[文法] 一些國中英文想請益

看板Language作者 (言兒)時間15年前 (2009/02/08 19:48), 編輯推噓0(006)
留言6則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/1
1.Is that____(a)red apple(b)my apple red(c)apple red (d)your red apples 2.Is that____English book old.(a)a (b)an (c)x(d)Jenny's 3.Amy and Judy ____ good stuednts.和Amy and Judy, ____ good stuednts. 4.坐在書桌前把它記下 ____ ____ the desk ____ ___ it ____. 想請問1.a和c如何抉擇 和第2比較 然後第3題2句的差別 第4題翻譯 謝謝解惑 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/08 22:42, , 1F
1 = c 因為 a選項要加冠詞"a"....
02/08 22:42, 1F

02/09 00:04, , 2F
4. Sit at, to/and write, down
02/09 00:04, 2F

02/11 21:54, , 3F
請問可用sit front嗎
02/11 21:54, 3F

02/12 17:28, , 4F
2. = c 不能選別的
02/12 17:28, 4F

02/12 17:30, , 5F
我猜3. = are, they are
02/12 17:30, 5F

02/21 20:48, , 6F
4. Sit before the desk and write it down.
02/21 20:48, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #19ZiQ3tL (Language)