Fw: [外絮] Durant超越kobe成了最好的關鍵殺手?

看板Lakers作者 (~~永無只盡~~)時間12年前 (2012/05/20 21:21), 編輯推噓31(365110)
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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1FkEtmW0 ] 作者: ma19987 (小九) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] Durant超越kobe成了最好的關鍵殺手? 時間: Sun May 20 21:13:16 2012 Kevin Durant Passing Kobe Bryant as NBA's Best Closer? By Nathan Giese(Analyst) on May 20, 2012 http://0rz.tw/keceV Last night, once again facing a deficit heading into the final minutes, Kevin Durant stepped to the free throw line for two shots that could have tied the game. Normally fluent at the free throw line, Durant had not one, but both of his free throws roll in-and-out, helping the Los Angeles Lakers maintain a slim lead. 杜蘭特錯失可以追平比數的兩罰 Rather than get rattled, Durant came back with a vengeance with 13 seconds left in the game, hitting the game deciding three-pointer from the top of the key to put the Oklahoma City Thunder up 101-98. 但是他沒有失去冷靜 隨後在終場前13秒投進了一顆致勝三分球 決定了這場球的勝利 On the ensuing Lakers possession, Kobe Bryant launched a quick three of his own in hopes to tie the game with some time left on the clock. 湖人的下一波攻擊 由Kobe發起 迅速的投了一顆三分球 Unfortunately for Lakers fans, Bryant's shot rimmed out, allowing James Harden to hit two free throws to close out the game with the Thunder winning 103-100 and earning a 3-1 series lead. 依照大家的期望 Kobe成功的打鐵 With Durant hitting that shot under that amount of pressure, he is quickly proving why he, being the three time scoring champion that he is, is no fluke. Make no mistake about it, Kevin Durant can play basketball and play it at as high of a level as any other player in the league. Durant 向大家證明了他扛得住這個壓力 也證明三屆得分王絕非浪得虛名 In this series alone, Durant has now hit two big-game deciding shots: the first in the Thunder's Game 2 comeback where he hit a running floater from the baseline, and then last night's remarkable three. 在這系列賽 Durant已兩度投進了關鍵超前分 包括Game 2的禁區得分及昨晚的三分球 Considering the ramifications of Durant's shot in this series, one could make the argument for Kevin Durant surpassing Kobe Bryant as the NBA's best closer. 綜觀這兩場 高下立判 Durant已超越Kobe成為NBA最好的關門者 Now, before the outpouring of Kobe-faithfuls come surging at me, allow me to state my case. 在科迷要來撻伐之前 我先敘述我的觀點 Kobe Bryant, without question, is one of the best, if not the best, player in the world. He's seen and done it all, winning five NBA championship rings, scoring the second-highest point total (81) in NBA history, MVP winner, Olympic gold medalist, All-Star game MVP, the list can go on and on. Kobe 事蹟(略) With Kobe's reputation for winning at a high volume, he has also made his mark as a player who is relied upon heavily in clutch situations, coming through on a number of occasions. Although, an argument can be made that many of those clutch shots have come more during the regular season than the postseason, but that is not the topic at hand. Kobe is a cold-blooded scorer. Except, with his aging legs and defenses finding out ways to slow him down in those situations, clutch shooting performances from Bryant appear to become even more difficult. Kobe 是個冷血射手 但是他年邁的雙腿拖累他的防守及關鍵時刻 的表現 clutch shooting 已經很難出現了 Enter Durant. With Durant, you have a 23-year old pure scorer whose height and skill set allow him to play inside and outside, wreaking havoc on any and all defensive match-ups that are presented to him. Factor in Durant's long arms and smooth shooting stroke, you have a recipe for disaster when trying to guard him. 而Durant 23歲的年輕人靠著他的高度和技巧 能裏能外 讓他的防守者吃盡苦頭 他的長臂和柔順的手感也是難防的原因 Even so early in his career, Durant has made a name for himself by torching defenses not only in the early stretches of any given game, but also at the end, when it all matters the most. Given his young age, incredible shooting stroke and youthful exuberance, Durant has quietly inserted his name in the discussion of "NBA's Best Closer." In no way am I saying that Kobe's days of closing out games over. I am merely presenting the discussion of has Durant not only placed himself into the discussion for league's best closer, but potentially has he passed Bryant as THE best closer in the league? 我絕不是說 kobe時代已經結束了 我僅是提出 Durant不僅成為聯盟最好的終結者 而且超越了Kobe的這個論點 What do you guys think? Has Durant overtaken Bryant for league's best closer? Is it too soon to call? 大家認為呢 Feel free to open up the discussion in the comment section below. I'm looking forward to hearing what you, the readers, have to say about the subject 底下網友發言 1 Daniel comment I wasn't aware that kobe was the best closer.... 2 edward kamleh comment Kobe Bryant was the NBA's best closer 6-7 years ago, then out of nowhere comes Carmelo Anthony, Who happens to be the Current Best Closer, But as soon as he became the NBA's Best closer a new guy came in his name is Chris Paul, who is just dominate,when healthy, in the last 5 minutes of every game, then Again another out of No where talent was knocking on the door of Best Closer, His name Kevin Durant. Currently a player who just recently came into the League could also be one of the best Closers, his name is Kyrie Irving who at one point of his rookie season led the League in 4th Quarter scoring years ago, then out of nowhere -- 題外話 上半場拜能在禁區可以說是想幹嘛就幹嘛 不小心投不進還有加索補籃 也是差距一直能保持在10-13分的主因 我心裡也覺得這場在這樣打下去應該湖人贏球了 (早上有看球的各位應該想法也和我一樣) 球往禁區塞就是了 但下半場是教練授意?還是怎樣的 球幾乎都到不了禁區 到底是~!!!!!!!! 自己把勝利拱手讓人 ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: brandon0415 來自: (05/20 21:22)

05/20 21:22, , 1F
KD贏過KB的 就是年輕
05/20 21:22, 1F

05/20 21:22, , 2F
相差10歲 一個邁入顛峰 一個重顛峰往下走
05/20 21:22, 2F

05/20 21:22, , 3F
05/20 21:22, 3F

05/20 21:24, , 4F
KD的確是接班人無誤 在0冠球星裡面 只有他能跟喬科相提並論
05/20 21:24, 4F

05/20 21:25, , 5F
相提並論???? 喬丹 kobe還真不值得一論的事蹟
05/20 21:25, 5F

05/20 21:25, , 6F
05/20 21:25, 6F

05/20 21:25, , 7F
其他都像流星一樣 一閃即逝 只有KD 真正強者
05/20 21:25, 7F

05/20 21:26, , 8F
05/20 21:26, 8F
而且雷霆那3個不會去搶進攻權 感覺像講好一樣都會乖乖把球傳出去 輪流進功 真的難能可貴 湖人KOBE當然也是進攻不二人選但他雙腳以不如從前 應該要學會如何與隊友分享進攻權

05/20 21:26, , 9F
05/20 21:26, 9F

05/20 21:28, , 10F
我說的是0冠球猩阿 自己去看看 大多是overrated
05/20 21:28, 10F

05/20 21:28, , 11F
KD等他到了老科這年紀 還能這樣發揮的話 才來說嘴
05/20 21:28, 11F

05/20 21:28, , 12F
05/20 21:28, 12F

05/20 21:29, , 13F
相提並論? 你想太多了。
05/20 21:29, 13F

05/20 21:30, , 14F
05/20 21:30, 14F

05/20 21:30, , 15F
05/20 21:30, 15F

05/20 21:32, , 16F
差這麼多歲 還可以比 = =
05/20 21:32, 16F

05/20 21:33, , 17F
KOBE自己就很想比阿 每每看到KD守他就充血
05/20 21:33, 17F

05/20 21:35, , 18F
回原PO: 0冠球星裡面本來就多是overrated KD是最有資格的
05/20 21:35, 18F

05/20 21:35, , 19F
05/20 21:35, 19F

05/20 21:35, , 20F
05/20 21:35, 20F

05/20 21:35, , 21F
Hu5566 888888888888888888888888888888888888
05/20 21:35, 21F

05/20 21:36, , 22F
05/20 21:36, 22F
跟你看法一樣 馬刺能贏球又能練到新人 真的很會導球 雖然雷霆不見得打得贏馬刺 但雷霆奪冠我會很開心的 平均年齡2X歲的應該會創奪冠年齡最小記錄吧

05/20 21:36, , 23F
樓上講的也是事實 今天KB單打KD 一球都沒成功過阿...
05/20 21:36, 23F

05/20 21:36, , 24F
當然他目前沒辦法跟喬科齊名 但是我看好他是喬科接班人
05/20 21:36, 24F

05/20 21:36, , 25F
老史 馬龍被高估?
05/20 21:36, 25F

05/20 21:37, , 26F
05/20 21:37, 26F

05/20 21:37, , 27F
照你的邏輯 NBA球員比冠軍戒就好啦 其他獎項都可以廢除了
05/20 21:37, 27F

05/20 21:37, , 28F
馬刺贏太多了....而且東區沒一隻能打的= =
05/20 21:37, 28F

05/20 21:38, , 29F
05/20 21:38, 29F

05/20 21:39, , 30F
kobe又不是不分..上一系列賽打金塊 不就分給小黑?
05/20 21:39, 30F

05/20 21:42, , 31F
05/20 21:42, 31F
※ 編輯: brandon0415 來自: (05/20 21:45)

05/20 21:45, , 32F
05/20 21:45, 32F

05/20 21:46, , 33F
05/20 21:46, 33F

05/20 21:51, , 34F
KD 強在有這樣身高還兼有靈活度跟手感
05/20 21:51, 34F
還有 77 則推文
05/20 23:42, , 112F
所以你要先在cp3跟Phil jackson裡面選一個
05/20 23:42, 112F

05/20 23:43, , 113F
這季才算KD第一次有辦法進去第三輪 要比甚麼
05/20 23:43, 113F

05/20 23:43, , 114F
只是槍西?? 湖人如果有槍西這種會控制節奏的控衛 早就飛天
05/20 23:43, 114F

05/20 23:44, , 115F
這種假設 不就跟熱火有一隻中鋒早就飛天一樣嗎
05/20 23:44, 115F

05/20 23:44, , 116F
之後KD能拿到成績絕對在Melo之上而已 團隊戰力問題
05/20 23:44, 116F

05/20 23:46, , 117F
現在雷霆戰力比當年金塊還強 單比球員我不知道要怎比
05/20 23:46, 117F

05/20 23:46, , 118F
05/20 23:46, 118F

05/20 23:47, , 119F
西河是聯盟前五PG 鬍子是新生代第一SG JR是要怎跟他比
05/20 23:47, 119F

05/20 23:47, , 120F
05/20 23:47, 120F

05/20 23:49, , 121F
05/20 23:49, 121F

05/20 23:49, , 122F
雷霆對小牛有看幾場 斷斷續續就是
05/20 23:49, 122F

05/20 23:50, , 123F
05/20 23:50, 123F

05/20 23:50, , 124F
05/20 23:50, 124F

05/20 23:50, , 125F
我講的並沒有衝突 你要拿球員出來比我也比了阿XD
05/20 23:50, 125F

05/20 23:51, , 126F
KD完全被香妹守住 但聯盟也沒幾個香妹就是了
05/20 23:51, 126F

05/20 23:52, , 127F
05/20 23:52, 127F

05/20 23:52, , 128F
我覺得沒有意義 可是你要拿來比我也只好依照你的程度
05/20 23:52, 128F

05/20 23:52, , 129F
要說完全被守住也還好吧 第一輪KD命中率0.45
05/20 23:52, 129F

05/20 23:52, , 130F
西河還差3分吧~~KD的弱點 在西河哈登後很難看出來
05/20 23:52, 130F

05/20 23:53, , 131F
不進的有BB 然後後面好像香妹不是專守他
05/20 23:53, 131F

05/20 23:54, , 132F
Melo生涯也不是沒有好隊友 金塊尼克很多好球員
05/20 23:54, 132F

05/20 23:54, , 133F
05/20 23:54, 133F

05/20 23:55, , 134F
05/20 23:55, 134F

05/20 23:55, , 135F
不過他的運氣 <<<<<<<<< KD 不過運氣就是實力之一
05/20 23:55, 135F

05/20 23:57, , 136F
05/20 23:57, 136F

05/20 23:58, , 137F
KD狀況不好被守住時 只要少投 多傳給西河 哈登發揮
05/20 23:58, 137F

05/20 23:59, , 138F
他命中率一定會比較好看 (指的是季賽
05/20 23:59, 138F

05/21 00:00, , 139F
05/21 00:00, 139F

05/21 00:00, , 140F
哈登第4節打那麼爽 跟他們3分打開有點關係
05/21 00:00, 140F

05/21 00:00, , 141F
05/21 00:00, 141F

05/21 00:02, , 142F
05/21 00:02, 142F

05/21 00:05, , 143F
05/21 00:05, 143F

05/21 00:05, , 144F
05/21 00:05, 144F

05/21 01:00, , 145F
還早勒!! 拿到冠軍再來提可以沾到邊~
05/21 01:00, 145F

05/21 01:14, , 146F
05/21 01:14, 146F

05/21 01:14, , 147F
05/21 01:14, 147F

05/21 09:04, , 148F
05/21 09:04, 148F

05/21 22:18, , 149F
KD甚麼東西 要也是LBJ稍微可以跟老大的一隻手比較
05/21 22:18, 149F

05/22 12:28, , 150F
05/22 12:28, 150F

09/11 06:25, , 151F
西河還差3分吧~~KD https://daxiv.com
09/11 06:25, 151F
文章代碼(AID): #1FkE_78q (Lakers)