[外電] AD重返紐澳良爽到當地的湖人迷

看板Lakers作者時間4年前 (2019/11/28 03:23), 4年前編輯推噓9(907)
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原文網址: https://www.latimes.com/sports/lakers/story/2019-11-26/lakers-anthony-davis- return-to-new-orleans 縮網址:https://reurl.cc/0zQQkx Anthony Davis’return to New Orleans delights area fans of Lakers AD重返紐奧良爽到當地的湖人迷 NEW ORLEANS — Orrin Henry spent his childhood splitting time between New Orleans and Alabama. When he was asked if he knew any Pelicans fans who grew up with him, he thought about it for a few seconds. Then a sheepish grin crossed his face as he prepared to admit the truth. Orrin Henry小時候在紐奧良跟阿拉巴馬兩個地方長大。當他被問到他有沒有認識任何跟 他一起長大的鵜鶘球迷?他想了一下,然後一抹詭異的笑容在他臉上閃過,接著他準備吐 露實情。 “Actually, I’m a Laker fan,” said Henry.“I’m going to the game tomorrow.” 「其實我是個湖人迷,我準備明天要去看比賽。」 He loved Kobe Bryant growing up and had plenty of opportunity to see him play. 他從小就愛著Kobe,而且有一大堆機會去看他打球。 Jasmine Louis talked about wanting to get Pelicans tickets for her young son because they were often inexpensive. She grew up in Gretna, La., playing basketball and once thought she’d be a basketball player. Jasmine Louis談到她想幫兒子買張鵜鶘的球票,因為通常他們很便宜。她從小在路易斯 安那州的Gretna打籃球長大,並希望有天她能變成一個籃球員。 Oh, and … 噢,還有… “When I was little I thought the Lakers were for us,” she said, laughing at the memory. 「我小時候一直覺得我們是湖人隊的。」她笑著回憶。 New Orleans is well-established as a Saints town. The polar opposite of Los Angeles, where the Lakers dwarf the Rams, most native New Orleanians care more about the Saints than most things in their lives ... including the Pelicans when they remember to do so. The Pelicans’ small but passionate fan base sometimes finds itself outnumbered in their own arena. 紐澳良一直都是聖徒隊的城市。跟湖人在洛杉磯把公羊隊踩在地上磨擦的狀況完全相反, 紐澳良居民關心聖徒隊的程度比關心他們生活中其他事情都還要多上許多,包括鵜鶘隊… 如果他們有想起鵜鶘隊的話啦。那些小眾但熱情的鵜鶘球迷們有時候會發現他們的人數甚 至比客隊球迷還要少。 (感謝orthogonal指教) It’s a dynamic that created complicated feelings last season when Anthony Davis demanded a trade in the middle of his seventh season with the organization. On Wednesday he’ll return to New Orleans for the first time since the Pelicans traded him to the Lakers. He is expecting to be booed, but whether he will be is questionable. Not every Pelicans fan is still angry with him. Those that are might have to fight to have their voices heard. 當AD上一季在他待在這支球隊的第七個賽季中要求被交易時,這個舉動讓球迷們產生了非 常複雜的情緒。自從他被交易到湖人之後,禮拜三他將首次回到紐奧良跟鵜鶘交戰。可以 預期他會被噓得很慘,不過無論他到時候會怎麼樣,並不是所有的球迷都還在生他的氣, 有些人可能會努力想表達他們的意見。 “I don’t think AD’s gonna get booed like people are saying because it’s gonna be hella Lakers fans in there,” said Josh Pichon, a Pelicans fans and New Orleans native. “He was a spectacular talent so I appreciated being able to watch him the years he was here. I’m not going to boo him. I booed him last season, so I got that out of the way. I’m good. To be honest, I like the trade too.” 「我不認為AD一定會被噓耶,因為這裡也有一大票湖人球迷阿,」一位在地的鵜鶘迷 Josh Pichon表示。「我還滿感激過去幾年能在這裡看到像他一樣這麼有天賦的球員待在 這裡打球的。我不打算噓他,我上一季有噓他啦,不過對我來說已經過去了,我覺得還OK 。說實話我還滿喜歡那筆交易的。」 Seven years of history 七年的經歷 The New Orleans Hornets drafted Davis in 2012 and had been a franchise familiar with having stars, and losing them. Chris Paul had been traded to the Clippers the year before Davis arrived and the franchise hit the reset button. 紐澳良黃蜂在2012選中了AD,就像那些他們曾經擁有卻又失去的巨星們。CP3在AD來的前 一年被交易到了快艇去(for the fxxking basketball reason),然後黃蜂重開機。 They made the playoffs twice while Davis was part of the team, and he grew from a spindly 19-year-old to a broad-shouldered MVP candidate. 當AD在陣中時他們兩度打進季後賽,而他已從瘦弱的19歲小子迅速成長為身材壯碩的MVP 候選人。(感謝hsujay指教) During his third season, he began trying to help in the community. Though he never started a foundation, he held monthly events in conjunction with the Pelicans for a program dubbed AD’s Flight Academy. 在他的第三個賽季,他開始試著回饋當地社區。雖然他從未成立過基金會,不過他每個月 都跟鵜鶘球團一起為了一個AD的飛行學院計畫舉辦活動。 “We miss him,” said Keith Liederman, the CEO of Kingsley House, which claims to be the oldest settlement house in the south. “… He was great in our community but really just an awesome part of Kingsley House.” 「我們很想念他,」據稱是南方最歷史悠久的睦鄰機構Kingsley House的執行長Keith Liederman說。「他真的對我們社區很好,尤其是對我們Kingsley House很照顧。」 Davis held events at Kingsley House, treating students there to pizza parties and Q&A sessions in the center’s historic gym, where the ABA’s New Orleans Buccaneers had practiced. He once donated a car he won for being the All-Star MVP to the mother of a Kingsley House pre-school student whose transportation was unreliable. Often, he asked Liederman questions about the organization’s history, which dated back more than 100 years. AD也在Kingsley House舉辦活動,跟學生們一起在ABA的紐奧良海盜隊進行練球的歷史體 育館內進行pizza派對還有問答活動同樂。他在拿到全明星賽MVP後捐了台車子給一位 Kingsley House幼稚園學生的媽媽,只因為她的車子看起來快掛了。他常常跟Liederman 詢問這個已經成立了100多年的組織的歷史 He and his family served meals at the New Orleans Mission for Thanksgiving, and he held Christmas-related events. 他跟他的家人會在感恩節時在紐奧良教會提供餐點給大家,而且他也會舉辦耶誕節的相關 活動。 “I have a lot of love for the city,” Davis said. “Have so many ties to the city, got so many friends and family there. Did so much for the community. I have personal ties there.” 「我在這座城市得到很多愛,跟這座城市有很多連結,我在這裡有很多朋友跟家人。為這 座城市做了這麼多,我也跟這裡產生了個人連結。」AD表示。 The problem was the basketball. 問題在於籃球 Davis wanted to contend for a championship and the franchise took a step backward after making the playoffs in the 2017-18 season, when they swept the third-seeded Portland Trail Blazers. AD想要在這裡拚座冠軍,可是球團卻在他們17-18年季後賽橫掃第三種子拓荒者之後逆行 倒施。 Davis changed agents from New Orleans-connected Thad Foucher to one of the league’s most powerful men — Rich Paul. Then Paul worked to get Davis out of New Orleans, first by requesting the Pelicans trade Davis, then by making that request public. AD換了經紀人,從在紐奧良長期合作的Thad Foucher換成聯盟裡最強勢之一的富保羅,然 後富保羅開始想辦法把AD弄離開紐奧良,首先要求鵜鶘球團交易AD,接著公開這個消息。 In Davis’ next home game, he got some boos and also some cheers. Some fans had convinced themselves that perhaps it was just Davis’ agent pulling the strings. Then Davis did an interview in which he said 29 teams were on his list. 在AD的下一次主場比賽裡,他得到了一些噓聲也得到了一些掌聲。有些球迷說服自己或許 一切都只是經紀人在搞鬼。然後AD自己在接受訪問的時候表示其他29隊都在他的考慮中。 “Literally anywhere but New Orleans,” said Mark Balfe, a 31-year-old partial season-ticket holder who moved to New Orleans three years ago. “This city, they protect their own but once you say anything bad about the city it’ s like, all right, we never wanted you to begin with. … As soon as Davis said he wanted to be literally anywhere but New Orleans, he was dead to the city.” 「隨便哪裡都好就是不要紐奧良,」一位31歲、三年前剛搬來紐奧良的季票持有球迷Mark Balfe表示。「這座城市啊,他們很保護自己人,可是當哪天你說了這座城市的壞話之後 啊,就會變成好啦我們才不稀罕你咧這樣…在AD說他覺得去哪裡都好就是不要待在紐奧良 的那一刻起,他對紐奧良來說就已經是個死人了。」 His team staunchly insisted they weren’t giving in, but after a front-office change they found something that worked. 他的團隊堅定表示他們不會屈服,不過當決策部門人事變動之後,事情有了變化。 Ultimately, the Lakers gave up their future to get Davis, sending three first-round picks, and the right to swap a fourth pick, along with Brandon Ingram, Lonzo Ball and Josh Hart to the Pelicans. 最後湖人為了得到AD而放棄他們的未來,送出了三個首輪籤、一個互換的四號籤,以及IG 、球哥、小哈給鵜鶘。 “I don’t even look back,” Pelicans coach Alvin Gentry said. “The thing about it is, it was never about AD. AD has a right to ask to be traded. I just think it was the way the process played out. AD is a good kid. Nobody is ever going to make me think anything differently.” 「我不願意去回想這件事,」鵜鶘總教練Gentry說「純粹是對事不對人,AD當然有權利可 以要求被交易,我只是覺得事情不用搞成這樣子。AD是個好孩子,沒有人能改變我的想法 。」 That Ingram has played so well this season softened the blow of Davis’ departure for many Pelicans fans. So did the draft lottery. IG本季的好表現已經淡化了不少球迷對於AD離開的打擊,選秀結果也是。 Henry was bartending at the Sheraton the night the Pelicans won the draft lottery and the right to select Zion Williamson first overall. 當鵜鶘抽中選秀狀元籤,然後選了Zion的那個晚上,Henry正在Sheraton酒吧裡調酒。 “You would have thought they won the Super Bowl,” he said of the people who gathered to watch the production. “He was like LeBron coming here.” 「你會以為他們剛剛贏了超級盃,」他形容那些聚在一起看轉播的人。「他就像LBJ來了 我們這裡一樣。」 Balfe said he has been to only five Pelicans home games that felt like true home games — four playoff games in 2018 and a preseason game in which Williamson, their new superstar, was playing. Balfe說他只去看過五次真正像主場比賽一樣的鵜鶘主場比賽,四場2018的季後賽,還有 一場他們新來的超級巨星Zion有上場的季前賽。 “I bought a Zion jersey,” said Sean Collins, a Pelicans fan who has lived in Louisiana for 16 years and New Orleans for three. “There was a really good turnout for the open practice, which I guess they do every year. I had no idea, but apparently they do.” Williamson is expected to make his NBA debut next month after knee surgery. 「我買了件Zion的球衣!」一位在路易斯安那住了16年還有紐奧良3年的鵜鶘球迷Sean Collins興奮表示「公開練習賽看起好像打得很不錯耶,我想他們應該每年都打得這麼棒 。我不曉得耶,但顯然打得不錯啊。」Zion預期會在下個月膝蓋手術復原後,迎來他的 NBA處女秀。 For how long? 這能維持多久? Davis’ teammates hope he gets a warm reception. AD的隊友們希望他會受到熱烈歡迎。 “Before he wanted to get traded? Before that they loved him,” said Lakers guard Rajon Rondo, who played for the Pelicans alongside Davis when they upset Portland. “I still think he should get a hell of a standing ovation when he comes back. He’s done so much for that organization, that city. Not just on the court, but off the court. All the kids in the community. He’s a great person off the court as well so they should embrace him. They just didn ’t do what they needed to do to keep him.” 「在他喊吹密之前呢?他們愛死他了!」曾待在鵜鶘跟AD一起橫掃拓荒者的Rondo表示。 「我還是覺得當他回去的時候他應該要得到該死的起立鼓掌,他為了那支球隊、那座城市 付出了那麼多。不只在球場上,在球場外也是。所有那些社區的孩子們,他在球場外也是 個超棒的人所以他們應該要擁抱他。他們就是沒有想盡辦法留下他罷了。」 That’s at the crux of the problem. 這正是問題的癥結所在 In two short sentences, Xavier Brumfield explained his own lukewarm attachment to the Pelicans. Xavier Brumfield用短短兩句話來解釋他個人對於鵜鶘的感情。 Who is Brumfield’s favorite Pelicans player? Brumfield最喜歡的鵜鶘球員是誰? “My favorite?” he said, as he worked security outside the Kingsley House. “ Well, he’s not here anymore.” 「我最愛的那一個?」在Kingsley House擔任保全的他表示。「這個嘛,他已經不在這裡 了。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Lakers/M.1574882596.A.F31.html

11/28 03:33, 4年前 , 1F
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11/28 03:34, 4年前 , 3F
考慮到地點是their own arena應該就是指客隊球迷了
11/28 03:34, 3F

11/28 03:37, 4年前 , 4F
啊~我竟然沒發現他是被動語態 翻到整個腦袋都亂了
11/28 03:37, 4F

11/28 08:02, 4年前 , 5F
broad-shouldered 那邊純粹只是要形容他從當初瘦長的新人
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11/28 10:27, 4年前 , 14F
還是普通球迷,果斷放棄xd 謝翻譯
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11/28 11:36, 4年前 , 15F
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※ 編輯: clark86913 ( 臺灣), 11/28/2019 16:05:56

12/01 21:15, 4年前 , 16F
12/01 21:15, 16F
文章代碼(AID): #1Ttiqayn (Lakers)