[外電] Info - Jerseys

看板Lakers作者 (咖祖馬桑!!!)時間4年前 (2019/11/22 16:07), 4年前編輯推噓37(37012)
留言49則, 38人參與, 4年前最新討論串1/1
原文網址:https://www.latimes.com/sports/lakers/story/2019-11-18/lakers-wearing-gold-jerseys-purple-road-home-nba-rules 縮網址:https://lat.ms/2QHOgnY ---------------------- Column: Here’s why the Lakers keep wearing purple jerseys instead of gold at home 專欄:這就是為什麼湖人在主場一直穿紫色球衣而不是金色球衣 Tim Harris, the Lakers’ chief operating officer, laughed as soon as he picked up the phone. He knew exactly why I was calling. “So you want to talk about the uniform thing, huh?” he said. Tim Harris,湖人的首席執行長官,在接起電話的那一刻就笑了出來。 他很清楚知道我打電話的原因。 「所以你是想問關於球衣的事情,對吧?」他說。 The “uniform thing” has been a point of contention for Lakers fans since the NBA and Nike did away with traditional “home” and “away” uniforms prior to the start of the 2017-18 season. That means the Lakers often wear purple at home and gold on the road, irritating traditionalists and confusing fans. 自從NBA以及Nike從2017-2018球季前開始跳脫原本的主客場球衣, 「球衣那件事」就一直是湖人球迷質疑以及關注的問題。 就是說,湖人常常在主場使用紫色球衣, 而在客場穿上金色球衣, 惹火了一些傳統派的也混淆了球迷。 Last week, the Lakers wore purple at home against the Golden State Warriors, who were wearing gold and looking like the home team at first glance for many watching on television. 上週,湖人在主場迎戰金州勇士的比賽中穿上紫色球衣, 而客隊勇士卻穿著金色球衣, 讓很多人在第一眼看轉播的時候覺得勇士更像主場球隊。 “The gold is overwhelming the favorite color of Lakers fans,” Harris said. “It’s not close, but more and more teams want to wear their dark uniforms at home. We like wearing gold at home, but other teams like wearing dark uniforms at home so we wear gold more on the road, but we didn’t want to marginalize purple by always wearing gold at home because we know we’re going to wear it a lot on the road now too.” Harris說:「金色是湖人球迷最喜歡的顏色。」 「這是無庸置疑的,不過愈來愈多球隊想要在主場穿深色球衣。」 「我們喜歡在主場穿金色,不過其他球隊喜歡在主場穿深色, 所以我們會較多地在客場穿金色球衣。」 「不過我們也不希望總是在主場穿金色 然後將紫色球衣邊緣化, 因為我們很清楚知道我們在客場也會穿不少次金色球衣。」 Home teams pick which uniform they will wear at home and then the visiting team will choose a contrasting uniform. The teams choose from four core uniforms classified as “editions.” The Lakers have gold (“Icon Edition”), white (“Association Edition”), purple (“Statement Edition”) and “City Edition,” which the team will unveil next week. 主場球隊會先選他們在主場要穿哪一件球衣 然後客隊會再選一件不衝突的顏色。 球隊們各有四種「版本」可以選擇 湖人有 金色(Icon版本) 白色(Association版本) 紫色(Statement版本) 以及下週會公佈的城市版球衣。 Prior to the season, home teams are given a window of time to go on a portal called "LockerVision" and select which uniforms they will wear at home. After every home team makes its choices, the NBA opens the portal again for the road team to pick. 在球季開始前,主隊有一段時間可以用這個連結 LockerVision 選擇每一場主場比賽要穿哪一件球衣。 主隊選完之後,NBA會再開放讓客隊選擇他們的球衣。 The only requirement is that teams wear their Icon and Association Edition uniforms 10 times each, their Statement Edition uniforms six times and their City or Classic Edition uniforms three times. Outside of those requirements they can do whatever they want. So the Lakers could choose to wear only gold or white for every home game if they wanted to. 唯一的要求是各隊要至少穿Icon和Association球衣各十次 Statement球衣要至少六次 城市版球衣至少要穿三次。 除了這些以外球隊可以自由選擇, 所以湖人可以在主場只穿金色或白色。 “They are allowed to do that,” an NBA official said. “They just have to meet those requirements.” 「他們可以那樣做。」一位NBA官員說道。 「他們只要符合那項要求就可以。」 Teams and the league would like to see all four uniforms get exposure so fans will go out and purchase them. The Lakers will wear all four of their uniforms at least 17 times. 球隊以及聯盟希望看到四件球衣都要曝光 這樣球迷才會願意去購買那些球衣 湖人的四種球衣都會出現至少十七次。 “This is only the [third] year of doing this, but I suspect if we chose to only wear gold and white at home and did as much purple as we could on the road, I think the league would say you’re putting purple too much in a corner,” Harris said. “I think that would be an issue.” 「這只是我們第三年的嘗試, 不過我猜如果我們在主場只穿金色和白色球衣 然後在客場盡量多穿紫色 聯盟應該會說我們將紫色太限定在一角了。」Harris說。 「我覺得那會是一個問題。」 The Lakers, who introduced the tradition of wearing white at home on Sundays and holidays 17 years ago, have tried to incorporate some routine with the new uniform flexibility. 湖人在十七年前導入在假日主場穿白色球衣之後, 現在正在試圖在新的彈性中加入一些規律。 “We also wanted to try our best to have a story attached to the uniform rather than us just throwing darts at the board,” Harris said. “It’s an imperfect science because we can’t always control what uniform we can wear on the road. 「我們也正在嘗試在球衣的選擇上加入一點故事性, 而不是像射飛鏢一樣隨便選。」Harris這麼說。 「它是一門不完美的科學,因為我們無法永遠控制我們在客場穿的球衣。」 “The Association Edition or white uniforms, we try to wear those on Sundays and holidays and we’re going to wear those uniforms 21 times. The Statement Edition or purple uniforms, we try to wear those on Wednesdays and we’ll wear those 17 times. The City Edition, which are coming out next week, will be worn at home only 18 times because it’s endemic to our city and we’ll wear those on Fridays. And the most popular uniform is the Icon Edition or gold uniforms, and we’ll wear those every other time and we’ll wear those 26 times.” 我們會試圖在禮拜天和假日穿Association(白色)球衣,總共會穿21次。 禮拜三則會以Statement(紫色)為主,總共有17場。 城市版球衣只會在主場亮相18次,因為我們認為那是有地方性的,主要會是週五。 最受歡迎的Icon(金色)會盡量隔場穿一次,總共有26場。 If the Lakers make the playoffs, they are expected to go back to a more traditional model of gold at home, white if the game falls on a Sunday or holiday, and purple on the road — with the understanding that if their opponent chooses to wear a dark uniform at home, they would wear gold. 如果湖人晉級季後賽,一般預期他們會回到較傳統的球衣安排, 也就是主場穿金色 假日主場穿白色 以及客場穿紫色 不過他們也了解如果對手選擇在主場穿深色球衣 他們將會穿上金色戰袍。 Lakers fans will have to watch their team wear purple at home only three more times this season and won’t be subjected to it if the Lakers return to the postseason for the first time in seven years. 湖人球迷只需要在主場看到紫色球衣三次 就算湖人睽違七年再度重返季後賽也預期不會看到。 The bigger question is, will the Lakers go back to wearing only gold and white at home after this season? 更大的問題是,明年球季湖人是否會回到過往在主場只穿金色或白色呢? “If we asked Lakers fans if they just want us to wear gold and white at home, what would people say?” Harris asked me. “I guarantee you most Lakers fans would want to see that,” I said. “I think so too,” he said. “We’ll look at that.” 「如果我們問湖人球迷是否要我們在主場只穿金色或白色,他們會怎麼回答?」 Harris如此問我。 「我會說大部分的湖人球迷應該會同意。」我說 「我也這麼認為。」Harris說。「我們會再看看。」 --------------------------- 這邊附上可以讓大家查詢每天比賽各隊會穿什麼球衣的網址 就是文章有提到的"LockerVision" http://lockervision.nba.com/ 這篇文章其實蠻有趣的 因為確實這一兩年球衣不再像以前那樣 變化也增加了 算是場外的一個小故事 剛剛看到就想說分享給大家看看 或許未來還可以有數據計算穿什麼顏色的球衣勝率比較高之類的 -- 黒より黒く、闇より暗き漆黒に 我が真紅の混合に望みたもう 覚醒の時来たれり 無謬の境界に落ちしことわり 無疆の歪みと成りて現出せよ 踊れ、踊れ、踊れ 我が力の奔流に望むは崩壊なり 並ぶ者なき崩壊なり 万象等しく灰燼に帰し 深淵より来たれ これが人類最大の威力の攻撃手段 これこそが究極の攻撃魔法 エクスプロージョン! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Lakers/M.1574410045.A.0EB.html ※ 編輯: evan970106 ( 美國), 11/22/2019 16:09:20

11/22 16:09, 4年前 , 1F
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11/22 16:17, 4年前 , 5F
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11/22 16:17, 4年前 , 6F
今年城市版不帥啊 悲劇
11/22 16:17, 6F

11/22 16:19, 4年前 , 7F
現在金色有點淺跟溜馬黃差不多 還是比較喜歡以前的金色
11/22 16:19, 7F

11/22 16:19, 4年前 , 8F
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11/22 16:27, 4年前 , 9F
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11/22 16:37, 4年前 , 13F
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11/22 16:46, 4年前 , 14F
原來如此 我困惑好久 我也喜歡主場金色
11/22 16:46, 14F

11/22 16:47, 4年前 , 15F
我也覺得曼巴 城市版 很帥
11/22 16:47, 15F

11/22 16:47, 4年前 , 16F
我倒是從來沒在注意球衣什麼顏色 沒有到有這麼多人會注
11/22 16:47, 16F

11/22 16:47, 4年前 , 17F
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11/22 16:53, 4年前 , 19F
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11/22 16:54, 4年前 , 20F
我還是比較習慣客場紫色 主場黃色或白色
11/22 16:54, 20F

11/22 16:54, 4年前 , 21F
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11/22 16:55, 4年前 , 22F
你看了二十年,突然不一樣 XDDD 一定會覺得怪啊
11/22 16:55, 22F

11/22 16:59, 4年前 , 23F
11/22 16:59, 23F

11/22 17:11, 4年前 , 24F
曼巴城市版 還買的到嗎? 想再收一件
11/22 17:11, 24F

11/22 17:49, 4年前 , 25F
但我印象中 主場白的勝率不高
11/22 17:49, 25F

11/22 18:02, 4年前 , 26F
老球迷一定會注意 主場太常穿紫色 我就超反感
11/22 18:02, 26F

11/22 18:03, 4年前 , 27F
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11/22 18:48, 4年前 , 31F
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11/22 19:00, 4年前 , 32F
不知為啥 白色就會讓我想到Gasol
11/22 19:00, 32F

11/22 19:08, 4年前 , 33F
個人真的不愛現在的客場紫 而且還是喜歡主場穿金跟白
11/22 19:08, 33F

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11/22 20:24, 4年前 , 38F
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11/22 20:27, 4年前 , 39F
去年那個紫色 魔術還是誰設計的 有點醜
11/22 20:27, 39F

11/22 20:54, 4年前 , 40F
11/22 20:54, 40F

11/22 21:00, 4年前 , 41F
原來是紀念 Hearns 開始的,我完全不記得典故了~
11/22 21:00, 41F

11/22 21:05, 4年前 , 42F
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11/22 22:04, 4年前 , 43F
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11/22 22:53, 4年前 , 44F
我有一件城市版蛇麟kobe 我覺得超帥
11/22 22:53, 44F

11/23 00:38, 4年前 , 45F
11/23 00:38, 45F

11/23 00:52, 4年前 , 46F
黑白都好看 有一年的聖誕白很好看
11/23 00:52, 46F

11/23 03:00, 4年前 , 47F
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11/23 07:09, 4年前 , 48F
11/23 07:09, 48F

11/23 14:25, 4年前 , 49F
MLPS淺藍才是該回來的 爆炸頭Kobe戴頭帶超稀有
11/23 14:25, 49F
文章代碼(AID): #1TrvSz3h (Lakers)