[外電] KCP在撐過低潮之後成為了閃耀的先發球員

看板Lakers作者時間4年前 (2019/12/07 05:29), 4年前編輯推噓20(2005)
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原文網址: https://www.latimes.com/sports/lakers/story/2019-12-05/kentavious-caldwell- pope-starting-role-for-lakers 縮網址:https://reurl.cc/NaLXak Lakers’ Kentavious Caldwell-Pope pushed through dark times, now flourishes as starter KCP撐過了低潮後成為閃耀的先發球員 SALT LAKE CITY — The boos from Lakers fans at Staples Center once rained down on Kentavious Caldwell-Pope whenever he missed a shot or a defensive assignment. 當KCP錯失了一記投籃或是漏了防守位置時,Staples Center裡湖人球迷針對他的噓聲如 雨聲般宣洩。 But his teammates stood by his side during those dark times, encouraging the 6-5 guard to stay the course. 但是他的隊友們在這些困難的時刻一直與他同在,鼓勵著這名6呎5吋的後衛撐過去。 When he became the starting guard after Avery Bradley went down with a right leg injury, Caldwell-Pope stepped into that void and his game has flourished since. 他在AB因為右腿傷勢離開球隊時成為了先發球員,KCP補上了這個空缺,然後他開始閃閃 發光。 He started for the 12th time this season, finishing with 14 points on five-for-eight shooting and two-for-four on three-pointers in the Lakers’ 121-96 win over the Jazz 他在本季的第12場比賽以先發位置上場,投8中5得到14分,包含了三分球4投2中,湖人以 121-96戰勝爵士隊。 After the Lakers had won back-to-back games at Denver on Tuesday night and at Utah on Wednesday night, Caldwell-Pope credited his teammates for sticking with him during his down periods. 當湖人贏下禮拜二在丹佛及禮拜三在猶他的背靠背比賽後,KCP把這兩場勝利歸功於隊友 們在他陷入低潮時的堅持與幫助。 “I’ve got real brothers in the locker room,” Caldwell-Pope said. “They helped me get through it. Even though it was a lot on myself, they helped me get through it. I have a bunch of guys who have been through that, especially that No. 1 guy has been through that — LeBron (James) has been through criticism his whole career. So he talked to me a little bit. ‘There’s nothing to worry about. Just play.’ ” 「我在更衣室裡面有一群好兄弟們,」KCP說。「他們幫助我撐過來,即使大部分都是我 自己的問題,他們幫助我挺了過來。我們這裡有一群人都有過類似的經驗,尤其是那個天 下第一人 – LBJ幾乎整個生涯身邊都充滿著批評。所以他跟我聊了一點。『沒什麼好擔 心的,好好打球就是了。』」 James never wavered in his faith in Caldwell-Pope. 老詹從沒有對KCP失去信心。 As a reserve in 10 games, Caldwell-Pope was playing just 19.4 minutes per game and averaging just 5.0 points on 35% shooting, an awful 20% on three-pointers. 做為替補球員的10場比賽中,KCP平均只上場19.4分鐘,場均得分只有5.0分、35%的命中 率,三分球更慘只有20%。 “If one of our brothers is going through a difficult time, we pick him up,” James said. “And we let him know we’re right there in the foxhole with him, and that’s just what we were telling KCP early on when he was struggling with his shot or struggling with his play. ‘Listen, we’re right here with you. We’re in the foxhole with you and your time will come. Just continue to put in the work and continue to trust your habits.’ Obviously those rumblings have quieted down quite a bit.” 「如果我們的兄弟正處於這種艱困的時刻,我們得扶他一把,」老詹說。「我們會讓他知 道我們都跟他一起待在傘兵坑裡,當KCP之前打得很掙扎時我們就是這樣告訴他的。『聽 好,我們都在這裡陪著你,我們都一起待在傘兵坑裡,然後屬於你的時刻會到來。只要你 繼續堅持下去、相信你正在做的事情。』顯然那些雜音有變得小聲了一點。」 Caldwell-Pope’s improved play is why his critics have gone silent. KCP的好表現讓那些批評他的聲音安靜了下來。 In his dozen starts, his minutes per game have increased to 27.3. 在他先發的比賽裡,他的平均上場時間提升到了27.3分鐘。 He’s averaging 10.6 points, making 52.5% of his shots and 47.7% of his three-pointers as a starter. 他先發上場時場均可以拿下10.6分,投籃命中率是52.5%以及47.7%的三分命中率。 He had eight points in the third quarter against the Jazz, six of them on back-door cuts for layups. 他在對爵士比賽的第三節中得了8分,其中6分是開後門的上籃。 “When I was in the second unit, it just took me time to find my rhythm just playing with a lot of new guys,” Caldwell-Pope said. “But once I got in the starting lineup, it kind of just opened up a little bit. Most of the time I’m wide open because of LJ and AD (Anthony Davis). I just got to be ready to knock down shots. Once I was getting easy ones, free throw, a layup, whatever, it kind of opened up my rhythm for me.” 「當我身處替補的時候我得跟很多不同球員的陣容一起上場,我需要花時間來找到自己的 節奏。」KCP說。「不過當我先發上場時,事情就變得很單純。因為LBJ跟AD的關係我大部 分時間都會處於空檔,我只要準備好投進那些籃就好。一旦我投進一些簡單的空檔投籃、 罰球、上籃什麼的,我的節奏彷彿就打開了。」 By working on his game and not giving in to the tough times he was experiencing, Lakers coach Frank Vogel said Caldwell-Pope “earned the job more than me giving it to him.” 他認真投入比賽、沒有跟遇到的低潮妥協讓步,我哥說KCP是『靠自己贏得的上場機會,比 我給他的機會更多。』 “We were talking about it last night. I don’t know if I’ve seen him play as well as he’s playing,” Vogel said. “I know he had some good years in Detroit. But it’s really not about his offense. He’s going out and bringing great energy and defensive proficiency on that end of the floor. It’s really allowed us to continue to win basketball games with Avery out. I’m really happy for him. He was getting some criticism early in the season. He’s responded in a big time way. He’s been a vital part of our recent winning.” 「我們昨天正在聊這件事,我不確定以前有沒有看過他像現在這樣打球,」我哥表示。「 我知道他以前在底特律打得不錯,不過那真的跟他的進攻能力沒什麼關係。他能在場上帶 來很棒的能量以及很老練的防守表現。這的確讓我們能在AB離開我們的時候還能夠繼續贏 球。我替他感到很開心,他在季初承受了不少批評,他在很多方面都承擔得太多了。而他 已經成為我們最近這些勝場中的不可或缺的一份子了。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Lakers/M.1575667768.A.AFD.html ※ 編輯: clark86913 ( 臺灣), 12/07/2019 05:31:52

12/07 05:31, 4年前 , 1F
L. A. K. 連線!
12/07 05:31, 1F

12/07 05:42, 4年前 , 2F
12/07 05:42, 2F

12/07 05:58, 4年前 , 3F
12/07 05:58, 3F

12/07 07:07, 4年前 , 4F
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12/07 07:44, 4年前 , 5F
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12/07 07:46, 4年前 , 6F
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12/07 07:56, 4年前 , 7F
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12/07 07:56, 4年前 , 8F
AB復活 DH聖光 KCP變3D 下個該輪到Kuzma了吧
12/07 07:56, 8F

12/07 07:57, 4年前 , 9F
12/07 07:57, 9F

12/07 07:59, 4年前 , 10F
太神啦 下一季希望有人開好價格給你
12/07 07:59, 10F

12/07 08:00, 4年前 , 11F
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12/07 08:08, 4年前 , 12F
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12/07 09:33, 4年前 , 13F
KCP在我湖多年 如果季後賽表現好 應該可以給他續約吧
12/07 09:33, 13F

12/07 09:44, 4年前 , 14F
12/07 09:44, 14F

12/07 09:48, 4年前 , 15F
下一季是po 表現好的話應該會跳
12/07 09:48, 15F

12/07 09:59, 4年前 , 16F
如果能一直持續到季末 我們有錢續他嗎
12/07 09:59, 16F

12/07 10:39, 4年前 , 17F
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12/07 10:57, 4年前 , 18F
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12/07 13:04, 4年前 , 19F
KCP持續保持! kuz也加油,湖人更完美
12/07 13:04, 19F

12/07 14:05, 4年前 , 20F
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12/07 14:05, 4年前 , 21F
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12/07 14:22, 4年前 , 22F
KCP保持下去 有鳥權 續約不是問題吧
12/07 14:22, 22F

12/07 14:37, 4年前 , 23F
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12/07 16:02, 4年前 , 24F
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12/07 19:19, 4年前 , 25F
12/07 19:19, 25F
文章代碼(AID): #1TwiWuhz (Lakers)