[轉錄] 表演賽 Melo、LBJ狂飆分 仍不敵費城聯隊

看板LeBronJames作者 (巴拉圭)時間13年前 (2011/09/26 17:12), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1EW3-zD4 ] 作者: QQren (QQ) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] 表演賽 Melo、LBJ狂飆分 仍不敵費城聯隊 時間: Mon Sep 26 17:02:50 2011 http://ppt.cc/WQQ4 內附簡短影音 http://ppt.cc/bW;X 內附十大好球 (內文僅節錄重要段落) Carmelo Anthony's team falls in Philly James, Carmelo Anthony and Chris Paul couldn't lead their team back from a dreadful start, as Team Philly beat Melo's stars of Baltimore 131-122 on Sunday night at the Palestra. LeBron James、Carmelo Anthony、Chris Paul 三巨星所組成的 Melo 陣營以 122-131 輸球。 James had 43 points and 23 rebounds, and Anthony had 31 and 17, but Paul wasn't in top shape in rare action during this NBA summer of inactivity. All three played all 48 minutes. James狂砍43分外加23籃板,Anthony也拿下31分17籃板,但Paul狀況不加,12投3中只拿 下6分。 Former Villanova guard Kyle Lowry of the Rockets scored 34 points and Lou Williams of the hometown 76ers had 31 for Team Philly in what was called the "Battle of I-95." Evans finished with 18 points and 18 rebounds, and Warrick added 19 points and 12 boards. 費城聯隊"Battle of I-95."裡,Kyle Lowry拿下34分,Lou Williams 31分,Tyreke Evans 也攻下18分18籃板,Hakim Warrick 19分12籃板。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/26 17:05,
星度有差 居然還是輸了
09/26 17:05

09/26 17:07,
09/26 17:07
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #1EW47oa4 (LeBronJames)