[外電] The try-ankle offense works for Kobe …

看板Lakers作者 (乳乳)時間13年前 (2011/04/27 15:50), 編輯推噓39(39035)
留言74則, 33人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
Take all the criticism of Kobe Bryant — shoots too much, hard on his teammates, smiles once a generation — and crumple it into a wad the size of a basketball. 我們先來聽聽Kobe常常受到的批評,濫投、對隊友不和善、又好像很高傲似的 鮮少露出笑容。諸如此類的批評如果把它揉起來應該可以比一顆籃球還大。 After all, the guy plays hard. And hurt. 但這個球員在球場上可是很拼命的。 Bryant had 19 points and two dunks suitable for framing as he poked and prodded the Lakers to a 106-90 victory Tuesday over the New Orleans Hornets at Staples Center. Kobe今晚得到19分,其中還有兩個爆扣。當然他的優異表現也幫助湖人以106-90在 主場取得了第五戰的勝利。 Bryant somehow shot better with one good ankle (eight for 13, 62%) than he did the first four games (42%) as the Lakers took a 3-2 lead in the first-round playoff series. 雖然上一戰Kobe扭傷了腳踝,但他頂著傷勢繳出了8-13的成績單,62%的命中率可是比 他前四戰的平均42%高了不少呢。 If the Lakers win Game 6 in New Orleans on Thursday, they won't play again until next Monday. 如果G6湖人可以拿下來,那到下星期一之前湖人都沒有比賽,這樣Kobe就可以好好 養傷了。 He walked out of New Orleans Arena on a pair of aluminum crutches on Sunday night and appeared to be walking stiffly when he arrived a couple of hours before Game 5. Kobe星期天是靠著兩把枴杖走出黃烽主場的,但在G5開始的前幾個小時他走進體育館 的腳步卻很穩定。 To the end, he rebuffed the team's demand that he get an MRI exam and X-rays. 稍早之前,Kobe斷然拒絕球隊要求他去造MRI和X-rays。 Hey, whatever works, apparently. 至少今天看起來他的腳好多了。 "Did it look like his ankle was hurting?" New Orleans Coach Monty Williams said sarcastically. "你覺得他看起來有受傷嗎?" 黃蜂教練Monty Williams很諷刺的表示 Out of nowhere, as the Lakers languished yet again against the undermanned Hornets, Bryant drove down the middle and dunked over center Emeka Okafor in the second quarter. 第二節時,儘管湖人面對的是少了主將的黃蜂隊卻依舊打得很懶散。Kobe用行動來表達 他的不滿,很堅決的切入籃下並在Okafor面前狠狠的把球給扣進。 "It looked like he was going to challenge me at the rim and I just accepted the challenge," Bryant said. "[Teammates] know I save those. I don't have a lot of those left anymore." "我覺得那時候Okafor的樣子看起來很希望我進去挑戰他捍衛的籃框,那你覺得 我能不接受嗎?" "隊友們知道我能做到,但說真的我沒辦法再做那種動作太多次了"-----Kobe In the third quarter, as the Lakers started to advance from a 54-51 halftime edge, Bryant flew past Trevor Ariza and beat Carl Landry for a dunk. 當第三節剛開始時,湖人僅僅以54-51領先著。Kobe運球過了Ariza並且又在Carl Landry 面前灌籃。 Worth mentioning: It was left-handed. 值得一提的是,Kobe是用左手呢。 "It was a little stiff, but it loosened up," Bryant said of his ankle. "The more I played the looser it got." 當Kobe提到他的腳踝時他說 "賽前他還是有點卡卡的,但打越久我的腳踝就越放鬆。" Bryant soon added a double-pump layup after slicing through Landry and Okafor. Kobe很快的又切入過了Landry和Okafor上籃得分。 "He played young," forward Ron Artest said. Artest表示 "他今晚打的就像當年的8號。" Said Ariza: "Some injury." Ariza對Kobe的傷勢表示 "對他來說那傷不算甚麼吧" Bryant played almost 29 minutes. He wasn't the only effective one on the Lakers. Kobe打了將近29分,但他不是湖人唯一表現優異的球員。 Andrew Bynum had 18 points and 10 rebounds, shoving himself through the Hornets' undersized front line. Pau Gasol had 16 points and eight rebounds, climbing back into the good graces of Lakers fans. Lamar Odom had 13 points and seven rebounds after being a virtual no-show in Game 4. Bynum拿了18分並抓下10個籃板,並且可以說是打爆了黃蜂的禁區。Gasol16分及8籃板 另外Odom在第四場幾乎消失後本戰也拿下了13分7籃板。 Second-chance points were an embarrassment for the Lakers in Game 4. Not so in Game 5: Lakers 22, Hornets 2. 提到二次進攻的分數,G4....還是別提好了,但G5可就不一樣了啊,湖人的二次進攻 分數是22,黃蜂只有2分。 The Lakers also crushed the Hornets in rebounds, 42-25, after a feeble Game 4 effort. 在表現得相當虛弱的G4後,湖人今天的籃板也痛宰了對手。42-25! "I thought everybody played a little bit more purposeful," Lakers Coach Phil Jackson said. "我認為大夥可能只是想起來現在已經是季後賽了吧。"----Phil The Hornets had only three players in double-figure scoring: Ariza (22 points), Marco Belinelli (21) and Chris Paul (20, along with 12 assists) 黃蜂隊這場比賽只有三名球員得分上雙,Ariza拿到22分,Belinelli得到21分、CP3則 是20分外帶12助攻。 Jackson honestly didn't know what he would get from Bryant, who did a little dribbling at the morning shoot-around but nothing else of significance. 早上看到Kobe只是簡單的運著球並且做些投射練習後,Phil很坦白的說他不知道 這場比賽Kobe會為他帶來些甚麼貢獻,因為Kobe早上做的事情他認為沒有甚麼 重要性。 If there could have been a worse possible start for the Lakers, it would be hard to find. 如果今天湖人的開局再慘澹一些,那可能到比賽結束前都沒人看得出Kobe今天可以 做出甚麼貢獻了。 Bryant looked like little more than a decoy as the Lakers trailed, 32-23, the Hornets making an amazing 13 of 16 shots (81.3%) in the first quarter. 第一節黃蜂好像有如神助,怎麼投怎麼進,防守的人似乎都只是裝飾用的他們本節的 的FG是13-16,命中率高達81.3%。湖人以23-32落後,而這節Kobe一點表現都沒有,在場 上感覺只是來吸怪的。 Paul's eight assists in the quarter tied a Lakers' playoff record for an opponent in any quarter. CP3在這節就進帳了8個助攻,也追平了聯盟季後賽單節最多助攻的紀錄。 Ariza had his way with Bryant, driving past him on command to score 10 points on four-for-four shooting. Bryant didn't look physically capable of staying with him. Ariza似乎看準Kobe的傷勢無法跟緊他,運球帶一步後出手4次都命中並得到了10分。 Then the second quarter rolled around. Worse yet for the Hornets, there was still a third and fourth to be played. 到了第二節,黃蜂的神猛表現就不見了。對黃蜂隊來說不好的消息是還有第三節和第四節 要面對呢。 As insurance for depth at guard, Trey Johnson, a recent Development League pickup, was on the Lakers' active roster instead of center Theo Ratliff. 今天這場比賽Ratliff並沒有被登陸,被登錄的是之前從NBDL叫上來的Trey Johnson 原本是要用來補Blake的缺。 He wasn't needed. 但他不需要上場。 Bryant had it under control all along. Everybody else was simply along for the ride. 因為Kobe很明顯的控制了全場,其他人只需要安靜在旁邊看秀就夠了。 http://0rz.tw/pCrTm 希望G6就拿下來~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/27 15:51, , 1F
04/27 15:51, 1F

04/27 15:53, , 2F
04/27 15:53, 2F

04/27 15:53, , 3F
04/27 15:53, 3F

04/27 15:53, , 4F
rumor 謠言
04/27 15:53, 4F

04/27 15:54, , 5F
like G6
04/27 15:54, 5F

04/27 15:55, , 6F
感謝m(_ _)m
04/27 15:55, 6F

04/27 15:55, , 7F
04/27 15:55, 7F

04/27 15:56, , 8F
04/27 15:56, 8F

04/27 15:56, , 9F
爆扣的動作 老大自己都說 現在不能常做了...有點感傷
04/27 15:56, 9F

04/27 15:56, , 10F
(-^-)d 完全明白了~
04/27 15:56, 10F

04/27 15:57, , 11F
purposeful 感覺很酸
04/27 15:57, 11F

04/27 15:57, , 12F
04/27 15:57, 12F

04/27 15:58, , 13F
04/27 15:58, 13F

04/27 16:01, , 14F
purposeful真的還蠻酸的 所以那句怎麼翻我還想了一下
04/27 16:01, 14F

04/27 16:01, , 15F
禪師的話真的很有禪意 言語很難表達啊
04/27 16:01, 15F

04/27 16:18, , 16F
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04/27 16:23, , 17F
04/27 16:23, 17F
※ 編輯: allqwdd 來自: (04/27 16:35)

04/27 16:35, , 18F
有錯請幫忙指證 thanks
04/27 16:35, 18F

04/27 16:45, , 19F
epic title!
04/27 16:45, 19F

04/27 16:45, , 20F
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04/27 16:53, , 21F
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04/27 16:53, , 22F
Try-Ankle Off.~有梗!XD
04/27 16:53, 22F

04/27 16:55, , 23F
BYNUM今天某一個and 1以後想要學阿泰biceps showoff~
04/27 16:55, 23F

04/27 16:55, , 24F
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04/27 17:00, , 25F
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04/27 17:10, , 30F
乾 翻一篇才+1 隨便推個屁話就-5 還差四篇瞜
04/27 17:10, 30F

04/27 17:16, , 31F
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04/27 17:27, , 32F
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04/27 17:28, , 33F
我記得是在火箭的時候 當時我快笑死
04/27 17:28, 33F

04/27 17:28, , 34F
KB說不能常說應該是謙虛吧? 他今天有傷都能這樣做了
04/27 17:28, 34F

04/27 17:28, , 35F
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04/27 18:12, , 39F
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04/27 18:14, , 40F
自己都說沒辦法做太多次 那真的就滿嚴重的...
04/27 18:14, 40F

04/27 18:15, , 41F
04/27 18:15, 41F

04/27 18:18, , 42F
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04/27 18:34, , 43F
so sad...
04/27 18:34, 43F

04/27 18:35, , 44F
光這兩灌能有這麼大渲染力跟感動 就知道他真的老了OTZ
04/27 18:35, 44F

04/27 18:37, , 45F
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04/27 18:41, , 46F
那也不一定啦!他24歲時扣姚明那球也是超轟動的 XDDD
04/27 18:41, 46F

04/27 18:42, , 47F
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04/27 18:43, , 48F
04/27 18:43, 48F

04/27 18:44, , 49F
尤其配合他射完之後那個嘴臉XDD 超機車的....
04/27 18:44, 49F

04/27 18:46, , 50F
其實Kobe的豪洨三分沒有分背號的,24號跟8號時期都很豪洨 XD
04/27 18:46, 50F

04/27 18:48, , 51F
04/27 18:48, 51F

04/27 18:48, , 52F
從3:10秒開始看,請扶助你的下巴、請不要在這時候喝水 XD
04/27 18:48, 52F

04/27 18:49, , 53F
這兩年除了去年絕殺熱火那球 幾乎沒有甚麼豪小三分吧
04/27 18:49, 53F

04/27 18:50, , 54F
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04/27 18:51, , 55F
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04/27 18:52, , 56F
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04/27 18:53, , 57F
spko大那場...Kobe 1:07秒那球太豪洨了XD 不過不算
04/27 18:53, 57F

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04/27 19:01, , 60F
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04/27 19:25, , 61F
還蠻擔心他的腳的 正常說根本不可能有越打腳越好的情形吧
04/27 19:25, 61F

04/27 19:26, , 62F
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04/27 22:20, , 66F
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04/27 22:22, , 67F
kobe:0亨! 我只用七根手指讓啦
04/27 22:22, 67F

04/27 23:13, , 68F
好懷念手指無傷的Kobe Q_Q
04/27 23:13, 68F

04/28 12:47, , 69F
04/28 12:47, 69F

04/28 14:29, , 70F
04/28 14:29, 70F

04/28 14:29, , 71F
04/28 14:29, 71F

08/08 13:44, , 72F
可能是我閃光比較重的關 https://muxiv.com
08/08 13:44, 72F

09/11 05:24, , 73F
禪師的話真的很有禪意 https://daxiv.com
09/11 05:24, 73F

12/11 20:14, 5年前 , 74F
(-^-)d 完全 https://daxiv.com
12/11 20:14, 74F
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