Re: [外電] some news

看板Lakers作者 (Keiko Kitagawa is mine.)時間11年前 (2013/01/10 17:07), 編輯推噓31(31029)
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Earl Clark has 'phenomenal' showing for Lakers Clark驚人的表現 So says Coach Mike D'Antoni after Clark has 22 points, 13 rebounds against Spurs, playing in the absence of Dwight Howard, Pau Gasol and Jordan Hill. 在Howard Gasol Hill缺席的情況下Clark在對抗馬刺時拿下22分13籃板 SAN ANTONIO — A throw-in from the Dwight Howard trade finally threw his weight around. 一個在Howard交易案裡的附贈品 Earl Clark had his first good game with the Lakers and maybe the only memorable one of his four-year NBA career, setting personal bests with 22 points and 13 rebounds in a 108-105 loss Wednesday to the San Antonio Spurs. Clark在湖人打的第一場好球也可能是他四年NBA生涯來的最難忘的比賽 在108-105輸給馬刺的比賽他得到生涯中最佳的22分與13籃板 He was active and athletic, things the Lakers have missed throughout the season, and scored more points in one game than he had all season (14). 他是有活力與運動能力的(湖人這季沒有重用他)且在這一場比賽中的得分已經超過 了他這一整季的得分 It was only the second career double-double for the former Phoenix Suns lottery pick (14th overall, Louisville, 2009) and it drew notice in the locker room. 這是他生涯第二次的double-double (Clark是2009第14順位太陽選進來的) "Don't be late for the bus," assistant coach Dan D'Antoni yelled to him after seeing a pool of reporters converging around his locker. Clark got 27 minutes of playing time because three guys ahead of him on the depth chart were injured (Howard, Pau Gasol, Jordan Hill). Clark因為Howard Gasol Hill這三個輪值表中順序較前面的選手受傷得到27分鐘的上場時間 But maybe he cracked the rotation when they do return. 當他們回來的時候Clark可能會打破這個輪替 "Hopefully we found something there," said Coach Mike D'Antoni, who called Clark's game "phenomenal." D'Antoni:我們在那發現了一些希望 Clark的比賽真是讓人感到驚艷 Was D'Antoni surprised? D'Antoni感到驚喜? "I hope he surprised me. Otherwise, I'm an idiot for not playing him," he said. "Anybody who plays that well deserves definitely a second, third, fourth look." D'Antoni:我希望他能讓我驚喜 除此之外我是個智障因為之前我竟然沒用他 任何人表現的那麼好都應該得到更多的關愛 As the Spurs tried to put away the Lakers in the fourth quarter, Clark tipped in Metta World Peace's miss and scored on an acrobatic hang-in-the-air layup. His chance to be the hero ended when his desperation three-point attempt was off the mark as time expired. It would have forced overtime. 當馬刺在第四節嘗試著要拉開比數時Clark點進World Peace沒進的球和一個雜耍式的上籃 當時間快到時差距3分 他的一個三分嘗試 有機會變成英雄使比賽進入延長賽 In the clip-and-save department, Clark had more points at halftime (nine) than Steve Nash or Kobe Bryant (eight each). 半場時他的得分比Kobe和Nash還要多 But can he be consistent like this? 但他能保持這樣的表現嗎 "If I keep getting an opportunity to play and get some minutes, I don't see why not," he said after making nine of 12 shots, including the third three-pointer of his career. "Since I've been in the NBA, I've just been waiting for a consistent opportunity." Clark:如果我能持續得到時間上場比賽 我不認為這不可能 自從我進入NBA就是在等待一個固定的機會 Clark, who makes $1.2 million this season, is a free agent in July. Clark這一季的薪水是120萬美金 在7月時將成為自由球員 Listed at 6 feet 10, Clark was the better of the two Lakers big men in Wednesday's lineup, easily outplaying rookie Robert Sacre. 在星期三的比賽中六尺十的Clark是2個大個子球員中表現較好的 After holding his own the previous night in Houston, Sacre wasn't as surprising against San Antonio, finishing with four points, two rebounds, four fouls and numerous fumbled entry passes in 25 minutes. He made only two of nine shots. 較於前一場對火箭的比賽Sacre在這一場的表現沒讓人感到驚奇 上場25分鐘最後得到 2-9 4分2籃板4犯規 且在比賽中有許多的漏接球 It was Clark's night to shine, undeniably. 無可否認的 這是Clark閃耀的夜晚 "He sits in the seat right next to me on the plane and I talk to him a little bit. He always says he's ready to go and he definitely was," Bryant said. "He played phenomenal against a heck of a team with some great forwards. I'm just very, very impressed." Kobe:他在飛機上坐在我的右邊 我稍微地跟他聊了一下 他總是跟我說他已經準備好了然而他的確是 他面對一支強大的隊伍和一些偉大的前鋒打得非常棒 我印象非常非常的深刻 如果Clark能保持這種表現AJ真的沒啥機會了 --   || || || ζ | | | | | | | | Bryant Bryant Bryant Bryant Bryant Forever | | ▌ ▌ | | Superstar | 33 | ▌ 24 ▌ |10| ▌ 24 ▌ | | ▌ ▌ | | ▌ ▌ KobeBryant -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

01/10 17:08, , 1F
Clark 水啦
01/10 17:08, 1F

01/10 17:08, , 2F
只怕冷笑話不中用 就糗了
01/10 17:08, 2F

01/10 17:11, , 3F
意外地發現他上籃還挺穩的 又有外線能力 籃板也保護得很好
01/10 17:11, 3F
※ 編輯: steven610381 來自: (01/10 17:12)

01/10 17:11, , 4F
當初幹嘛不用他 WTF!!!!!?
01/10 17:11, 4F

01/10 17:13, , 5F
其實有用過他 不過那一場 卡位很差 籃板被暴...
01/10 17:13, 5F

01/10 17:14, , 6F
如果克拉克也能用的話 那湖人現在不太行的就剩杜宏和沙
01/10 17:14, 6F

01/10 17:14, , 7F
01/10 17:14, 7F

01/10 17:14, , 8F
杜宏:屁哩我會投大號三分! 球迷:屁勒殺揆會跳舞!
01/10 17:14, 8F

01/10 17:15, , 9F
Hill也很好用阿~~~ 快回來表現!!!
01/10 17:15, 9F

01/10 17:16, , 10F
杜宏常常跟丟自己的對手 看到很幹....跟Kobe有得拼
01/10 17:16, 10F

01/10 17:18, , 11F
杜宏控球還可好 但在場上的意識有點弱 無論進攻或防守..
01/10 17:18, 11F

01/10 17:18, , 12F
01/10 17:18, 12F

01/10 17:24, , 13F
01/10 17:24, 13F

01/10 17:33, , 14F
01/10 17:33, 14F

01/10 17:36, , 15F
01/10 17:36, 15F

01/10 17:37, , 16F
多看幾場吧= =a 別太樂觀阿 他之前被冰不是沒原因
01/10 17:37, 16F

01/10 17:42, , 17F
DH_+Clark+Hill 這三個來頂前場應該夠了
01/10 17:42, 17F

01/10 17:43, , 18F
真心覺得Gasol可以拋售掉 價位太高了
01/10 17:43, 18F

01/10 17:44, , 19F
誰不想拋售他 就是他太貴現在又低點 真的不好交易
01/10 17:44, 19F

01/10 17:44, , 20F
01/10 17:44, 20F

01/10 17:44, , 21F
01/10 17:44, 21F

01/10 17:44, , 22F
01/10 17:44, 22F

01/10 18:34, , 23F
多看幾場吧 推文也太樂觀了吧...
01/10 18:34, 23F

01/10 18:35, , 24F
不得不說 一場行情的機率很高
01/10 18:35, 24F

01/10 18:39, , 25F
01/10 18:39, 25F

01/10 18:43, , 26F
01/10 18:43, 26F

01/10 18:43, , 27F
打好3~4場後說 要看完整球季
01/10 18:43, 27F

01/10 18:44, , 28F
01/10 18:44, 28F

01/10 18:48, , 29F
01/10 18:48, 29F

01/10 19:07, , 30F
冷笑話的運氣真的不錯 球隊有危機時都有板凳奇兵出來幫他
01/10 19:07, 30F

01/10 19:07, , 31F
上一次跳出個Lin 這次是Clark XD 希望能繼續發揮下去
01/10 19:07, 31F

01/10 19:10, , 32F
然後下季冷笑話自己又走人 Clarkt成功締造出克來瘋!!!
01/10 19:10, 32F

01/10 19:21, , 33F
Hill Clark Morris 速度拼勁兼具 拜託給他們機會吧
01/10 19:21, 33F

01/10 19:40, , 34F
受傷的都歸隊後 Clark要拼替補sf才有機會上場吧
01/10 19:40, 34F

01/10 19:41, , 35F
希望他能帶來體能 跟當可以跑快攻的前鋒
01/10 19:41, 35F

01/10 19:56, , 36F
01/10 19:56, 36F

01/10 20:00, , 37F
01/10 20:00, 37F

01/10 20:17, , 38F
好歹他也是首輪選秀的 潛力就放在那 看要怎麼開發吧
01/10 20:17, 38F

01/10 20:18, , 39F
如果他表現都不錯的話 DH Pau Hill Clark 我闢
01/10 20:18, 39F

01/10 20:18, , 40F
5個人應該能吃完 3.4.5號的時間
01/10 20:18, 40F

01/10 20:34, , 41F
克拉克能打的話打先發sf吧 拉高身材加上他外線可以噴
01/10 20:34, 41F

01/10 20:34, , 42F
又可以檔可以跑快攻 根本就是3號的絕佳人選阿
01/10 20:34, 42F

01/10 20:37, , 43F
冷笑話現在才發現他是個用兵傻B嗎? 季初就說過,湖人可用
01/10 20:37, 43F

01/10 20:38, , 44F
01/10 20:38, 44F

01/10 20:39, , 45F
得益。 而冷笑話最讓人受不了就是...他發現了一個寶,舊的
01/10 20:39, 45F

01/10 20:39, , 46F
01/10 20:39, 46F

01/10 20:52, , 47F
我覺得clark缺點聰明度 一些跑動或防守其實要有點腦才行
01/10 20:52, 47F

01/10 20:53, , 48F
01/10 20:53, 48F

01/10 21:05, , 49F
聰明? McGee表示: XD
01/10 21:05, 49F

01/10 21:36, , 50F
克拉克這場雖然不錯 不過畢竟她好像也打滾好幾年了
01/10 21:36, 50F

01/10 21:36, , 51F
如果真的能打 應該不會拖到這麼久才爆發?
01/10 21:36, 51F

01/10 21:37, , 52F
01/10 21:37, 52F

01/10 21:37, , 53F
01/10 21:37, 53F

01/10 21:57, , 54F
01/10 21:57, 54F

01/10 21:57, , 55F
但至少看到他在防守多的活動力 好幾次mismatch守得很好
01/10 21:57, 55F

01/10 22:08, , 56F
01/10 22:08, 56F

01/10 22:22, , 57F
01/10 22:22, 57F

01/11 00:09, , 58F
01/11 00:09, 58F

01/11 08:38, , 59F
01/11 08:38, 59F

01/11 09:15, , 60F
這樣講有失公平 HILL也是首輪 也沒人重用啊 直到湖人才重用
01/11 09:15, 60F
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