[外絮] 湖人對Adelman非常感興趣

看板Lakers作者 (酒吞童子)時間13年前 (2011/05/13 09:16), 編輯推噓48(48034)
留言82則, 48人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
http://sports.espn.go.com/los-angeles/nba/news/story?id=6534904 The Los Angeles Lakers' search for Phil Jackson's replacement is just beginning, but NBA coaching sources on Thursday described the Lakers as "very interested" in Rick Adelman as a candidate for the position. 湖人才剛開始尋找替Phil Jackson接棒的新教練人選,但NBA教練內線 指出湖人對Adelman感到非常有興趣。 Lakers assistant coach Brian Shaw has the public endorsement of Kobe Bryant and is regarded as by far the strongest in-house candidate for the position. 湖人助理教練Brian Shaw已獲得Kobe當眾的支持,目前也被認為是最有 力的內部教練人選。 Yet sources say Lakers officials are intrigued by the Adelman option, not only because of his history of success in Portland, Sacramento and Houston but also his reputation for thriving with veteran teams and the similarities between Adelman's "corner" offense and Jackson's "triangle" offense. 但消息來源指出湖人制服組對Adelman垂涎三尺,不只是因他在拓荒者 、國王與火箭的成功經驗,同時也因為他向來以執教老手球隊而聞名, 以及Adelman採用的Corner進攻陣勢與Phil Jackson的三角進攻極為相 近。 Beyond Shaw and Adelman, sources said, L.A.'s list of potential targets is only just taking shape. 湖人在Shaw與Adelman之外的可能教練人選仍在成形之中。 ESPN.com reported in March that the Lakers have maintained a level of interest in former Rockets and New York Knicks coach Jeff Van Gundy dating to last season, when Jackson also strongly considered retirement before deciding to come back for one more season. ESPN在三月就報導了湖人從上一季就對前火箭及尼克教練Jeff Van Gundy 很有興趣,當時Phil Jackson已萌生退休之意,最後才決定回來執教最 後一季。 Former Clippers coach Mike Dunleavy will also be considered, the Los Angeles Times' Mark Heisler reported earlier this week via Twitter. Dunleavy coached the Lakers for two seasons in the early 1990s and has maintained a friendship with Lakers owner Jerry Buss and son Jim Buss, who serves as the club's executive vice president of player personnel. 前快艇教練Mike Dunleavy也在人選之列,他曾在九零年代初期執教過 湖人兩季,與湖人老闆Jerry Buss及其子Jim Buss保持友好關係,後者 是湖人主掌球員管理的執行副總。 L.A.'s decision-making chain of command when it comes to choosing Jackson's replacement is Jim Buss, Jerry Buss and general manager Mitch Kupchak, ESPN.com's J.A. Adande reported after the Lakers were swept Sunday by Dallas. "In that order," one source told Adande. 湖人挑選新教練的命令系統,由上至下依序是Jim Buss、Jerry Buss、 總管Mitch Kupchak。 In his postseason sitdown with reporters Wednesday, Kupchak said: "We'd like to be deliberate. In Los Angeles, typically we hire coaches and they stick with us for a long time and hopefully win championships. So we'll take our time in making that decision." Kupchak在湖人出局後表示:「我們希望更加深思熟慮。在湖人,我們 聘請教練後不會輕易更換人選。所以我們希望不要急著作出決定。」 Lakers co-captain Derek Fisher and veteran forward Luke Walton have joined Bryant in registering support for Shaw, but it remains to be seen if the Busses are prepared to replace the most successful coach in history with a first-time NBA head coach. 湖人隊長Fisher與前鋒老手Luke Walton也加入Kobe一同支持Shaw就任 新教練,但老闆Buss家族是否願意以一名新秀教練替代NBA史上最成功 的教練,這點尚有待觀察。 Adelman, 64, has never won a championship and is best remembered in Lakerland as coach of the Sacramento team that took a 3-2 series lead over L.A. in the heated and controversial 2002 Western Conference finals before the Kings lost in seven games. But his reputation as a player's coach with a pleasing-to-the-eye offense would appear to make him a better fit than other top veteran coaches available -- such as Van Gundy, Jerry Sloan or Larry Brown -- because of the Buss family's well-known fondness for entertaining basketball. 現年64歲的Adelman雖然從未抱得冠軍金盃,但就湖人角度來看,他在 2002年西區決賽率領國王隊以3:2優勢領先湖人隊,雖然最後七戰落敗 ,但其事蹟依然深植人心。而他向來被視為贏得球員芳心的教練,也擅 於執教賞心悅目的進攻,讓他顯得比市場上任何老牌教練──諸如Van Gundy、Jerry Sloan或Larry Brown──都更適合這支球隊,因為Buss 家族向來偏好具娛樂性的籃球打法。 In four seasons with the injury-plagued Rockets, Adelman posted a record of 193-135 for a .588 winning percentage and helped Houston extend the Lakers to seven games in the second round of the 2009 playoffs despite the absence of Yao Ming for most of the series. Adelman's career record is 945-616, which puts him eighth in all-time victories and includes two trips to the NBA Finals with Portland, as well as one unsuccessful stint with Golden State between his jobs with the Blazers and Kings. 在他執教傷病纏繞的火箭隊的四年內,Adelman打造出193勝135敗、勝 率0.588的戰績,也在2009年季後賽與湖人一路血戰至第七場比賽,儘 管頭號戰將姚明在大半系列戰中高掛免戰牌。Adelman執教生涯戰績為 945勝616敗,在NBA史上排名第八,並率領拓荒者隊兩度打入NBA決賽, 而在他執教拓荒者與國王之間,曾在勇士隊有過一次不成功的執教經驗。 -- │ http://movie.yatta.com.tw/亞達電影館臉書粉絲團http://www.facebook.com/YattaMovie │ -- ※ 編輯: Quiff 來自: (05/13 09:16)

05/13 09:17, , 1F
05/13 09:17, 1F

05/13 09:19, , 2F
快來 但請找一個會防守的助教
05/13 09:19, 2F

05/13 09:20, , 3F
05/13 09:20, 3F

05/13 09:20, , 4F
Shaw繼續任職教練團或出去磨練吧XD Adelman大好!!~~~
05/13 09:20, 4F

05/13 09:20, , 5F
Shaw當教練 實質上就是kobe藤真化。
05/13 09:20, 5F

05/13 09:21, , 6F
05/13 09:21, 6F

05/13 09:21, , 7F
05/13 09:21, 7F

05/13 09:26, , 8F
我也喜歡Adelman 他來的話 Gasol就不會走了 他喜歡這種全
05/13 09:26, 8F

05/13 09:26, , 9F
05/13 09:26, 9F

05/13 09:28, , 10F
05/13 09:28, 10F

05/13 09:28, , 11F
Adelman:白色韋伯培養計畫 啟動~~~
05/13 09:28, 11F

05/13 09:29, , 12F
湖人打4 corner? 非常期待怎麼打
05/13 09:29, 12F

05/13 09:32, , 13F
05/13 09:32, 13F

05/13 09:35, , 14F
05/13 09:35, 14F

05/13 09:37, , 15F
05/13 09:37, 15F

05/13 09:37, , 16F
05/13 09:37, 16F

05/13 09:41, , 17F
我也希望是Adelman Shaw當總教應該會被Kobe控制哈哈
05/13 09:41, 17F

05/13 10:02, , 18F
Adelman > Shaw > Van Gandy
05/13 10:02, 18F

05/13 10:03, , 19F
05/13 10:03, 19F

05/13 10:15, , 20F
05/13 10:15, 20F

05/13 10:17, , 21F
Van Gandy是當年尼克老八傳奇的教練嗎?
05/13 10:17, 21F

05/13 10:19, , 22F
05/13 10:19, 22F

05/13 10:33, , 23F
05/13 10:33, 23F

05/13 10:34, , 24F
+1 不希望老是看到24號戰術 = =
05/13 10:34, 24F

05/13 10:41, , 25F
阿泰早就變成紳士了 我比較想看Gasol變成一個莽漢
05/13 10:41, 25F

05/13 10:44, , 26F
05/13 10:44, 26F

05/13 10:46, , 27F
不支持Shaw 和球員太麻吉會管不動球星的
05/13 10:46, 27F

05/13 10:47, , 28F
05/13 10:47, 28F

05/13 11:02, , 29F
05/13 11:02, 29F

05/13 11:08, , 30F
loquito:Shaw當教練 實質上就是kobe藤真化 XDDD
05/13 11:08, 30F

05/13 11:10, , 31F
05/13 11:10, 31F

05/13 11:20, , 32F
05/13 11:20, 32F

05/13 11:22, , 33F
05/13 11:22, 33F

05/13 11:22, , 34F
05/13 11:22, 34F

05/13 11:23, , 35F
05/13 11:23, 35F

05/13 11:25, , 36F
05/13 11:25, 36F

05/13 11:26, , 37F
05/13 11:26, 37F

05/13 11:26, , 38F
05/13 11:26, 38F

05/13 11:26, , 39F
05/13 11:26, 39F

05/13 11:27, , 40F
05/13 11:27, 40F

05/13 11:27, , 41F
Adelman不錯阿 尤其是湖人季末進攻大當機
05/13 11:27, 41F

05/13 11:27, , 42F
05/13 11:27, 42F

05/13 11:27, , 43F
不過 還得先解決外線不準的問題 不然戰術跑出來也沒用
05/13 11:27, 43F

05/13 11:27, , 44F
考慮到KB已經老了 退化了...也是時候要改變打法,更多的
05/13 11:27, 44F

05/13 11:27, , 45F
05/13 11:27, 45F

05/13 11:28, , 46F
05/13 11:28, 46F

05/13 11:28, , 47F
KB變不出戲法來 = GG明明應該是06 07年的遺毒才對。
05/13 11:28, 47F

05/13 11:28, , 48F
05/13 11:28, 48F

05/13 11:30, , 49F
不用幻想教皇了 最多是記者無聊填版面吧
05/13 11:30, 49F

05/13 11:31, , 50F
AK47勉強算3 4號的搖擺人吧 而他在教皇的進攻系統表現普普
05/13 11:31, 50F

05/13 12:01, , 51F
05/13 12:01, 51F

05/13 12:06, , 52F
05/13 12:06, 52F

05/13 12:21, , 53F
他在火箭帶過阿太阿 沒問題的~
05/13 12:21, 53F

05/13 12:46, , 54F
05/13 12:46, 54F

05/13 13:05, , 55F
Adelman +1
05/13 13:05, 55F

05/13 13:35, , 56F
05/13 13:35, 56F

05/13 15:48, , 57F
05/13 15:48, 57F

05/13 15:52, , 58F
支持矮豆人 快來
05/13 15:52, 58F

05/13 17:13, , 59F
05/13 17:13, 59F

05/13 17:21, , 60F
火箭今年開季那成績真的有夠爛..最後還五成左右 猛
05/13 17:21, 60F

05/13 17:47, , 61F
Adelman +1 不然 真的Kobe藤真化
05/13 17:47, 61F

05/13 17:54, , 62F
Adelman +1 Shaw頂多是弱化的Phil
05/13 17:54, 62F

05/13 18:30, , 63F
05/13 18:30, 63F

05/13 20:16, , 64F
05/13 20:16, 64F

05/13 21:38, , 65F
05/13 21:38, 65F

05/13 22:27, , 66F
雖然沒有教皇的乳摸 但是教皇跟矮豆人大家想要誰?
05/13 22:27, 66F

05/13 22:55, , 67F
如果不快點定下來的話 最後還不如給Shaw
05/13 22:55, 67F

05/13 23:05, , 68F
如果三連霸 我想就是Shaw 因為不用太大改變就延續王朝
05/13 23:05, 68F

05/13 23:05, , 69F
這次摔這麼慘 我看Shaw已經出局了
05/13 23:05, 69F

05/14 00:24, , 70F
早點把帥位定一定 盡早開始練球就好
05/14 00:24, 70F

05/14 00:24, , 71F
如果明年再沒有 大概就蓋棺了
05/14 00:24, 71F

05/14 09:37, , 72F
他來 把Gasol變成Divac也好
05/14 09:37, 72F

05/14 09:39, , 73F
要變Divac 先不論要多油條演技多好 也不能太軟@@
05/14 09:39, 73F

05/14 09:41, , 74F
Divac也沒多硬啊 XD
05/14 09:41, 74F

05/14 09:42, , 75F
05/14 09:42, 75F

05/14 11:03, , 76F
Adelman: Gasol->Divac Odom->CW4 ???->Peja
05/14 11:03, 76F

05/14 11:07, , 77F
Artest 矮豆仁:...
05/14 11:07, 77F

05/14 11:41, , 78F
KOBE當配甲就好 把重心放三分吧~
05/14 11:41, 78F

05/14 12:20, , 79F
老魚->Bibby ?
05/14 12:20, 79F

08/08 13:55, , 80F
火箭今年開季那成績真的 https://noxiv.com
08/08 13:55, 80F

09/11 05:31, , 81F
有興趣+1 https://daxiv.com
09/11 05:31, 81F

12/11 20:19, 5年前 , 82F
他在火箭帶過阿太阿 沒 https://muxiv.com
12/11 20:19, 82F
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