[外電] 洛杉磯湖人驗屍報告

看板Lakers作者 (洛城浪子)時間13年前 (2011/05/19 07:37), 編輯推噓43(44122)
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Searching for answers in L.A. 洛杉磯湖人驗屍報告 原文網址:http://0rz.tw/D6Buf Looking back at Lakers' 2010-11 and trying to find how and why things went so wrong. 回頭看看湖人今年到底哪裡有問題,導致如此山窮水盡之勢。 The story of how the Lakers lost their way, lost their chance at a place in history, is ultimately a story of how two of the great winners in the NBA lost their ability to control the team. 這個故事是關於湖人們是如何迷了路,如何搞砸了一個書寫歷史的機會, 追根究柢:你可以看作NBA歷史上兩個偉大的贏家是如何失去了對自己的球隊控制的故事。 It's why Phil Jackson was swept out of the playoffs for the first time instead of adding to his collection of 11 coaching championship rings. It's why Kobe Bryant, the Most Valuable Player of the past two NBA Finals, couldn't lead his team back to the championship round. It's why the unusually early playoff exit and start of retirement couldn't come fast enough for Jackson, who admitted it felt "really good to be ending this season, to be honest with you." 所以最後,Phil沒辦法在收藏品中加上一枚新的戒指, 而是以生涯的首次被橫掃作為終幕的演出: 所以最後,過去兩年的FMVP,Kobe甚至沒能把他的球隊帶進到總決賽的場地; 所以最後,雖然季後賽的終點以及退休的啟程來的意料之外的早, 在週三,最後一次以湖人主帥的身份面對媒體時,Phil坦承: "不瞞你們說,我很高興這個賽季總算結束了。" "This team just had an ability to get in a funk and not be able to heal and surge, to find that common thread to come back and turn things around," Jackson said Wednesday in his final address to the media as coach of the Lakers. "And I never really had a team like that, that couldn't make adjustments and learn from mistakes." "這支球隊充滿各種不振之原因,但卻無力去這期間克服,重振旗鼓, 去找到方法來扭轉頹勢。" "而事實上我從不曾執教過這樣一支隊伍,無法自我調整並從錯誤中汲取教訓。" For a variety of reasons, Jackson no longer elicited championship-caliber performances from his players. He always has taken a big-picture approach to defending championships, choosing to de-emphasize the regular season while maintaining the playoffs as the primary focus. He doesn't mind slipups, but these Lakers went through extended skids. On the eve of the playoffs, Jackson conceded that his "lame duck" status could make it harder for his players to respond to him. Something had to explain the way they didn't reflect his trademark poise ... why he even lost it himself in a desperate attempt to salvage Game 3 against Dallas. 由於種種原因,這一次Phil沒能引導他的球員們打出冠軍等級應有的表現。 對於尋求衛冕,他通常都會用更巨觀的方式來看待,比如選擇不過分強調季賽, 而大量的專注於季後賽,所以他並不會太會把低潮當一回事, 但這些湖人們顯然比他所以為的更糟糕腐敗。 季後賽開打前,他曾擔心他自身的狀態(應該是指他的即將退休), 也許會使得他的球員們更難正常的對他做出回應; 而這些 "不正常的回應" 也讓他再也無法維持他那一貫的從容…… 這就是為什麼他甚至在對小牛的G3中第一次拋開了以往的悠閒並近乎抓狂。 Now that it was over, after a humiliating 4-0 series loss to the Mavericks in the second round, the Lakers could afford to be more candid when assessing the fatigue that set in from playing 67 postseason games while making three consecutive trips to the NBA Finals, in addition to summer stints of international ball for Bryant, Pau Gasol and Lamar Odom. It sapped the team of its stamina. That was one common theme to emerge from two days of media availability for Jackson, general manager Mitch Kupchak and the players after their exit interviews. 現在,這一切都已宣告結束,在季後賽的第二輪被小牛隊以毀滅性的4-0橫掃出局; 公正地說,考慮到他們已連續三年打到總冠軍賽,總共打了67場季後賽的事實, 這樣的結局並非完全不可接受,尤其Kobe、Gasol、Odom還在暑假裡參加了國際賽事, 這確實耗盡了球員們的體能和精力,在這兩天的發佈會中, 這也是 Phil、總管Mitch和球員們異口同聲提到的重點。 To a man, the players insisted they could get back to the Finals next year with the roster intact, while Jackson said they need an infusion of speed and Kupchak kept his options open. Players also spoke in favor of assistant Brian Shaw's succeeding Jackson as coach, although that's something that could be beyond the powers of anyone who came inside the stuffy, crowded room in the Lakers' practice facility and spoke into the microphones and recorders. Executive vice president Jim Buss, the son of team owner Jerry Buss, will be the point man on the coaching search, and with Jackson revealing he hasn't spoken to Buss all season, the coach apparently won't have any influence on the matter. Kupchak will, but it's worth noting that the last time the Lakers hired a coach other than Jackson, Rudy Tomjanovich in 2004, it was Jim Buss' call. 球員們都堅持認為即使不對陣容做任何調整,他們也有能力在明年重新殺回總冠軍賽; 禪師則認為球隊需要補充速度型的新血,而Mitch則不置可否,繼續持觀望態度; 球員們同樣也一面倒地表示他們支持Brain Shaw接替Phil出任球隊的新任總教練。 但事實上所有來到球館這間擁擠的採訪間裡接受訪問的人, 其實通通在這些問題上沒什麼決策權。 球隊的執行副總裁,老闆Jerry Buss的兒子Jim Buss才是那個下決策的人, 而從禪師所說的 "他這整季都沒跟Buss有過交流" 來看,顯然他不會插手此事, Mitch對此事的結果會有些影響,但大概也不大 - 要知道湖人上一次雇用除了Phil以外的人擔任教練: 2004年的Rudy Tomjanovich,就是Jim Buss的決定。 Jerry Buss always prefers up-tempo teams, and Jackson said that next season's team needs to be faster to get easy baskets, but the roster as constituted isn't set for that. None of the top three players -- Bryant, Gasol and Andrew Bynum -- would benefit from running. Jerry Buss一直很愛速度快的球隊, 而禪師也說下季球隊需要提升速度來得到輕鬆得分的機會, 但現有的陣容顯然無法滿足那樣的要求,球隊的前3號球員 - Kobe、Gasol以及Bynum - 沒有一位能在此向度上面有所幫助。 The Lakers are in no rush to hire a coach, not when it could be many months before there are actually games to play because of the pending lockout. After Jerry Buss shelled out more than $90 million for a team that played only five of those lucrative home playoff games, don't expect extra expenditures. As reserve player Luke Walton said as he struggled to carry some belongings to his car without so much as a bag or box, "Cutbacks, man." 在尋找新教練上湖人並不著急,由於可能出現的停擺, 真正的下一場比賽也許會在好幾個月之後才出現, 而在為一支甚至只打了5場季後賽主場比賽的球隊支付了超過9000萬鎂之後, 大概也甭指望Jerry Buss願意從口袋中掏出更多銀子。 就像球隊替補之一Luke Walton說的,他正頭痛於怎麼把大包小包的東西塞進汽車裡: "勒緊皮帶吧,兄弟。" While the players cleared out their lockers, I cleared out my digital recorder, searching for audio clues from throughout the season in the search for what went wrong with the Lakers. The answers could be found in a select few days during the season, starting with Day 1. 球員們清空了他們的衣櫃,我也準備好了我的錄音筆, 試圖從一個賽季以來的錄音中找到一些關於"這支湖人到底是怎麼了"的線索, 事實上答案還是有跡可循的,讓我們從第一天說起: Sept. 25: Media day 9月25日:媒體日。 Ron Artest was new at this, set to receive his first championship ring while most of his teammates already had multiple ones. But Artest had a good idea of how to get another one: "It's pretty simple. You just go out there and practice the way you always practiced. You do the same thing like you've been doing it for years." 對阿泰來說,一切都很新奇:他將要領到他的第一枚冠軍戒指, 而他的隊友們大多數都已經好幾枚在手了,但對於如何獲得再一枚,他有個好主意: "很簡單,你只需要挺進那裡,照你一直以來的方式堅持訓練, 做這些年來一直在做的那些事情。" Except the Lakers didn't practice the way they always had practiced. It used to be that Bryant brought the intensity to every session, challenging everyone from starters to backups, talking trash, working up a sweat. Not this season. His time at the team's training facility was spent in the weight room getting stronger, on a trainer's table working on flexibility, everywhere but on the practice court. 但事實上,湖人並沒能按照他們慣有的方式訓練。 過去,給每一次訓練帶來強度保證的人是Kobe,他會說著垃圾話, 然後挑爆從先發到替補的每一個人,確保所有人揮汗如雨。 但不是這個賽季,當他出現在球隊訓練館, 他的時間要嘛花在了重訓室來讓自己變得更強壯, 要嘛是在訓練台上由訓練師延展以加強靈活度,他會在任何地方,除了訓練場上。 This was the plan all along, to preserve his knee, which had been surgically repaired in July 2010. The knee was enough of a problem that Jackson admitted there was "trepidation" about coming back to coach this team. 這是球隊早就計畫好的,為了保護他那剛在2010年7月接受了手術的膝蓋, 禪師也承認他當初對於是否該回來執教曾頗有些猶豫, 而那些 "猶豫" 正是源自Kobe的膝蓋。 Bryant's message to his teammates was not to expect him to be working with them: "I can't." It would be up to them to respond accordingly, to generate the requisite energy on their own. It didn't happen. Kobe給隊友們的訊息很簡單,那就是別對他能加入訓練抱有期待: "我沒辦法參予。" 他們必須自己調節,靠自己去激發該有的能量,但這沒有發生。 "Guys felt like they could take days off, because I'm not there," Bryant explained Wednesday. "It's like your big brother not being around, you go around the house and do all these kinds of things with the toys, all that kind of stuff, because I'm not on the court with you. It's upsetting. We knew going in what my knee situation was. We communicated that, me not being able to practice and then having to pick up some of that responsibility in practice and the intensity and things of that nature, because of my knee. It's upsetting; it's disappointing to me because I wasn't able to get there with them every day." "就因為我不在場上,他們就覺得好像可以放假了," Kobe在週三如此表示, "就像是老大哥不在,你就可以在家裡隨心所欲,擺弄各種玩具,隨便撒野一樣; 只因為我沒辦法在場上和大夥一起訓練,大夥就不好好訓練,這讓人很失望, 我們都知道我的膝蓋情況如何,彼此也有針對這個交流過。 由於我的膝蓋,我沒辦法參加訓練,無法像以前那樣承擔起提升訓練強度的責任, 諸如那些;無法每天和他們一起訓練,讓我很沮喪也很失望。" This is the explanation for the most perplexing aspect of this season: the disconnect between Kobe's game-readiness and the rest of the team's. Normally teams adopt the attributes -- good and bad -- of their best player, be it Kevin Garnett's intensity in Boston or Dwight Howard's joviality in Orlando. 這解釋了本賽季中最讓人費解的一問:Kobe對比賽的理解似乎和其他人格格不入。 一支球隊一般都會表現出他們王牌球員的某種特質 - 不管好的或是壞的, 就像KG帶給波士頓的強硬、Howard帶給奧蘭多的樂觀一樣; As polarizing as Bryant might be, the one thing for which he is universally praised is his effort on a nightly basis. It's why he is so beloved by Lakers fans: He does his best to give them a return for their expensive ticket investment every game. But this 2010-11 team was known for the exact opposite; it repeatedly played games with the engine idling, never stepping on the accelerator. The disconnect continued into the playoffs, right until the last game, when Bryant came out and made 6 of 8 shots in the first quarter while his teammates shot 2-for-11. The Lakers trailed, then wasted one of Bryant's best quarters of the playoffs when the bottom ultimately fell out. Kobe也許是個觀感兩極化的球員,但他有一個特質是得到一致稱讚的: 那就是他夜以繼日的刻苦和努力,這也是他被湖人球迷們如此深愛的原因。 每一場,他在每一場比賽裡都會傾盡全力,為了回報那些購買了昂貴球票的球迷們, 讓他們能夠不虛此行,但10-11賽季的這支球隊卻恰恰相反, 他們一次次的比賽內容就像發動車子後空轉著引擎,卻沒有人伸腳去踩油門。 這種脫節一直持續著,直到最後一場比賽:當Kobe在第一節挺身而出8投6中, 他的隊友們卻僅僅11投2中;湖人落後。 而在揮霍了Kobe本次季後賽裡表現最好的單節表現中的一個之後,湖人萬劫不復。 Why the detachment from Bryant's play and that of his teammates? For that I went to Rick Fox, who was the go-to guy for translating the weird world of the NBA and its leading franchise into terms that the rest of us could understand when he played for the Lakers from 1997 to 2004. He was so good that I had to place self-imposed limits on how often I quoted him. He admits he doesn't have inside access to the current Lakers team. 為何Kobe和他隊友們在場上的表現會背道而馳? 帶著這個疑問,我找到了Rick Fox,他曾在1997-2004效力於湖人, 他總是擅於用我們大夥都能明白的術語, 對我們解釋NBA,它的球隊與明星球員所組成的到底是個怎樣詭異的世界。 他實在太擅長於此以至於我不得不硬性約束自己引用他的言論的頻率, 對於目前的這支湖人,他承認自己並沒有什麼內部消息來源。 However ... 儘管如此… "I know a group dynamic and a team atmosphere," Fox said. "When you're playing all the minutes, you're doing all the grunt work and working hard and practicing every day. ... [This was] a season-long's worth of not sharing in that grind very day. Yeah, the animosity builds up. Guys feel they should be the one taking those shots. "但對於團體的動力以及球隊氛圍,我確實略知一二," Fox說, "當你每時每刻都在打球,每天幹著髒活苦工,並認真訓練…… 而你整個賽季都未曾和他們 "一視同仁",是的,負面的情緒就會滋生, 其他人會覺得他們才該是擁有出手權的那個人。" "How are you going to be the one coming in here yelling at me when you get to sit down for six months? That's a hard thing to have guys look past. Especially when you've won two championships. "你都在場邊坐了6個月了,你憑什麼一上場就對我大吼大叫的? 人總是容易忘本,尤其是當你拿了兩個冠軍戒指之後。" "The year we lost in 2004, that was crazy. Karl [Malone] was out, Shaq wasn't practicing, Kobe was in Colorado [for pretrial hearings to face a sexual assault charge, which was later dropped]. You're not building a ritual together. You can't be in sync on the level you're used to being in sync. You're not used to doing things together." "還記得我們失敗的那個2004賽季,各種大麻煩,Malone傷停,Shaq不練球, Kobe則捲入性侵害風波,球隊因此建立不出那種默契,無法像以往那樣的同步, 大家不再習慣於在場上並肩奮鬥。" Bryant's absence was planned and the most noticeable. Then the usual attrition throughout the season took its toll, limiting the effectiveness of practice sessions. Kobe的訓練缺席是球隊的計畫,但對球隊的影響也是最明顯的, 而賽季過程中不斷累積的損耗也進一步限制了球隊訓練的效果。 "It's tough to have more intense, harder practices, when you have 9½ guys practicing and the rest of the guys on the sidelines with ice on their knees, getting treatment," Walton said. "You can only go so hard." "當你只有9個半的人能參加訓練,而其他人只能坐在場邊冰敷膝蓋接受治療的時候, 要提升訓練的強度是很困難的”,Walton說, "但你又只能繼續拼下去。" Bryant expects to go harder this summer. It will be the first time since the summer of 2008 that he can focus on getting stronger rather than recuperating or recovering from surgery. He insisted that taking practice days off paid off this season and that he was fine. His playoff performance (his 23 points per game was his lowest since 2000), particularly in the fourth quarter, suggested otherwise. All Bryant would allow is that his knee can improve. Kobe期待能在這個夏天更加努力,這將是自2008年來, 他第一次可以專注於讓自己變得更強壯而不是只能靜待從手術中恢復過來。 他個人堅持說本賽季的訓練終止是有回報的,而且他自我感覺良好, 但他季後賽的表現(場均23分是他自2000以來最低的一次),尤其是第四節的表現, 說明了情況並非像他所說的這樣簡單。 Kobe所能希冀的就是他的膝蓋狀況能夠有所改善。 "There's a difference between feeling healthy and feeling as strong as I know I can be," Bryant said. "I feel like I could do everything I wanted to do. But there's another level I feel like I can get to." "感覺健康和感覺達到我所應該能達到的那種強大,是有區別的," Kobe說 "我感覺自己可以做到任何想做的,但我也感覺我應該還可以達到另一種水準。" He'll have to walk up several floors to reclaim his place as the best in the game when it matters. LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, Derrick Rose and Dirk Nowitzki, for starters, have been better than Bryant in these playoffs. At the end of the past two seasons, Bryant and Gasol were the best combo in the game. Not after this one. 想要重新奪回 "比賽中最好的關鍵球員" 此頭銜,他得跨越數個障礙才行, 先發球員來說,LBJ、D-Wade、D-Rose以及Dirk都在這次的季後賽裡表現的比他更出色。 在過去兩個賽季結束之後,Kobe和Gasol都是比賽中最佳的二人組合, 但在今年過後,他們不再是了。 Nov. 28: 95-92 loss to Indiana Pacers 11月28日:92-95敗給印第安納溜馬。 "There are some days you feel more tired than others," Gasol said. "It just comes with the amount of minutes I'm out there. It's a reality." "就是有些日子,你會覺得比其他時候要更疲勞," Gasol說, "隨著我的上場時間的累積,它自然就會出現,這是現實。" At the start of the season, Gasol was the Lakers' most effective player. He averaged 20 points and 12 rebounds per game and shot 54 percent from the field in the season's first two months. But playing 40 minutes a game, including most of the big-man minutes vacated by the injured Bynum, quickly wore him down. He was outplayed by Roy Hibbert in the first Pacers game, and it marked the beginning of an iffy three-game stretch that saw Gasol shoot 12-for-36 (33.3 percent). He was the Laker most susceptible to fatigue and emotional swings. 在賽季初,Gasol是湖人隊效率最高的球員, 賽季開始後的兩個月裡他場均得到20分,12個籃板且命中率達到54%, 但場均40分鐘,包括為了填補Bynum傷停而不得不頂上的 "禁區時間", 很快就讓他精疲力盡了。 在和溜馬的第一場季賽中,他完全被Roy Hibbert打爆, 並由此開始了接下來連續三場的委靡不振:36投12中 (33.3%的命中率), 他是湖人中最容易受當疲勞影響,同時也最情緒化的一位。 The Lakers' past two championships were predicated on Gasol's winning his matchup in each playoff series. He even outscored Orlando's Dwight Howard in the 2009 NBA Finals. But this year, he struggled against the undersized front line of New Orleans, then was outclassed by Nowitzki against Dallas. Gasol's playoff scoring average of 13.8 points per game was the worst of his seven trips to the postseason. 湖人過去的兩個冠軍一部分建立在Gasol能在每一輪系列賽的對位中勝出的基礎上, 他在2009年總決賽中的得分甚至超過了Howard。 但在今年,他不僅在面對黃蜂相對矮小的鋒線時就非常掙扎,在與小牛的系列賽裡, 他更是完全被司機打爆。場均13.8分的季後賽得分也是他7次季後賽經驗中的最差成績。 "The thing that makes me the angriest is me not playing at my best, and me not being able to help my team accomplish its goals," Gasol said. "我最生氣的是自己沒辦法打出最好的水準,沒辦法替我的球隊實現目標。”Gasol說。 He was also angry at Internet stories that said his struggles were the result of a rift with Bryant stemming from Bryant's wife interfering with Gasol's relationship with his girlfriend. Gasol said things are fine with him and his girlfriend, and he doesn't know the origin of the stories. Bryant said their significant others barely know each other. The Lakers seemed to be in a time delay, reacting a day later to the rumors flying around Twitter and elsewhere. Even if the story was inaccurate and didn't reflect the personal problems Gasol vaguely referenced, they became an issue on their own before Game 4. 同時他也對於網上所盛傳的: "Gasol的低迷源於他和Kobe的不和, 而不和的來源則是因為Kobe的妻子影響了他和他女友的關係"的流言感到非常生氣, Gasol說他和他女友之間沒有問題,他完全不知道這些故事到底是因誰而起, Kobe也說他的妻子和Gasol的女友幾乎都不怎麼認識; 湖人這次的回應有些遲鈍,當這些流言已經在Twitter以及其他地方瘋狂傳了一天之後, 他們才做出回應。 就算這故事是瞎扯的,還是不能解釋Gasol含糊其辭提到的所謂 "個人問題" 為何, 但對球隊來說,在G4之前這些卻實實在在的成了個心頭大患。 Kupchak was unusually revealing -- by his standards -- in saying that Gasol was emotional and upset in his exit interview, and that might be the most important thing for Gasol to work on for next season. Kupchak難得地透露 - 以他的標準來看 - 說Gasol在他的季末採訪裡表現得非常情緒化而且沮喪, 而這可能會是他在下個賽季裡需要改進的第一要務。 "I'm a very caring person and very devoted," Gasol said. "Sometimes it helps me in many ways, sometimes it's not as helpful. But yeah, I think that one of the things, now, in my reality, is I have a little bit of time to make sure I resolve things that need to be resolved." "我是個非常體貼而且非常忠誠的人," Gasol說, "有時候這些特質會在許多方面對我有所幫助,有些時候則沒有用;但是在當下, 在我的現實生活裡,我有了一些時間去解決一些需要解決的事情。" It sounded more like a person coming out of couples counseling than a basketball season debriefing. 這聽起來更像是一個剛從心理諮詢室出來的人所說的, 而不是一個籃球賽季的總結說詞。 Dec. 25: 96-80 loss to Miami Heat 12月25日:80-96 敗給邁阿密熱火。 The Lakers' most anticipated game of the season was also their most alarming. If one game should have grabbed their attention and elicited a bigger fight, it was this one, with the heavily hyped Heat in town. 湖人本賽季最萬眾矚目的一場比賽,同時也給他們送上了最響亮的警訊。 如果有一場比賽理應要引起他們的注意並且觸發一場更激烈的戰鬥的話, 這場就該會是那場比賽:被輿論爆炒的熱火登門踢館來了。 Instead, the Lakers looked unprepared. This was the first time Bryant revealed his true feelings about the team in public, in words that would sound similar to what was said about the Lakers during and after the playoffs. 但和預想的激烈交鋒完全不同,湖人看上去就像全無準備一樣, 這也是Kobe第一次公開表達了他對於球隊的真實感覺, 那些話聽起來和他在季後賽期間以及此次季末訪問中所說的如出一轍: "I'm not frustrated. I'm just upset ... with how we're playing. We're not playing well at all. "我並不沮喪,只是有些失望……對於我們的表現,我們完全沒有打出好的表現。" "These games mean more to our opponents than they do to us. We need to get that straight. We need to play with more focus and with more importance to these games. I don't like it. "我們的對手們遠比我們重視這些比賽,我們也應該如此, 我們必須更專注,更重視這些比賽,我不喜歡我們球隊現在的態度。" "We know what we're capable of doing. That's the problem. We've been there before, we know what we have to do. It's kind of like, 'OK, we'll do it.' We need to get going here." "我們知道自己能做到什麼,而這就是問題所在,我們曾做到過了, 我們知道該做些什麼,這就有點像是:"好吧,反正我們會做到的。"這種心態, 我們必須真正行動起來才行。" Dec. 31: 102-98 victory over Philadelphia 76ers 12月31日:102-98擊敗費城七六人。 Appropriately, New Year's Eve was a time for looking back and projecting forward, with Jackson spending a lot of his pregame media session recalling the assembly of the old Chicago Bulls coaching staff and his hire there (he shaved his beard for the part), in addition to reiterating his lack of interest in coming back to coach after he retired. 通常來說,除夕是個回顧過去展望未來的好時間, 因此在賽前的媒體訪問中, Phil花了不少時間回憶從前芝加哥公牛的制服組以及他自己在那裡任教的種種回憶, (為此他還專門刮了鬍子),除此之外他也再度重申自己無意在退休後重新回來執教。 "I think I've put in my service time," Jackson said. "Everything's been done with the due diligence that I set out to do, especially with this organization. And I've coached about as long as I want to coach." "我想我的工作年限已經到了," Phil說, "該做到的每一件事我都已經做了,特別是在這支球隊, 我執教的時間也已經到達我所想要的極限了。" The game itself revealed the Lakers' problems with their new defensive scheme, which called for the big men to be more concerned with protecting the lane than with guards on the perimeter. One weakness the 76ers exploited was holes that led to easy midrange jumpers, something I was discussing with the 76ers' Elton Brand in the Staples Center hallway when a Lakers player came up behind us ... and agreed. He said there was still confusion about where people were supposed to go, who was supposed to make what rotation -- things that still weren't resolved when the Lakers were blitzed by the Mavericks in the final game as defenders looked at one another to determine who was responsible for running out on the shooter in 3-point range. 而當天的比賽本身則揭露了湖人新的防守策略中所存在的問題, 戰術中要求長人更大量的採取協防以保護內線,而不是在外線的後衛們。 七六人正是抓住了由此所產生的防守漏洞並持續輕鬆命中中距離跳投, 在湖人主場的球員走道裡,我和七六人隊的Elton Brand正討論到這個問題, 此時一名湖人球員正好從我們後面走了上來……並對我倆的看法表示贊同, 他說球員們對於究竟該怎麼跑位,該怎麼做好輪轉仍一頭霧水 - 而直到湖人在最後一場比賽中被小牛徹底射爆,這個問題依然沒有解決, 面對小牛的三分雨,湖人的防守球員們則只是面面相覷,而不知道該由誰跑出去封阻。 In his exit interview session with the media on Wednesday, Walton said, "As much as the defense we were trying this year, there was a lot of positive things about it, I don't think this team was ready for all that adjustment. I think we were just too inconsistent on the defensive end. Teams were getting too many open shots." 而在週三的季末採訪中,Walton說到: "本季我們在防守上嘗試了很多努力,也有很多積極的收穫, 但我認為球隊並沒有針對各種情況都做好相應的調整,我們在防守端實在太不穩定了, 對手面對我們的防守總是得到太多的空檔出手機會。" March 25: 112-104 victory over Clippers 3月25日:112-104擊敗快艇。 "It's kind of different than sitting out being injured, because you really should be playing. You don't have that legitimate problem." -- Andrew Bynum on serving a two-game suspension for decking Michael Beasley while Beasley was in the air on a baseline drive. "這和因傷坐在場邊有點不同,因為你本來該在場上打球的,你實際上不是不能打。" --Andrew Bynum 在談到自己因為在Michael Beasley底線切入時把他從空中直接打倒在地, 而被禁賽兩場時,Andrew這樣說。 Bynum will give his thoughts on returning after the sixth game next season, because he has to sit out the first five games for his cheap shot on Dallas' J.J. Barea in the fourth quarter of Game 4. It took Bynum two days to apologize, and it will take his getting all the way through next season without doing it again for us to believe that he's changed, just as it took until the final game this season for him to show he could stay on the court through the end of the season. 我們需要等到下賽季的第六場比賽之後才能聽到他新的禁賽感言了, 由於在和小牛第四戰的末節對J.J. Barea的愚蠢犯規,他被禁賽五場。 他在兩天之後才做出了道歉, 而現在他將需要用下賽季一整季的不再犯錯來讓我們相信他是真的改過了, 就像本賽季直到最後一場比賽, 他才向我們展示他確實能夠拋開舊傷陰霾,待在場上直到賽季終了。 This was the first time Bynum impacted games deep into the season; his defense and rebounding were the keys to the Lakers' 17-1 spurt in the second half of the season that was their only championship-level play in 2010-11. 這是Bynum第一次在賽季臨近尾聲時對球隊的表現的如此具有影響力, 他的防守和籃板是湖人在下半賽季打出一波17勝1負高潮的關鍵, 而那也是湖人在2010-11賽季唯一打出冠軍等級表現的唯一一段時間。 Still, he needs more maturity than what he displayed on the Barea play, and it would be nerve-racking for the Lakers to make Bynum their centerpiece for the future, not with his propensity to go down and grab his knee on seemingly a weekly basis, even when he turns out fine. 儘管如此,他依舊需要變得更成熟一些,而不是像他對Barea那樣胡搞。 如果湖人打算把他作為未來的建隊核心的話,那將會是件被視作阻力的事情, 更別提他幾乎是每周都會出現的倒地 > 抓著膝蓋的場景, 即使最後沒出什麼大問題。 He'll be the focal point of any Dwight Howard trade talk -- "It doesn't matter to me," he said of having his name in trade speculation -- and although the belief is that Jim Buss would be reluctant to part with the player he is credited with drafting, if that's the cost of Howard, so be it. 在任何涉及魔獸的交易傳聞中,他都會是討論的焦點 -- "對我來說沒什麼問題,”對於他的名字可能出現在交易中,Andrew如此說 -- 雖然大家都相信Jim Buss不會輕易和他在選秀中所相中的球員分道揚鑣, 但若是這樣能換來魔獸的話,那就速度吧。 We'll give Bryant next season, his first full season back from surgery, to see whether he can get close to his former level. But if he can't, the Lakers need someone better than he is to be their best player, and Howard ranked ahead of Bryant in this year's MVP voting and had more big playoff games. 下個賽季將是Kobe從手術中恢復後的第一個完整賽季,我們會多給他些時間, 繼續觀察他是否能恢復到接近以前的水準。 但如果他不能的話,湖人就需要一個比現在的他更好些的人來作為他們的王牌球員, Howard在今年的MVP評選中排在Kobe之前,而且在季後賽也表現得更好。 Bryant is already eager to prove that the people who think he's done are wrong. He is 32 -- the same age Michael Jordan was when he was eager to prove he still had it after his ouster from the 1995 playoffs in the second round. The difference is, Bryant already has played 1,103 regular-season NBA games and 208 playoff games at this age, while Jordan had played only 684 and 121. And although Jordan returned to his old level, it took the Bulls' acquisition of Dennis Rodman for the team to return to championship contention. The Lakers need to make a similar major move. Kobe已經迫不及待地想要證明那些說他已經不行了的人是錯的,他現在32歲 -- 和Michael Jordan在1995年的季後賽第二輪出局後迫切想要證明他還能行的年紀一樣, 這其中的區別是:Kobe已經打了1103場季賽以及208場季後賽, 而Jordan當時的數據是684場季賽和121場季後賽。 而儘管喬丹最終成功恢復到了他原有的水準, 公牛還是在得到Dennis Rodman之後才算是真正返回了爭冠的行列, 所以湖人也需要做出類似的改變才行。 April 22: 100-86 victory over Hornets 4月22日:100-86擊敗黃蜂。 Before the morning shootaround, Kobe looked over at the iPod that Odom had placed on the seat between them. Bryant picked up the headphones, listened in and nodded approvingly. 在清晨的投籃練習開始前,Kobe看了看Odom放在他們座位間的iPod, 然後戴上耳機聽了起來,邊聽邊讚許的點著頭, "That was Gang Starr playing," Odom said. "那是Gang Starr的歌",Odom說, "I haven't heard Gang Starr in a minute," Bryant said. "我有一段時間沒聽他們的歌了。" Kobe回答。 I contrasted that with the scene when Guru, the MC of the Gang Starr hip-hop duo that had its heyday in the 1990s, died almost exactly a year earlier. I asked Kevin Durant for his thoughts on Guru's passing, and Durant had never heard of him. 我想起了另一個可說是與之形成鮮明對比的場景: 當我問起Kevin Durant他對Guru過世的看法時,他壓根就沒聽說過這個人; (註:Guru是20世紀90年代紅極一時的嘻哈組合Gang Starr的成員, 負責作詞,在差不多一年前逝世。) Bryant and Odom are of an older NBA generation. The league is about to be taken over by the next wave. Derrick Rose is the Most Valuable Player at age 22. LeBron James got past the Celtics blockade. Kevin Durant is learning how to win road playoff games. Kobe和Odom都算是NBA裡的前輩了,而聯盟正在逐漸轉交到下一輩的手上, Rose在22歲就成為了MVP,LBJ終於突破了賽爾提克的封鎖, Durant則在學著怎樣在季後賽的客場贏得勝利。 The Lakers kept pointing out that they lost to a Dallas team that was even older than they were. But the Dallas team was fresher, having been repeatedly ousted in the first round of the playoffs. And the Mavericks were more cohesive. 湖人們反覆指出的一點是:他們事實上輸給了一支給他們更老的球隊 -達拉斯小牛。 但對於季後賽經驗來說,小牛們更為"新鮮",因為他們在前幾年屢次在一輪被淘汰, 而且達拉斯小牛的球員有著遠勝湖人的凝聚力。 "We had too many breakdowns, and they just were adding up to the point that we seemed like we barely knew each other the last game," Gasol said. "我們之間問題很多,而他們更是把這些問題進一步給放大了,最後一場比賽, 我們彼此之間表現得就像陌生人一樣。" Gasol說。 They might get a new coach they don't know. New teammates, perhaps. The entire league will be operating under new salary and payroll rules, perhaps drastically different, whenever a new collective bargaining agreement is reached. 也許將會有一名他們不知道的新教練來帶隊,也許還會有新的隊友。 不管新的勞資協議到底何時能出爐,整個聯盟將會在全新的薪資規則下運作, 那可能將會帶來巨大的差異。 Just as it was probably time for Jackson to leave, as he was nearing the expiration point any coach reaches when he's been around the same group of players for multiple years, it's time for change in Lakerland. This is a place where plastic surgeons transform bodies and the earth itself shifts on occasion. Why should the marquee franchise that is the unifying hobby for this widespread diverse city be any different? 也許就像Phil確實是時候離開了,就像任何一個執教了同一支隊伍太多年的教練一樣, 是時候改變一下湖人了。 這就像整形外科醫生改變人體外貌或是地球自行改變著自己風貌一般, 那為何這支在這光怪陸離的大都市裡廣受喜愛的豪門球隊不呢? "One thing I learned in L.A., every offseason is pretty wild here," said Walton, a veteran of eight years. "There's never really any dead offseasons as a Laker. I've been lucky enough to make it through all of them. It's crazy around here. And I think this summer is building up to be the craziest." "我在洛杉磯學到的一件事是:每一個休賽季都很瘋狂,”Walton -- 這個8年老兵說, "作為一個湖人,真正的所謂 "休" 賽季是不存在的,對我來說, 經歷許多後還能在這裡非常幸運,而我想今年夏天將會是最瘋狂的一次。" -- I LOVE this team. -- 洛城 ███◣ 浪子 Los Angeles Boys ◢██◣ █ █ ◥█ φlin798183 ██ ██◤ █ ██◤ █◤◢█ █◣ ◢ ██◤ ◥ ◤ █ █ ◤ ◥█ ███◣ ███◤ ◢██ ◥██ ◢█◤ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/19 07:49, , 1F
05/19 07:49, 1F

05/19 07:55, , 2F
05/19 07:55, 2F

05/19 08:27, , 3F
05/19 08:27, 3F

05/19 08:30, , 4F
好長的文章阿,辛苦了。 LUKE最後那段還蠻中肯的。
05/19 08:30, 4F

05/19 08:40, , 5F
05/19 08:40, 5F

05/19 08:43, , 6F
05/19 08:43, 6F

05/19 08:46, , 7F
05/19 08:46, 7F
※ 編輯: LABOYS 來自: (05/19 08:48)

05/19 09:01, , 8F
05/19 09:01, 8F

05/19 09:14, , 9F
05/19 09:14, 9F

05/19 09:29, , 10F
05/19 09:29, 10F

05/19 10:07, , 11F
05/19 10:07, 11F

05/19 10:09, , 12F
終於看完了.. 推外電
05/19 10:09, 12F

05/19 10:10, , 13F
期許湖人其他隊員也能有Kobe的態度 !!
05/19 10:10, 13F

05/19 10:17, , 14F
05/19 10:17, 14F

05/19 11:23, , 15F
05/19 11:23, 15F

05/19 11:24, , 16F
八年老兵... 但是有打到完整四年嗎... 冏...
05/19 11:24, 16F

05/19 11:42, , 17F
05/19 11:42, 17F

05/19 11:49, , 18F
05/19 11:49, 18F

05/19 11:49, , 19F
05/19 11:49, 19F

05/19 11:50, , 20F
05/19 11:50, 20F

05/19 11:53, , 21F
好長的文章 推推
05/19 11:53, 21F

05/19 11:56, , 22F
05/19 11:56, 22F

05/19 12:04, , 23F
辛苦了 給推 翻譯很棒!!
05/19 12:04, 23F

05/19 12:08, , 24F
05/19 12:08, 24F

05/19 12:27, , 25F
05/19 12:27, 25F

05/19 12:41, , 26F
05/19 12:41, 26F

05/19 12:45, , 27F
看完 推!
05/19 12:45, 27F

05/19 12:59, , 28F
05/19 12:59, 28F

05/19 13:00, , 29F
05/19 13:00, 29F

05/19 13:16, , 30F
似乎責怪Kobe缺席影響團隊訓練那一段, 讓我看了有火!
05/19 13:16, 30F

05/19 13:19, , 31F
看標題就笑了....是在演CSI嗎 XD
05/19 13:19, 31F

05/19 13:27, , 32F
05/19 13:27, 32F

05/19 13:27, , 33F
05/19 13:27, 33F

05/19 13:28, , 34F
05/19 13:28, 34F

05/19 13:29, , 35F
05/19 13:29, 35F

05/19 13:35, , 36F
Luke真的是站著茅坑不拉屎的最佳典範 如果有人上司像他這
05/19 13:35, 36F

05/19 13:35, , 37F
款 不被下面的幹死才怪
05/19 13:35, 37F

05/19 14:02, , 38F
05/19 14:02, 38F

05/19 14:16, , 39F
05/19 14:16, 39F

05/19 14:16, , 40F
05/19 14:16, 40F

05/19 14:28, , 41F
05/19 14:28, 41F

05/19 14:49, , 42F
看到標題嚇了一跳 以為發生什麼命案 不過被4-0也滿像的
05/19 14:49, 42F

05/19 15:39, , 43F
推 好看的文章
05/19 15:39, 43F

05/19 15:49, , 44F
KB少團練說的很清楚因為膝蓋球隊計畫讓他少練 而他沒
05/19 15:49, 44F

05/19 15:50, , 45F
05/19 15:50, 45F

05/19 16:09, , 46F
只能在場邊治療真是該死 害慘全隊... 這是職業的喔~
05/19 16:09, 46F

05/19 16:10, , 47F
05/19 16:10, 47F

05/19 16:13, , 48F
還是被動性的? 這也是考驗團隊向心力之一
05/19 16:13, 48F

05/19 18:13, , 49F
05/19 18:13, 49F

05/19 21:21, , 50F
05/19 21:21, 50F

05/19 21:44, , 51F
05/19 21:44, 51F

05/19 21:45, , 52F
防守方面不斷做調整...但可惜的是最後還是沒能確立 球員間
05/19 21:45, 52F

05/19 21:45, , 53F
也有點迷惑 且心態上沒2年前積極,導致最後我們與紀錄差肩而
05/19 21:45, 53F

05/19 21:46, , 54F
過 明年再努力吧...在希望球隊凝聚力要回來~傷兵每隊都有
05/19 21:46, 54F

05/19 21:47, , 55F
重點是自己該做要做 別偷懶 誰都一樣
05/19 21:47, 55F

05/20 00:03, , 56F
05/20 00:03, 56F

05/20 00:13, , 57F
Luke沒這麼不堪用吧 應該是被冰壞了
05/20 00:13, 57F

05/20 00:36, , 58F
05/20 00:36, 58F

05/20 00:53, , 59F
推翻譯 挺替Kobe不高興的 就像原文說的隊友不同調
05/20 00:53, 59F

05/20 13:22, , 60F
超長 謝謝翻譯~
05/20 13:22, 60F

05/20 13:40, , 61F
05/20 13:40, 61F

05/20 14:31, , 62F
05/20 14:31, 62F

05/20 14:50, , 63F
謝謝分享 辛苦了
05/20 14:50, 63F
LABOYS:轉錄至看板 NBA 05/21 03:52

05/23 11:32, , 64F
05/23 11:32, 64F

08/08 13:55, , 65F
好長的文章阿,辛苦了。 https://noxiv.com
08/08 13:55, 65F

09/11 05:32, , 66F
推,Luke其實都有講 https://daxiv.com
09/11 05:32, 66F

12/11 20:19, 5年前 , 67F
也不用生氣啦..我覺得 https://muxiv.com
12/11 20:19, 67F
文章代碼(AID): #1Dr5XHpE (Lakers)