[外電] Mitch Kupchak Expects Kobe Bryant ....

看板Lakers作者 (qwe00)時間11年前 (2013/06/28 22:26), 編輯推噓23(23011)
留言34則, 27人參與, 最新討論串1/1
The Lakers are feeling optimistic and are projecting their superstar and leader of their team, Kobe Bryant, to return to the court next season in great form. Lakers General Manager Mitch Kupchak sat down with Lakers.com’s Mike Trudell to talk about the state of the Lakers and had the following to say about Kobe ’s recovery: “Medicine has been advanced to the point that there is rarely an injury that a player can’t come back from,” said Lakers GM Mitch Kupchak. “I do know he is on schedule and where he should be with that kind of injury. ” 湖人對於Kobe照進度 下季以良好的狀態回到球場感到樂觀 庫胖和Mike Trudell(隨隊記者) 談到 老大的傷勢復原情形 拜醫學發達藥物進步所賜 在過去這種傷 運動員是無法回到球場的 我很確定Kobe的傷 正按照進度復元當中 庫胖說 Kupchak has total faith and reliance in his star to regain his health and lead the charge for the Lakers franchise. Kobe has brought five NBA titles to the Lakers and has won an MVP award and two NBA Finals MVP awards while wearing the purple and gold jersey. “Then you have to factor in the sport, and the age of the player, and mother nature. So that covers all the basis when talking about Kobe’s injury. I’m continually amazed at his optimism, fortitude, and his confidence. He will be on a basketball court there is no doubt about that and I know he will be as focused and driven as ever.” Kupchak described Kobe’s comeback with a word that defines how Kobe has played his entire career, driven. Kobe is determined to prove his critics wrong and that he is still one of the best players in the NBA. He is also committed and driven to contending and bringing the gold hardware back to the streets of Figueroa. 我非常篤定且堅信我們的看板 Kobe 會恢復健康 並給予球隊應得的(不太會翻) 生涯為湖人獲得5枚冠軍杯 一次MVP 兩次FINAL MVP 還有創造紫金霸業 要討論阿基里斯見這個傷 你得先衡量NBA的強度 老大個性 和他的年紀 Kobe 的樂觀 毅力 充滿霸氣的自信 一次次讓我感到訝異 他會回到球場 這是無庸置疑的 因為專注和對冠軍的渴望一如過往 庫胖再次強調 Kupchak 用一個字定義老大 "渴望" Kobe 決定去證明那些酸酸是錯 回到球場時,他依舊會是NBA最好的球員之一 渴望回到球場 渴望對抗 渴望勝利 堅定的相信 可以為staple center 再次拿下冠軍 封王遊行 Kobe suffered a season-ending Achilles injury near the end of last season and is expecting to come back to the Lakers next season and make a big impact. Kobe recently reported that he actually feels better now than before he hurt his Achilles. Kobe has even mentioned that he won’t plan on retiring anytime soon and could play for another three or four years. The Mamba is ready to give his all on the court just as he has done since the he entered the league in 1996. Both Kupchak and Bryant are hopeful and expectant for a Lakers’ resurgence in the coming future. Unsurprisingly, nobody in the NBA is more excited to start next season than Kobe Bean Bryant. 經歷上季尾聲 斷掉阿基里斯腱 老大正在預期下季回到球場 最近的醫療報告顯示 傷勢復原情況良好 彷彿是為湖人注入一劑強心針 老大說: 我沒有計畫近期退休 再打個3.4年沒問題 黑曼巴已經決定在球場奉獻一生了 湖人未來要再創高峰 需要老大和交易之神 黑曼巴明年將電爆各隊 將會是明年最讓人興奮的事 然後...如果這件事發生 一點都不讓人驚訝 E N D 註: 最近大低潮 喜歡的球員 Kobe受傷 Federer 溫網爆冷 ... 很久前小曹又簽賭 工作非常順利 感情也很好 卻莫名低潮 自從確年去LA朝聖後 一直想再去一次看現場Kobe 有板友想去嗎 準備8萬就夠了 要更省也可以 看兩場 一樓位子 想要這麼近看KOBE嗎 http://imgur.com/MaYnhyN
意者寫信給我 現在想要爭取公司常駐美國的機會 英文增強是基本 卻很討厭看一般新聞 所以選外電來翻譯 目標一周3篇+ 沒做到的話 請十位版友吃雞排 說到做到 翻不好的地方 請版上高手指正 Pau -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/28 22:27, , 1F
06/28 22:27, 1F

06/28 22:28, , 2F
06/28 22:28, 2F

06/28 22:28, , 3F
Mike Trudell不是Lakers Nation的記者
06/28 22:28, 3F

06/28 22:28, , 4F
06/28 22:28, 4F
已改 謝謝

06/28 22:29, , 5F
06/28 22:29, 5F

06/28 22:29, , 6F
06/28 22:29, 6F

06/28 22:29, , 7F
謝謝 S大
06/28 22:29, 7F

06/28 22:30, , 8F
不然要甚麼色 隨便選的
06/28 22:30, 8F

06/28 22:31, , 9F
加油 不過亮藍的確很不容易閱讀 黃色或紫色吧
06/28 22:31, 9F
這樣好點嗎 ※ 編輯: qwe000 來自: (06/28 22:40)

06/28 22:42, , 10F
06/28 22:42, 10F

06/28 22:42, , 11F
06/28 22:42, 11F

06/28 22:42, , 12F
+U 想去看現場~
06/28 22:42, 12F

06/28 22:48, , 13F
想去,沒假呀... 唉...
06/28 22:48, 13F

06/28 22:52, , 14F
06/28 22:52, 14F
wzmildf:上色最好每一行都標色碼 不然翻頁就會掉色...XD 06/28 22:52 謝謝解答 正覺得奇怪 下一篇不上色了

06/28 22:55, , 15F
06/28 22:55, 15F

06/28 22:55, , 16F
票進場,希望下季還有機會再去 T-T
06/28 22:55, 16F
※ 編輯: qwe000 來自: (06/28 23:16)

06/28 23:14, , 17F
06/28 23:14, 17F

06/28 23:22, , 18F
我也好想去LA看球可是我還是學生QQ 希望老大多打個兩三年
06/28 23:22, 18F

06/28 23:22, , 19F
06/28 23:22, 19F

06/28 23:43, , 20F
工作之後 $不是問題重點是時間阿...
06/28 23:43, 20F

06/28 23:50, , 21F
06/28 23:50, 21F

06/28 23:53, , 22F
06/28 23:53, 22F

06/29 00:02, , 23F
亮紫方便閱讀 這個太暗了
06/29 00:02, 23F

06/29 00:05, , 24F
06/29 00:05, 24F

06/29 00:06, , 25F
推薦po http://ppt.cc/ZYkb 這軟體套完色 再貼上文章
06/29 00:06, 25F

06/29 00:24, , 26F
06/29 00:24, 26F

06/29 00:24, , 27F
06/29 00:24, 27F

06/29 01:16, , 28F
小弟可以,8萬能去幾天呢? 之前去紐約...
06/29 01:16, 28F

06/29 02:10, , 29F
06/29 02:10, 29F

06/29 02:31, , 30F
我也好有興趣去朝聖 也想知道多少預算大概可以待幾天看幾場
06/29 02:31, 30F

06/29 10:52, , 31F
推!! 翻的不錯 小弟也是喜歡英文卻不愛看新聞的人XD
06/29 10:52, 31F

06/29 15:47, , 32F
06/29 15:47, 32F

06/29 15:53, , 33F
想知道8萬的預算內容? 也想去朝聖 在不去就來不及了..QQ
06/29 15:53, 33F

07/01 15:20, , 34F
明年也會去 到時後在寫信給你
07/01 15:20, 34F
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