[外電] 湖迷打發暑假的20個方式。

看板Lakers作者 (洛城浪子)時間13年前 (2011/05/23 20:15), 編輯推噓50(50022)
留言72則, 47人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
20 signs you're a Lakerholic during this offseason 20個湖迷打發暑假的方式。 原文網址:http://0rz.tw/iqB0w 1. You've been repeatedly pinching yourself hoping the Mavericks sweep over the Lakers was just a dream. 1. 反覆的掐自己,試著說服自己湖人被小牛橫掃只是一場噩夢。 2. You've been having dreams where you replay that series. You either have the same nightmare or you wake up disappointed because in your dreams the Lakers easily beat the Mavericks. 2. 在夢裡不斷重現這次季後賽,但這也是場噩夢,因為你醒來後失望透了, 夢裡湖人輕鬆取勝,而醒來的現實卻大大相反。 3. You refuse to watch the NBA playoffs because the Lakers aren't it. 3. 拒絕再關注NBA,因為沒有湖人。 4. You watch the NBA playoffs with an eye on who would look good in a Lakers uniform. 4. 仍然繼續收看比賽,但只是為了看誰穿上紫金戰袍比較好看。 5. You're suddenly wearing a Chicago Bulls jersey because you can't wait to see the Miami Heat lose in embarrassing fashion in the Eastern Conference finals. You also bought a Derrick Rose jersey hoping the Lakers will get him in a trade. Yeah for who? Luke Walton? 5. 突然買了件公牛的球衣因為你迫不急待想看到熱火怎麼樣尷尬的輸掉東區決賽, 同時還買了玫瑰圖樣的運動衫然後妄想湖人是不是能把他搞來? 呃、用誰換?...我們不是有我疼嗎? 6. You constantly watch Shaquille O'Neal's introductory news conference, hoping that's a sign of the Lakers stealing another Magic center in Dwight Howard. 6. 開始沒完沒了的重看當年Shaq的記者發佈會, 希望湖人能再從魔術那摸來某魔獸之類的。 7. You use the ESPN Trade Machine at least 100 times a day. 7. 每天上百次的用ESPN的交易模擬器來模擬自己的春秋大夢。 8. You repeatedly visit Staples Center and talk to the Chick Hearn, Jerry West and Magic Johnson statues as if they're real people. 8. 一次又一次的往Staples Center,就為了跟Chick Hearn、Jerry West 和Magic Johnson,把他們當成真人和他們談心。 9. You've constructed out of clay the molds for statues of Kobe Bryant and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, wondering if the real ones in the future match your prototype. 9. 用泥巴捏捏看Kobe和Jabbar將來的雕像,看看是不是跟你想像中的一樣。 10. You either endlessly replay Game 4 of the Lakers-Mavericks series to add to your pent-up frustration and passion for next season or choose to watch happier moments, such as Game 7 of the 2010 NBA Finals. 10. 不斷的虐待自己,無限重看西區準決賽第四戰,好讓自己對下季充滿憧憬和激情。 或者選擇看其他的比賽讓自己開心一點......比方說去年的總冠軍戰第七戰。 11. You rewatch telecasts with the sound off imagining Hearn's voice calling the game. 11.一直幻想電視廣播裡的聲音是Hearn的聲音。 12. You endlessly argue with your neighbors about who is the greatest Laker of all time. Sometimes you change your opinion simply so you can argue. 12. 和你的鄰居無休止的爭吵誰才是湖人史上最偉大的球員, 而你甚至不斷的更改想法,只為了能不斷的一直吵下去。 13. You buy tickets to the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame in advance every year, presuming at least one Laker will be inducted. 13. 每年都定期買好Naismith名人堂的票,幻想今年至少有一名湖人入選。 14. You repeatedly write Jerry Buss and Mitch Kupchak "Dear Santa" letters. You also fax or e-mail Kupchak various trade proposals at all hours of the night. 14. 持續不斷的給Jerry Buss和Mitch Kupchak寫信, 用一整晚傳真或寫電子郵件只為了告訴Mitch Kupchak無數種交易方案。 15. You've bought at least 1,000 Laker flags in your lifetime. 15. 確認在你的人生中已經買了至少1000面湖人的小旗子。 16. You booked a trip to Spain this summer in case Pau Gasol plays for the Spanish national team. Seeing him play in person is the only solution to easing your anxiety over whether he'll bounce back from his playoff struggles and whether he'll avoid injury. 16. 已經將看Gasol的國家隊賽事加入到自己暑假的行程中,, 看他是否從季後賽的掙扎中恢復,誘惑著有沒有在國際賽上受傷, 是唯一可以可以安慰自己焦慮的辦法。 17. You name your newborn after your favorite Laker and/or dress your pet like your favorite Laker. 17. 用最喜歡的湖人球員來命名你的寵物,或是把寵物打扮成球員的樣子。 18. Frustrated with how the Lakers' season ended, you start a brand new Lakers season on NBA 2K11 to prove you can run the team better than they did. 18. 深刻的檢討今年湖人隊到底是怎麼輸掉的,然後在2K11裡開始一個新的賽季, 證明自己帶隊要比他們好得多。 19. Even with a lockout looming, you've formulated your own Lakers schedule to anticipate what games they might play. 19. 即使下季有封館的風險,依舊先作好下季看球的準備。 20. This one's a given. You visit The Times' Lakers blog every day and comment at least five times on every post. 20. 附加選項,每天訪問湖人的官方部落格,然後在每篇文章下面至少留言五次。 -- 10真的很管用,我開始在看10年前的經典賽事了,Kobe好跳阿。 -- 洛城 ███◣ 浪子 Los Angeles Boys ◢██◣ █ █ ◥█ φlin798183 ██ ██◤ █ ██◤ █◤◢█ █◣ ◢ ██◤ ◥ ◤ █ █ ◤ ◥█ ███◣ ███◤ ◢██ ◥██ ◢█◤ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: LABOYS 來自: (05/23 20:18)

05/23 20:19, , 1F
4 & 7
05/23 20:19, 1F

05/23 20:19, , 2F
重播去年G7 +1
05/23 20:19, 2F

05/23 20:19, , 3F
第18點很中肯 而且我可以把Bynum換走Durant換來(誤)
05/23 20:19, 3F

05/23 20:21, , 4F
希望Mayo來 但是他們也放假了...輸給史上無敵大黑隊..
05/23 20:21, 4F

05/23 20:22, , 5F
XD 有些真的好偏激
05/23 20:22, 5F

05/23 20:22, , 6F
05/23 20:22, 6F

05/23 20:22, , 7F
05/23 20:22, 7F

05/23 20:23, , 8F
05/23 20:23, 8F

05/23 20:25, , 9F
05/23 20:25, 9F

05/23 20:28, , 10F
雖然Mayo防守也變好了 但是大家好像還是不太愛他~
05/23 20:28, 10F

05/23 20:37, , 11F
05/23 20:37, 11F

05/23 20:49, , 12F
20件事 感覺頗忙 = =
05/23 20:49, 12F

05/23 20:51, , 13F
05/23 20:51, 13F

05/23 20:53, , 14F
05/23 20:53, 14F

05/23 20:55, , 15F
The Lakers Repeat!Back to Back Title!
05/23 20:55, 15F

05/23 20:56, , 16F
The LA Lakers is 2010 NBA Champs!
05/23 20:56, 16F

05/23 20:56, , 17F
05/23 20:56, 17F

05/23 21:00, , 18F
05/23 21:00, 18F

05/23 21:42, , 19F
05/23 21:42, 19F

05/23 21:45, , 20F
05/23 21:45, 20F

05/23 21:46, , 21F
10 但我會選去年對快艇隊,老漁殺入禁區投出致勝的拋投
05/23 21:46, 21F

05/23 21:50, , 22F
05/23 21:50, 22F

05/23 21:51, , 23F
05/23 21:51, 23F

05/23 22:01, , 24F
4 & 18
05/23 22:01, 24F

05/23 22:11, , 25F
05/23 22:11, 25F

05/23 22:26, , 26F
05/23 22:26, 26F

05/23 22:26, , 27F
05/23 22:26, 27F

05/23 22:26, , 28F
05/23 22:26, 28F

05/23 22:29, , 29F
05/23 22:29, 29F

05/23 22:29, , 30F
05/23 22:29, 30F

05/23 22:30, , 31F
05/23 22:30, 31F

05/23 22:34, , 32F
05/23 22:34, 32F

05/23 22:54, , 33F
我在看去年G7 哀....
05/23 22:54, 33F

05/23 23:06, , 34F
05/23 23:06, 34F

05/23 23:08, , 35F
05/23 23:08, 35F

05/23 23:14, , 36F
17 我家的狗狗 叫做XOBE 原來我早就是湖迷了...
05/23 23:14, 36F

05/23 23:52, , 37F
05/23 23:52, 37F

05/23 23:52, , 38F
看到捏泥土 我笑了XDDD
05/23 23:52, 38F

05/24 00:03, , 39F
3 ...
05/24 00:03, 39F

05/24 00:04, , 40F
18 不過是玩mp模式
05/24 00:04, 40F

05/24 00:05, , 41F
05/24 00:05, 41F

05/24 00:38, , 42F
05/24 00:38, 42F

05/24 00:53, , 43F
我最近也開始重看當初跟aval大合購的DVD 年輕Kobe好棒阿!
05/24 00:53, 43F

05/24 06:12, , 44F
Chick Hearn是前湖人轉播員,有名到幾年前過世之後,湖人
05/24 06:12, 44F

05/24 06:12, , 45F
05/24 06:12, 45F

05/24 06:36, , 46F
Chick Hearn幾乎可說是最偉大的籃球轉播員﹝如果不是之一﹞
05/24 06:36, 46F

05/24 06:38, , 47F
05/24 06:38, 47F

05/24 06:39, , 48F
05/24 06:39, 48F

05/24 06:39, , 49F
05/24 06:39, 49F

05/24 06:45, , 50F
附帶一提,那個主場白球衣是Jeanie Buss設計的....
05/24 06:45, 50F

05/24 06:46, , 51F
05/24 06:46, 51F

05/24 06:46, , 52F
05/24 06:46, 52F

05/24 06:47, , 53F
然後他逝世前的Shaq & Kobe三連霸,Hearn是最偉大的湖人人
05/24 06:47, 53F

05/24 06:47, , 54F
05/24 06:47, 54F

05/24 09:01, , 55F
================以上是spko 湖人說故事時間=============
05/24 09:01, 55F

05/24 10:03, , 56F
05/24 10:03, 56F

05/24 10:03, , 57F
挺湖的不說,搞不好反湖的更多這種暱稱 no problem
05/24 10:03, 57F

05/24 10:27, , 58F
第十六條 「誘惑著」>「又或者」
05/24 10:27, 58F

05/24 10:33, , 59F
3338場 無缺席....實在是很偉大
05/24 10:33, 59F

05/24 11:03, , 60F
05/24 11:03, 60F

05/24 12:33, , 61F
05/24 12:33, 61F

05/24 12:35, , 62F
3 ...冏
05/24 12:35, 62F

05/24 14:19, , 63F
05/24 14:19, 63F

05/24 14:50, , 64F
05/24 14:50, 64F

05/24 15:55, , 65F
05/24 15:55, 65F

05/24 17:48, , 66F
沒湖人的季後賽 一點想看的FU都沒了
05/24 17:48, 66F

05/24 22:50, , 67F
05/24 22:50, 67F

05/25 01:37, , 68F
05/25 01:37, 68F

05/25 01:38, , 69F
21. 至少我們打到第二輪?? (比馬刺好
05/25 01:38, 69F

08/08 13:56, , 70F
第18點很中肯 而且我 https://muxiv.com
08/08 13:56, 70F

09/11 05:32, , 71F
湖人現在的周日主場白色 https://daxiv.com
09/11 05:32, 71F

12/11 20:19, 5年前 , 72F
我在看去年G7 哀. https://muxiv.com
12/11 20:19, 72F
文章代碼(AID): #1Dsa_lw3 (Lakers)