[專欄] 2011年五大不可思議 詹姆斯消失活塞罷訓

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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1EgNwJ8L ] 作者: sampsonlu919 (父親,願你安息) 看板: NBA 標題: [專欄] 2011年五大不可思議 詹姆斯消失活塞罷訓 時間: Thu Oct 27 23:53:52 2011 http://www.espnstar.com.tw/news/basketball/2011/1027/218649.htm 2011年五大不可思議 詹姆斯消失活塞罷訓 在結束了對2011年五大開心和糟糕事件的點評之後,ESPN繼續推出了2011年五大費解事件 的點評,以下是詳細內容。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Five strangest things in the NBA in 2011 原文: http://es.pn/vaMLnu 翻譯: Passy 第五大最費解 What was the fifth-strangest thing in the NBA in 2011? 海耶斯 Patrick Hayes, 活塞網站Piston Powered球評: Kevin Durant, pro-am hustler. Pro-am leagues have been around forever, and the best in the country always attract the occasional star for a game or two. But Kevin Durant owned the summer. He was a fixture, showing up at pro-am and charity games all over the country. All you needed was a court and some guys who don't mind getting 3s rained on them and there was a chance KD would play in your game. 杜蘭特(Kevin Durant)如此熱衷參加半職業性質的表演賽是不多見的,在美國,半職業 性質的比賽有很多,但NBA的球星們通常只會偶爾出現而已,像杜蘭特這樣繞著美國跑去 打比賽真是太罕見了。 哈克 Rahat Huq, 火箭網站Red94球評: Jerry Sloan steps down. One of basketball's most feared men, Jerry Sloan allegedly lost a power struggle and was forced down from his perch. His counterpart, the apparent victor, guard Deron Williams, was soon afterward shipped out of town. Go figure. 史隆(Jerry Sloan)就這樣結束了自己在爵士的執教生涯,有說法是他在和德隆. 威廉斯(Deron Williams)的爭權中失利,但很快威廉斯又被送走了,爵士的這一切 都讓人看不懂。 施密特 Jeremy Schmidt, 公鹿網站Bucksketball球評 The Denver Nuggets traded Carmelo Anthony on Feb. 23, 2011, and spent the rest of the regular season reminding us NBA teams can be a lot more fun when they don't have a dark cloud hanging over them. After parting ways with Anthony, the fast and loose Nuggets got faster and looser and finished the season on an 18-7 run. 金塊最終還是送走了安東尼(Carmelo Anthony),但失去安東尼之後,金塊似乎表現的 更棒,他們以18-7結束賽季。似乎,金塊是想要提醒球迷,籃球的本質還是團隊運動。 索普 David Thorpe, Scouts Inc.球評: The final months of the Melo Watch. I know, we've seen trade stories year after year, but this one was just weird. Melo had lots of options, though they seemed to be moving by the day. The Nuggets had options, too. That led to so many questions and far too much speculation. Perhaps the strangest part is: How good is he anyway? This was not the Kobe Watch from 10 years ago, or the LeBron Watch in the summer of 2010. Even his old teammates were affected by the disturbance, which was one reason they played so well after he left. 金塊和安東尼的分手後遺症比較奇怪,按說安東尼也是個大牌,但金塊在失去他之後, 表現居然並不比從前差。 楊 Royce Young, 雷霆網站Daily Thunder球評 all the players sent to Denver were good. But nobody -- probably including coach George Karl and even GM Masai Ujiri -- expected the Nuggets to be better without Carmelo 金塊雖然也得到了不少好球員,但失去了安東尼,主帥卡爾(George Karl)和管理層 恐怕都沒想到,他們居然可以比以前更棒。 第四大最費解 What was the fourth-strangest thing in the NBA in 2011 海耶斯: The Kendrick Perkins trade. The Celtics 'shook things up' by trading their starting center for the positionless Jeff Green. Boston clearly needed to think about getting younger at some point, but I'm not sure 'some point' was when the C's were first in the Eastern Conference standings and already thin in the middle. It was a momentum-killing trade that clearly affected the team down the stretch. 塞爾提克送走帕金斯(Kendrick Perkins),沒錯,綠衫軍的確是想讓陣容年輕一些, 但這樣的方式還是有些操之過急了。失去了帕金斯之後,塞爾提克在季後賽中的表現 證明了這是一步臭棋。 哈克: The Perkins trade and subsequent revelations. Team president Danny Ainge shipped out the heart and soul of a championship team. Speculation abounded that Perk's injury was worse than previously thought. It wasn't. The Thunder quickly renewed him, forming the most enviable young nucleus in the league. 塞爾提克為什麼要送走帕金斯?去到了雷霆之後,帕金斯並沒有任何外界擔心的健康 問題,反而成了聯盟中最棒的年輕內線之一,塞爾提克是虧大了。 施密特: Ron Artest, who once ignited a brawl that caused nine players to be suspended for a combined 146 games, appeared on "Dancing With the Stars," won the J. Walter Kennedy Citizenship Award and changed his name to Metta World Peace this year. It's nice to see his strange is moving in a productive direction. 阿泰斯特(Ron Artest),這是個奇怪的存在。以前,他是帶頭挑事打架的那個。 現在,他一邊參加「與星共舞」(Dancing With the Stars),一邊將自己的名字 改成了慈世平(Metta World Peace),一副一心向善的模樣。 索普: Cavs owner Dan Gilbert asking players' association executive director Billy Hunter to "trust his gut." What? How obtuse can a man be? If he hadn't acted the way he did after LeBron left, perhaps Hunter could have found a way to trust him. But in light of the past year, the idea that Gilbert could even think anyone on the players' side would trust him borders on the absurd 騎士老板吉爾伯特(Dan Gilbert)要球員工會總裁杭特(Billy Hunter)「相信自己 的勇氣」,這真是太扯了。吉爾伯特也不想想自己在失去詹姆斯(LeBron James)之後 表現如何,杭特再軟弱也不會相信他的。 楊: Deron Williams' trade to New Jersey. With everyone zeroed in on what would happen with Carmelo, the trade that sent Williams to the Nets kind of blindsided everybody. His contract wasn't coming up until the summer of 2012, meaning the Jazz could stick with him for the rest of the season, and perhaps even another. Except, just like that, GM Kevin O'Connor pulled the plug on his franchise player and started a massive rebuild. 威廉斯轉會去籃網讓很多人看不懂,實際上他的合約要到2012年才到期,不明白為什麼 爵士管理層會這麼早就要開始送走核心球員,開始徹底重建。 第三大最費解 What was the third-strangest thing in the NBA in 2011? 海耶斯: JaVale McGee. Whether he was planking in freezers, coming up a bit short on overly spectacular dunk attempts, explaining his alter ego "Pierre," getting into fashion feuds with Michael Wilbon or seeing his mom get a little fresh with Dr. J on live TV during the dunk contest, McGee undoubtedly asserted himself as one of the league's most eccentric assets this season 麥基(JaVale McGee),無論是說他的「仆街」搞怪攝影,還是他在扣籃大賽上的表現, 也許還包括他和威爾本(Michael Wilbon)關於時尚的爭論,麥基都已經是聯盟中的「 怪胎」一個了。 哈克: Mavericks owner Mark Cuban behaved. If you had asked me before this June how I envisioned the events of a Mavs title, my depiction would have undoubtedly involved theatrics from Mr. Cuban never before seen at center court. Instead, he graciously accepted his trophy and refrained from memorable comment. 庫班(Mark Cuban)在奪冠之後的表現,在此之前,我是猜想庫班會有一系列瘋狂的 舉動的。結果,庫班本人表現的非常淡定,這讓我很是驚訝。 施密特: Dirk Nowitzki began the season four years removed from his bittersweet MVP season. While the Dallas Mavericks were still a threat in the Western Conference, their title window looked closed. But Nowitzki's off-balance game aged well and a team full of title-less veterans pulled together and upended Miami's Big Three in a finals upset few saw coming. 諾威斯基(Dirk Nowitzki)的奪冠,賽季剛開始的時候,沒人想過小牛能奪冠。甚至, 在確定是和熱火三巨頭交手之後,也沒多少人看好小牛。但最終,依靠諾威斯基,他們 戰勝了看起來無比強大的熱火。 索普: The rapid decline of Timberwolves point guard Ricky Rubio. 盧比奧(Ricky Rubio)的衰退 Rubio had no bigger fan than I when he first entered the NBA draft. I saw the out-of-this-world vision and feel, and his uncanny ability to lead his teammates to easy buckets. But 2011 has been a nightmare for him. His offensive game has sunk to incredible depths because passing is tough to do when no one needs to guard you. 過去說這小子還有點潛力,但從他上賽季的表現看,這個被灰狼寄予厚望的控衛已經 有些泯然眾人的感覺。 楊: The Mavericks' sweep of the Lakers. It wasn't just that the defending champs were swept. It was how it happened. The Mavericks completely dismantled the champs in Game 4, hitting 20 3-pointers in the process. 湖人被橫掃,沒人想到衛冕冠軍會以這樣的方式結束整個賽季,也沒人想到小牛會把 紫金軍伺候的毫無還手之力。 第二大最費解 What was the second-strangest thing in the NBA in 2011? 海耶斯: Kahn's coaching search. There was so much to be captivated by here. 灰狼的選帥風波 David Kahn reportedly talking to candidates even though Kurt Rambis was still technically the team's coach. Kahn reportedly assigning Rambis a report on what he would do differently if he came back as coach. 早在蘭比斯(Kurt Rambis)還沒有正式下臺的時候,卡恩(David Kahn)就已經在找 新主帥了。 Rick Adelman taking the job despite reports that he was not a big fan of Kahn. Kevin Love breaking the news on Twitter. Never change, T-Wolves. 後來,媒體爆料艾德曼(Rick Adelman)和卡恩是早有宿怨,但最終的結果還是出乎 很多人的意料。 哈克: LeBron James' NBA Finals performance. The last flop this colossal was Howard Dean's bid for the presidency. The King wasn't just bad. "Bad" would have meant he was even a factor. 詹姆斯的總決賽表現,他在最後幾場比賽中的表現,恐怕用糟糕都不足以形容。 施密特: Up 2-1 in the NBA Finals, a win in Dallas would have all but locked up a title for LeBron James. But he managed just eight points in 45 of the most passive minutes of his career in Game 4. A bad game isn't strange. But the league's most talented player appearing indifferent in the NBA Finals is as strange as it gets. 詹姆斯,本來2-1領先的,但在關鍵第四場,詹姆斯打了45分鐘只得到8分。一個有如此 才華和地位的球員,在如此關鍵性的比賽中發揮如此糟爛,詹姆斯是個讓人費解的失望。 索普: LeBron James disappears in the Finals. 詹姆斯在總決賽上的消失 If we blocked out his face and jersey while watching the game tape we'd think we were watching a bulked up Travis Outlaw, or worse, a stronger DerMarr Johnson -- tall, skilled and mostly clueless. Impossible to imagine or predict. 如果遮上他的臉和球衣,單從表現看,我們會覺得這大概是奧特洛(Travis Outlaw) 或者D.強森(DerMarr Johnson)。 He destroyed Boston and Chicago on both ends of the floor, and he cooked the Mavs in Game 1. 但實際上,這是此前搞定了塞爾提克和公牛的聯盟第一球員,詹姆斯。 楊: Jerry Sloan's resignation. The Jazz aren't the Jazz without Jerry Sloan. John Stockton, Karl Malone, Jeff Hornacek -- players come and players go. But Sloan was the constant over two decades. When he announced his retirement abruptly in February, amidst reports of a falling out with Williams, it was a complete shocker. 史隆的退休,沒了他,爵士還是爵士嗎?史隆才是過去20年來這支球隊的真正核心, 所以在他宣布退休之後,媒體一致感覺震驚。 第一大最費解 What was the strangest thing in the NBA in 2011? 海耶斯: The Pistons boycotting a shootaround. With constant media coverage and PR-mindful players and agents, I'm still dumbfounded that several Pistons allegedly thought boycotting a shootaround in Philly as a vote of no confidence in their overmatched coach was a good idea. It wasn't, of course, but it did result in Will Bynum playing all 48 minutes in a game, which is just good for the soul. 活塞的罷訓事件,多位球員自發組織罷訓對抗主帥,這在聯盟中相當少見。 哈克: Zach Randolph became a role model. Z.藍道夫(Zach Randolph),居然他現在已經是個模範榜樣! 施密特: After one of its most successful seasons in years, the NBA and the Players Association failed to come to a new deal, causing the cancellation of the first four weeks of the NBA season with more cancellations looming. Maybe strange isn't the best word to describe something so foolish. 在經歷了一個美妙無比的賽季之後,勞資雙方居然決定停擺並縮水新賽季。或許,這個 不能用費解來形容,而應該用愚蠢。 索普: Gilbert Arenas traded to Orlando. 魔術居然要了亞瑞納斯(Gilbert Arenas) It is simply beyond belief that a team actually wanted a player with major injury concerns, major professionalism issues and rapidly dwindling skills, yet one with a huge fat contract in front of him. 我以為他是任何球隊都不願意接手的禍害。 楊: Gilbert Arenas' Twitter account. It was offensive, vulgar and even ended up getting him fined. It disappeared and reappeared a couple different times, and I still have no idea what he was going for with any of the stuff he tweeted. 亞瑞納斯的推特,過去他總在推特上發點好玩的東西,然後因此被罰款。說真的,到 現在我都不知道亞瑞納斯究竟打算用推特達到什麼目的。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: sampsonlu919 來自: (10/27 23:54)

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