[外電] Person 投籃保證班

看板Lakers作者 (洛城浪子)時間13年前 (2010/11/17 17:42), 編輯推噓34(34017)
留言51則, 34人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
Chuck Person gives Lakers a good shot at improving Person投籃保證班 原文網址:http://0rz.tw/a1hDW Person, who was known as 'The Rifleman' during his playing days, is now a full-time assistant for Coach Phil Jackson. He's the one players go to when they need help with their technique on shooting, and his work with Kobe Bryant and Ron Artest has especially paid off. Person,球員時代的綽號是"機槍手(The Rifleman)", 現在他的身份則是禪師的全職助教,當湖人球員們屢投不中時,就該他爽颯登場了, 他對Kobe和Ron的指導就一直頗有成效。 Chuck Person isn't quite ready to start the interview. "Hang on, I've got to say something to Ron," he says, heading toward Ron Artest 90 minutes before a recent Lakers game. Then he hustles over to Steve Blake. Then it's off to the other side of the court to see Matt Barnes. Known as "The Rifleman" during his sharp-shooting days as a player, Person has found his mark as an assistant coach with the Lakers. If your shot is ailing, Person is the guy to see. 現在是湖人將要開打的90分鐘前,剛開始的Person明顯還沒切到"採訪時間"的模式, 一邊說著 "等等,我還有些話要交代Ron",一邊就轉頭去找阿泰, 接下來他又馬不停蹄地盯上了Steve Blake的問題, 好不容易解決了這兩隻,又跑去了場地另一端查看Matt Barnes的情況。 就像他當年打球時不負"機槍手"的美名,現在的他, 在湖人助教的崗位上也幹的西裝筆挺風生水起,當你最近命中率直直落, 那Chuck Person就是你要去求助的那個人了。 The understated 46-year-old speaks quietly but confidently about fine-tuning the shots of athletes who have already seen and heard everything about refining their technique. 46歲的前射手談起具體工作 : 去說明、並讓那些已經了解自己的投籃技巧需要改進的球員達成目標。 當他提到這點,顯得不張揚卻充滿自信。 Somehow, Person rises above the clutter of past suggestions. Players hear him loud and clear, and Lakers Coach Phil Jackson loves the newest addition to an already experienced coaching staff. "Chuck has an analytical eye. He's always seeking answers and looking for reasons," Jackson said. "And he works really well with our post players, even though Chuck was one of the great outside shooters in the game." 基本上Person在直抒己見這方面相當見長,所以球員們可以順利的領會他話中的含意, 禪師對於Person給湖人帶來的助益非常滿意。 "Person非常擅於觀察,他總是能找到問題出現的原因和相應的解決方案。"禪師表示, "而且他不僅曾是外線最出色的射手之一,和球員們打交道也相當有一套。" The Lakers hired Person as a part-time assistant coach before last season, but Jackson liked what he saw and pushed for him to be added as a full-timer, which happened over the summer. As Artest, a longtime Person disciple, said, "He got upgraded." 去年的賽季前湖人給了Person一份兼職助理的工作,不過禪師對他可謂讚譽有加, 由於他對Person在休賽期的工作表現非常滿意,所以施了點推力讓Person變成正港教練。 "Person投籃保證班" 的其中一個長期會員Ron就曾被禪師誇獎為 "有所增進"。 Person was the one who worked with Kobe Bryant after the 12-time All-Star sustained a broken right index finger last December. Bryant had to alter his shot because of discomfort and weakness in the finger. Person was there for shot support. 去年12月Kobe Bryant食指骨折後,幫助這位入選12次全明星的超級後衛調整投籃方式, 應對傷病挑戰的也是Person。 "When you talk about a guy who arguably is the best player ever to play the game, what can you do?" Person said. "[When] you have ailments or injuries that will interrupt that flow in your shot, you just remind them, 'Hey, this is what you used to do, here's how you get back to it.' That's how I kind of helped with Kobe, tweaking his shot to get him back to a solid foundation. He overcompensated in other areas, which threw off the balance in his shot, so we had to correct some things in his footwork to get back to the good things he was doing up top before." "現在說到的可能是歷史上的最好的球員,而受傷和病痛毫無疑問會影響投籃的感覺, 你能做些什麼?對我自己來說,我只是試著提醒他,: [看,這是你習慣的投法,而這樣或那樣做會幫助你回復到接近健康的水準。] 我能為他做的也就是這些,協助他做出細微的調整使他的投籃水準恢復穩定, Kobe在投籃時有時會不自覺在其他方面上有那麼點過度給力, 而這造成他投籃時的協調感和穩定性下降,所以我們嘗試讓他在步法等方面相應調整, 使得整體手感能回復到接近他以往的巔峰水準。" Person and Bryant have worked closely again this season because Bryant was slow to recover from off-season surgery on his right knee. He shot miserably in exhibition play (28.2%) but was a more acceptable 44.2% through seven regular-season games. 由於Bryant在暑假的右膝手術後一直恢復遲緩,參照歐洲賽那悲慘的28.2%的命中率, 本季開打後Person和科老大再次手牽手心連心,一起想辦法解決這個大麻煩, 雖然在7場季賽後這個數字好歹升到了差強人意的44.2%,但路還很長。 "As long as you stay straight with your shot, and it's not going not side to side, whether it's short or long or flat, that can be corrected with the balance and strength in your legs, which has improved since we started camp," Person said. "他投籃時可能過長過短、或者弧度太平,畢竟不管怎麼投, 都會需要腿部肌肉來提供平衡和力量支撐, 不過自從夏季訓練開始後這點已經有些好轉了。" Person解釋說。 Person averaged 14.7 points and shot 36.2% from three-point range in a 13-year career that began when he was the fourth overall pick in the 1986 draft. He averaged a career-high 21.6 points in his third pro season with Indiana and began to rely more on his long-distance shooting as he grew older. 自從1986年在第一輪第四順位被選中進入NBA, Person在他的球員生涯總共13個賽季裡場均得14.7分,3分命中率為36.2%, 他在溜馬的第三年打出了生涯最高的場均21.6分, 並且在年歲漸長後,他逐漸在投籃比例中增加了自己更仰賴的遠距離投射。 Person retired in 2000, coached in Cleveland for a season under John Lucas and joined Indiana as an assistant to front-office executive Donnie Walsh. That's when he met Artest, who had been traded from Chicago. Person在2000年退休,他在John Lucas的手下執教了騎士一年, 然後轉投溜馬作為Donnie Walsh的助手, 他就是在那裡遇到當時剛從芝加哥轉隊過去印地安那的Ron Artest。 "[Ron] didn't have very much offensive game at the time," Person said. "I told him that I could help him with his game but I would need complete autonomy and his trust, and if he wanted me to help him, we'd have to start that day with me knowing everything and him not knowing anything. My word would be the law. He accepted it from the beginning. Our relationship from that day forward never wavered." "那時候的Ron在進攻端並沒有太大威脅" Person回憶, "我當時就告訴他,我可以提供他所需要的講授, 但是我需要完全控制局勢以及他全然的信任,如果他想要我的幫助, 那麼就得遵守我的規則:他一無所知、而我胸有成竹,我說的話就是法律必須遵守。 從一開始我們的定位就是如此,並且延續至今。” Artest was always a strong defender but had minimal impact on offense until working with Person. Artest一直以他的防守功力聞名,但直到和Person合作前, 他在進攻端的威脅幾乎可以忽略不計。 "My game was just getting so much better. I was an official threat. I could officially score the ball in the NBA," Artest said. "Right before I got suspended [in 2004], I probably would have got MVP that year. That was all Chuck." "打那時起,俺打的好多了,俺再也不是對方防守球員眼中的透明人了, 全NBA都見識到了俺也有投籃得分的能力。" 阿泰憶起表示。 "要不是那該死的禁賽,當年(2004年)沒個準兒俺就是MVP咧,Chuck得居首功。" Artest was once an undesirable 29.1% from three-point range (2000-01 in Chicago) but could now connect from long distance, including 38% in Sacramento in 2008-09 and 39.3% so far this season with the Lakers. Artest的確進步不小,從00-01賽季在芝加哥時的29.1%的三分球命中率, 到國王時期(08-09)的38%,再到現在湖人打出的39.3%。 "It was a very slow process with Ron," said Person, who also worked with Artest as an assistant coach in Sacramento. "His shot was totally … I don't know what the right word would be for his shot. All he could do was throw it to the backboard and get it back. Very few things about his shot resembled a natural jump shot." 不過Person顯然感慨的不僅限於此 "這是段非常非常漫長的努力……", 對了,Person還有幸在國王時期作為球隊助教指導Artest的投籃; "我不知道要怎樣來形容他的投籃,基本上他所做的就是: 丟皮球到籃板上,然後讓它成功反彈回來,總之跟正常所說的投籃一點關連都沒有。" Jackson also understood the extensive work Person did with Artest. "Ron is a guy that you kind of gently lead toward coaching," Jackson said. 對此Phil也深有感觸: "Ron就是那種可以叫你矜持不下去,忍不住想抓狂的球員……" Person doesn't completely alter a player's shot. His key starting point is the beginning, in which he touts a strong "heel strike" for a trampoline effect to begin the process. He doesn't advocate players shooting from the tips of their toes."I teach footwork. I teach the foundation. Most mistakes are made at the beginning. You can fix the middle, you can fix the top, but once you get started, it's hard to fix down low," he said. Person並不會徹底否定一位球員本來的投籃方式方法,他尤其注重 "起始", 他相當推崇 "合理的腳根運用" 在整個投籃動作裡的重要性,而不是一般認為的腳尖。 "關鍵是腳步,我教的都是基礎,一次投籃最重要的就是一開始,整個動作的開始, 你可能可以修正中段的動作,或者設法修正最後的落點, 但是如果一開始就不對,那是沒有辦法調整的。"他說。 And with that, the interview ended with Person. There was more shot-fixing to be done before tip-off. 到此對Person的採訪告一段落,我們熱切期待湖人打鐵產量整體大幅下修的那天。 twitter.com/Mike_Bresnahan -- 洛城 ███◣ 浪子 Los Angeles Boys ◢██◣ █ █ ◥█ φlin798183 ██ ██◤ █ ██◤ █◤◢█ █◣ ◢ ██◤ ◥ ◤ █ █ ◤ ◥█ ███◣ ███◤ ◢██ ◥██ ◢█◤ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/17 17:45, , 1F
11/17 17:45, 1F

11/17 17:47, , 2F
11/17 17:47, 2F

11/17 17:48, , 3F
11/17 17:48, 3F

11/17 17:48, , 4F
Sasha上場時間太少了 也沒辦法看到什麼
11/17 17:48, 4F

11/17 17:48, , 5F
11/17 17:48, 5F
※ 編輯: LABOYS 來自: (11/17 17:49)

11/17 17:57, , 6F
11/17 17:57, 6F

11/17 17:58, , 7F
11/17 17:58, 7F

11/17 17:58, , 8F
11/17 17:58, 8F

11/17 17:58, , 9F
﹝該不會他上季報名灌籃大賽出大糗,今年改報三分大賽吧 XD﹞
11/17 17:58, 9F

11/17 17:59, , 10F
11/17 17:59, 10F

11/17 17:59, , 11F
從LetShannonDunk.com變成LetShannonShoot.com XDDDD
11/17 17:59, 11F

11/17 18:07, , 12F
11/17 18:07, 12F

11/17 18:08, , 13F
11/17 18:08, 13F

11/17 18:11, , 14F
Let Shannon Shoot 之前在FB&G就有文章了~
11/17 18:11, 14F

11/17 18:35, , 15F
推祖先(" ̄▽ ̄)-c< ̄⊿ ̄")
11/17 18:35, 15F

11/17 19:08, , 16F
11/17 19:08, 16F

11/17 19:17, , 17F
我還以為是Wesley Person...
11/17 19:17, 17F

11/17 19:26, , 18F
11/17 19:26, 18F

11/17 19:33, , 19F
11/17 19:33, 19F

11/17 19:39, , 20F
11/17 19:39, 20F

11/17 19:55, , 21F
11/17 19:55, 21F

11/17 19:56, , 22F
沒想到動作一改 準度差這麼多
11/17 19:56, 22F

11/17 20:02, , 23F
我記得之前投籃教練 Craig Hodges 吧? 他好像也滿不錯的
11/17 20:02, 23F

11/17 20:02, , 24F
近幾年好像來湖人就能長外線? XD
11/17 20:02, 24F

11/17 20:10, , 25F
11/17 20:10, 25F

11/17 20:11, , 26F
11/17 20:11, 26F

11/17 20:25, , 27F
今天第一次看今年的比賽 Brown的投籃 簡直準得誇張
11/17 20:25, 27F

11/17 20:25, , 28F
再對照開季以來的box 根本是射手級 變了另一個人
11/17 20:25, 28F

11/17 21:05, , 29F
11/17 21:05, 29F

11/17 21:07, , 30F
那原PO就是 ( ☆‧ ω‧)> 銀★河★美★少★年
11/17 21:07, 30F

11/17 21:19, , 31F
Hodges好歹也是三分球大賽三連霸啊 湖人豪華教練團
11/17 21:19, 31F

11/17 21:53, , 32F
11/17 21:53, 32F

11/17 22:16, , 33F
11/17 22:16, 33F

11/17 22:33, , 34F
有很多篇我都想翻 但我真的變忙了 好請其他人努力了
11/17 22:33, 34F

11/17 22:51, , 35F
你想翻的可以貼到下面 我有空可以翻
11/17 22:51, 35F

11/17 22:55, , 36F
11/17 22:55, 36F

11/17 23:10, , 37F
11/17 23:10, 37F

11/17 23:12, , 38F
看到「去年12月Kobe Bryant食指骨折後」我忍不住又說
11/17 23:12, 38F

11/17 23:13, , 39F
11/17 23:13, 39F

11/17 23:46, , 40F
11/17 23:46, 40F

11/17 23:48, , 41F
湖人那時請一個罰球醫生給Shaq 我認為那個醫生該應因醫療不當
11/17 23:48, 41F

11/17 23:48, , 42F
11/17 23:48, 42F

11/17 23:58, , 43F
11/17 23:58, 43F

11/18 00:05, , 44F
sasa其實很準 上場不知道是怎樣中邪
11/18 00:05, 44F

11/18 00:06, , 45F
他出手柔軟度很夠了 只是他是個上場就會中邪的人
11/18 00:06, 45F

11/18 00:07, , 46F
11/18 00:07, 46F

11/18 00:36, , 47F
推~今天沒看比賽 倒是去練投籃 練了3小時...
11/18 00:36, 47F

11/18 00:42, , 48F
沙沙節奏和場上其他9個人都不大一樣 XD 先定點投準就好
11/18 00:42, 48F

11/18 01:23, , 49F
11/18 01:23, 49F

11/18 10:00, , 50F
推一個 這種情報真的很有意思
11/18 10:00, 50F

12/11 19:42, 5年前 , 51F
當然,這也得要Shan https://daxiv.com
12/11 19:42, 51F
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