[外電] Would You Rather: Steve Blake

看板Lakers作者 (退伍變米蟲)時間14年前 (2010/11/21 12:01), 編輯推噓23(23010)
留言33則, 26人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
We all know how to play a game of “Would You Rather,” right? 大家應該都知道"二選一"怎麼玩,對吧? Here’s a quick refresher of some typical questions you’d answer: Would you rather be invisible, or be able to read minds? Have Usain Bolt’s speed or Peyton Manning’s arm? Win the lottery or meet the love of your life? And so on. 簡單介紹一下幾個典型的問題,你是寧願可以隱形,還是會讀心術?或者,你寧願有 Usain Bolt的速度(牙買加短跑選手),還是Peyton Manning的手臂(NFL四分衛)?或者, 你寧願中樂透,還是能見你一生的摯愛? A few games into the 2010-11 season, we used the “Would You Rather” premise to get to know one of the newest Lakers, Steve Blake, who answered 10 WYR questions, adding some extra thoughts where applicable. 在10-11賽季才剛開始之際,我們邀請湖人最新成員 Steve Blake 來玩這個遊戲,我們準 備了10個 WYR 問題來問他。 MT: OK Steve, with your life on the line, would you rather have to play 1-on-1 with Kobe Bryant, or try to surf a 100-foot wave in Tahiti like surfing legend Laird Hamilton? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYQQtxb8wv0)
MT:Steve, 你寧願跟 KOBE 來場一對一,還是想要試試看去大溪地,然後在100呎高的海 浪上面衝浪? Blake: Wow. That’s tough. I think the 100-foot wave would probably kill me, right? I have no idea how to surf. If I fall can I still live? Blake:靠,也太扯!我想100英呎的海浪大概會幹掉我吧?我根本不會衝浪,如果我掉進 海裡還活的下來嗎? MT: That’s the risk you take, Steve, I can’t promise life. MT:衝浪總是會有風險的,我可不能保證你一定可以活著。 Blake: Yeah if I could have a life vest I’d take the wave, but otherwise I’d just pray I get hot against Kobe. I’m a competitor, and I know I can play basketball so I’d take my chances with Kobe even though I know he’s the greatest player there is. Blake:好吧,如果我有件生命防彈衣我大概會選海浪,不然我也只能禱告我對上 kobe 時 手感很好了。我是個競爭者,而且我也知道我蠻會打籃球的,我想我會試試看跟 kobe 來一場,儘管我知道他是最強的球員。 MT: Would you rather try to hit a Roy Halladay fastball, or try to tackle Adrian Peterson? MT:你寧願打 Roy Halladay 的快速球(今年賽揚獎得主),還是擒抱 Adrian Peterson (NFL跑鋒)? Blake: Those are tough, but I think I’d rather go against Halladay, just because I know he has the control not to hit me and it’d be fun to see if I could hit it. The harder they throw it, the farther it goes, so I’d have a chance to hit it far if I made contact, right? But Peterson, you could just get hurt. I’d try to go at him hard, but he’d probably hurt me, so let’s stick with baseball. Blake:恩,好問題,但我想我還是寧願對上 Halladay,因為至少我知道他的控球不錯, 不會丟到我,而且我也想知道我能不能打到他的快速球,投手投的越用力,球飛得 越遠,所以我寧願試試看,看我碰不碰的到球,對吧? 但是選 Peterson 的話,我可能直接受傷,我如果努力想把他抓住,他大概會 直接把我幹倒在地上,恩,Halladay 的快速球就好。 MT: Would you rather have your three little boys grow into bullies or be socially uncomfortable at all times? MT:你寧願你的三的小孩長大變成專門欺負恐嚇別人的人,還是變成人際怪咖 (不太會翻,不過這題問的真怪) Blake: I’d rather them be socially awkward, because I don’t want my kids growing up picking on kids or making other people feel bad. If they're a little awkward, it’s OK. But my boys are great. All we do is play. They have more energy than I do, so we always wrestle, do puzzles, arts and crafts stuff. Blake:我想我寧願它們變成怪咖,因為我不想要我的孩子們長大後對其他小孩找碴, 令人家感覺不好,如果他們只是有點怪那就也還好。但我的小孩很讚,他們整天 都在玩,體力比我還好,我們常常玩摔角、拼拼圖、藝術跟DIY。 MT: Staying on the kids, would you rather be limited to watching a cartoon show like “Dora The Explorer” exclusively for a full calendar year, or have to get a duplicate of each Matt Barnes tattoo? MT:同樣還是你的小孩,你寧願規定他們這一整年都只能看卡通頻道像 “Dora The Explorer”,還是有個像 Barnes 的刺青? Blake: Well, the fact that I just like watching cartoons with my kids means I’ll take “Dora.” That’s an easy one for me. I do have one tattoo, but it’s not visible to the public eye. Blake:恩,事實上我很喜歡跟我的小孩看卡通,我的意思是我會選“Dora.”。 這題很簡單,我也的確有個刺青,但是是刺在大家都看不到的地方唷! MT: Would you rather be a guest star on “Keeping Up With the Kardashians” alongside Lamar Odom, or play dodge ball with Ron Artest throughout the summer? MT:你寧願跟 Odom 去客串 “Keeping Up With the Kardashians”,還是跟 Artest 打一整個夏天的躲避球? (被阿泰的球打到,一定馬上就有印子 ...) Blake: I had no idea Ron does that, but either one of those would be great. I think it’d be fun to play dodge ball though, to see if I could get Ron out. I think I’d be good at dodge ball. I could dodge, dip, dodge, duck, or whatever it is. Blake:我不知道 Ron 會打躲避球,但是不論是哪個選項我覺得都不錯耶!雖然我還是 覺得打個躲避球蠻好玩的,可以試看看我能不能打中 Ron,我躲避球打的不錯, 凹閃躲飄,當兵四大絕技,阿 ....不是,是閃躲跳蹲,我都OK。 MT: Be honest, you were pretty good at every sport growing up… MT:老實說,你對每項運動好像都很行耶! Blake: Yeah, I was pretty athletic. I played every sport: soccer, baseball, tennis, golf, roller hockey, whatever. I was really good at everything. Blake:是阿,我運動細胞好像不錯,足球、棒球、網球、高爾夫球、冰上曲棍球,每項 我都不錯。 MT: Predictable. Back to Lamar: what would make you want to be on the show? MT:看得出來。再回到 Lamar,是甚麼讓你願意跟他上節目客串? Blake: He’s just one of those people you like to be around, the cool friend that everybody likes. He always has something funny to say. Overall, he’s just a cool guy to be around, and a really good teammate as well. Blake:他就是那種很好相處的人,大家都喜歡那種很酷的朋友,常會爆出幾句好笑的話。 他是個很酷的人,也是個好隊友。 MT: Moving on, would you rather be stuck in an elevator with Phil Jackson after a freakish eight-turnover, two-assist game in which you also missed all your shots and played matador defense, or be stuck in an elevator with Kobe after not feeding him the ball when he was wide-open for a game winner, instead opting for a Steve Blake baseline hook shot and air-balling to lose the game? MT:下一題,你寧願在一場0分8失誤2助攻的反常比賽後跟 Phil Jackson 困在電梯裡, 還是隊友將可以 game winner 的球傳給你,而不是大空檔的 kobe,但是你卻投個 籃外空心,害球隊輸球,然後賽後跟 kobe 困在電梯裡? Blake: I think I’d rather be in the elevator with Phil. He might make some snide comments about how I played, but for the most part he won’t hold it against you too bad. With Kobe, we’d probably go to blows or something. But the fact is, if Kobe is open, I’m going to get him the ball. So I’m not worried about that. Blake:是人都知道要選 Phil,他了不起就諷刺挖苦我一下而已,他不會太針對我。 但是 kobe 的話,我們可能會吵架或怎樣,可是事實是,如果他有大空檔, 我絕對會把球再傳給他,這樣我就不用擔心跟賽後會跟他困在電梯裡的事情了XD MT: Makes sense. By the way, what was it like being on the other end of that prior to your game-winning three against Houston? MT:有道理,對了,對火箭那場比賽,你投進致勝的三分球,那感覺怎樣? Blake: It was a big moment for the future to let Kobe know he can trust me to knock down shots. I think it definitely gave us some momentum, and that’s always a big thing when you’re a new guy trying to build the trust of your teammates. Blake:那是個很重要的時刻,讓 kobe 知道我才是老大!!! 開玩笑的,是讓他可以相信我 能投進重要的一球,我想那絕對給了我們些衝勁,而且對一個新人來說,在隊友 心中建立他們對你的信心是很重要的。 MT: Gross one. Would you rather eat a full plate full of worms (spaghetti style) or try to go to sleep in a room you knew was populated with 17 creeping spiders? MT:來點噁心的,你寧願吃整盤義大利麵式蟲蟲,還是睡在間有十幾隻蜘蛛的房間? Blake: Ugh. I’d rather eat the worms, I think. Even though I’d probably throw them up, I can’t imagine being asleep and finding a spider on my face or on my back. Any little thing you feel on you, you think it’s a spider … yuck. I couldn’t deal with that. Blake:噁,我想我還是吃蟲好了,雖然我覺得我會把它丟掉。我根本不敢想像我睡著之後 蜘蛛爬在我臉上、背上的樣子,而且是蜘蛛耶,真噁爛,我真的無法接受這個。 MT: Agree. What’s the nastiest thing you’ve had to eat? MT:同意,甚麼是你吃過最噁心的東西? Blake: To be honest, I’ve never eaten anything strange. I’m a very particular eater. Very simple, basic foods like steak, macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, a cheeseburger with ketchup only. I keep it very plain … sorry if people don’t like that. Blake:老實說,我從沒吃過甚麼奇怪噁心的東西,我是個非常挑食的人,簡單基本的食物 像牛排、起司通心麵、義大利麵還有只加番茄醬的起司漢堡,對吃的東西我都是非 常簡樸的,如果有人不喜歡我喜歡吃的東西,我道歉。 MT: OK, this is the Charles Barkley vs. Robert Horry type question. Would you rather be a 10-year All-Star on generally .500 teams that never won, or be a role player on a championship team? MT:好,接著是老梗問題,你寧願當10年的 All-Star 然後一直在五成勝率以上的球隊, 但從來沒贏過總冠軍,還是當冠軍隊的一員就好? Blake: I’d definitely rather be a role player on a championship team. Competition is what drives me, and there is nothing better than winning. I’ve been on losing teams, and it’s just taxing on your mind and your body. Being “the guy” has never been something that mattered to me too much. I’ve played with really good players since when I grew up in the game, and I’ve enjoyed being the point guard that gets them the ball and creates for guys to have success. I also like to think I do other things to make guys want to play with me like work hard on defense, and knock down shots for them when they get trapped. I guess in the back of your mind it’d be kind of cool to be the man, but at the same time it’s cool to be a winner, not just individually a great player. Blake:絕對是總冠軍隊伍的一員。競爭就是我的動力,沒有甚麼勝利更加美妙。我曾待過 失敗的球隊,對你跟你隊友來說都是種壓力,當不當關鍵人物對我來說無所謂。我 也跟聯盟頂尖球員同隊過,我很享受當 PG,把球傳給他們,讓他們得分。我也樂 意努力防守,或者在隊友被守死時投進關鍵一球,這樣可以讓他們願意跟我同隊。 我猜在你的潛意識裡當關鍵人物很酷,但是同時,當個勝利者更酷,而不是個個人 能力或成績超強的球員。 (LBJ表示:終於有人懂我了....T^T) MT: Changing tunes here, would you rather talk international politics with Pau Gasol throughout a team flight or talk hip-hop with rookies Devin Ebanks and Derrick Caracter? MT:改變一下主題,你寧願跟 Pau Gasol 聊些有關國際政治的話題,還是跟新人 Devin Ebanks and Derrick Caracter 聊些 hip-hop? Blake: Probably politics. I’m someone that will sit there and watch CNN for a while just to kind of catch up on events going on around the world, so that would mesh with Pau. He’s very smart, knows a couple of languages, is a cultured guy. But with music, I’m pretty diverse. I don’t have one favorite, but I like to listen to rap, as well as some alternative music and I’ll even listen to some Christian music sometimes. I’m just not into the real heavy metal, that’s the only thing I don’t listen to. Blake:可能是政治吧,我是那種會坐著看CNN,試著了解些最近世界上發生甚麼事的人, 所以這點跟 Pau 算是很和,他很聰明,會好幾種語言,是個受過良好教育的人。 但是對於音樂,我就沒甚麼特別喜歡的了,但我覺得 rap 不錯,還有其他幾種音 樂也不賴,有時候我甚至會聽些聖歌,但對重金屬我就真的不愛,大概是我唯一不 會去聽的音樂了吧! MT: OK final one. Would you rather be a “Top Gun” pilot or… MT:好,最後一題,你寧願當捍衛戰士裡的戰鬥機駕駛,還是 ... Blake: Oh yes, that. I’ll already tell you, I want to be that, I don’t even have to hear the other thing. I loved the movie growing up, and love watching the military channel and stuff like that to see what new stuff is out there. Just the power, the speed, the firepower and the effect planes have on wars. The agility, imagining being up in the air and doing all those turns, spins and things like that is amazing. Blake:對,我現在就可以跟你說,我想當那個,我根本不需要聽另一個選項。我從小就愛 這部電影(阿湯哥到底多老...),我也喜歡看軍事頻道,看有些甚麼新裝備被研發 出來。就是飛機在戰爭中展現出來的力量、速度、火力,等。靈活性也是,想像一 下,飛到空中,做那些轉彎、旋轉等動作,想到就覺得興奮! MT: Fair enough. I was going to compare it to being a chart-topping music artist with a massive crowd in the palm of your hand, but we already have your answer. MT:恩,有道理,我剛剛其實要跟當一個流行歌手,然後有一大群人在你的手掌心中任你 玩弄來比較,不過我們已經知道你的答案了。 Blake: No doubt, I’d rather be in the air. Blake:絕對不用懷疑,我寧願飛到空中。 http://0rz.tw/3DEnY 第一次嘗試長篇翻譯,翻到快吐了,好險內容還不算無聊。到我考試之前,只要時間許可 ,小弟都會常替板上服務一下,翻譯幾篇外電,順便練習英文,謝謝大家。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/21 12:02, , 1F
11/21 12:02, 1F

11/21 12:05, , 2F
看這長度就要推 我之前就翻了一題這樣XD
11/21 12:05, 2F
拎阿罵勒,上完色要貼出來之前竟然當機 ... 兩個小時剩下2P ... 我要昏了我 ...

11/21 12:12, , 3F
11/21 12:12, 3F

11/21 12:14, , 4F
11/21 12:14, 4F

11/21 12:15, , 5F
11/21 12:15, 5F

11/21 12:17, , 6F
11/21 12:17, 6F

11/21 12:27, , 7F
11/21 12:27, 7F

11/21 12:33, , 8F
11/21 12:33, 8F

11/21 12:41, , 9F
11/21 12:41, 9F

11/21 12:42, , 10F
11/21 12:42, 10F

11/21 12:42, , 11F
投個大麵包害球隊輸球... 他當然選禪師 XD
11/21 12:42, 11F

11/21 12:44, , 12F
11/21 12:44, 12F

11/21 12:44, , 13F
11/21 12:44, 13F

11/21 12:51, , 14F
Kobe:我很nice的 這其中一定有什麼誤會 (o一-一)=○# ( ̄#
11/21 12:51, 14F

11/21 12:53, , 15F
11/21 12:53, 15F

11/21 13:01, , 16F
推外電 超有趣的~
11/21 13:01, 16F

11/21 13:07, , 17F
11/21 13:07, 17F

11/21 14:05, , 18F
11/21 14:05, 18F

11/21 14:54, , 19F
11/21 14:54, 19F

11/21 14:55, , 20F
11/21 14:55, 20F

11/21 14:55, , 21F
11/21 14:55, 21F

11/21 14:56, , 22F
二選一 ?
11/21 14:56, 22F

11/21 15:54, , 23F
11/21 15:54, 23F

11/21 15:58, , 24F
11/21 15:58, 24F

11/21 16:20, , 25F
哈 就是二選一的遊戲阿 學生們愛玩的要死XD
11/21 16:20, 25F
謝謝大家幫我解惑,難道是年紀的關係嗎?我根本沒聽過這遊戲,囧 ※ 編輯: balance9235 來自: (11/21 18:25)

11/21 19:15, , 26F
11/21 19:15, 26F

11/21 20:38, , 27F
好長!!非常感謝呀~!!最喜歡看這種有趣的外電囉~ 謝謝~~
11/21 20:38, 27F

11/21 21:04, , 28F
推!! 七年之癢也有玩過這遊戲的梗
11/21 21:04, 28F

11/21 23:43, , 29F
11/21 23:43, 29F

11/22 01:12, , 30F
11/22 01:12, 30F

11/22 01:57, , 31F
六人行也玩過這個XD Lisa Kudrow是演阿姨的年紀了.....
11/22 01:57, 31F

11/23 23:51, , 32F
推推!電梯那題好有趣 哈哈
11/23 23:51, 32F

12/11 19:43, 5年前 , 33F
辛苦了0.0 https://daxiv.com
12/11 19:43, 33F
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