[集氣] Win!

看板Lakers作者時間14年前 (2010/06/17 13:35), 編輯推噓142(142014)
留言156則, 142人參與, 最新討論串1/1
G6賽後 記者帶著興奮的語氣訪問神情凝重的Kobe Bryant "或許是我太過激動了, 不過 Kobe, 如果開季的時候有人跟你說 " "你們只要贏一場主場的比賽 就可以拿到總冠軍 你會受到鼓舞嗎? " Kobe是這樣回答的 "不會 獲得機會不會讓我被鼓舞 [掌握]機會才會" 記者不厭其煩的又問了 "這場G7 對你代表什麼樣重要的意義 ?" Kobe回答 "嗄? 就是另一場非贏不可的比賽而已" 這就是Kobe Bryant 他在<Driven>這篇文裡面寫到 he only thing I truly worry about is that my drive and my will are sometimes too much for my teammates to handle. Do I expect too much from them? How can I elevate them to play with my same passion every night? 我唯一真正擔心的是,我的渴望與意志是否會讓隊友無法承受。 我對他們期望太高嗎?我要怎麼提升他們每晚投入跟我一樣的熱情? 這個問題或許有了答案 前年的湖人隊在非贏不可的戰役中敗退 將咫尺的榮耀拱手讓與他人 今年他們在第六戰挺過壓力 將場數扳成 3-3 除了Artest 其餘的湖人小將都經歷過 08 Final 兩年前 他們在比賽中一瀉千里 最後以超大比分慘敗 兩年後 他們在關鍵的G6展現的拼勁和意志非常強大 他們成長了 不可否認 現在冠軍天平正朝著洛杉磯湖人傾斜 G6的大勝助長了我們的氣燄 鼓舞了我們的球迷 我們將壓力丟回給塞爾提克 我們有主場優勢 歷史站在我們這篇 Perkins不能上場也是利多 但是 這樣夠嗎? 我們的球員準備好了嗎? 這樣情況下我們能夠獲勝嗎? 我們能夠攫取這個冠軍 把他留在洛杉磯嗎? 我們能夠擊敗在歷史對決中占盡上風的塞爾提克嗎? 我們來聽聽球員們的想法 : "我們代表著歷史 我們將為了各自隊上的榮耀而戰" Odom說 "這是我從小的夢想 站在後院裡 心裡倒數著 5 4 3 2 1 ...... " "跟我無關" Kobe說 "如果是小時候 談起這種成為歷史瞬間感覺 肯定會很興奮" "但我現在親身經歷了 我要做的就是上場好好打球 專注 無視這些噱頭" "我知道如果不能拿下這場比賽大家會有多麼絕望和沮喪" Gasol說 "我的腦海中常有這樣的想法 這樣能刺激我在場上發揮" "我們需要釋放所有的能量 打出最好的比賽" 他們是這樣說的 For Ron : 你來到湖人的目標 就近在眼前 現在只差一點點而已 請用你的防守讓他們窒息 請用你的外線讓他們疲於奔命 請用你的硬漢本質拿下這一場勝利 For Odom : 球迷從沒有忘記你所能做的事情是多麼的重要 請打的跟上一場一樣有侵略性 抓下所有在你頭上的圓形物體 扭轉那些你無法擔當大任的評價 For Bynum : 球迷看得到你在場上的牽制力 看的到你努力的對抗傷病 One More Game, 請將我們的禁區擋的水洩不通 去讓自己獲得應有的肯定 For Derek : 有你在真好 漁哥 請記得沉穩 和節奏的控制 你在湖人拿了4個戒指 想必五個也不嫌多對吧 For Pau : 請展現你的所長 打破行於外的枷鎖 請幫助湖人隊取勝 For Bench : 請注意防守 請注意每一個細節 不要放過每一個空擋 每一個爭搶 For Kobe : 請做你自己 老大 得到機會並不會留名青史 掌握機會才會 It's Our Team , Our Journey , Our City , Our Fans , Our Strength , Our Will , Our Defense , Our Tradition , Our Destiny , Our Los Angeles Lakers. Our Champs. Play like champs, show the will and... Just win the game . -- 洛城 ███◣ 浪子 Los Angeles Boys ◢██◣ █ █ ◥█ φlin798183 ██ ██◤ █ ██◤ █◤◢█ █◣ ◢ ██◤ ◥ ◤ █ █ ◤ ◥█ ███◣ ███◤ ◢██ ◥██ ◢█◤ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/17 13:36, , 1F
好長好亂 XD
06/17 13:36, 1F
※ 編輯: LABOYS 來自: (06/17 13:37)

06/17 13:38, , 2F
推老大 沒有一定會贏的比賽 只有非贏不可的比賽
06/17 13:38, 2F

06/17 13:39, , 3F
06/17 13:39, 3F

06/17 13:39, , 4F
06/17 13:39, 4F

06/17 13:40, , 5F
Just win the game!!! (怎麼上面幾樓忘了集氣?)
06/17 13:40, 5F

06/17 13:42, , 6F
06/17 13:42, 6F

06/17 13:42, , 7F
Just win the game!!!
06/17 13:42, 7F

06/17 13:43, , 8F
1 to ring, 11 @ Staples Center!!!!
06/17 13:43, 8F

06/17 13:44, , 9F
Just win the game!!!
06/17 13:44, 9F

06/17 13:46, , 10F
Just win the game!!!
06/17 13:46, 10F

06/17 13:46, , 11F
Ring or Nothing!!!
06/17 13:46, 11F

06/17 13:49, , 12F
Just win the game!!! (我氣多,多集一次~)
06/17 13:49, 12F

06/17 13:51, , 13F
Just win the game!!
06/17 13:51, 13F

06/17 13:52, , 14F
Just win the game!!!
06/17 13:52, 14F

06/17 13:53, , 15F
Just win the game!!!
06/17 13:53, 15F

06/17 13:53, , 16F
Just win the game!!!
06/17 13:53, 16F

06/17 13:56, , 17F
Just win the game!!!   Let's Fight!Lakers!
06/17 13:56, 17F

06/17 13:59, , 18F
Just win the game!!! 一樣,明天不看比賽>"<
06/17 13:59, 18F

06/17 14:00, , 19F
Just win the game!!!
06/17 14:00, 19F

06/17 14:05, , 20F
這種時候罵句髒話 拚命打球 其他都是多餘
06/17 14:05, 20F

06/17 14:09, , 21F
Just win the game!!!
06/17 14:09, 21F

06/17 14:11, , 22F
Just win the game!!! 1 to ring
06/17 14:11, 22F

06/17 14:11, , 23F
Just win the game!!! 1 to ring
06/17 14:11, 23F

06/17 14:12, , 24F
Just win the game!!! 待會把我所有帳號開出來集氣!!!
06/17 14:12, 24F

06/17 14:13, , 25F
Just win the game!!!
06/17 14:13, 25F

06/17 14:13, , 26F
Just win the game!!! 樓上XD 1 to ring
06/17 14:13, 26F

06/17 14:14, , 27F
Just win the game!!
06/17 14:14, 27F

06/17 14:16, , 28F
Just win the game!
06/17 14:16, 28F

06/17 14:17, , 29F
Just win the game!!!!!!
06/17 14:17, 29F

06/17 14:19, , 30F
Just win the game!Yes,we cam!!把老賽打到變烙賽!!!
06/17 14:19, 30F

06/17 14:19, , 31F
Just win the game!!
06/17 14:19, 31F

06/17 14:24, , 32F
Just win the game! save ring in LA
06/17 14:24, 32F

06/17 14:26, , 33F
Just win the game!!!!! Let's go Lakers!!!!!
06/17 14:26, 33F

06/17 14:26, , 34F
Just win the game!!
06/17 14:26, 34F

06/17 14:29, , 35F
Just win the game!!
06/17 14:29, 35F

06/17 14:36, , 36F
Just win the game!!
06/17 14:36, 36F

06/17 14:43, , 37F
Just win the game!! let' go get the ring!!!!!!
06/17 14:43, 37F

06/17 14:45, , 38F
Just win the game!!
06/17 14:45, 38F
還有 78 則推文
06/17 19:23, , 117F
Just win the game!!!
06/17 19:23, 117F

06/17 19:23, , 118F
Just win the game!!!
06/17 19:23, 118F

06/17 19:29, , 119F
Just win the game.
06/17 19:29, 119F

06/17 19:30, , 120F
Just win the game!!!
06/17 19:30, 120F

06/17 19:40, , 121F
Just win the game!!!
06/17 19:40, 121F

06/17 19:49, , 122F
Just win the game
06/17 19:49, 122F

06/17 19:51, , 123F
Just win the game!!
06/17 19:51, 123F

06/17 19:51, , 124F
Just win the game!!
06/17 19:51, 124F

06/17 20:01, , 125F
Just win the game!!
06/17 20:01, 125F

06/17 20:09, , 126F
Nothing is unbeatable,BOSTON is the next victim
06/17 20:09, 126F

06/17 20:13, , 127F
Just win the game!! Go Go Go Lakers
06/17 20:13, 127F

06/17 20:15, , 128F
Just win the game!!! we all believe in them!!!
06/17 20:15, 128F

06/17 20:16, , 129F
Just win the game!!
06/17 20:16, 129F

06/17 20:21, , 130F
Just win the game!!! 湖人~~給我硬起來!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
06/17 20:21, 130F

06/17 20:47, , 131F
Just win the game!!
06/17 20:47, 131F

06/17 21:06, , 132F
Just win the game!!
06/17 21:06, 132F

06/17 21:10, , 133F
Just win the game!!! 湖人~~給我硬起來!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
06/17 21:10, 133F

06/17 21:52, , 134F
Just win the game!! 1,2,3! RING!!!!!!
06/17 21:52, 134F

06/17 22:07, , 135F
Just win the game!!!
06/17 22:07, 135F

06/17 22:08, , 136F
Just win the game!!!湖人總冠軍 KOBE MVP
06/17 22:08, 136F

06/17 22:11, , 137F
Just win the game!!! 連霸!!!
06/17 22:11, 137F

06/17 22:29, , 138F
Just win the game!!!
06/17 22:29, 138F

06/17 22:31, , 139F
Just Win The GAME!!
06/17 22:31, 139F

06/17 22:34, , 140F
Just win the game!!
06/17 22:34, 140F

06/17 22:38, , 141F
Just win the game!!!湖人總冠軍 Kobe MVP
06/17 22:38, 141F

06/17 22:41, , 142F
Just win the game!!
06/17 22:41, 142F

06/17 22:47, , 143F
Just win the game!!
06/17 22:47, 143F

06/17 22:52, , 144F
Just win the game!!
06/17 22:52, 144F

06/17 23:09, , 145F
06/17 23:09, 145F

06/17 23:27, , 146F
06/17 23:27, 146F

06/17 23:58, , 147F
Just win the game!!
06/17 23:58, 147F

06/18 00:03, , 148F
Just win the game!!
06/18 00:03, 148F

06/18 00:04, , 149F
Just win the game!! 讓湖人的Defend!!! 再次甦醒
06/18 00:04, 149F

06/18 00:10, , 150F
Just win the game!!湖人總冠軍 Kobe MVP
06/18 00:10, 150F

06/18 00:15, , 151F
Just win the game!!!湖人總冠軍 Kobe MVP
06/18 00:15, 151F

06/18 00:30, , 152F
Just win the game!!
06/18 00:30, 152F

06/18 00:54, , 153F
Just win the game!!
06/18 00:54, 153F

06/18 00:55, , 154F
Just win the game!!
06/18 00:55, 154F

06/18 01:00, , 155F
Just win the game!!
06/18 01:00, 155F

06/18 03:51, , 156F
Just win the game!!
06/18 03:51, 156F
文章代碼(AID): #1C6RGlh_ (Lakers)