[外電] 別鬧了,科比先生。

看板Lakers作者 (洛城浪子)時間13年前 (2011/08/10 00:22), 編輯推噓30(30016)
留言46則, 37人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
Playing overseas during lockout is the wrong thing to do for Lakers' Kobe Bryant 別鬧了,科比先生。 原文網址:http://0rz.tw/87nom By Bill Plaschke "It's been a long run … a great run but a long run." So now Kobe Bryant is going to take a 6,257-mile run to play basketball in China? "這是一趟漫長的旅程...美好卻著實漫長的旅程。" (Kobe上個季末在記者會上的發言) 而現在他卻計畫長途跋涉6257英哩跑到中國去打球? "I think the biggest thing was the fatigue factor … guys were tired." So now Kobe Bryant wants to get his rest on a basketball court in Europe? "我想最大的問題還是疲勞...大家都累了" 而現在他卻打算把他的休息時間花在歐洲的某個籃球場上? The above quotes were uttered in May by a battered, beaten Bryant during his exit interview after the Lakers collapsed in an exhausted heap in Dallas. 以上引號裡的話是Kobe五月在季末訪問時所說的, 當時的他剛從達拉斯傷痕累累、精疲力盡的折戟而歸。 Yet last weekend, less than three months later, the Lakers leader told reporters he was willing to skip the gift vacation granted him by the NBA labor shutdown and take his aching legs to any foreign team that would pay handsomely for them. 然而只過了3個月,就在上週,湖人的領袖告訴記者們: 他願意帶著他疼痛的腿去任何一支海外球隊,只要他們願意丟足夠的錢出來, 為此他可以放棄因為聯盟停擺而獲得的額外假期。 Meaning, of course, that Kobe Bryant's mouth has somehow imposed a lockout on his brain. 這表示,嗯,Kobe先生,你的腦子也跟著NBA一起停擺了嗎? "I'm just waiting for my phone to ring … I'll play anywhere," he said Sunday during a news conference in Washington. "I grew up overseas, so I'm comfortable being overseas. So if [a foreign team] wants to pick up the phone and give me a call and wants me to come and play, I'll definitely listen." "我所做的就是坐著等著我的電話開始響...我可以去任何地方打球。" 週日,在華盛頓召開的一個記者發佈會上他這樣說。 "我從小在海外長大,所以對於去海外我一點罣礙也沒有, 所以如果哪隻海外球隊打算拿起電話筒撥給我並且希望讓我過去打球的話, 我一定會接聽。" Instead of a call, I'm wondering if Bryant would heed my text. 我是沒打電話給他,取而代之的是我屁了這篇出來,而我很想知道Kobe到底會不會看。 R U KIDDING ME? 你、踏、馬、的玩我啊? It has been breathtaking to watch Bryant carry the Lakers through recent sprints on shredded knees, atop twisted ankles, with busted fingers. It is equally breathtaking to now hear him talk as if that were nothing more than a stubbed toe. 看著Kobe帶著他那受損的膝蓋、扭曲的腳踝還有殘破的手指領著湖人艱難的向前, 讓人如此心驚膽戰。 而如今聽他現在如此輕描淡寫的說要赴海外打球,這事也同樣讓人心驚肉跳。 Watching Bryant talk about foregoing months of extra rest to risk meaningful injury while playing meaningless basketball is like watching an injured soccer player at the World Cup. He falls to the ground, he squirms in pain, he is carried on an ancient stretcher to a lonely spot on the sidelines … at which point he jumps to his feet and leads the crowd in doing the wave. 看著Kobe說要放棄數個月額外的休息機會, 跑去冒著無謂受傷的危險打些對他來說已經無足輕重的球賽: 這感覺就像是看著一個足球員在世界杯上受傷, 他摔倒在地上、因為痛苦而表情扭曲、被擔架抬到場邊孤零零的角落... 一切就發生在他縱身躍起,而觀眾們因此群起激昂甚至玩起波浪舞的那一瞬間。 I don't care what sort of strange vampire stuff was performed on Bryant's right knee in Germany this summer, it is still his right knee, and it is still a shaky foundation to the Lakers' future. I don't care how much he has already rested during the lockout, his body needs as much healing time as possible if he is to remain limber enough to slip through the rapidly closing window on his championship hopes. 我不在乎今年夏天在德國他的右膝到底接受了什麼詭異的吸血鬼療法,它還是他的右膝, 也依然是那個承載著湖人未來卻飄忽不定的基石; 我也不在乎停擺間裡他已經得到了多少休養生息的機會: 如果他真的想要保持足夠的靈活度, 以便能在他那正快速闔上的總冠軍入口大門間逃出生天, 他的身體就需要最大限度的治療和休養,越多越好。 Bryant, who turns 33 later this month, has already played in 1,311 regular-season and playoff games combined. That's 60 more games than Michael Jordan played, and he retired at age 40. Bryant,這個月末這個男人就將年滿33歲了。 迄今,季賽加上季後賽他總共已經打了1311場比賽, 這比Michael Jordan在40歲真正退休時所打過的總數還要多60場。 Seeing as he is financially set, it is stunning that Bryant is not viewing the lockout as a blessing, a long-awaited chance to recharge, one last long vacation before embarking on the final two or three seasons of his career. 有鑑於他在經濟上並無任何問題, 他居然匪夷所思的,並不把這次的停擺, 當作上天的禮物, 當作一個等待已久的修補和養精蓄銳的機會, 當作他啟程走向生涯最後二到三個賽季前最後一次的休養生息? He surely doesn't want to play in Europe or Asia for the money. He absolutely doesn't need to play there for the fame. And hopefully he wouldn't play there simply to issue a union decree. 他當然不會真的是為了錢才想要去歐洲或是亞洲打球, 也絕對不需要為了那些浮名而這樣做, 也希望他也不會只是簡單的為了做出所謂的 "宣告" 而行動。 You know how it goes, the players don't need the owners, the players don't need the game, the players are the game, blah, blah, blah. 你知道我在說什麼,就是球員不需要球隊老闆們、甚至不需要比賽本身, 因為球員們就是比賽,諸如此類這般這般。 Bryant might feel that's an important statement, but he needs to let a 27-year-old guy like the New Jersey Nets' Deron Williams make that statement in Turkey. Williams does not have the immediate championship future of a franchise resting on an aging body. His risk in playing overseas is not as great. In fact, is any NBA player's risk as great as Bryant's, seeing as one fluky juke could mean the end of era? Kobe也許認為這是一個很重要的"表態",但他該做的是讓個27歲的小伙子 - 比如籃網的蝶龍之類的首當其衝跑去土耳其表態即可。 身處一支軸心老化的球隊,蝶龍想要在短時間內衝擊總冠軍似乎希望渺茫, 所以至少看起來,赴海外打球對他來說並沒有太大的風險。 事實上,NBA裡有哪個老傢伙在這個問題上的風險指數會高過Kobe嗎? 試想一下,也許就這麼一個不好,就將迎來一個大時代的終結。 The Lakers can't say this because they can't discuss any of their players during the lockout, but I can. 湖人球團無法站出來說這些話,因為在停擺間球團被禁止談論他們的球員,但我可以。 Bryant owes his team more than he owes the union. Bryant owes his teammates more than he owes his love of a good foreign pickup game. More than anything, Bryant owes it to himself to take care of himself in preparation for The Last Great Run. 比起球員工會,他更應該為自己的球隊負責; 比起去打一些外國的其他比賽,他更該為他的隊友們負責; 最重要的是,Kobe應該要對他自己負責,保重自己, 為他生涯中最後的一段征途做好充足的準備。 Thinking back to his exit interview statements, who would have thought he was also exiting reality? 回想他在季末記者會上說的話,你能想像或許那會變成是他真正的"離別感言"嗎? "This is a good summer for me to train and get strong." Not if you end it by playing in Turkey. "這個夏天是個讓我能好好訓練、讓自己變得更強壯的機會。" 如果你因為跑去土耳其打球而高掛球鞋的話就不會是了。 "There is a difference between feeling healthy and feeling as strong as I know I can be … there's another level I can get to." Kobe, you won't find it in China. "感覺健康和感覺達到自己所應有的強度是不同的...我還有提升的空間。" Kobe,你在中國找不到這些的。 -- 洛城 ███◣ 浪子 Los Angeles Boys ◢██◣ █ █ ◥█ φlin798183 ██ ██◤ █ ██◤ █◤◢█ █◣ ◢ ██◤ ◥ ◤ █ █ ◤ ◥█ ███◣ ███◤ ◢██ ◥██ ◢█◤ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: LABOYS 來自: (08/10 00:29)

08/10 00:25, , 1F
08/10 00:25, 1F

08/10 00:27, , 2F
08/10 00:27, 2F

08/10 00:47, , 3F
08/10 00:47, 3F

08/10 00:48, , 4F
而且打強度比較低的比賽也可以保持手感吧 雖然他一定也整
08/10 00:48, 4F

08/10 00:48, , 5F
08/10 00:48, 5F

08/10 01:03, , 6F
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08/10 01:03, , 7F
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08/10 01:04, , 8F
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08/10 01:32, , 9F
08/10 01:32, 9F

08/10 02:14, , 10F
你確定嗎= =?
08/10 02:14, 10F

08/10 02:30, , 11F
Izon21 你確定嗎= =?
08/10 02:30, 11F

08/10 02:46, , 12F
你確定嗎= =? 不管手指的...
08/10 02:46, 12F

08/10 03:09, , 13F
他只是一個有強迫症的死籃球阿宅 不比賽太他會痛苦死
08/10 03:09, 13F

08/10 05:33, , 14F
08/10 05:33, 14F

08/10 08:23, , 15F
08/10 08:23, 15F

08/10 08:23, , 16F
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08/10 08:24, , 17F
08/10 08:24, 17F

08/10 08:27, , 18F
08/10 08:27, 18F

08/10 08:28, , 19F
08/10 08:28, 19F

08/10 08:34, , 20F
08/10 08:34, 20F

08/10 10:06, , 21F
當球隊有權力叫他休息或MRI都拿他沒輒了 現在球隊沒權
08/10 10:06, 21F

08/10 10:07, , 22F
力了 別想太多 看他自已吧
08/10 10:07, 22F

08/10 10:29, , 23F
08/10 10:29, 23F

08/10 10:45, , 24F
08/10 10:45, 24F

08/10 10:48, , 25F
08/10 10:48, 25F

08/10 12:52, , 26F
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08/10 12:53, , 27F
08/10 12:53, 27F

08/10 12:53, , 28F
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08/10 12:54, , 29F
08/10 12:54, 29F

08/10 14:52, , 30F
如果他真的去打,I真的服了him了 XDrz
08/10 14:52, 30F

08/10 16:24, , 31F
08/10 16:24, 31F

08/10 18:06, , 32F
球星沒舞台還叫球星嗎 這跟缺不缺錢沒關係的
08/10 18:06, 32F

08/10 18:08, , 33F
老柯真的不意外= =
08/10 18:08, 33F

08/10 18:56, , 34F
老柯:只要我還能打球 誰都無法阻止我打球!!
08/10 18:56, 34F

08/10 19:36, , 35F
08/10 19:36, 35F

08/10 20:08, , 36F
去等級比較低的地方 或許對kobe來說是度假吧= =
08/10 20:08, 36F

08/11 00:27, , 37F
08/11 00:27, 37F

08/11 01:10, , 38F
唉 Kobe 不意外
08/11 01:10, 38F

08/11 02:34, , 39F
08/11 02:34, 39F

08/11 10:44, , 40F
08/11 10:44, 40F

08/11 12:38, , 41F
應該去NFL, 就像某人去mlb
08/11 12:38, 41F

08/11 13:59, , 42F
08/11 13:59, 42F

08/11 15:43, , 43F
我覺得『宣告』成份比較大 大家不用擔心!
08/11 15:43, 43F

08/08 14:02, , 44F
球星沒舞台還叫球星嗎 https://noxiv.com
08/08 14:02, 44F

09/11 05:36, , 45F
我也覺得封館對他來說是 https://daxiv.com
09/11 05:36, 45F

12/11 20:22, 5年前 , 46F
真的別鬧了,科比先生. https://noxiv.com
12/11 20:22, 46F
文章代碼(AID): #1EGLx1ov (Lakers)