Fw: [外絮] Kobe looks good,JLin great w/o scoring

看板Lakers作者 (淡定~ 穩中求勝)時間9年前 (2014/10/08 10:50), 9年前編輯推噓54(56270)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Jeremy_Lin 看板 #1KDAPW1B ] 作者: djviva (淡定~ 穩中求勝) 看板: Jeremy_Lin 標題: [外絮] Kobe looks good,JLin great w/o scoring 時間: Wed Oct 8 10:50:03 2014 Kobe Bryant Looks Good, Jeremy Lin Great Without Scoring Kobe看起來很好, 林書豪縱使沒得分也仍然很讚 http://tinyurl.com/q5vaden The best news for the Los Angeles Lakers after their first preseason game, in which they beat the Denver Nuggets? No one injured and no other health-related issues. Kobe Bryant looked rusty but dangerous, Steve Nash didn ’t breakdown like a porcelain doll while Jeremy Lin, struggling to put the ball in the basket, looked at his finest when trying to make others do the scoring. 對湖人來說, 季前賽第一場最好的消息不是贏了金塊, 而是沒人受傷也沒其他健康問題 , Kobe的身手雖仍未全然恢復但已經足夠讓對手畏懼了, Nash也不再像個陶瓷娃娃般脆 弱, 而林書豪呢, 雖然出手手感冰冷, 但在幫助隊友們得分這方面表現的極其出色! Only the preseason, but a 98-95 win over the Nuggets with plenty of pleasing moments for the Lakers isn’t a bad way to start off the season. Kobe Bryant shot an air-ball on his first attempt but ended up scoring 13 points, which included some nice moves with his back to the basket. He finished with 5-of-12 from the field and also adding five assists, playing a total of 21 minutes. Steve Nash played 20 minutes and looked good with 11 points and adding five assists, as the Lakers featured Carlos Boozer, Wesley Johnson and Jordan Hill in the frontcourt. 這只是季前賽, 但有著許多令湖迷開心片段的這場98-95的勝利, 讓人覺得真是個好開季 , Kobe首次出手雖然投了顆麵包但最終他還是拿下了13分, 包含了不少很棒的後仰跳投 , 此外在21分鐘內他還傳出了5次助攻. 打了20分鐘的Nash看起來狀況也很棒, 這場他有 11分5助攻, 跟兩大老搭配的前場隊友是Boozer, W.Johnson跟J.Hill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwgV1tT9rqQ
林書豪第一場季前賽highlight The more intriguing and possibly better offensive unit for the Lakers will be the bench, which didn’t feature Nick Young and Xavier Henry, which means things can get even better. Jeremy Lin led that unit with 10 assists in 28 minutes, pushing the team forward at a higher pace and not having anyone bother him with sharing the ball in the back court. During his minutes with Kobe Bryant it was a bit different, and it’s still a question about how things will be when Nick Young returns. 不包含Nick Young跟X.Henry的板凳區, 則是對湖人來說更令人感興趣且可能更好的進攻 陣容, 這也代表了日後他們倆歸隊後狀況應該會變得更好. 林書豪上場28分鐘, 在後場 沒有其他人跟他搶球權的狀況下傳出全隊最高的10次助攻, 把湖人往前推進到更高速的 攻擊步調, 但有幾分鐘林書豪跟Kobe同時在場上時狀況有點不同, 這也是未來Nick Young 歸隊時大家會存有疑慮的點. Lin didn’t shoot well, finishing with 0-of-6 from the field and just 1-for-3 when he got to the free throw line, but if his combination with Ed Davis (12 points and 4 blocks) and Julius Randle (10 points, 8 rebounds) continues to develop and improve, the Lakers won’t need anything from Lin in terms of scoring, which will be just a bonus as opposed to the real important work: Feeding the big men, spreading the ball and keeping the second unit running at a very fast pace. 這場林書豪手感不好, 6投0中然後罰球3中1, 但如果他跟Ed以及Randle未來的搭配能更 好的話, 那湖人根本不需要林書豪來分攤得分責任, 林書豪的得分對湖人來說就會像是 多賺的彩金, 因為到時林書豪最重要的工作, 就是好好的用助攻餵飽那些長人隊友們, 以及好好的分球讓第二陣容能保持快速迅捷的攻擊步調 (小編: 第一陣容: 半場老人球, 第二陣容: 快跟狠??) Julius Randle played 27 minutes off the bench and nearly finished with a double double. As far as young talent goes, he is the future right now for the Lakers. He might not be a player to build a franchise around, but until the new cap situation is sorted he’s vastly important to them for being a player who can contribute now, isn’t past his peak and doesn’t cost a lot of money, especially on a team with Kobe Bryant playing for it. Randle從板凳出發上場27分鐘繳出幾乎雙十的好表現, 只要他的天賦持續發展下去, 雖 然不太可能成為球星, 但他會是湖人未來重要的一塊拼圖 This is just the beginning, but the Lakers think they have a shot of not just doing better than last season, which isn’t that difficult, but also making the playoffs. It remains to be seen how things click on this team and who is going to play defense, but if Kobe Bryant and Steve Nash don’t get injured, the outlook looks good. If Jeremy Lin is used correctly and doesn’t get wasted like under Kevin McHale? Even better for him, and obviously for the team. 這才是第一場季前賽, 但湖人認為他們不僅可以做的比上一季更多, 這季打入季後賽也 不會是一件難事. 現在還得繼續看球隊揉合的狀況以及誰要主扛防守, 但若Kobe跟Nash 都能保持健康湖人就會很不錯, 如果林書豪真能被湖人善用, 並且不像那個爛冰箱一樣 浪費林書豪的資質, 那麼, 我們就會看到更棒的林書豪, 以及走的更遠更好的湖人!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Jeremy_Lin/M.1412736608.A.04B.html ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: djviva (, 10/08/2014 10:50:53

10/08 10:56, , 1F
10/08 10:56, 1F

10/08 10:57, , 2F
10/08 10:57, 2F

10/08 10:58, , 3F
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10/08 10:58, , 4F
10/08 10:58, 4F

10/08 10:59, , 5F
10/08 10:59, 5F

10/08 10:59, , 6F
10/08 10:59, 6F

10/08 11:00, , 7F
10/08 11:00, 7F

10/08 11:05, , 8F
10/08 11:05, 8F

10/08 11:06, , 9F
那段應該是說 Randle可能不是建隊基石 但即戰力對現階段
10/08 11:06, 9F

10/08 11:06, , 10F
Player 沒說他不可能是球星
10/08 11:06, 10F

10/08 11:06, , 11F
的我湖很重要 我猜跟選前對他size與位置的疑慮有相關吧
10/08 11:06, 11F

10/08 11:06, , 12F
要當franchise player得要是Kobe Shaq等級的吧
10/08 11:06, 12F

10/08 11:07, , 13F
不過還沒養完誰知道呢? 7th pick其實很高的...
10/08 11:07, 13F

10/08 11:07, , 14F
10/08 11:07, 14F

10/08 11:08, , 15F
10/08 11:08, 15F

10/08 11:08, , 16F
也要把內線球員養成較慢考慮進去 不用躁進慢慢來啦
10/08 11:08, 16F

10/08 11:09, , 17F
長相的確是... 但如果醜到像外星人又另當別論XD
10/08 11:09, 17F

10/08 11:10, , 18F
其實實績和建隊核心不一定相襯 例如軟豆腐超威 但他不會
10/08 11:10, 18F

10/08 11:10, , 19F
是可以圍繞它 搭配他建立冠軍隊形的核心
10/08 11:10, 19F

10/08 11:12, , 20F
某程度上 Love也是那種球員 但Randle若有Love的實績 哇
10/08 11:12, 20F

10/08 11:15, , 21F
10/08 11:15, 21F

10/08 11:16, , 22F
不奇怪 就算是他的模板米爺odom也不算franchise player
10/08 11:16, 22F

10/08 11:16, , 23F
10/08 11:16, 23F

10/08 11:19, , 24F
10/08 11:19, 24F

10/08 11:31, , 25F
10/08 11:31, 25F

10/08 11:36, , 26F
有時候會歪嘴 賣相差了點 其他還好
10/08 11:36, 26F

10/08 11:37, , 27F
對抗性+有運球+腳步快 差時間而已
10/08 11:37, 27F

10/08 11:40, , 28F
10/08 11:40, 28F

10/08 11:41, , 29F
10/08 11:41, 29F

10/08 11:56, , 30F
10/08 11:56, 30F

10/08 11:57, , 31F
10/08 11:57, 31F
推這兩句~ Randle真的很可能養個一兩年變成double double人才~~

10/08 11:57, , 32F
Davis真的滿強的 為何會放在沙奎後上場呢
10/08 11:57, 32F
Ed Davis在10年被暴龍選上後三四年都打得不順 (or不被重用) 得分&籃板都普普, 或許這就是為什麼排在殺魁後面的原因吧 但只要他能維持pregame1的好表現, 我相信他會獲得更多上場時間的 = =+ ※ 編輯: djviva (, 10/08/2014 12:05:51

10/08 12:03, , 33F
的確,這作者 Greg 不知道是誰,看看就好XD
10/08 12:03, 33F

10/08 12:06, , 34F
查了一下,原來這不是 ESPN 那種專業體育頻道,而是幾個有
10/08 12:06, 34F

10/08 12:07, , 35F
10/08 12:07, 35F

10/08 12:23, , 36F
殺葵可以在輪值名單內 其實也是蠻意外的...
10/08 12:23, 36F

10/08 12:26, , 37F
肉柱 身材 6犯 用途滿明確的啊
10/08 12:26, 37F
還有 51 則推文
10/08 21:07, , 89F
原本好好運過半場 拖時間 幾乎就贏了...
10/08 21:07, 89F

10/08 21:10, , 90F
那年快艇真的是貨真價實的強 我私心覺得
10/08 21:10, 90F

10/08 21:10, , 91F
10/08 21:10, 91F

10/08 21:14, , 92F
外星人那球平手拉 幫他澄清XD 不過還是很蠢
10/08 21:14, 92F

10/08 21:18, , 93F
真的嗎? 我印象中怎麼是領先3分 然後被金鉤背追平?
10/08 21:18, 93F

10/08 21:18, , 94F
10/08 21:18, 94F

10/08 21:25, , 95F
平手拿球權被抓八秒進延長 辣椒鏢三分拉進2OT
10/08 21:25, 95F

10/08 21:28, , 96F
了解 感謝解答
10/08 21:28, 96F

10/08 21:29, , 97F
那年第六戰打完太陽快被打趴了 傷兵+沒力
10/08 21:29, 97F

10/08 21:30, , 98F
完全是偷到休息才贏的 快艇那年真的很威
10/08 21:30, 98F

10/08 21:31, , 99F
EB那系列我記得是30-10等級 太陽禁區被完爆
10/08 21:31, 99F

10/08 21:57, , 100F
RANDLE不被看好成為巨星是因為完成度夠高 體能不錯
10/08 21:57, 100F

10/08 21:58, , 101F
但不到頂尖吧 不然純以技術來看前三順位沒問題
10/08 21:58, 101F

10/08 22:01, , 102F
10/08 22:01, 102F

10/08 22:09, , 103F
我忘了詳情 太陽在第七戰前好像發生啥所以慢打
10/08 22:09, 103F

10/08 22:11, , 104F
讓快累死的太陽充分養身 第七戰用超高命中血洗快艇
10/08 22:11, 104F

10/08 22:13, , 105F
10/08 22:13, 105F

10/08 22:26, , 106F
10/08 22:26, 106F

10/08 22:32, , 107F
再加上小歐 96梯4巨頭 (誤) XDDD
10/08 22:32, 107F

10/08 22:46, , 108F
10/08 22:46, 108F

10/08 22:52, , 109F
10/08 22:52, 109F

10/08 22:52, , 110F
10/08 22:52, 110F

10/08 22:53, , 111F
太陽禁區沒被完爆吧 名牌+KKman基本上被屌爺跟Marion抵
10/08 22:53, 111F

10/08 22:53, , 112F
銷了 太陽也用平均每場11顆三分把禁區劣勢蓋過去
10/08 22:53, 112F

10/08 22:55, , 113F
Marion 25-12 2助2抄1.4鍋 打出所謂 "T妹單換? 再想想"
10/08 22:55, 113F

10/08 22:55, , 114F
10/08 22:55, 114F

10/08 23:17, , 115F
10/08 23:17, 115F

10/08 23:20, , 116F
禮拜五 置底有賽程
10/08 23:20, 116F

10/08 23:21, , 117F
痾 是林板的置底XD
10/08 23:21, 117F

10/08 23:22, , 118F
會抵消是因為Kaman 那系列賽不太健康 EB 基本是無解
10/08 23:22, 118F

10/08 23:22, , 119F
http://ppt.cc/uJZo 林板的日歷賽程。
10/08 23:22, 119F

10/08 23:23, , 120F
然後快艇後場表現不太穩 Nash 我記得那系列賽也很糟
10/08 23:23, 120F

10/08 23:24, , 121F
10/08 23:24, 121F

10/08 23:31, , 122F
Nash除了三分準頭掉了點之外 18-11不算糟吧
10/08 23:31, 122F

10/08 23:45, , 123F
10/08 23:45, 123F

10/08 23:45, , 124F
10/08 23:45, 124F

10/08 23:46, , 125F
10/08 23:46, 125F

10/09 01:14, , 126F
阿忽略05-06球季生涯年 那年連同季後賽真的超猛
10/09 01:14, 126F

10/09 10:47, , 127F
10/09 10:47, 127F

10/09 10:48, , 128F
10/09 10:48, 128F
文章代碼(AID): #1KDAQEEd (Lakers)