[外電] Here's how the Lakers can easily imp …

看板Lakers作者 (helloworld)時間14年前 (2010/06/24 23:33), 編輯推噓23(2305)
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http://www.ocregister.com/articles/easily-254642-improve-lakers.html By KEVIN DING. 這篇蠻有趣的,聊的是現有陣容球員的自我提升...雖然我翻完之後感覺跟往年沒啥兩樣 EL SEGUNDO – The natural question, albeit hugely speculative, at this time of year for NBA teams: “Who are they going to get?” 一個很自然的問題:面對現在詭變的交易市場,哪些球隊會得到誰? The much more relevant question for the Lakers: “Who among those already here is going to get better?” 對湖人更關鍵的問題在於:目前陣容中的球員誰會變得更進步? Jerry Buss isn’t looking to buy any new toys. Given how much he is paying for the state-of-the-art ones he has and how he just spent at least $1.8 million more to give everyone a parade, that’s understandable. 老闆Buss不準備再花錢買新玩具(無誤XD)。他對球隊已經投入了一大筆錢,以及他才剛 花了至少180萬美刀讓大家去冠軍遊行,這點小氣是可以理解的。 It’s obvious anyway that the basis of a championship team is already here. But summer is the time in the NBA when individuals driven to be the best go and get better – and the Lakers do have room for improvement. 很顯然冠軍球隊的基礎已經穩定,但夏天是球員尋求自己更好發展的時刻,湖人也有提 升的空間。 The day after the parade, they marched through the team’s offices – everyonebut co-captains Kobe Bryant and Derek Fisher, who signed up for Wednesday, and Josh Powell – and huddled with Mitch Kupchak and Phil Jackson about that room for growth. 遊行過後的隔天,冠軍隊員依序到球隊辦公室報到,除了老大和老魚,他們被安排在星期 三會面,還有Josh Powell。其他球員跟Mitch Kupchak與禪師一起討論球隊進步的空間。 No one could ever question the commitment of Bryant and Fisher to improvement ,but given they are the team’s oldest players, it’s unrealistic to focus on their growth. 沒人會懷疑老大和老魚追求進步的決心,但考慮到他們是隊上最老的隊員,把進步的焦點 放在他們身上是不切實際的。 Pretty much everyone else can be asked for more, though.- That includes the next-oldest Lakers: Lamar Odom, Ron Artest, Luke Walton and Pau Gasol. The first three are 30, and Gasol turns 30 in two weeks. 那就表示,對其他人的要求會更高了。包括年齡僅次於老大和老魚的幾個人:老二,阿泰 ,我疼和姊姊。前三個人已經過了30歲(我疼有30了?! 光陰飛逝啊...),姊姊再兩個星期 也要滿30了。 Walton gave the Lakers just 272 minutes in the regular season because of his back problems, barely more than Adam Morrison played. The Lakers believe Walton should be a leader on their bench unit and hope that can happen next season if the injury-prone Walton has success with the training specialists he’ll visit this offseason. 我疼因為背傷影響,在例行賽的整個賽季只出場272分鐘,全隊只有Morrison的上場時間 比他少。湖人希望下個賽季我疼可以成為板凳上的領導者 - 如果有玻璃化傾向的我疼在 休賽期與訓練師的會面成功的話。 Whereas Walton was hurt, Gasol and Odom are simply tired. Gasol has played nearly year-round for three years but will finally take this summer off. Odom acknowledges how long last season felt to him after his whirlwind reality TV wedding special right before training camp. 如果說我疼是因為受傷,姊姊和老二就真的是太累了。姊姊在過去三年幾乎沒有休息過, 今年夏天他終於可以好好放鬆一下了。老二表示,整個賽季對他來說相當漫長,自從去年 經歷了一場盛大的電視直播婚禮後(糖嫂看起來需求很大...)。 Then there is Artest, who revealed Tuesday just how much stress he felt in his first Lakers season – partly from telling reporters to “blame me” if the Lakers didn’t win another title. 輪到阿泰了,在星期二他終於承認自己承受很大的壓力,在他效力湖人的第一年。部分原 因是原於他在記者面前公開對老大的誓詞 - 如果湖人沒有衛冕,責怪我。 “One of the dumbest things I did,” he said. 阿泰:這是我做過最愚蠢的事。 Artest said the pressure-induced inability to “focus on the game”prompted him to call his psychologist more and more. Artest said he called her every day midway through the second-round playoff series against Utah and then had her visit him in Phoenix during the Western Conference finals and in Boston during the NBA Finals. 阿泰說,因為壓力太大使他很難把注意力集中在比賽上,導致他越來越常打電話去咨詢心 理醫生。從對爵士的系列賽開始,他每天都要打電話給醫生。到了西部決賽以及總決賽時 ,他還要求心理醫生到Phoenix和Boston的比賽現場,幫助自己解決心理問題。 Artest said his uncertainty can be traced back to him going into the stands in Detroit in 2004. 阿泰表示,他的不穩定表現可以追溯到04年的奧本山大亂鬥事件。 “Ever since the brawl,” he said, “I’ve been scarred. … I didn’t feel comfortable anymore.” 阿泰:自從那次的事件後,我從此留下了傷痕...之後我就再也沒有感覺舒適過。 Artest also said: “For some reason, I just didn’t have the same confidence.” 因為一些原因,我遺失了過去的自信(史騰的陰影真大...)。 Now that he has helped the Lakers win a title, Artest said:“Now my confidence going through next season is going through the roof. But that doesn’t mean I have to shine or be in the spotlight. … I’ll be ready to help.” 現在他幫助了湖人拿到衛冕寶座,阿泰說:下個賽季我的自信心要爆表啦!但這不表示我 會搶走鏡頭成為比賽的焦點...我只是準備幫助球隊贏球。 Here's what Odom said about his longtime friend's first season in the triangle offense and under Jackson: Right at the end, I think he found his rhythm. It’ll be interesting to see him play to that rhythm at the start of the year. 糖果人談起他的老朋友在三角體系和禪師執教下的第一個賽季:他開始融入了。我認為他 找到了他的節奏,看他在自己的節奏上打球非常有趣,從下個賽季開始。 (我論老二根本是在看笑話的可能性?) Said Artest about Jackson: “Finally, I was learning the way he wanted me to play, and it was the right way.” 談到禪師時阿泰這麼說:我終於明白他要我怎麼打球的方式了,那絕對是正確的。 - The Lakers definitely want their backup guards to play the right way more next season. With Jordan Farmar’s expected departure, Sasha Vujacic and Shannon Brown (if he doesn’t also leave in free agency) would be wise to apply the triangle education they have over any free-agent guard the Lakers sign. 湖人期待他們的替補後衛下個賽季可以打的更好。隨著農夫想要離開的事實,那麼對於莎 莎和香濃(假設他不選擇成為自由球員)來說,如何更有效的執行三角進攻是當務之急, 他們比湖人未來簽下的任何一位替補後衛都瞭解三角體系。 It’s iffy how well Vujacic could defend opposing backup point guards on a nightly basis, but he has been tried at the lead-guard position by Jackson in the past. Vujacic said the scenario came up again in his talk with Jackson on Tuesday – two hours after Farmar had blown through that office and further established his commitment to finding an offense elsewhere that better suits him. 莎莎在防守對方的控衛時不見得說會有多好的表現,但過去在禪師手下他也打過核心後衛 的位置。莎莎說在星期二他和禪師討論了這個話題 - 兩個小時前農夫才從這個辦公室出 來,他表示期待能在更適合他的球隊體系裡找到更好的發揮空間(一路好走)。 “I love it,” Vujacic said about being a ball-handling guard, which he did in his early pro years in Europe. “I’m not going to lie to you.” 談到位置即將轉變為控球後衛時莎莎說:我喜歡這個角色,我沒有騙你。 (這是在對Odom說嗎XDD) - 他早期在歐洲打球時打的就是這個位置。 Vujacic, last seen on the rise in his 2007-08 driv for a new contract, was honest about something else, too, saying: “It’s not secret that next year is my contract year.” 除了過去在07-08的合約年有過爆發,近年來莎莎的表現並不理想。他很誠實的談到另一 個事情:明年是我的合約年,這不是秘密。 If Brown returns, there is little doubt he will be better in the triangle than this season, when he was the team’s worst reader of defenses besides Artest. 如果香濃留在球隊,不用懷疑他對三角進攻的理解會比今年更進步,雖然他是隊上對對方 防守理解最差的球員,除了阿泰之外。 “It’s going to come,” Brown said. “It’s going to come with time.” 香濃說:隨著時間我會漸漸融入體系的。 A tag team of Brown and Vujacic, depending on matchups, could be just fine for the Lakers, as Brown could guard the smaller players that Vujacic couldn’t. But that’s assuming both Brown and Vujacic do get better. 香濃加上莎莎的後場組合,在面對不同對位時,對湖人來說也許件好事,像是香濃能夠防 守一些莎莎守不住的小後衛。但這建立在他們會變得更好的前提上。(不期不待...) - That brings us to one more player whose personal growth could change the Lakers’ landscape for next season. If you don’t know who it is, then you haven’t been following very closely in each of the past four seasons … when this player has offered wonderful dreams from which the Lakers have awakened too soon. 這讓我們想到了另一個球員,他下個賽季的成長將會改變湖人的前景。如果你不知道他是 誰,表示你沒有仔細注意過去四個賽季湖人的比賽...這個球員曾帶給湖人美好的夢想, 但卻很快地破滅。 Andrew Bynum will still be 22 when he comes to training camp in October. 在去年十月回到訓練營時,Bynum只有22歲。 He will be coming off a confidence-building playoff run in which he earned newfound respect and proved something to himself about playing in pain. He will be coming off his first offseason since 2007 without having to surrender much of the summer to major rehabilitation, as his torn meniscus is projected to require just five weeks of recovery. He will also be coming in with much-needed core-strength improvement based on his planned summer session with Lakers body-mechanics guru Alex McKechnie. 今年季後賽他建立了很大的信心,贏得了新的尊重,也證明他自己可以帶著傷病打球。這 是他從07年之後第一個不需要進行大量復原訓練的休賽期,因為半月板的撕裂傷只需要大 概5週的恢復時間。他也計劃在湖人訓練師Alex McKechnie的指導下,增加自己需要加強 的力量。 Bynum has always struggled to hold position because of his frame, and he is looking forward to having a “better base” with greater core strength. He should be able to withstand contact and react athletically instead of in his often wobbly, slow way. 礙於力量不足,他在卡位時總是相當掙扎,Bynum希望經過加強力量訓練,使他的下盤更 穩。這樣他就可以承受對方的衝擊並進行力量的對抗,而不是現在既緩慢又不穩的情形。 “That will help my game out a lot,” Bynum said. “Get pushed and explode back up.” Bynum表示:這會對我的比賽幫助很大,我可以承受對抗並做出反擊。 Oh, and Bynum intends on stealing a few things from the game of one of his contemporary idols; Bynum’s admiration for his teammate Gasol has gone underreported, but Bynum wants to be a little bit more like his frontcourt partner next season. 噢,Bynum還打算從姊姊的比賽中偷學幾招;很少人知道他對姊姊的仰慕,他希望下個賽 季的表現能更像姊姊一點。(孩子,你也到了該腐的年紀了...) Bynum is going to work on the left hook that Gasol uses as a counter to defenses that sit on traditional right-hand moves. Bynum also hopes to mimic Gasol’s activity as an offensive rebounder so Bynum can’t be taken so easily out of the offensive mix. 他打算練習姊姊常用的左手勾射,這是為了應付防守者對於右手球員的防守。Bynum也希 望能學習姊姊在進攻籃板的表現,才不會被忽略他在混戰中的作用。 Bynum acknowledged that some of those subtleties from Gasol aren’t that exciting, but they are effective. Let’s all remember that the biggest play in Game 7 of the NBA Finals was, in fact, an offensive rebound by Gasol. 他知道姊姊的這些技術並不有趣,但相當有用。我們要永遠記得總決賽G7的偉大,事實上 ,姊姊的進攻籃板造就了這場比賽。 Self-improvement from the Lakers’ players this offseason will be the same: subtle but perhaps hugely difference-making. 在這個休賽期,湖人球員的自我改進和過去沒什麼兩樣:很微妙,但也許有很大的不同。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/24 23:36, , 1F
I've been scaRRed 應該是說留下了傷痕吧XD
06/24 23:36, 1F

06/24 23:37, , 2F
可能看成scaRed了 囧
06/24 23:37, 2F

06/24 23:39, , 3F
06/24 23:39, 3F

06/24 23:39, , 4F
外電推~ 看來農夫自己也有了方向~
06/24 23:39, 4F

06/24 23:40, , 5F
06/24 23:40, 5F

06/24 23:41, , 6F
06/24 23:41, 6F

06/24 23:41, , 7F
^^^^ 不愧是傲嬌皮卡丘XDDD
06/24 23:41, 7F
※ 編輯: angelmax 來自: (06/24 23:44)

06/24 23:42, , 8F
06/24 23:42, 8F

06/24 23:44, , 9F
推 休賽期間還有外電實在太強大了
06/24 23:44, 9F

06/24 23:46, , 10F
06/24 23:46, 10F

06/24 23:48, , 11F
好期待霸男!!! 還有阿泰跟合約年殺殺 香濃把防守跟外線練好
06/24 23:48, 11F

06/24 23:56, , 12F
06/24 23:56, 12F

06/25 00:23, , 13F
bynum 對姊姊的仰慕... >///<
06/25 00:23, 13F

06/25 00:33, , 14F
06/25 00:33, 14F

06/25 00:34, , 15F
06/25 00:34, 15F

06/25 00:53, , 16F
06/25 00:53, 16F

06/25 00:57, , 17F
06/25 00:57, 17F

06/25 01:11, , 18F
Bynum捲毛 最好留得出來啦XD
06/25 01:11, 18F

06/25 01:17, , 19F
ARTEST:這是我做過最愚蠢的事。 <~~~~~看到這我笑翻了
06/25 01:17, 19F

06/25 01:18, , 20F
06/25 01:18, 20F

06/25 01:18, , 21F
06/25 01:18, 21F

06/25 01:51, , 22F
06/25 01:51, 22F

06/25 07:49, , 23F
我疼其實可以當助教,不要領這麼多薪水<(  ̄皿 ̄)╮
06/25 07:49, 23F

06/25 08:12, , 24F
莎莎控球滿抖的 而且動作有點拙
06/25 08:12, 24F

06/25 08:33, , 25F
06/25 08:33, 25F

06/25 09:52, , 26F
06/25 09:52, 26F

06/25 13:13, , 27F
06/25 13:13, 27F

06/26 17:09, , 28F
06/26 17:09, 28F
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