[新聞] 李敏鎬即將在7月4日出席中國宣傳活動

看板LeeMinHo作者時間15年前 (2009/07/03 16:47), 編輯推噓13(13025)
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作者 tshih4 (foolaround) 看板 LeeMinHo 標題 [新聞] 李敏鎬即將在7月4日出席中國宣傳活動 時間 Thu Jul 3 16:50:27 2009 ─────────────────────────────────────── 我好像也只能在loveminho.com找新聞了,真多虧了這個網站^^ 大家可以期待看看明天出現機場的照片囉! LMH, will attend the China promotion on July 4th. 李敏鎬即將在7月4日出席中國宣傳活動 Posted on Sporthankook, 2009-07-03 新聞來源 : 韓國體育 2009-07-03 English translated by loveminho.com 英文翻譯 by loveminho.com (原文出處: http://tinyurl.com/n6k4va ) 中文翻譯 by tshih4 Actor LMH will pay a visit abroad to promote BOF after an operation to remove a metal rod. 演員李敏鎬在移除金屬支架手術後,即將出國宣傳花樣男子. LMH will attend the China promotion for the drama 'BOF' held in Kuangchou, China on July 4th. He had an operation to remove a metal rod on June 5th. Since he made a quick recovery, he can attend the International promotion with pleasure. 李敏鎬將於7月4日出席中國廣州”花樣男子”的宣傳活動. 他在6月5日進行了手 術移除金屬支架. 在短暫的復元之後, 將能夠開心地參加世界各地的宣傳活動. LMH's agency " Now, LMH has no problem walking or moving. He is expected to attend the international promotions under reasonable conditions. It’s been decided that those attendances will be short and will be not too much to become a burden for him." 李敏鎬經紀公司表示 ”李敏鎬現在走路和移動都沒有問題. 他很期待在允許的狀況下參 與世界各地的宣傳. 所以我們決定的這些活動, 時間不會太長, 以免成為他的負擔.” LMH will depart for Kuangchou from the Incheon international airport via flight number OZ369 at 8:50 a.m on July 4th. As soon as he arrives in Kuangchou, he will begin promotion, starting interviews with the press. LMH will disperse the aroma of BOF while he has the press conference with 35 local presses and an exclusive interview with TBC. 李敏鎬將在7月4日搭乘早上8:50的班機OZ369從仁川機場出發到廣州. 他一到廣州就會開 始宣傳活動, 與媒體進行採訪. 李敏鎬會藉著和35家當地媒體的記者會以及和TBC的獨家 訪問遠播屬於花樣男子的香氣. In the afternoon of July 4th, he will meet his local fans who have been waiting for him in the fanmeeting. LMH is expected to attend the pay fanmeeting held at Holiday in City Center in Kuangchou for 1 hour and to reveal his healthy appearance to over 300 local fans. 7月4日下午, 他會在見面會與等待他的粉絲碰面. 李敏鎬很期待參加在廣州假日酒店城 市中心舉辦的粉絲見面會, 為時一個鐘頭, 他要向超過300名的當地粉絲展現他健康的模 樣. His agency said "Most of all, his health is our priority, we are sorry to say that LMH will not show his skills such as singing or dancing this time. If he has a chance to visit again, he will show you his specialities. 他的經紀公司說到 ”更重要的是,我們會第一優先考量他的健康. 所以很抱歉的告訴大家 這次他不會有表演來展示他的才華,像是唱歌或跳舞. 如果他還有機會再來到這裡, 他會 表現他的專長呈現給大家” In this promotion, one of the members of F4 Kim Jun, the director Jun Ki Sang, producer & president of Group 8 Song Byung Jun, will attend together. 在這一次的活動裡, F4的其中一員金俊, 導演 製作公司老闆 也會一同前往. Kim Hyun Joong and Kim Bum will not attend the promotion since KHJ is in Hong Kong with SS501 and KB is in Busan to film for the new SBS drama 'Dream'. 金賢重因為和SS501在香港; 金範則是為SBS新戲“Dream”在釜山拍攝而不克前往參加活 動 LMH will return to Korea at 5:00 p.m on July 5th 李敏鎬會在7月5日下午5點返回韓國 P.S. 文字上色真的很困難...腦子尚未開竅...@@" ※ 編輯: tshih4 來自: (07/03 16:50)

07/03 16:53, , 1F
謝謝ts的熱心分享 上色辛苦了~有看到原始PO文 XD 色碼指令
07/03 16:53, 1F

07/03 16:54, , 2F
謝謝ts分享,我也有看到XD 加油我也是在這學的~哈哈你可
07/03 16:54, 2F

07/03 16:54, , 3F
07/03 16:54, 3F

07/03 16:54, , 4F
一定要ctrl+c按出來才有效 自行打出來的是無效的喔 :)
07/03 16:54, 4F

07/03 16:54, , 5F
以的XD 之前TH也說她弄了一萬次了還弄不好,沒關係的~XD
07/03 16:54, 5F

07/03 16:55, , 6F
07/03 16:55, 6F

07/03 16:56, , 7F
07/03 16:56, 7F

07/03 16:56, , 8F
07/03 16:56, 8F

07/03 16:56, , 9F
鎬阿~~請保重 不要被分食了XDDDD
07/03 16:56, 9F

07/03 16:57, , 10F
哈俐~真的 哈哈 這次到底去多久怎麼都不知道啊 XDDD
07/03 16:57, 10F

07/03 16:58, , 11F
07/03 16:58, 11F

07/03 16:58, , 12F
07/03 16:58, 12F

07/03 16:58, , 13F
07/03 16:58, 13F

07/03 16:59, , 14F
還有看到李敏鎬「移動」沒問題有一點噗哧XD 好怪的畫面XDD
07/03 16:59, 14F

07/03 16:59, , 15F
嘿~我瞎了 明明最後一行有寫7/5回韓國 XDDD
07/03 16:59, 15F

07/03 17:00, , 16F
07/03 17:00, 16F

07/03 17:01, , 17F
07/03 17:01, 17F

07/03 17:02, , 18F
"不會有表演來展示他的才華"→我笑了 用美貌就搞定 :)
07/03 17:02, 18F

07/03 17:03, , 19F
07/03 17:03, 19F

07/03 17:14, , 20F
看到遠播香氣那邊 不知道為什麼噗嗤笑了出來XD
07/03 17:14, 20F

07/03 17:44, , 21F
07/03 17:44, 21F

07/03 17:45, , 22F
07/03 17:45, 22F

07/03 17:55, , 23F
ts沒關係啦XD 很搭鎬呆的文字~哈哈 辛苦你了!
07/03 17:55, 23F
※ 編輯: tshih4 來自: (07/03 21:20)

07/03 21:31, , 24F
阿 就是明天了耶@@
07/03 21:31, 24F

07/04 00:20, , 25F
07/04 00:20, 25F

07/04 00:21, , 26F
07/04 00:21, 26F

07/04 00:22, , 27F
07/04 00:22, 27F

07/04 00:37, , 28F
哈~看到他4去5回 才一天 我也小竊喜一番 哈!
07/04 00:37, 28F

07/04 00:38, , 29F
才一天 應該不會被"摧殘"的太恐怖吧~呵!
07/04 00:38, 29F

07/04 00:53, , 30F
竊喜+1 喔呵呵~才一天~~
07/04 00:53, 30F

07/04 00:56, , 31F
是很可怕嗎 為什麼會竊喜XD
07/04 00:56, 31F

07/04 10:48, , 32F
才一天............科科科~ ( ̄▽ ̄)﹏﹏
07/04 10:48, 32F

07/04 11:32, , 33F
TH怎麼你的竊喜看起來最不舒服XDDD 是說趴嫩,也很多種竊
07/04 11:32, 33F

07/04 11:33, , 34F
07/04 11:33, 34F

07/04 11:33, , 35F
07/04 11:33, 35F

07/04 11:33, , 36F
人多的地方 不宜久留XD
07/04 11:33, 36F

07/04 11:34, , 37F
07/04 11:34, 37F

07/04 11:34, , 38F
07/04 11:34, 38F
文章代碼(AID): #1AJSMDPN (LeeMinHo)