[閒聊] DH12 to Prove He's LA Lakers Future

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http://ppt.cc/Fdte Kobe Bryant's Injury Opens Door for Dwight Howard to Prove He's LA Lakers Future There's no time like the present for Dwight Howard to show everyone that he is indeed the future of the Los Angeles Lakers. 在這湖人生死存亡之際,該是DH12證明他是LAL未來的時候了。 Kobe Bryant is out indefinitely with what's been deemed a severely sprained left ankle. Pau Gasol is still working his way back from a torn plantar fascia in his right foot, though he could be back in action within a week or so. Steve Nash has been slow to recover from a freak injury to his left leg from the second game of the 2012-13 NBA season, and at 39, it's clear that he's lost a step or two anyway. Furthermore, with Jordan Hill ruled out for the year after hip surgery, the Lakers remain perilously thin up front. KOBE因左腳嚴重踝關節扭傷無限期停賽;Gasol仍在足筋膜撕裂傷回復的路上, 大約一禮拜後可歸隊;已達39歲的Nash自從本季開賽第二場受傷後,速度始終很緩慢, 也讓開季的湖人磨合地較不順遂;此外,Jordan Hill經過了髖關節手術後,也一直不在 湖人運轉的名單內。 現在的湖人真的岌岌可危。 All of this essentially leaves Howard in a situation for which he'd seemingly been yearning: in a major market, on a marquee team to call his own. 一個大城市,一支豪門球隊,似乎是DH12一直渴望的。 No need to butt heads with Kobe. No need to complain about touches, or a lack thereof. No worrying about sharing a spotlight with another "alpha dog." KOBE,身為聯盟一位巨星,完全不用擔心自己是否會被受影響,完全不吝於分享鎂光燈 給另一位領頭的。 (註:此處alpha dog引自電影"頭號黑幫") It's all Dwight's now. So is the responsibility for his own performance, as well as that of the team around him. So long as Kobe's out, Howard figures to be LA's go-to guy on the offensive end. 現在這一切都屬於DH12了,目前球隊戰術等等將會圍繞著他;KOBE的受傷,也意味著DH12 在進攻端需承擔更大的責任。 For all the flak that Howard takes for his supposed (and at times, apparent) lack of touch and grace in the low post, the fact is, the guy's a productive player in the paint. According to NBA.com, Howard's 7.2 shots per game in the restricted area are the third-most of anyone in the league, and his 67.5 percent success rate is easily the best among the top three. 對於DH12而言,低位能力的確較缺乏;但事實擺在眼前,DH12天生應主宰禁區。 根據NBA官方資料指出,DH12是聯盟中前三位,每場能夠在禁區貢獻7.2顆進球並保持 67.5%命中率。 As ugly and unnatural as some of those bricked hooks and stumbling scoop shots may seem, there's no denying just how quick Howard is on his feet. Nor can one easily ignore the grace with which he's able to spin through traffic or the incredible balance that allows him to get up shots after said pirouettes. He's still not quite as quick or explosive off the floor as he was prior to his back surgery, though he's certainly come a long way since the start of the season. 由於一些背傷等因素,DH12現今的爆發力和速度大不如前,但仍比開季的他好上許多。 As Lakers head coach Mike D'Antoni told Ramona Shelburne of ESPNLosAngeles.com following his team's recent comeback against the Toronto Raptors: He jumped three or four times after one ball. His conditioning didn't allow him to do that [before]. I think he was harshly judged because he wasn't 100 percent. There's all kind of little factors, but the further away he gets away from the [back] operation, the better he will be. 在不久前擊敗暴龍隊那場比賽後,MDA告訴ESPN記者: 太多小因素讓DH12目前的狀態並非100%,但他會更好的 ... he numbers can corroborate this notion—to some extent, anyway. Here's what Dwight's stats looked like before and after the All-Star break: Pts Rebs Ast Stl Blk TO PF FG% FTA FT Pre-All-Star (48 Games) 16.3 11.8 1.5 1.1 2.3 3.0 3.6 .578 9.0 .495 Post-All-Star (12 Games)17.0 15.0 0.8 1.4 2.5 2.3 4.3 .552 10.2 .459 明星賽後,DH12的確越打越好。 The good news: Dwight's scoring more, rebounding more, making more plays on the defensive end, getting to the free-throw line more frequently and turning the ball over less frequently. 好消息:DH12得分更多、抓更多籃板、防守端貢獻更多、上罰球線次數變多、 失誤變少。 The bad news: He's fouling more and not shooting quite as well, be it from the floor or the free-throw line. 壞消息:犯規次數變多、命中率稍降(不管是FG%還是罰球線上)。 To be sure, some of the "after" numbers (particularly the free-throw attempts) were skewed by Howard's parade to the stripe against the Orlando Magic. 可以肯定的是,DH12在對戰魔術隊那場比賽中,投進了不少球(尤其是罰球)。 On the whole, though, the Lakers are clearly much better off with post-All-Star Howard than they were with pre-All-Star Howard. As NBA.com's Brian Martin pointed out on March 11, the Lakers were only 1.9 points per 100 possessions better than the opposition with Dwight on the floor prior to the mid-February break, as opposed to 0.5 points per 100 possessions better without him. 整體而言,明星賽後,湖人每100次進攻轉換中,DH12持球數由0.5%上升至1.9% 。 Since then, Howard's positive impact has expanded considerably. Per NBA.com, the Lakers own a net rating of plus-14.6—including a defensive rating of 97.1 points allowed per 100 possessions. That would rank second behind only the Indiana Pacers over the course of the season when Howard plays, as opposed to a staggeringly bad minus-25.3 when he sits. 從那時起,DH12影響變大;根據統計,湖人得失分淨值變為 +14.6。 另一項更驚人的數據指出,DH12不在場上時,湖人得失分淨值是驚人的 -25.3 。 Even Kobe can't claim to have made nearly as drastic a difference as Dwight over that span. According to NBA.com, the Lakers are plus-7.9 with Kobe and minus-5.1 without him. KOBE在場上時,湖人得失分淨值為 +7.9,沒有KOBE時則是 -5.1。 Granted, these figures are all derived from a relatively small sample and are only further tilted in Dwight's favor by the absences of Gasol and Hill. 當然啦,這只是一些樣本的統計,畢竟我們還少了Gasol和Hill。 Still, if the Lakers are bound to be Mamba-less for any length of time, it's clear that Dwight will have to be the one to carry them. Without Bryant around to handle the ball—and jack up more than the occasional head-scratcher—the task will fall to Steve Nash and Steve Blake to run Mike D'Antoni's offense more consistently. 我們勢必失去Mamba一陣子,該是Dwight跳出來的時候了;少了KOBE的處理球,更多的是 由Nash和小黑來執行MDA的戰術。 In all likelihood, that'll mean plenty of pick-and-rolls, with Howard as the obvious choice to serve as the screener and finisher more often than not. He was arguably (and statistically) the best pick-and-roll big in the NBA before his back gave out. His size, agility, leaping ability and sheer strength made him an ideal candidate to set picks, cut to the basket and finish through contact, if need be. 也意味著,這段時間會打出更多的P&R;DH12的身材、敏捷度、彈跳力等,無疑是 P&R 最佳人選。 As such, pairing Howard with Nash, perhaps the best pick-and-roll operator the league has ever seen, was supposed to lead to some sort of basketball nirvana. Of course, these things don't yield perfection overnight, not with the sort of timing and synergy required to pull off even the most routine of NBA staple plays. 因此,最會使用P&R這必殺技的Nash,接下來可能會和DH12不斷地pick-and-roll、 pick-and-roll、pick-and-roll。 And the games lost by each player to injury this season, which disrupted the growth of said timing and synergy. Luckily for the Lakers, Dwight and Nash have been able to develop a steadier rapport of late, and it's shown: 開季湖人隊員一個接一個的受傷,的確延長了彼此的磨合,配合時間也被拉長; 幸運的是,DH12和Nash之間的搭配發展的越來越好。 影片說明一切: Lakers improving the pick-and-roll https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=BlqF8Q7tGkg
Kobe's respite may well make it more difficult for Howard and Nash to operate with quite as much freedom as before. After all, opposing defenses won't have to account for one of the game's greatest scorers, which, in turn, means they can devote more of their energy and attention to LA's budding big-little duo. 雖然DH12和Nash兩人的搭配會比以往多更多,但少了湖人得分王KOBE,對手更會把所有 精力放在LAL這兩人身上。 On the other hand, as Grantland's Zach Lowe highlighted on March 14, the Lakers asked Kobe, not Steve, to run most of the high pick-and-rolls with Dwight up until Bryant's latest injury. Perhaps, then, with the cloud of Kobe's bum ankle will come a silver lining in the form of an expanded opportunity for Howard and Nash to strengthen their on-court chemistry via the pick-and-roll. 但三月14日高光上,我們看到的是KOBE和DH12更多的 P&R,而不是Nash。 直到這次KOBE的受傷,也許這將是柳暗花明又一村的配合。 At the very least, Howard should be up for it. He's recommitted himself to the game ever since contemplating his role in the Lakers' universe during All-Star weekend (via Shelburne): I'm a big thinker. So I just stayed in the hotel and thought about the first half of the season and how I could do better for our team. And I just told myself, "I'm going to commit myself to being better for the second half of the season." 至少DH12本人希望自己在下半球季打得更好... When I first [came to L.A.], I wanted to come here and not talk to anybody and act completely different. But that's not who I am. I've never been that way. I shouldn't ever shut myself off to the world. I don't think that's good for the team or for me and what I want to accomplish in life. I thought about it and said, "No, I can't change. I've got to mature in certain areas," and I think I have. But I can't change who I am. DH12:當我來到LA後,跟以往不同的是,我不想跟任何人表達自我;但那終究不是我, 對於球隊對於我都不好。 我覺得在某些地方我變得更成熟,但我不能改變我是誰。 With Kobe in street clothes, he won't have to. He can play his game, his way, without having to walk on egg shells in fear of clashing with a legend. He can get back to the business of dominating on the court rather than trying to fit in. He's the center of attention again, like he was during his days in Orlando, and which he'd hardly been since arriving in LA. 現在的情形又允許DH12像在奧蘭多那樣,照他想的方式,打他想要的比賽,又一次變成 眾所矚目的焦點;這是他來到LA後從未發生過的。 And if Dwight thrives and the Lakers win games sans Mamba, there will be no question as to whether or not the the team should further extend itself financially to retain Howard's services this summer. Not that there necessarily was to begin with, but if nothing else, a late run from the Dwight-led Lakers would only confirm that he is indeed worthy of the post-Kobe, purple-and-gold mantle headed his way if he stays. 如果DH12能在少了曼巴後,仍能為湖人帶來勝利,湖人團隊的確可以考慮財務上保留, 能在今年夏天,持續擁有Howard。 DH12如能保持勝利,一切漸入佳境後;Dwight Howard絕對值得在Kobe後,繼續撐起 紫金大軍的旗幔。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/15 22:55, , 1F
真的 最後希望了 能不能打季後賽就看這幾天了QQ
03/15 22:55, 1F

03/15 22:58, , 2F
加油 DH!!!下半季真的有看到你的成熟跟貢獻 明天火力全
03/15 22:58, 2F

03/15 22:59, , 3F
開! NASH 加油!!! 替湖人拿下勝利 不過還是健康為主
03/15 22:59, 3F

03/15 23:01, , 4F
03/15 23:01, 4F

03/15 23:01, , 5F
03/15 23:01, 5F

03/15 23:02, , 6F
03/15 23:02, 6F

03/15 23:02, , 7F
還有AJ 空手切大師!!!小心老骨頭 我還多想看你空手流
03/15 23:02, 7F

03/15 23:03, , 8F
怕就怕明天溜馬後場一壓迫 湖人就失誤連連了
03/15 23:03, 8F

03/15 23:04, , 9F
為啥我腦袋閃過的都是不好的畫面啦 真是...= =
03/15 23:04, 9F

03/15 23:07, , 10F
現在只希望老柯好好養傷 至少休息一週以上 雖然我覺得那傷
03/15 23:07, 10F

03/15 23:07, , 11F
03/15 23:07, 11F

03/15 23:09, , 12F
湖人的招牌很沈重 超級巨星才扛得動
03/15 23:09, 12F

03/15 23:19, , 13F
03/15 23:19, 13F

03/15 23:41, , 14F
03/15 23:41, 14F

03/15 23:46, , 15F
所以Meeks要搭上火線嗎= =
03/15 23:46, 15F

03/15 23:47, , 16F
03/15 23:47, 16F

03/15 23:54, , 17F
DH有機會證明自己能帶湖人隊了 雖然不看好他
03/15 23:54, 17F

03/15 23:57, , 18F
03/15 23:57, 18F

03/15 23:58, , 19F
雖然進攻之前真的被罵死 但沒他防守湖人只能吃屎 加油吧!!!
03/15 23:58, 19F

03/16 00:02, , 20F
03/16 00:02, 20F

03/16 00:41, , 21F
加油~ 希望可以爆發
03/16 00:41, 21F

03/16 00:43, , 22F
加油 晚點打溜馬要靠DH跟Nash了
03/16 00:43, 22F

03/16 13:28, , 23F
03/16 13:28, 23F

03/16 13:28, , 24F
文章還蠻長的 XD
03/16 13:28, 24F
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