[外電] 只要有心,人人都可以成為食神。

看板Lakers作者時間14年前 (2010/06/15 14:02), 編輯推噓13(1302)
留言15則, 14人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Lakers have to hope home is where their heart is 希望回家就可以找回心的洛杉磯綠野仙蹤機器人隊 After going quietly in Games 4 and 5 at Boston, Lakers find themselves trailing Celtics, 3-2, and facing possible elimination in Game 6 Tuesday at Staples Center. Rebounding, scoring and post play are notable areas of concern, and Kobe Bryant says it's time to 'just man up and play. 四五戰在Boston被打得滿地找球之後, 帥哥們忽然發現自己被搶先聽牌了, 在家門口面臨Win or 搭計程車回家危機。 籃板、得分、禁區各個都是重點, 而Kobe則是認為該拿出真男人的氣魄了。 http://www.latimes.com/sports/la-sp-lakers-celtics-20100615,0,4922052.story Uh-oh. It's a Game 6 between the Lakers and Boston Celtics. 噢不,又是第六戰。 Lakers fans hate to go there based on recent history, but it's hard to avoid, seeing as how the teams have basically reverted to two years ago, when the Celtics' physically charged 131-92 victory ended the NBA Finals and was either the best or worst game of 2008, depending on perspective. 球迷在這個時候都希望自己的歷史老師時常請假, 不過就算歷史老師整學期都沒來, 所有人也都忘不了兩年前在封王戰被打得跟嬰兒蘋果泥一樣爛。 08年的這場比賽不是該年度最棒...就是最爛的比賽, 端看你穿著黃衣服還是綠色。 The Lakers returned home Monday afternoon, which might have been the best news for them on a designated travel day where no Lakers coaches or players spoke to the media. 帥哥們在禮拜一下午回到了家, 也許這是個最好的消息吧, 沒有任何人,球員或教練,向媒體打嘴炮。 One live morsel could be found on the Twitter account of Lakers executive Jeanie Buss: "Just picked Phil [Jackson] up at the airport. He is concerned but upbeat . . ." 唯一人肉的到的大概是肯德基奶奶Jeanie在Twitter上的發言: 「從接場接到Phil了。他很在意,不過很樂觀。」 It was a good summary of the words coming out of the locker room in the immediate aftermath of Game 5, where the Lakers were again outrebounded and again outscored in the paint in a 92-86 loss that put them down in the series, 3-2. 在Game 5之後,這是個簡短有力的結論。 籃板被怒摘、分數被暴拿, 最後被狂電...六分。 If they can't fix those areas Tuesday in Game 6, Staples Center might be a silent venue Thursday night, though the Lakers were resolute. 第六戰回到家如果還搞不定, 那就也不用搞什麼遊行擾人清夢了。 不過仔細一看,湖人球員倒是挺堅決的。 (防空警報喔~大陸打過來囉~) "We'll respond," forward Lamar Odom said. "Our energy is still up as a team. Our confidence is still there. The series is not over." 第五戰勉勉強強有點醒過來的Odom表示: 「我們會有所回應的。我們的能量依舊凝聚著。 我們的自信也還在(...你說誰?)。比賽還沒結束。」 Is he sure? 乾洗阿捏? "It's the third win for them," he said. "It's not like the trophy is theirs. They still have to win more and they have to do it on our home court." 「他們才贏三場嘛,獎盃還在小騰子手上。 他們還得在咱們家贏一場才行。」 Of course, Odom could do plenty more himself to back up his words; he's averaging a puny 7.6 points and 5.8 rebounds in a series in which the team with the rebounding edge has won every game. 當然啦,他要人如其言還得再認真點才行。 目前他平均是很窮酸的7.6分5.8籃板, 而這個系列誰抓的籃板多誰就會贏。 Along those lines, Andrew Bynum's stat line from Game 5 showed one positive number for the Lakers, almost 32 minutes of playing time, but then a lot of zeroes — no made free throws, no blocked shots and, of greatest interest, no defensive rebounds. He had only six points and one offensive rebound. 除此之外,大老霸,男第五戰的表現也展現了,嗯哼,「一絲希望」。 平均將近32分鐘的上場時間,六分,一個進攻籃板, 以及大三零:罰球、火鍋、防守籃板。 Many eyes will also be on Pau Gasol, who had only 12 points and was stuck on nine until hitting a free throw with 2:25 to play. 也有很多人會目瞪口呆的見識Pau的表現: 他直到最後2:25都只拿下九分, 而最後兩分半,哇嗚,拿下了三分。 He was one of many Lakers who weren't exactly hyperventilating after Game 5. 他是第五戰之後非 常 非 常 多沒有喘不過氣的人之一, 很好啊,打得 非 常 非 常 之 輕 鬆 嘛。 "We're in a good situation," he said. "As tough as it is losing these last two games [in Boston], we're going to fight for a championship at home. We're in a position that I think we would all be happy in being at the beginning of the season." 「我們的狀態很棒啊。 就如同在這邊輸了的奮戰一樣, 我們回到家裡也會展現同樣的強勁!(可以麻煩你換一種強勁方式嗎...) 我相信最後的結局我們會跟季初一樣開心。(Kobe:超爽的,又可以撿尾刀咧)」 It'll be intriguing to see whether Kobe Bryant again takes over the Lakers' scoring on his own, a premise that was met with quietly open arms by the Celtics, who almost sensed the rest of the Lakers becoming spectators as Bryant scored 38 points on 13-for-27 shooting Sunday. 不管Kobe到底要不接管比賽, 事情都會變得很有趣。 因為C's早就做好應對的準備, Kobe以將近五成命中率拿下38分的同時, 卻讓湖人其他球員像是買票坐觀眾席一樣(只差沒喝可樂了...)。 Bryant was unstoppable in the third quarter, scoring 19 points on seven-for-nine shooting, but the Lakers curiously lost ground, a six-point halftime deficit growing to 10 by the time he checked out with 1:49 left in the quarter. Kobe他老兄在第三節簡直是噁心透頂,7-9拿下19分。 不過奇妙的是湖人好像不僅是當機,簡直是藍底白字, 還沒打完第三節Kobe下場時已經把半場前的六分差距搞成了十分。 The Celtics didn't seem bothered at all. Gasol was the only other Laker to score in double figures, and he was a distant second. C's在這方面好像完全不痛不癢。 Gasol是唯一拿下超過十分的湖人隊球員, 但他跟...Kobe隊唯一一名球員的差距... 有點大齁,三倍不只嘛。 "From the standpoint that [Bryant]'s providing points for his team and he's in a rhythm, it's a bit dangerous," Celtics forward Kevin Garnett said. "But for the rhythm of his team, I think it works in our favor. I can't even come up with any words because his flow is just deliberate." Garnett認為,雖然Kobe的得分能力是SS級的危險, 「但是對於湖人整體來說, 這反而對我們有利。 不過我還實在找不到詞來形容他的能力。」 Garnett had another interesting observation. 他還觀察到另外一個有趣的事實。 "They usually run the triangle and it wasn't really typical for what they did tonight," he said. 「他們通常都會把三角跑起來,不過今天晚上完全不正常。」 →這算是很清楚的回應了上面問有沒有打三角的那篇 Bryant, meanwhile, was very positive in the locker room after the game, even if he didn't show it in another interview session in which he stuck his chin on his left hand and avoided reporters' questions as if picking his way through rapidly eroding earth. 而Kobe他老兄呢,在更衣室裡面倒是一臉樂觀, 雖然在採訪的時候他沒有怎麼表現出來: 他把臉撐在手上、迴避著記者的問題, 像玩特訓一樣躲得很開心。 One query seemed to get him going, though, a question about the need for him to address teammates about their recent shoddy play. 不過其中倒是有一個問題他願意回答的, 那就是關於他要怎麼在最近悽悽慘慘戚戚的表現之後跟隊友溝通。 The Lakers' point total in Game 5 was their lowest of the playoffs, and it came on the heels of an 89-point non-outburst in Game 4. 湖人在第五戰的得分是系列賽新低, 而且是緊接在同樣低比分的第四戰之後, 他們並沒有觸底反彈, 而是繼續往下挖... 這樣也挖不到石油啦(/‵Д′)/~ ╧╧ "Just man up and play," Bryant said. "What the hell is the big deal? I don't see it as a big deal. If I have to say something to them, then we don't deserve to be champions. We're down, 3-2, go home, win one game, go into the next one. Simple as that." 「拿出真男人的氣魄打球啊! 輸個球是有什麼了不起的? 老子才不把一場輸贏看在眼裡咧。 如果這樣就要我回去對他們心理輔導, 那就代表我們根本不配拿冠軍。 落後?三比二?簡單啊。 回主場拿一場下來,然後再順勢把第七場也包了。 就這麼簡單,跟吃紅燒翅膀一樣。」 Simple enough. A season with championship-repeat aspirations hangs in the balance. 就這麼簡單。連霸與否的結局正懸而未定。 黃小琥表示:「主場沒有這麼簡單~」 -- Dikembe Mutombo Mpolondo Mukamba Jean-Jacque Wamutombo 迪更(姆)比 莫湯(姆)柏 姆柏藍多 穆卡姆巴 尚恩-賈奎 沃莫湯(姆)柏 狄肯 貝 姆登 波 波倫德 姆 坎 尚 克 瓦姆登 波 笛 穆頓 朵 金恩 可 穆頓 德 木桶 伯 我木桶 伯 《多重影分身與我-木桶伯傳》民明書坊 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/15 14:04, , 1F
06/15 14:04, 1F

06/15 14:05, , 2F
06/15 14:05, 2F
※ 編輯: dOodoOhOw 來自: (06/15 14:06)

06/15 14:06, , 3F
got it, thx
06/15 14:06, 3F

06/15 14:14, , 4F
過了能封王的年紀、轟轟烈烈不如平靜 (指BOS)
06/15 14:14, 4F

06/15 14:16, , 5F
06/15 14:16, 5F

06/15 14:25, , 6F
06/15 14:25, 6F

06/15 15:18, , 7F
06/15 15:18, 7F

06/15 15:37, , 8F
06/15 15:37, 8F

06/15 17:01, , 9F
推嘟嘟好 辛苦了
06/15 17:01, 9F

06/15 17:25, , 10F
腳本:第六戰壯士斷腕必拿 第七戰主場優勢 金盃get!!!
06/15 17:25, 10F

06/15 17:55, , 11F
06/15 17:55, 11F

06/15 19:06, , 12F
06/15 19:06, 12F

06/15 21:06, , 13F
推外電!用黃小琥good job!
06/15 21:06, 13F

06/15 21:10, , 14F
為什麼肚肚好大總是翻的這麼棒呢 XD
06/15 21:10, 14F

06/15 22:04, , 15F
推樓上 覺得總是翻得很棒+1
06/15 22:04, 15F
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