[乳摸] Bosh披紫金戰袍

看板Lakers作者 (*)時間14年前 (2010/07/01 10:50), 編輯推噓33(33031)
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http://0rz.tw/eLuKm DOES BOSH CONTROL THE MARKET? 重點: 有專欄作家爆料,湖人暴龍可能會合作 用先簽後換的方式 Bosh <----> Odom為首 or Bynum為首的包裝禮盒 暴龍的優秀總管,似乎不會讓自己在BOSH的離去中,空手而回 Posted by Sekou Smith HANG TIME HEADQUARTERS – You’ve been told for months that LeBron James and to a lesser extent Dwyane Wade control the free agent market this summer. It makes perfect sense. The two most high-profile players in the most high-profile free agent summer of all time have to be the guys that set the pace, right? Well, maybe not. What if it’s Chris Bosh that controls the action this summer. Hear me out before you go throwing things across the room and screaming at your computer. If Bosh is the player everyone wants to pair with another superstar … why wouldn’t he be the linchpin to the summer? And it’s not just the teams with cap space that are anxious to get their hands on Bosh. One of my most trusted sources indicated to me last night that a sign-and-trade package is being discussed that would send Bosh to the Los Angeles Lakers — the Lakers mentioned as centerpieces of a potential deal were Andrew Bynum and Lamar Odom, though you would expect only one of them to be included in a proposed deal. As with all things being “discussed” this time of year, it doesn’t mean it ’s going to happen. But the mere discussion is intriguing enough for us to wonder what Toronto GM Bryan Colangelo is working on if he knows Bosh is leaving. (Anyone that has a hand in a potential Kobe Bryant, Pau Gasol, Bosh and Ron Artest core four being formed is sure to be left off of a few Christmas card lists around the league this year.) Michael Grange of the Globe and Mail has a great handle on what the Raptors are facing in free agency and in regards to losing Bosh and dealing with whatever results they get from Colangelo’s summer work: Do the Raptors have some leverage? Perhaps. A sign-and-trade would net Bosh a six-year contract for about $130-million, instead of the five-year deal for about $100-million. But Bosh could go elsewhere without the benefit of a sign-and-trade and in three years be eligible for a three-year extension. The Raptors’ leverage really amounts to about $10-million over six seasons. Nothing to sneeze at, but hardly enough to control the fate of someone willing to sign for less than the maximum number of years as a 23-year-old in 2006. Bosh rolled the dice to maintain his independence then, why wouldn’t he do it again now? Toronto’s best hope is there is a true competition for Bosh’s services among teams that have the salary cap flexibility. In that scenario, Bosh will be able to force a sign-and-trade and enjoy the security of that sixth year up front. What would that mean to Toronto? Best case would be a deal netting a trade exception and perhaps a draft pick or two. (The trade exception could be worth as much as $16-million and allow the otherwise capped-out Raptors a way to add talent by taking on players from teams looking to dump salary – would the San Antonio Spurs be willing to part with guard Tony Parker and his $13.5-million salary to make way for George Hill? Not inconceivable.) Colangelo’s latest spin as it’s become ever clearer that his franchise player is leaving is that getting non-player assets – the trade exceptions and draft picks – is a reasonable outcome. That with the right assets in hand, he can pull rabbits out of hats. He might even be able to put a team together that could qualify for the playoffs, reversing the Raptors’ slide under his watch. In any case, in his four years in Toronto, Colangelo’s wheel-and-deal magic act has been as entertaining as anything the floor. Get ready for another summer of the same. The difference now is that any right-thinking fan will note the magic man’s frayed top hat and tails, and be entirely justified in checking if the bunny is alive, dead or this year’s version of Turkoglu. Once again, if Bosh is this important to this many different teams, how could he not be the true pot stirrer of the summer? Sure, James and Wade are priority No. 1 for most everyone looking to find a savior. But the nuts and bolts of this summer, the guy that will bring it all together for some team, the guy that might serve as the championship pierce a team is looking for, could very well be Bosh. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Sakino 來自: (07/01 10:51)

07/01 10:51, , 1F
07/01 10:51, 1F

07/01 10:51, , 2F
07/01 10:51, 2F

07/01 10:51, , 3F
這麼想要bosh幹嘛? 神經病
07/01 10:51, 3F

07/01 10:52, , 4F
07/01 10:52, 4F

07/01 10:53, , 5F
雖然我覺得換不到 但是我會換
07/01 10:53, 5F

07/01 10:53, , 6F
專欄作家很缺錢喔 硬要賺稿費
07/01 10:53, 6F

07/01 10:53, , 7F
07/01 10:53, 7F

07/01 10:53, , 8F
07/01 10:53, 8F

07/01 10:54, , 9F
不太可能...冠軍陣容沒必要變動主力成員 除非Bynum的傷勢
07/01 10:54, 9F

07/01 10:54, , 10F
07/01 10:54, 10F

07/01 10:54, , 11F
07/01 10:54, 11F

07/01 10:56, , 12F
07/01 10:56, 12F

07/01 10:56, , 13F
Odom/Bynum+後場 能換到bosh不敢說賺 但起碼不賠
07/01 10:56, 13F

07/01 10:57, , 14F
07/01 10:57, 14F

07/01 10:58, , 15F
換Odom+some players可討論 但Odom+Bynuw 關門放狗不送
07/01 10:58, 15F

07/01 10:58, , 16F
換來一個跟耶穌這麼像的傳球沒他好的幹麻阿= =
07/01 10:58, 16F

07/01 10:58, , 17F
後場差不多出走光了 = = 而且Bosh進攻需要不少的持球時間
07/01 10:58, 17F

07/01 10:58, , 18F
07/01 10:58, 18F

07/01 10:59, , 19F
07/01 10:59, 19F

07/01 10:59, , 20F
07/01 10:59, 20F

07/01 10:59, , 21F
看到angel大的推文看成 後場差不多走光了,想說誰走光
07/01 10:59, 21F

07/01 11:06, , 22F
07/01 11:06, 22F

07/01 11:07, , 23F
07/01 11:07, 23F

07/01 11:10, , 24F
同意J大 我們還是把目標放在後場比較重要
07/01 11:10, 24F

07/01 11:15, , 25F
我們只需要一個有三分 有防守的PG就很威了!!不要他!!!!!!!
07/01 11:15, 25F

07/01 11:21, , 26F
這乳摸不是有一陣子了嗎 別太認真
07/01 11:21, 26F

07/01 11:21, , 27F
07/01 11:21, 27F

07/01 11:29, , 28F
07/01 11:29, 28F

07/01 11:33, , 29F
我也不知道到底要他來幹麻 演阿凡達?
07/01 11:33, 29F

07/01 12:25, , 30F
Bosh+Gasol這種禁區技巧超強 但身體根本就太瘦弱
07/01 12:25, 30F

07/01 13:00, , 31F
Bosh肯簽1千萬的約再說吧..他要頂約性價比 <<<<<<< Odom
07/01 13:00, 31F

07/01 13:22, , 32F
07/01 13:22, 32F

07/01 13:24, , 33F
Odom+Luke換Bosh 再丟個內線出去換好貨 不過內線優勢就沒了
07/01 13:24, 33F

07/01 13:26, , 34F
LUKE+班尬換bosh 暴龍至少得到防守中鋒+全能小前 不虧
07/01 13:26, 34F

07/01 13:29, , 35F
07/01 13:29, 35F

07/01 13:29, , 36F
再補個總冠軍幕後功臣摸女生 這樣算賠本出清了只有3天
07/01 13:29, 36F

07/01 13:30, , 37F
Odom+Luke換得到Bosh 暴龍GM可以去自殺了XD(誤)
07/01 13:30, 37F

07/01 13:32, , 38F
可以清掉Luke我會想成交 畢竟隨便拿一支出去換個好的後場都
07/01 13:32, 38F

07/01 13:32, , 39F
換到bosh後再跟灰熊換mayo+小咖嗽 一次補齊
07/01 13:32, 39F

07/01 13:32, , 40F
有剩 剩的再補個硬漢當替補 雖然內線優勢會不穩XDDDD
07/01 13:32, 40F

07/01 13:33, , 41F
Bosh比Odom強很多 又能丟掉Luke這爛約 太扯了
07/01 13:33, 41F

07/01 13:33, , 42F
內線優勢不會不穩 GASOL 霸男 BOSH的輪替耶...太強勢
07/01 13:33, 42F

07/01 13:33, , 43F
我一時想不起灰熊還有啥小前好用又便宜的剩下再補上 剛好
07/01 13:33, 43F

07/01 13:34, , 44F
這樣換的成 我照三餐拿暴龍GM的相片來拜XD
07/01 13:34, 44F

07/01 13:34, , 45F
如果暴龍一定要得到什麼 吃張爛約是一定要的
07/01 13:34, 45F

07/01 13:35, , 46F
07/01 13:35, 46F

07/01 13:36, , 47F
拿一先發+替補 換一個先發 那誰來補Odom的位置
07/01 13:36, 47F

07/01 13:36, , 48F
+替補? 還是玻璃替補XDDD 說實在對Luke健康沒啥信心
07/01 13:36, 48F

07/01 13:39, , 49F
我逛騎士板 暴龍和騎士S&T的機會比湖人大很多 畢竟騎
07/01 13:39, 49F

07/01 13:39, , 50F
士好貨較多 暴龍GM正常點應該是向CLE交易才對
07/01 13:39, 50F

07/01 13:40, , 51F
不過如果騎士無法確定留下LBJ 我想BOSH也不會同意的
07/01 13:40, 51F

07/01 13:40, , 52F
所以目前就看LBJ要不要表態留 一但BOSH去CLE
07/01 13:40, 52F

07/01 13:47, , 53F
我倒覺得Bosh去熱火的可能性很高 Beasley和Chalmers都是
07/01 13:47, 53F

07/01 13:47, , 54F
不錯的交易籌碼 不過我想熱火不會放掉Chalmers
07/01 13:47, 54F

07/01 14:03, , 55F
07/01 14:03, 55F

07/01 18:05, , 56F
老實說就算老二跟bosh交易成真 我覺得賺到的也只有年
07/01 18:05, 56F

07/01 18:05, , 57F
輕 老二的多功性不是那麼容易取代 但是清掉了luke的
07/01 18:05, 57F

07/01 18:06, , 58F
合約的確就讓這筆交易好多了 只是何苦去換呢...
07/01 18:06, 58F

07/01 18:06, , 59F
07/01 18:06, 59F

07/01 19:29, , 60F
07/01 19:29, 60F

07/01 20:44, , 61F
吃X吧 你想換我還不想跟你換咧
07/01 20:44, 61F

07/01 20:44, , 62F
07/01 20:44, 62F

07/01 22:34, , 63F
07/01 22:34, 63F

07/02 00:51, , 64F
之前不是說BYNUM都是假的 那這樣ODOM就危險了- -
07/02 00:51, 64F
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