[外電] 學著愛Kobe

看板Lakers作者 (洛城浪子)時間13年前 (2010/10/06 23:26), 編輯推噓32(32012)
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Learning to love Kobe Bryant 學著愛Kobe By Eric Martin, Associated Content Sep 29, 4:51 pm EDT published by yahoo 原文網址 : http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news?slug=ac-6847550 When Kobe Bryant won his second championship ring, I was rooting against him, along with all of Philadelphia and all of underdog America. Watching that particular championship series crystallized my resentment towards Bryant - that swagger, that bravado, that sense of privilege. Kobe贏下他第二枚總冠軍戒指的時候, 我和所有費城人以及輸球球隊的球迷一樣,一想到我就恨死他了啦。 那個特別的冠軍系列讓我對Kobe的憎恨極度昇華— 那個狂妄自大、愛逞威風、虛榮無比的傢伙。 However, after a few more years of watching Kobe Bryant strut and struggle, my attitude about him has changed. This change in attitude might have something to do with my own change to a west coast zip code, but I'd like to think it has more to do with Kobe Bryant and the changes he's gone through. 然而,這麼多年看到Kobe人生的起起落落,我對他的態度完全轉變了。 我的轉變可能有部分受到我搬到西岸居住的影響, 但我想我的轉變更多是因為我親眼目睹了Kobe的轉變。 Today I would take Lakers season tickets over any other team. Why? Because Bryant is on the team, that's why.Though I can't exactly come around to call myself a Lakers fan, I am fascinated by the play and the persona that Kobe Bryant brings to the court. 如今我會毫不猶豫購買湖人的球票而不是其他球隊。 為什麼?因為這裡有Kobe,這就是理由。 儘管我並不能稱自己為湖人迷, 我只是被Kobe的賽場表現和他在球場上所散發出的人格魅力所吸引。 Bryant has gone from being a wonder-kid champion to a villain, to a sulking star and back to a being a champion. It's been a long road for Kobe to get where he is today, and it's been interesting, as a basketball fan, to watch him walk that road. Kobe從年少成名獲得總冠軍,到成為大眾公敵, 之後他從人生的低谷走出,再次成為冠軍。 他走過一條漫長的道路,才有今天的成就。 作為一個籃球迷,看Kobe這一路的風風雨雨是一件很有趣的事情。 The story 往事難忘 Coming out of Philly, Kobe sat on the bench for the Lakers for a couple years, then exploded onto the NBA scene. He won the dunk contest, made the All-Star team and took his game to new levels. He started scoring like a mad man. No one could stop him. 這個費城出生的孩子在湖人坐了兩年的板凳, 然後以一夜走紅的姿態登上了NBA的舞臺。 他贏得了扣籃大賽冠軍,入選了全明星,並把自己的比賽提到了新的高度。 他開始像發瘋一樣的得分。沒有人能阻止他。 Suddenly, Kobe Bryant was a star. 一夜之間,Kobe Bryant成為了一個明星。 But he was an ambitious one - too ambitious to share the spotlight. 但Kobe是一個充滿野心的傢伙,他不願意和任何人分享公眾的關注。 Shaquille O'Neal was the most dominant player in the NBA when Kobe Bryant began to hit his stride. The "Big Aristotle" cast a big shadow and the new-born star Kobe suffered in that shadow, relegated to the role of wingman when he wanted to be the top gun. 當Kobe大步向前邁進的時候,Shaq是聯盟最具統治力的人之一。 大亞里斯多德 (歐肥的綽號之一, 其他還有The Diesel大柴油機 以及在太陽時期得到的The Big Shaqtus大仙人掌) 的光芒讓新星Kobe站在了他的陰影之下, 他只是一個配角,但他想成為領袖。 Drama, naturally, ensued. 於是一場好戲上演了。 You probably know the rest. Bryant was sued then acquitted in Colorado. Locker-room bickering took center stage…and the team broke up. 後面的故事大家都瞭解。Kobe在科羅拉多被指控之後又被判無罪。 更衣室矛盾白熱化,三連霸陣容土崩瓦解。 When all this went down I was anti-Kobe like so many others. He seemed to be so unwilling to share the spotlight that he smash it to pieces instead of sharing. Things were ugly in LA. The glamour turned to gall and I was not a fan of all the drama. 這些事兒發生的時候我是一個恨死Kobe的人。 他如此不願意和別人分享,他還寧願把一切都破壞。 LA是醜陋的。LA原有的魅力瞬間變得醜陋不堪,而我並不是那場鬧劇的粉絲。 And all the drama seemed to be Kobe's. 所有的鬧劇好像都是Kobe搞出來的。 Best player on the floor 最好的球員 Since then, Kobe Bryant has been the sole leader of the Los Angeles Lakers. He's also been the best player on the floor in nearly every game he has played. 從那時起,Kobe成了湖人的唯一領袖。 也正是那時起,幾乎所有的比賽,Kobe都是球場上最好的球員。 His pre-eminence is enough reason to respect his game and his talent and, in the case of Kobe Bryant, it is also reason for people to despise him. 他的優秀表現讓人不得不讚歎他比賽的精彩和他的天賦, 而然這些也是一些人討厭他的原因。 A question that proves the point: Which team will remember Bryant's 81 point performance longer, the Lakers or the Mavericks? 我有個疑問:哪支隊伍將記住Kobe81的神跡表演更久,湖人還是小牛? I watched this game on local Los Angeles cable with the LA announcers doing the broadcast. I'll never forget it. As Kobe kept pouring in the points, it dawned on me and my friends that we were watching history happen, and it was great to hear the amazement shared by the court-side professionals who watch games for a living. 我從洛杉磯當地電視臺收看了這場令我永生難忘的比賽。 看著Kobe瘋狂的得分,我和我的朋友們漸漸明白,我們在見證一段歷史。 聽著靠分析比賽吃飯的專家大呼神奇,這種感覺實在妙極。 Even they were in awe of Kobe. 即使他們,也不得不敬畏Kobe。 Best ever? 歷史最佳? At this point in his career, Kobe must be considered in a new conversation. Beyond the discussion of best players in the league today, Kobe Bryant has earned the right to be considered as one of the best players in the history of the league. 這一時期的Kobe成了另一個話題的中心。 作為當今最好的球員,Kobe是否有資格被認為是歷史最佳球員之一。 Five championships, an MVP trophy, a scoring title, and many All-Star games have positioned Bryant above his peers. The only other players active today that rival Kobe Bryant's accomplishments are Tim Duncan and Shaquille O'Neal, both of whom are set to enter the discussion for "best ever" for their respective positions. These players are each guaranteed a place in history. Where exactly they will stand is an interesting question. 五枚總冠軍戒指,一個MVP,一次季賽得分王,n次入選全明星, 使得Kobe達到了普通球員難以企及的高度。 現役球員中只有TD,Shaq可以和Kobe的成就相提並論, 並且他們都在各自的位置被拖進了是不是史上最佳的討論中。 這些人在歷史上必然會佔有一席之地。 他們將最終站在哪個高度,是一個有趣的問題。 With years left to play and a strong team around him, Kobe is uniquely poised to pad his resume with more championships and further climb the ladder into rarified heights of NBA history. 在這些年的艱辛的連滾帶爬以及眾隊友的幫助下, Kobe已經在他的履歷表刻下了更多總冠軍的榮譽, 進一步提升了他在NBA歷史上的位置。 While the conversation about where these guys will stand in the annals of history may seem academic, I don't feel that way. Part of being a true fan of any sport is learning to appreciate the moments that will endure and to recognize them as they happen. 我覺得關於這些人最終將定位在歷史的哪個高度的討論看起來太過學術, 我並不認可這種做法。無論哪種體育運動,要做一個真正的粉絲, 某些程度上就是學會欣賞那些將被歷史銘記的時刻,並及時捕捉和見證這些時刻。 Kobe Bryant is one of those "moments" in the NBA. If I were to introduce someone to the NBA today, I would point to Bryant and say, "there is one of the best shooting guards to ever play basketball". The truth of that kind of statement, even if it is (slightly) debatable, is what makes players special and important. Kobe Bryant就是將被NBA銘記的“時刻”。 如果要我介紹別人來看NBA,我會指著Kobe告訴他們 : “他是籃球運動史上最強大的得分後衛之一”。 儘管這句話依然存在少許爭議,但這樣的聲明,讓一個球員變得重要和與眾不同。 This is why I love to watch Kobe play. I know I am watching the guy who could end up being called "the best shooting guard ever". 這就是為什麼我喜歡看Kobe打球。 我知道我在看的這個男人最終會被稱作“史上最好得分後衛”。 The conversation in his own words Kobe式訪談 Every NBA fan has seen about a thousand interviews with Kobe Bryant. At press conferences, on ESPN, at half-time - we've seen him speak at parade podiums again and again. NBA球迷都看過很多Kobe的訪談。 在ESPN這類媒體,半場採訪,和奪冠遊行上我們一次一次看見他發言。 On every occasion Kobe Bryant has shown himself to be impressively articulate. Though NBA fans also know that Bryant went straight from high school to the pros, there is no doubt that Kobe Bryant is an intelligent and well-spoken individual. The poise he shows behind a microphone makes him an ideal spokesman for the league. 每一個場合,Kobe都應對得體,給人留下深刻印象,正如球迷們所知, Kobe沒有念大學,從高中直接進入了聯盟, 但毫無疑問他是一個睿智又善於言辭的人。 他在麥克風前泰然自若,堪稱聯盟最理想的發言人。 Both as a fan and as a writer, I appreciate Kobe's verbal acuity. It's hard not to be impressed by a guy like that - in his early thirties, calm under the bright lights, effusive where most people would stumble or clam up. 無論從球迷還是從一個寫手的角度,我都很欣賞Kobe對語言的敏銳感。 大部分人在聚光燈下都會緊張或者結巴,但30出頭的Kobe鎮定無比,出口成章, 你很難不為這樣一個傢伙打動。 Gold medal Olympic team 奧運冠軍 After losing in the Finals to Celtics it would have been easy for Kobe Bryant to bow out of the 2008 summer Olympics. 總決賽輸給塞爾提克之後,Kobe其實有充足的理由提出退出國家隊, 不出戰2008年夏季奧運。 Instead of fostering his bitterness and saving up his anger for the next championship run, Kobe went to Greece to play alongside LeBron James and Dwyane Wade and brought home a gold medal to the United States. 但Kobe沒有放大他的痛苦,也沒有為他的下一次奪冠之旅積攢怒火, Kobe和LBJ DW他們一起去了希臘(明明是北京……), 為美國贏得了奧運會金牌。 Bryant led by example in the locker room and on the court in a way that directly contrasted to the criticisms of selfishness he has faced over his years as a professional basketball player. 作為一個職業球員,Kobe無論在場上還是更衣室都是所有球員的榜樣, 這和前些年他受到的認為他自私的指責形成鮮明對比。 The NBA is not Kobe Bryant's league in the same way that it once was Michael Jordan's. Bryant is less of a darling, more of an enigma. He has been steeped in controversy. He has been both embraced by a public and rejected in ways that Jordan never was. 和從前MJ統治的時代不同,NBA不是Kobe一個人獨步的聯盟。 Kobe沒那麼可愛,他更像一個謎團。他總是陷入爭議中。 和MJ不同,Kobe一方面為公眾所喜愛,一方面不為一部分人接納。 Ultimately, whether fan or foe, no one can deny the fact that Bryant has given us a good show. The fascinating and extreme ups and downs of Bryant's career are impossible to deny for their entertainment value alone. And when we stop to consider the many achievements that Kobe has managed to notch while embroiled in his own drama, we begin to see that Kobe's story is the NBA story and it has been for a while now. 其實,不管是愛他還是恨他,都不能否認,Kobe給我們帶來了精彩的比賽。 人們也不能否認,Kobe的迷人魅力和他職業生涯極度跌宕起伏, 本身就有很好的娛樂價值。 當我們與人爭論Kobe人生中所發生戲劇般的故事, 不妨停下來想想這些年Kobe所取得的成就,我們會看到Kobe的故事, 其實就是這麼長時間以來,整個聯盟的故事。 *Note: This article was written by an Associated Content Contributor. To become a Contributor and start publishing your own sports articles, go to Associated Content. -- 滿分的抒情文... 內容就... -- 洛城 ███◣ 浪子 Los Angeles Boys ◢██◣ █ █ ◥█ φlin798183 ██ ██◤ █ ██◤ █◤◢█ █◣ ◢ ██◤ ◥ ◤ █ █ ◤ ◥█ ███◣ ███◤ ◢██ ◥██ ◢█◤ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/06 23:32, , 1F
Eric Martin不是Mr.Big的主唱嗎...
10/06 23:32, 1F

10/06 23:33, , 2F
酸民應該學會愛自己 一天沒有KOBE會死一樣
10/06 23:33, 2F

10/06 23:34, , 3F
10/06 23:34, 3F
※ 編輯: LABOYS 來自: (10/06 23:35)

10/06 23:35, , 4F
推 酸民應該懂得欣賞每個球員的優點 :)
10/06 23:35, 4F

10/06 23:36, , 5F
酸民一直活在過去 F4&鷹郡那個年代 跟現實脫節....
10/06 23:36, 5F

10/06 23:37, , 6F
酸民每天都在推Kobe 比最熱血的湖人迷還勤勞
10/06 23:37, 6F

10/06 23:40, , 7F
10/06 23:40, 7F

10/06 23:40, , 8F
10/06 23:40, 8F

10/06 23:42, , 9F
大概想到三節62:61那場吧 哈哈
10/06 23:42, 9F

10/06 23:43, , 10F
事實上我都是照著番的 錯的都是這位大哥.....
10/06 23:43, 10F

10/06 23:45, , 11F
10/06 23:45, 11F

10/06 23:46, , 12F
10/06 23:46, 12F

10/06 23:47, , 13F
一切對回歸到原點 就是那個球
10/06 23:47, 13F

10/06 23:53, , 14F
10/06 23:53, 14F

10/06 23:53, , 15F
10/06 23:53, 15F

10/06 23:53, , 16F
10/06 23:53, 16F

10/06 23:55, , 17F
10/06 23:55, 17F

10/06 23:56, , 18F
10/06 23:56, 18F
其實每個NBA球員在合約中都應該有要求他們參羽應對媒體的訓練 所以話人人會說 應對人人都會 但說的好 應對的好大概就跟個人特質有關 ※ 編輯: LABOYS 來自: (10/07 00:02)

10/07 00:07, , 19F
10/07 00:07, 19F

10/07 00:15, , 20F
10/07 00:15, 20F

10/07 00:30, , 21F
推耶 這幾年Kobe真的越來越成熟
10/07 00:30, 21F

10/07 00:31, , 22F
酸民上線打「kobe」的次數絕對是我的百倍= =..
10/07 00:31, 22F

10/07 00:58, , 23F
雖然沒看完 但是純正的老大迷大概支到文章會提到啥
10/07 00:58, 23F

10/07 00:58, , 24F
10/07 00:58, 24F

10/07 01:03, , 25F
10/07 01:03, 25F

10/07 02:06, , 26F
........這篇資料感覺有很多問題 會間接讓人覺得他說的話
10/07 02:06, 26F

10/07 02:06, , 27F
10/07 02:06, 27F
就是篇作文 別太考據 記者嘛 ※ 編輯: LABOYS 來自: (10/07 02:08)

10/07 06:56, , 28F
推 酸民應該懂得欣賞每個球員的優缺點^^
10/07 06:56, 28F

10/07 07:29, , 29F
10/07 07:29, 29F

10/07 07:29, , 30F
10/07 07:29, 30F

10/07 07:36, , 31F
10/07 07:36, 31F

10/07 07:50, , 32F
某y <-- 明明愛反串+酸民....現在在裝糊迷??
10/07 07:50, 32F

10/07 08:30, , 33F
10/07 08:30, 33F

10/07 09:34, , 34F
10/07 09:34, 34F

10/07 10:08, , 35F
10/07 10:08, 35F

10/07 11:26, , 36F
某Y應該說自己啦 可能開始欣賞kobe的優點了吧XD
10/07 11:26, 36F

10/07 12:12, , 37F
酸民: 嗶嗶!護航文!零分!
10/07 12:12, 37F

10/07 16:47, , 38F
原來Y也會來這裡喔 真的是滿閒的....
10/07 16:47, 38F

10/07 16:52, , 39F
抽到海巡 東沙島吧~
10/07 16:52, 39F

10/07 19:51, , 40F
10/07 19:51, 40F

10/08 01:07, , 41F
10/08 01:07, 41F

10/08 02:50, , 42F
印象中說話不錯的還有Yao, Battier, Wade..
10/08 02:50, 42F

10/09 11:10, , 43F
10/09 11:10, 43F

10/09 11:11, , 44F
10/09 11:11, 44F
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