所能擁有的都是最珍貴的。 好好沉澱自己,然後請相信自己所擁有的力量吧: ) 你好嗎?妳好嗎? 最近在煩惱甚麼嗎?嘆氣的時間是否變多了呢? 心靈的動盪不安,總是會反映到外在的一切事物上。 你/妳的眼睛是不是很久沒有好好看看自己了呢? 手臂上一次環抱住自己是甚麼時候了呢? 很久沒有放音樂了。 Onerepublic 共和世代的"Say (All I Need)":https://youtu.be/GRSZpV6WIuU
Do you know where your heart is Do you think you can find it Did you trade it for something, somewhere Better just to have it Do you know where your love is Do you think that you lost it You felt it so strong but nothings Turned out how you want it 今天,就讓自己身體和腦袋好好放鬆、靜下來的時間吧。 祝各位周末愉快: ) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Leo/M.1472821968.A.9BA.html

09/02 21:34, , 1F
頭推 週末放輕鬆
09/02 21:34, 1F

09/02 22:05, , 2F
09/02 22:05, 2F

09/02 22:38, , 3F
09/02 22:38, 3F

09/02 23:01, , 4F
09/02 23:01, 4F

09/02 23:14, , 5F
09/02 23:14, 5F

09/02 23:22, , 6F
09/02 23:22, 6F

09/02 23:45, , 7F
09/02 23:45, 7F

09/03 00:28, , 8F
09/03 00:28, 8F

09/03 03:42, , 9F
09/03 03:42, 9F

09/03 08:07, , 10F
推 謝謝這篇的安慰
09/03 08:07, 10F

09/03 10:50, , 11F
09/03 10:50, 11F

09/03 11:53, , 12F
09/03 11:53, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #1NoNhGcw (Leo)