[外電] Lakers on the ropes against Maverick …

看板Lakers作者 (Tempo很難跟)時間13年前 (2011/05/06 14:58), 編輯推噓20(20012)
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完整原文:http://0rz.tw/z9PP0 (有誤譯還請指正)(轉發節錄請告知!) By Mike Bresnahan May 4, 2011, 11:49 p.m. First there was disbelief. Then came the anger. 先是不敢置信。後來是火冒三丈。 Neither emotion had appeared much at Staples Center in recent years, but they each made up for lost time Wednesday, as boos followed Pau Gasol around the court and the Lakers staggered stunningly close to an early playoff flameout. 湖人家裡已經很久沒有人被噓了,球迷卻在今天不留情的對Gasol還有季後賽持續起伏不定 的表現表達抗議。 Lakers fans turned their backs on their team with two minutes to play, heading for the exits for possibly the last time at home in the Phil Jackson era. 這場有可能成為’後禪師時代’最後一場在家的比賽,儘管只剩最後兩分鐘,球迷只想轉身 找球場的出口。 Those that stayed until the smoldering end looked up at the scoreboard, took in the Lakers' 93-81 loss to the Dallas Mavericks, and donated more boos. 撐下來的看完慘烈比賽那些球迷,看著記分板清清楚楚寫著湖人93-81輸掉第二戰,只好獻 出更多的噓聲。 The Mavericks lead the Western Conference semifinals, 2-0, and they're headed home for Games 3 and 4 in the best-of-seven series. 小牛在西區準決賽就這樣2比0領先,還可以回主場打第三第四戰。 The Lakers lost the first two games of a series 19 times since moving to Los Angeles and came back to win it only once, in the 1969 West semifinals against Golden State. 湖人自移師洛杉磯以來有19次在系列戰輸掉前兩場的記錄,只有1969年的西區準決賽對勇士 那次有贏回來。 Somewhere, Mark Cuban is smiling. Actually, he was behind the Mavericks' bench, smiling. 在某個角落,一位名叫Mark Cuban的人在微笑。 好吧,其實是小牛的老闆,坐在板凳區附近,微笑著Where to begin? With Gasol, for sure. 先鞭誰好呢?理所當然是Gasol。 He continued his wilted postseason with 13 points and 10 rebounds, making five of 12 shots and three of six from the free-throw line. 他持續頹靡得季後賽手感,今天以13分10籃板作收。12頭中5加上6投進3的罰球。 The third quarter, when the Lakers scored only 13 points, marked a new low for him. Lakers fans let him have it. 第三節湖人只得13分,為慶祝Gasol創下個人新低,湖人球迷大肆發出噓聲。 DeShawn Stevenson blocked his shot from behind, and then Gasol missed badly on a mid-range jumper up top, leading to a host of boos. Stevenson從後面賞他鍋子,加上Gasol一個離奇的中距離跳投,惹來更多無情的噓聲。 This was the guy with 19 points and 18 rebounds in Game 7 of the NBA Finals against Boston? The one who reinvigorated a franchise after being acquired from Memphis? The player who was the 1B to Kobe Bryant's 1A on two championship runs? Yes, yes and yes. 這是那個去年總決賽第七戰對上塞爾提克有19分18籃板的傢伙?是的。 也是那個從灰熊過來之後活化球隊中心的傢伙?沒錯。 同時是那個和kobe的完美搭配贏了兩個冠軍的傢伙?不要再問了。是他沒錯。 Jackson said there were "weird things" and "gremlins" in Gasol's game. Phil Jackson說Gasol打球變的奇怪也不太順。 "Wish I could have been more productive," Gasol said. "Wish I could have been more effective. Some plays I should have finished better, but I tried my best." “真希望我能夠貢獻多一點分數”Gasol說:”真希望我能更有效率, 有些球我應該可以做得更好,但是我已經盡力了。” With Gasol a non-factor and atrocious three-point shooting , the Lakers had few options beyond Bryant and Andrew Bynum. Bryant had 23 points on nine-for-20 shooting. Bynum had 18 points and 13 rebounds. 有了Gasol跟駭人聽聞的三分球,湖人除了Kobe 和Bynum之外沒別的人堪用。 Kobe 20投9中繳出23分,Bynum繳出18分13籃板。 Bynum apparently wanted the ball more often, ominously referring to "trust issues." He made eight of 11 shots. 手感不錯的Bynum11投8中,但是顯然想要更多的出手機會,他幽幽的說:”信任危機”。 "We have to come out and discuss them or things won't change," Bynum said. "It's quite obvious if you watch the game. Hesitation on passes, defensively not being there for a teammate because he wasn't there for you before. Little things." “我們必須要好好討論一下這些問題,不然事情是不會改變的” Bynum說:”如果你有看比賽就知道了,傳球變的猶豫,也不幫隊友協防。” The Lakers made only two of 20 three-point tries. Steve Blake was 0 for 5, all from long distance. 湖人20個三分只投進2顆。Black投了5球都沒進。 "We've been playing with fire for the last three years, dropping games on our own home floor," Bryant said. "We finally got what we deserved. Dropped two." “我們這三年一直都在玩火阿,在主場輸球”。 Bryant說:”只不過這次終於吃到苦頭了,連輸兩場。” The Lakers couldn't even lament a lost 16-point lead. Their biggest edge in Game 2 was only four points. 湖人甚至不覺得上一場領先16分卻輸掉的比賽有什麼好惋惜的,第二戰最多只贏4分。 "I plan on flogging them [Thursday]," Jackson said. “我是打算要鞭打他們啦。” Phil Jackson說。 The only memorable part of Ron Artest's night was getting ejected after picking up his second technical foul with 24.4 seconds left. In a play that will be carefully reviewed by the NBA office, Artest smacked Jose Barea across the face with his forearm as the diminutive guard dribbled upcourt. Artest在這場比賽唯一的記憶點是在最後24.4秒,為了二個技術犯規被趕出場。 NBA會仔細評估Artest用手巴Barea那一記。 Jackson acknowledged there was a "good chance" Artest would be suspended. Phil Jackson說Artest第三場很有可能無法上場。 (現在已經確定無法上場) Meanwhile, Dirk Nowitzki continued to drill holes in the Lakers, scoring 24 points on nine-for-16 shooting. Nowitzki持續在場上踩著湖人的痛點,16投9中繳出24分。 "Dirk's one of the hardest guys to guard in the history of basketball," Dallas Coach Rick Carlisle said. “Dirk是NBA史上最難防守的的幾個人之一呢。”小牛的教練Rick Carlisle如是說。 Jackson has been chronologically working his way through his championship ring collection, wearing a different one each game. On Wednesday, he put on the one from 2000, his first title with the Lakers. Phil Jackson一直持續蒐集他的NBA冠軍戒,他每一場比賽都會帶不同的戒指。這場比賽他 戴上第一個跟湖人一起拼到的2000年冠軍戒。 At this rate, he might not even get past the 2002 ring. 按照這個速度看來,很有可能戴到2002年的那個戒指之後就回家了。 Bryant tried to sound optimistic. Bryant試著讓自己聽起來很樂觀: "If you want to make history," he said, "you have to do historic things." “要創造歷史的話”他說:”就要創造史詩般的劇情。” (看了訪問片段,KB講完這句話全場一片安靜。) (心灰意冷地花30分鐘翻完,請多指教見諒。) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/06 15:02, , 1F
推XD Gasol加油啊 老二也是 我覺得老二會大爆發
05/06 15:02, 1F

05/06 15:02, , 2F
淚推 翻的好
05/06 15:02, 2F

05/06 15:02, , 3F
05/06 15:02, 3F

05/06 15:03, , 4F
阿泰禁賽影響很大 不過有咩棒 加油
05/06 15:03, 4F

05/06 15:05, , 5F
有點好奇 老大有被噓過嗎
05/06 15:05, 5F

05/06 15:06, , 6F
沒有為隊友協防只因為他之前沒為你協防, 是這樣說嗎
05/06 15:06, 6F
改囉~謝謝~ defensively是副詞的話,應該是指個打個不肯傳,不過我也不知道怎麼翻比較順捏...

05/06 15:06, , 7F
05/06 15:06, 7F

05/06 15:06, , 8F
你會不知道?Trade me後第一場比賽
05/06 15:06, 8F

05/06 15:07, , 9F
05/06 15:07, 9F

05/06 15:07, , 10F
希望 Gasol 也能如此啊!~
05/06 15:07, 10F

05/06 15:07, , 11F
05/06 15:07, 11F

05/06 15:07, , 12F
05/06 15:07, 12F

05/06 15:08, , 13F
湖人以前是在玩什麼火 我怎麼沒有印象
05/06 15:08, 13F

05/06 15:12, , 14F
讓球迷歸藍趴火 這倒是蠻常見
05/06 15:12, 14F

05/06 15:12, , 15F
常看比賽就知道啊 第四節初都會玩很大 敗分是常態
05/06 15:12, 15F

05/06 15:12, , 16F
05/06 15:12, 16F

05/06 15:16, , 17F
\( ︶︿︶)_╭╯# (啪)(#〒_〒) your best?
05/06 15:16, 17F

05/06 15:19, , 18F
Losers always whisper about their best.
05/06 15:19, 18F

05/06 15:21, , 19F
05/06 15:21, 19F

05/06 15:23, , 20F
老二也很慘 還有Kobe的數據就只能這樣了嘛...?
05/06 15:23, 20F

05/06 15:33, , 21F
05/06 15:33, 21F

05/06 15:33, , 22F
05/06 15:33, 22F

05/06 15:34, , 23F
Yoda: Do or do not, there is no try. (過人灌籃)
05/06 15:34, 23F

05/06 15:34, , 24F
才叫暫停 小黑耶穌整個信心崩潰了,香農無限開火~也沒啥調整
05/06 15:34, 24F

05/06 17:08, , 25F
05/06 17:08, 25F

05/06 17:08, , 26F
05/06 17:08, 26F
※ 編輯: sheekat 來自: (05/06 17:32)

05/06 17:36, , 27F
05/06 17:36, 27F

05/06 21:17, , 28F
05/06 21:17, 28F

05/07 00:57, , 29F
05/07 00:57, 29F

05/07 01:57, , 30F
05/07 01:57, 30F

08/08 13:49, , 31F
看到Gasol說他盡力 https://noxiv.com
08/08 13:49, 31F

09/11 05:27, , 32F
推XD Gasol加油 https://daxiv.com
09/11 05:27, 32F
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