[外電] 紫金軍團十年來五場最讓人心碎的比賽

看板Lakers作者 (乳乳)時間13年前 (2010/11/12 19:25), 編輯推噓22(22016)
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Since Phil Jackson came to the Lakers before the 1999-2000 season, the team has won five NBA championships and seven Western Conference titles. For all of the memorable moments, dominating performances, and championship banners over the last decade, there have been a few heartbreaking losses mixed in with all of the celebration. Below, in order, are the five most heartbreaking losses for the purple and gold over the last decade. 在Phil Jackson來到湖人後,這支球隊已經拿到了七次西區冠軍以及五次的總冠軍。 這些年來有很多令人記憶深刻的時刻以及傑出的表現。不過搭配過往痛苦的回憶來 品嚐這勝利的果實更是別有一番滋味啊。以下是五場湖人最令人心碎的比賽。 5. Western Conference First Round, 2006, Game 6 vs Phoenix- With a 3-2 series lead, The Lakers were one defensive stop away from winning their first playoff series since Shaq left the team after the 03-04 season. However, Tim Thomas had other ideas. The forward hit a three pointer with six seconds remaining to send the game into overtime. 5.06年季後賽對太陽的G6--帶著3-2的領先,湖人只差一場就可以在Shaq離開後首 度闖入季後賽第二輪。但Tim Thomas卻扮演了不速之客,他在延長賽只剩六秒的 時候投入了天殺的三分球。 The Suns would go on to win game six in overtime and then blow out the Lakers in game seven. What makes this game a little more heartbreaking is that the Lakers held a 3-1 series advantage after four games. 太陽就靠著Tim Thomas這顆三分拿下了G6的勝利,接下來進一步在自己家判湖人出局。 而令人難過的是湖人原本有3-1的領先優勢的。 4.Western Conference Semifinals, 2003, Game 5 vs San Antonio- With the series tied at two games each, it appeared the Spurs were going to cruise to a game five victory. The Spurs were up by as much as 25 points, before the Lakers made a furious second half rally to get within two points with just seconds remaining. 4.03年對馬刺的G5--當時兩隊前四場打成2-2平手,而馬刺最大領先達到了25分,看起來 勝利唾手可得。但湖人在下半場猛烈的狂攻讓他們在比賽結束前一秒只落後兩分。 The Lakers had a chance to win the game, but Robert Horry's three pointer went in and out and the Lakers came up short. The Lakers then lost game six at home, ending their attempt at four straight championships. 但Horry的三分球進了一半,出來一個讓湖人終究輸了那場比賽。接著G6湖人也在自己 家裡輸球,四連霸終究還是沒辦法達成。 3. NBA Finals, 2004, Game 5 vs Detroit- In one of the biggest upsets in NBA Finals history, the Pistons beat the Lakers in five games. In the fifth and final game of the series, the Pistons beat the Lakers 100-87 to capture the championship. What was more heartbreaking than losing to the Pistons was the fact it was the last time the Kobe-Shaq Lakers played together. 3.04年對活塞的Final G5--這應該是NBA史上最讓人意外的系列賽之一,活塞只用 了五場就拿下了湖人。而第五場活塞以100-87擊敗了湖人得到冠軍。而比輸球更讓人 難過的是這場比賽是OK連線的最後一場比賽了。 After the season, the team was split up. Shaq was traded to Miami, Derek Fisher left for Golden State, and Phil Jackson temporarily retired. This left Kobe with a new slew of players and coaches to work with. The following season, the Lakers suffered only their second losing season since moving to Los Angeles. 球季結束後,球隊可以說是四分五裂。Shaq被交易到熱火,Fisher去了勇士,而Phil 則是暫時退休。剩下Kobe跟新教練和新隊友們一起打批,接下來幾季,大家都看到了... 2. NBA Finals, 2008, Game 6 vs Boston- With their season on the line, the Lakers came out in game six of the finals and proceeded to get creamed by the Celtics. The Celtics not only celebrated winning the championship, they did so by beating the Lakers by 39 points. It was the second biggest margin of defeat in finals history. 2.08年對塞爾提克的的Final G6-- 湖人這場比賽徹底的被羞辱,塞爾提克贏得了總冠軍。 慶祝奪冠的同時也順便創造了NBA Final的第二大分差 39分。 After this loss, the Lakers' toughness would be questioned for the next two years, until they beat the Celtics last spring for the championship. 奪冠失敗的湖人這兩年來一直被質疑著禁區的強度,直到去年擊敗塞爾提克奪冠後 這聲音才平息了下來。 1. NBA Finals, 2008, Game 4 vs Boston- Even more deflating than the 39 point loss in game six, was the complete and total meltdown in game four. The Lakers led by as much as 24 points, before the Celtics made a valiant comeback. Instead of squaring the series at two games each,the Lakers blew their big lead and fell in a 3-1 hole. 1.08年對塞爾提克的Final G4-- 比G6輸了39分還令人不爽的就是這場了。湖人一度 領先達到24分,但最後卻把勝利拱手讓人。系列賽也從2-2變成了1-3。 It was the largest comeback in an NBA Finals game since 1971. After this choke job, it was just a matter of when, and not if, the Lakers would lose the series. 這是1971來NBA冠軍賽最大的逆轉,過了這場後湖人也顯得後繼無力,輸掉了總冠軍賽。 http://0rz.tw/RxGQX 也不是第一天輸球了 今天小意思~ 8-1還是打爆一堆球隊了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/12 19:26, , 1F
大驚小怪(  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ
11/12 19:26, 1F
※ 編輯: allqwdd 來自: (11/12 19:41)

11/12 19:49, , 2F
11/12 19:49, 2F

11/12 20:00, , 3F
11/12 20:00, 3F

11/12 20:02, , 4F
11/12 20:02, 4F

11/12 20:05, , 5F
11/12 20:05, 5F

11/12 20:10, , 6F
想起第一名 心還會絞痛呢>0<
11/12 20:10, 6F

11/12 20:11, , 7F
記得半場前農夫投進壓哨三分 還想說只是錦上添花呢
11/12 20:11, 7F

11/12 20:12, , 8F
不然2-2 G5是贏的 就變成3-2 唉 不說了
11/12 20:12, 8F

11/12 20:30, , 9F
挑戰四連霸被馬刺幹掉 那次看了都哭了
11/12 20:30, 9F

11/12 20:48, , 10F
11/12 20:48, 10F

11/12 20:51, , 11F
依稀記得我國二時 03年湖人被馬刺淘汰 Kobe落淚 T.T
11/12 20:51, 11F

11/12 20:52, , 12F
11/12 20:52, 12F

11/12 21:08, , 13F
G4我跟我堂哥一起看 他是KG忠實球迷,湖人上半場領先成這
11/12 21:08, 13F

11/12 21:09, , 14F
樣我卻啥都不敢說,當時湖人在開局 沒壓力情況下~順風球
11/12 21:09, 14F

11/12 21:09, , 15F
一把罩~但是對手氣勢上來 開始專注防守~湖人就會變的沒
11/12 21:09, 15F

11/12 21:10, , 16F
人敢打~出手 運球 突破 傳球都猶豫...
11/12 21:10, 16F

11/12 22:05, , 17F
11/12 22:05, 17F

11/12 22:06, , 18F
82場總是會輸個幾場 難不成要期待82連勝?
11/12 22:06, 18F

11/12 22:23, , 19F
11/12 22:23, 19F

11/12 22:23, , 20F
那場比賽開始前我要期末考 結果為了看比賽早早交券
11/12 22:23, 20F

11/12 22:23, , 21F
回家打開電視落後2,30分 我的眼淚都快落下來了....
11/12 22:23, 21F

11/12 22:24, , 22F
11/12 22:24, 22F

11/12 22:25, , 23F
因為是Final (′-`)y-~
11/12 22:25, 23F

11/12 23:01, , 24F
11/12 23:01, 24F

11/12 23:09, , 25F
第2名真的是永遠的痛 我忘不了比賽沒結束對面就玩起來了
11/12 23:09, 25F

11/12 23:10, , 26F
還在那邊給我潑水 很開心是吧從此以後就是不爽超賽拉
11/12 23:10, 26F

11/12 23:17, , 27F
我以為是說今天的比賽....= ="
11/12 23:17, 27F

11/13 00:27, , 28F
靠 五場都有看到
11/13 00:27, 28F

11/13 01:11, , 29F
11/13 01:11, 29F

11/13 02:01, , 30F
11/13 02:01, 30F

11/13 05:01, , 31F
11/13 05:01, 31F

11/13 05:09, , 32F
11/13 05:09, 32F

11/13 09:08, , 33F
11/13 09:08, 33F

11/13 10:24, , 34F
11/13 10:24, 34F

11/13 11:52, , 35F
說真的 其實我還滿期待本季能全勝的... 心碎了 /.\"
11/13 11:52, 35F

11/13 12:09, , 36F
11/13 12:09, 36F

11/13 13:21, , 37F
全都看到+1...還從學校翹課翻牆看 結束正好教官走來抓...
11/13 13:21, 37F

11/13 13:45, , 38F
11/13 13:45, 38F
文章代碼(AID): #1CtIGhFY (Lakers)