[外電] Kuzma戴了護目鏡以保護他的右眼

看板Lakers作者時間4年前 (2019/11/22 17:54), 4年前編輯推噓22(22016)
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原文網址 https://www.latimes.com/sports/lakers/story/2019-11-21/lakers-forward-kyle- kuzma-to-wear-goggles-to-protect-right-eye 縮網址 https://reurl.cc/8lYGkX Lakers forward Kyle Kuzma to wear goggles to protect right eye NOV. 21, 2019 6:13 PM The goggles Kyle Kuzma wore to protect his right eye abrasion while taking extra shots after Lakers practice Thursday will become part of his gear starting with Friday night’s game in Oklahoma City. He sustained the injury during Tuesday night’s victory over the Thunder when Oklahoma City’s Darius Bazley inadvertently struck Kuzma in his eye with a fingernail and an elbow, causing the Lakers forward to lose some of his sight. Kuzma was held out during the second half of the game at Staples Center, but he has vowed to play in the rematch in Oklahoma City. He’ll just have to wear the goggles, channeling his inner James Worthy, who famously wore goggles during his Hall-of-Fame career with the Lakers. Kuzma在週四球隊練習結束後的加練時,戴上了護目鏡以保護他受傷的右眼, 而且他將會戴著護目鏡參加週五晚上的雷霆客場比賽。 由於雷霆隊的Darius Bazley不小心在週二的比賽中用指甲跟手肘打到了Kuzma的眼睛, 導致這位湖人前鋒損失了一些視力。 Kuzma在下半場沒有繼續上場比賽,但他發誓一定會在奧克拉荷馬的客場比賽中上場。 到時候他會戴著護目鏡上場,就像James Worthy在湖人打出他的名人堂生涯表現一樣。 “Doing better, but yesterday [my eye] was completely shut,” Kuzma said after practice. “Now it’s open, so I can see a little bit better. Still blurry. I went to the doctor, had like four, five scratches in the eye. It’s all right though.” Kuzma在練習後表示 "感覺好多了,但是昨天(我的眼睛)完全無法睜開,現在已經可以 打開了,所以我可以看得更清楚了點,雖然還是有點模糊。我去看了醫生,眼球上好像有 四五道刮痕吧,不過現在沒事了。" (感謝w9指正) The Lakers’ medical staff cleared Kuzma to play and he tried to persuade coach Frank Vogel to put him back in the game Thursday. Vogel declined. But, Kuzma said, he doesn’t plan on missing any more time. “No, no time, just gotta wear goggles, be protective,” he said. “Don’t want to feel that feeling again because it really hurts. So I’m James Worthy now.” 湖人的醫療人員搞定了Kuzma的眼睛,然後Kuz試圖說服Vogel教練讓他在週四重返比賽。 但Vogel拒絕了。 不過Kuzma說他不打算錯過任何時間。 "不!不要浪費時間,只要戴上護目鏡就好。我不想再次承受那感覺了,那真的很痛,所以 我現在要當James Worthy了。" Kuzma was told Worthy earned the nickname “Big Game James” because of his playoff exploits while wearing the goggles. “Big Game Kuz. I like how that sounds,” said a smiling Kuzma. Kuzma被告知Worthy的外號 "Big Game James"就是因為在他戴著護目鏡時所創下季後賽的 豐功偉業而被封的。 "Big Game Kuz,聽起來很棒!" Kuzma笑著表示。 It was a scary moment for Kuzma because of the pain. His eye was still red two days later when he talked to the media. “It hurt to open it. The light was hurting it,” he said. “It was kind of like super, like, blurry. Couldn’t really see nothing. Even yesterday, I really couldn’t see much until nighttime. “I mean at night, I did have a little headache, I was just like tired, I think that’s what it was. … Even now, it’s still blurry. It’s kind of scary, so wearing [the goggles] for now, for sure.” 對Kuzma來說受傷的當下真的很可怕。他的眼睛直到兩天後他接受媒體採訪時都還是紅的。 "要睜開眼睛就很痛,光線很刺痛,就像...怎麼說呢,很模糊,我幾乎看不到任何東西。 就連昨天也是這樣,一直到晚上才好一點。" "到了晚上我還有點頭痛、感覺很累,差不多就這樣...就連現在都還是有一點模糊。那真 的很可怕,所以我現在必須戴著護目鏡。" Bracing for adversity Though the Lakers have the best record in the NBA at 12-2 and all has been smooth, they keep reminding each other to brace for whatever storm that might be ahead. Vogel talked to his team on Thursday about the adversity the Lakers are sure to face. LeBron James addressed that subject before the season began. As a group, the Lakers said they could face some issues on this four-game trip that takes them to Oklahoma City, Memphis, San Antonio and New Orleans. 為逆境做好準備 雖然湖人順利地以12勝2敗拿下了聯盟中最好的戰績,他們仍然提醒每個人要為可能來臨的 風暴做好準備。Vogel教練在禮拜四告訴他的球隊接下來將會面臨的處境,而這些詹皇在開 季前就已經跟大家講過了。接下來湖人可能會在雷霆、灰熊、馬刺以及鵜鶘的客場四連戰 中面臨到一些問題。 “That was a lot of LeBron in our first team meeting, and then coach as well said something today about it,” Anthony Davis said. “We’re not gonna stay hot like this forever, so it’s gonna be — whether it’s this road trip or later on in the season or whatever, something’s gonna happen and some adversity’s gonna hit where we might lose two or three in a row and it’s not a time to panic. “He tells us all the time, coach tells us all the time, stay even-keeled. We ’re not gonna get too high on wins or too low on losses. Stay even-keeled and just try to work through it.” AD說:「這些大部分LeBron在我們第一次的球隊會議就講過了,然後教練今天又再提了 一次,我們不會一直都如此狀態火熱,所以不管是接下來的客場比賽或是在之後的賽季中 ,總是會有一些困境打擊我們,譬如說我們會遭遇個二連敗三連敗,不過那沒什麼好驚慌 的。」 「他一直這樣告訴我們,教練也一直這樣告訴我們,保持平靜,贏球不用太high,輸球也 不用太沮喪,就是平靜地打球而已。」 Injury update The Lakers said guard Avery Bradley, out because of a hairline fracture in his right leg, will be re-evaluated on Nov. 29 after they return from the four-game trip. Bradley will travel with the Lakers. Guard Alex Caruso has a strained right calf and is listed as questionable for the Thunder game. Vogel said Caruso was held out of the “contact” part of practice. 傷兵更新 湖人球團表示AB將會隨隊出征,但因為右腿的骨裂傷勢不會上場,將會在11/29結束客場 四連戰後再對傷勢進行重新評估。卡禿因為右小腿拉傷是否能在雷霆戰上場還是個問題。 Vogel表示將不會讓卡禿參加肢體接觸的練球部分。 -- 第一次翻譯外電 可能有些地方不是很準確或是不通順的 希望各位先進不吝指教 最近準備多益的閱讀看到很膩 翻翻球隊的外電至少不是那麼枯燥 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Lakers/M.1574416473.A.710.html

11/22 17:58, 4年前 , 1F
11/22 17:58, 1F

11/22 17:59, 4年前 , 2F
浮潛的經驗是 在護目鏡裡面抹口水...
11/22 17:59, 2F

11/22 18:08, 4年前 , 3F
11/22 18:08, 3F

11/22 18:09, 4年前 , 4F
那順便求雪鏡不起霧的方法 還起霧到結冰滑到整個崩潰
11/22 18:09, 4F

11/22 18:37, 4年前 , 5F
之前去長泳會在蛙鏡上塗除霧劑 效果很好 應該不用擔心球
11/22 18:37, 5F

11/22 18:37, 4年前 , 6F
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11/22 18:38, 4年前 , 7F
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11/22 18:42, 4年前 , 8F
不 老禿竟然受傷
11/22 18:42, 8F

11/22 18:45, 4年前 , 9F
是vogel 不是vogal喔~
11/22 18:45, 9F

11/22 18:48, 4年前 , 10F
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11/22 19:09, 4年前 , 16F

11/22 19:26, 4年前 , 17F
心態很正確阿 為了可能的連敗最好心理建設
11/22 19:26, 17F

11/22 19:28, 4年前 , 18F
接下來就是本季最長客場連戰 15場12客場戰績高於5成就好
11/22 19:28, 18F

11/22 19:47, 4年前 , 19F
打出好防守 保持健康 勝負就不強求 尤其現在諸多隊伍
11/22 19:47, 19F

11/22 19:47, 4年前 , 20F
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11/22 19:53, 4年前 , 23F
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11/22 19:58, 4年前 , 24F
就勝不驕 敗不餒 然後對戰有三隻年輕球隊跟肉體 盡力防守
11/22 19:58, 24F

11/22 19:58, 4年前 , 25F
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11/22 20:06, 4年前 , 26F
那個gif 是誰啊太ㄎㄧㄤ了吧
11/22 20:06, 26F

11/22 20:13, 4年前 , 27F
Worthy 啊......
11/22 20:13, 27F

11/22 20:26, 4年前 , 28F
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11/22 20:28, 4年前 , 29F
進季後+保持健康就行了 有沒有第一不重要啦
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※ 編輯: clark86913 ( 臺灣), 11/23/2019 02:28:43

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