[外電] 傷病更新:鍋神練、小巴投

看板Lakers作者時間13年前 (2011/01/25 01:35), 編輯推噓6(601)
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http://goo.gl/BtaWo The Lakers are getting a bit healthier at the onset of a week containing only two games, as Theo Ratliff and Matt Barnes made respective progress with their injured knees on Sunday. 一週只需要打兩場讓Lakers的健康狀態好像稍微改善了點, 鍋神跟小巴的膝蓋在週日都有不錯的進展。 Ratliff&Barnes:膝膝~Lemon~(HEY!) Ratliff, who hasn’t played since early November due to arthroscopic knee surgery, participated fully in practice. 月膝蓋開刀之後就沒再碰球的鍋神全程參加了練球。 我的英文恢復到國中生程度了... 訂正:十一月 十一月 十一月 十一月 十一月 Barnes, who also had minor knee surgery, had a chance to shoot the ball for the first time since going under the knife, though he’s still a few weeks away from playing. 小巴自從動刀後第一次嘗試投籃,不過離打球還要幾週。 Phil Jackson, meanwhile, said he’s pleased to have only Tuesday’s contest vs. Utah and Friday’s against Sacramento on the weekly docket as it allows the coaching staff to hammer home some different elements in practice. 肥爾則是對賽程感到十分愉悅,因為這樣讓他可以在練習中加入新的元素。 肥爾表示:..........累了嗎?唱首歌吧。http://goo.gl/BtaWo .......... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/25 04:20, , 1F
01/25 04:20, 1F

01/25 04:52, , 2F
九月?? 看來管nba板是很累的事。 (  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ
01/25 04:52, 2F

01/25 09:16, , 3F
十一月啦 = = 哈哈~
01/25 09:16, 3F
※ 編輯: dOodoOhOw 來自: (01/25 11:26)

01/25 12:03, , 4F
01/25 12:03, 4F

01/25 12:27, , 5F
您管版累了嗎 來一瓶蠻牛吧XD
01/25 12:27, 5F

01/25 18:13, , 6F
完全康復再回來 衝擊總冠軍!
01/25 18:13, 6F

01/25 18:57, , 7F
01/25 18:57, 7F
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