Re: [討論] 科比已非湖人王朝籌碼 貝斯休賽期或下ꨠ…

看板Lakers作者 (La Jolla在玄關挖個窗戶)時間14年前 (2010/03/24 11:00), 編輯推噓66(67192)
留言160則, 35人參與, 最新討論串1/1
原文我昨天還前天在 看到的,本來有打算要翻,可是覺得內容沒啥 營養,所以後來翻了DJ那篇。現在這篇在該網站已經被砍掉了。不過還是有找到原文貼出 來,想看的就看一下吧。不用太認真看。 簡而言之,幾個重點: 1. 外傳KB在等PJ續約他才肯續約,可是如果沒有PJ而KB拿到冠軍的話,豈不是可以更證 明KB的價值了?去年KB終於證明沒有SHAQ也可以拿到冠軍。他還能證明什麼?連MJ都 沒有辦法在沒有PJ的情況下拿到冠軍,如果KB辦成了,豈不終於有成績超越MJ? 2. 不是KB不簽延長合約,而是BUSS還沒決定要延長。BUSS不急。LAKERS對KB來講還是最 佳的選擇。擁護的球迷,高額的薪水,優秀的隊員,光榮的傳統,屬於KB的城市。況 且,就算KB跳脫合約,市場上第一大尾還是LBJ而不是KB。 3. BUSS還是對前幾年KB要求交易而感到受傷。BUSS在SHAQ跟KB之間選擇了將LAKERS交給 KB,而KB竟然是這樣對待他。另外,BUSS也是個精明的生意人。就算是非送出去不可 的東西,也要撈回相當價值的東西才肯放行。當初KB要求交易,他不單要新秀或選秀 ,也不單要明星球員,而是兩者都要,所以最後KB還是沒交易出去。 4. 既然KB跳不跳脫合約對BUSS不痛不癢,那他也不用現在急著奉上延長合約給KB。當然 ,最慘有可能是KB跳脫合約選擇和別隊簽約,但BUSS願意賭這一把。況且,如果KB 真的跳脫合約,也許那萬分之一的機會LBJ表達要來LAKERS的意願,便可通過雙方先簽 後換的方式簽下LBJ。 5. 總之,BUSS彷彿就是對KB說「你跳阿!我就不信你敢跳~~~~~~」 以上,都是原文作者的臆測,似乎沒有任何直接的憑據 Are the Los Angeles Lakers Gambling with Kobe Bryant to Get to LeBron James? by Nate Smith The greatest player of his era can opt out of his contract at the end of the 2009-10 NBA season. The greatest player of the next era will be a free agent after this season. No matter how much they get tired of hearing their names together, Kobe Bryant and LeBron James' fates will be intertwined. The two best players in the world fit together like cereal and milk. Unfortunately, the prospect of them living together like in their puppet world is a greater possibility than them playing together. Given that backdrop, one has to wonder why Kobe Bryant hasn't signed a $91 million extension that is allegedly on the table for him. Media personalities and journalists have been speculating that perhaps Kobe wants to ensure that Phil Jackson commits to a couple more seasons before he will sign another contract to be a Laker for life. But in Kobe's push to get six rings and match Jordan, wouldn't it be a treat for Kobe to win one without Jackson? Wouldn't winning at least one ring without Jackson give Kobe some leverage in the Kobe-Jordan debate—doing something that his doppelganger did not do? Kobe has to know that doing what Jordan never did and winning a title without Jackson would only enhance his legacy. Add to his legend. So Kobe linking his decision to return with Phil Jackson's status seems unlikely. There's something else brewing beneath the surface. The lawyer in me understand that contract negotiations are never what they seem, especially with sophisticated parties. And then there's history to consider, which often repeats itself. If I was a betting man (and Lakers' owner Jerry Buss is a betting man) I would bet that Kobe would sign his contract tomorrow if the Lakers would offer him one that genuinely rewarded him for the value he produces. Kobe isn't holding his contract up; the Lakers are. You might well be asking yourself "Why wouldn't the Lakers ink Kobe to a long-term deal as soon as possible?" Simple. They have no incentive to. Until LeBron James r-esigns with Cleveland or moves to New York or otherwise commits to another team, Buss has leverage. Kobe just better be glad that he isn't an unrestricted free agent. Everyone remembers 2004. That summer, Buss refused to pay Shaquille O'Neal's contract demands and then proceeded to trade him. In the process Buss ensured that the team was properly given to the talented and younger Kobe Bryant. In 2010, one can imagine the Lakers organization pushing Kobe out, especially if they've already received hints that LeBron would sign in Los Angeles if the money became available. Everyone in that organization remembers how Kobe turned his back on them and tried to force a trade in 2007. After Buss gave Kobe the keys to the most storied basketball franchise ever, he must've felt betrayed by his chosen one that summer. Perhaps he's forgiven Kobe, but he hasn't forgotten. Perhaps the Lakers are unwilling to budge on Kobe's contract demands because they really don't care if he opts out or not. And perhaps that is all part of the plan. Because if Bryant becomes upset and opts out, who here doesn't think that LeBron would be on the next plane to L.A. trying to make his case as the best Laker ever? Buss took the team away from Shaq to give it to Kobe. Why wouldn't he take it from Kobe and give it to the talented and younger LeBron? And what's the worse that could happen, anyway? Kobe opts out and LeBron doesn't sign? Well, then, just give in to Kobe's demands. Would Kobe risk being irrelevant in the later stages of his career playing with the Knicks because of pride? Kobe wants to win. In fact, that's all he cares about. The Lakers know that. And that's why, even if Kobe opts out, he's not likely to walk. Still, its a gamble. Kobe is stubborn. He could walk feeling disrespected and take his passion for the game to another city. Yet, there's the possibility of LeBron signing, and maybe that makes it a gamble worth taking. Make no mistake about it: Given LeBron's age, the Lakers would be unstoppable for much of the next decade. A roster of LeBron, Pau Gasol, Andrew Bynum, Lamar Odom, and me could win multiple championships. Just think of the possibilities. But if Kobe doesn't opt out, then the dreams of LeBron to L.A. are merely of the pipe varitey. And honestly, what Lakers fan besides Dr. Buss really wants to see LeBron in purple and gold instead of Kobe? With Kobe? Sure. Instead of Kobe? Not so much. Kobe is a Laker. He is the epitome of the Los Angeles Lakers. His "me against the world" mentality fits at home in Los Angeles. Kobe's work ethic resonates with its populace. Kobe was born to be a Laker. As good as LeBron is (and he's damn good), the fans in L.A. will never forgive Buss for letting Bryant walk. See, as big of a headache as Kobe can appear to be sometimes...and as much as he shoots the ball sometimes, no one can say he doesn't bring it every night. Every single night. Hurt? "I'm fine." Sick? "I'm fine." Kobe is someone you want to go to battle with, and not because you always think you're going to win. You go to battle with him because you believe in him. No player can replicate that feeling in quite the same way. The fans, the city of L.A., and Dr. Buss have all invested heavily in Kobe Bryant. Kobe Bryant has produced returns on that investment to the tune of four championships and six Finals appearances. With that rate of return, a gamble seems unnecessary. Re-invest in what works. Re-invest in Kobe. ※ 引述《Kmoss (Moss)》之銘言: : 台灣時間3月23日,在2009-10賽季結束的時候,這個時代最偉大的球員可以選擇跳出他的 : 合同,同樣,下一個時代最偉大的球星也會在本賽季後成為自由球員。無論科比和詹姆士 : 兩人如何不厭其煩地聽到關於將他們結合在一起的消息,但事實上要將這兩名世界上最偉 : 大的球星放在同一支球隊里面,這就跟將麥片和牛奶放在一起煮一般混亂。或許正如他們 : 的木偶商業短片一般,看起來隻是如此虛幻的可能,而不是現實的可能性。 : 或許正是因為詹姆士有可能加盟湖人,這才是科比至今都沒有完成那個9100萬美元的超級 : 續約合同的原因。許多媒體猜測其中的可能性是因為科比希望在自己續約之前,“禪師” : 也能在湖人多打幾個賽季。然而這樣的原因似乎隻是表面的,其中的意味可能更加深遠。 : 如果我是一個賭徒(湖人老板貝斯就是一名賭徒)的話,那麼我會相信即使是在休賽期的 : 時候再給科比開出這份合同,科比也會在上面簽字。因此,我們甚至可以懷疑的是,湖人 : 現在是否真的有給科比開出這樣一份續約合同。因為作為賭徒來說,貝斯很可能在豪賭“ : 皇帝”加盟湖人,畢竟直到詹姆士與騎士續約,或是落戶紐約之前,沒人知道他的歸宿是 : 怎樣的,貝斯如今所做的,極有可能就是將賭注壓在詹姆士身上。 : 大多數人都記得2004年夏天,當時的貝斯拒絕繼續支付“鯊魚”的合同,然後直接將歐尼 : 爾交易走了,而是留下了更加年輕的天才球員科比。同樣的,當2010年到來的時候,我們 : 也可以進行湖人會讓科比走人的這種假設,尤其是在他們收到詹姆士暗示說他有可能會加 : 盟湖人的消息時。 : 每個人也都能記得2007年夏天科比逼宮湖人交易的情景,那個時候貝斯感覺到了他的真命 : 天子的背叛可能。也許現在貝斯已經原諒了科比,但恐怕並沒有遺忘。或許,湖人根本就 : 不樂意滿足科比的合同要求,因為他們根本就不在乎科比是否會因此跳出合同。畢竟如果 : 科比真的跳出合同的話,湖人的球迷們誰都希望詹姆士會搭乘下一班前往洛杉磯的飛機, : 再讓這支球隊重新成為聯盟最優秀的球隊。因此,貝斯可以因為科比而讓“鯊魚”離開, : 為何就不能因為有可能更加年輕也更具天賦的詹姆士而放棄科比? : 當然,如此瘋狂的計劃也有風險,那就是當科比跳出合同之後,詹姆士又不和湖人簽約。 : 其實到時候湖人隻需要滿足科比的要求,因為“飛俠”與其選擇下一步加盟尼克,還不如 : 繼續留在洛杉磯打球,因為科比最迫切需要的是勝利,而湖人可以為他提供勝利所需的條 : 件。或許也正是因為如此,湖人才會堅信,即使是科比跳出合同,那麼他也不可能會走人 : 。 : 可以想象一下,當湖人的球員名單里面擁有詹姆士、賈索、拜納、歐登這樣的球員時,那 : 麼他們還能贏得更多的總冠軍。畢竟詹姆士的年齡優勢,會讓他在下一個十年里無人可擋 : 。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

03/24 11:04, , 1F
推一個 4. "和別他簽約"
03/24 11:04, 1F

03/24 11:05, , 2F
03/24 11:05, 2F
※ 編輯: claus 來自: (03/24 11:05)

03/24 11:05, , 3F
03/24 11:05, 3F

03/24 11:07, , 4F
03/24 11:07, 4F

03/24 11:09, , 5F
推一下翻譯~ 原文說先簽後換LBJ是啥?簽LBJ的球隊還拿來
03/24 11:09, 5F

03/24 11:09, , 6F
很久前的外電 KB就有說過賽季期間他不談合約了 所以有
03/24 11:09, 6F

03/24 11:10, , 7F
一陣子姊姊續約後就是KB的外電 才會快速停下來
03/24 11:10, 7F

03/24 11:10, , 8F
KB還滿奇怪的 XD
03/24 11:10, 8F

03/24 11:10, , 9F
而BUSS最近也說 要等賽季後才談禪師的約 原因也是禪師
03/24 11:10, 9F

03/24 11:11, , 10F
賽季不談合約問題 所以KB和禪師談約時間還未到
03/24 11:11, 10F

03/24 11:11, , 11F
通通走,我要看Odom打天下 ....
03/24 11:11, 11F

03/24 11:11, , 12F
03/24 11:11, 12F

03/24 11:12, , 13F
LBJ要來的機率太低了 就算kb跑去別隊 我們也是硬薪資
03/24 11:12, 13F

03/24 11:13, , 14F
03/24 11:13, 14F

03/24 11:13, , 15F
破上限 沒法簽人 除非KB、brown都跑掉才可能簽別人...
03/24 11:13, 15F
我能想到的方法是 LAL和CLE各用鳥權分別簽下KB跟LBJ然後交易 如果我沒記錯,先簽後換只能適用於原本自己球隊的球員,不然要等一段時間才能交易 ※ 編輯: claus 來自: (03/24 11:15)

03/24 11:15, , 16F
至於先簽後換....既然簽下LBJ何必交易KB 不可能成真
03/24 11:15, 16F

03/24 11:15, , 17F
03/24 11:15, 17F

03/24 11:16, , 18F
03/24 11:16, 18F

03/24 11:16, , 19F
03/24 11:16, 19F

03/24 11:17, , 20F
03/24 11:17, 20F

03/24 11:17, , 21F
Kobe:什麼,想用我換LBJ,那我不跳脫+使用交易同意權條款 XD
03/24 11:17, 21F

03/24 11:17, , 22F
交易是理論是可行 但正常交易LBJ是不可能
03/24 11:17, 22F

03/24 11:17, , 23F
就算LBJ一直喊交易他 我想也沒GM會順他的意 GM會被砍
03/24 11:17, 23F

03/24 11:17, , 24F
03/24 11:17, 24F

03/24 11:19, , 25F
從湖人角度來看 最好的情況是順利續約KOBE 不然很可能
03/24 11:19, 25F

03/24 11:20, , 26F
最壞就是KB跑掉 我們啥都沒拿到 要交易? KB有拒絕條
03/24 11:20, 26F

03/24 11:20, , 27F
款 湖人還要看他臉色 他不爽湖人都拿不到吧? 交易LBJ
03/24 11:20, 27F

03/24 11:21, , 28F
.....恩 未來不知道 但今年目前只是幻想罷了
03/24 11:21, 28F

03/24 11:22, , 29F
這篇文章說得很好阿 我認為KB也會很想留湖人 無論冠軍否
03/24 11:22, 29F

03/24 11:22, , 30F
我只求湖人團隊以今年KB受傷的情況 大幅降低續約金額
03/24 11:22, 30F

03/24 11:23, , 31F
03/24 11:23, 31F

03/24 11:23, , 32F
別開到25M以上 這樣就好了XD
03/24 11:23, 32F

03/24 11:23, , 33F
再來看看你要拿誰來威脅我。 XDDDD
03/24 11:23, 33F

03/24 11:24, , 34F
Kobe會想留不是因為其他人的威脅 而是"湖人的環境"好...
03/24 11:24, 34F

03/24 11:25, , 35F
無論是LA的歷史 球迷 隊友 教練 這一切都很熟悉美好阿XD
03/24 11:25, 35F

03/24 11:26, , 36F
我相信約不會虧待他 不過還是希望雙方別弄得不愉快...XD
03/24 11:26, 36F

03/24 11:28, , 37F
除了延長合約跟KOBE打完跑掉 根本不可能有先簽後換的情形
03/24 11:28, 37F
還有 83 則推文
03/24 14:25, , 121F
那活塞會少一隻 結果應該也會有差吧 應該...
03/24 14:25, 121F

03/24 14:27, , 122F
03/24 14:27, 122F

03/24 14:29, , 123F
03/24 14:29, 123F

03/24 14:30, , 124F
我嗎?? 科科 先簽後換 機率跟巫師打爆我們一樣....
03/24 14:30, 124F

03/24 14:30, , 125F
03/24 14:30, 125F

03/24 14:34, , 126F
KOBE有否決權 拿其他人換 騎士老闆:X的..去死
03/24 14:34, 126F

03/24 14:59, , 127F
03/24 14:59, 127F

03/24 15:17, , 128F
假如NBA只打今年 沒有以後的問題 那當然有...
03/24 15:17, 128F

03/24 15:17, , 129F
03/24 15:17, 129F

03/24 15:33, , 130F
03/24 15:33, 130F

03/24 15:33, , 131F
03/24 15:33, 131F

03/24 15:34, , 132F
03/24 15:34, 132F

03/24 15:42, , 133F
Bynum配殺殺 或是姊姊配雙衛 都可以唷^.<
03/24 15:42, 133F

03/24 15:46, , 134F
03/24 15:46, 134F

03/24 15:53, , 135F
03/24 15:53, 135F

03/24 15:55, , 136F
03/24 15:55, 136F

03/24 15:56, , 137F
03/24 15:56, 137F

03/24 16:20, , 138F
03/24 16:20, 138F

03/24 16:39, , 139F
03/24 16:39, 139F

03/24 16:40, , 140F
03/24 16:40, 140F

03/24 16:43, , 141F
03/24 16:43, 141F

03/24 17:05, , 142F
明年FA中Foye好像算最適合的了? Crittenton應該不是PG
03/24 17:05, 142F

03/24 17:09, , 143F
之前勇士釋出的後衛DeMarcus Nelson有6"4,速度印象很快
03/24 17:09, 143F

03/24 17:10, , 144F 但是杜克的 XD
03/24 17:10, 144F

03/24 17:15, , 145F
紅的明顯 老了還想拿2500萬 給到1800萬就差不多了吧
03/24 17:15, 145F

03/24 17:16, , 146F
就算今年拿總冠軍頂多加到2000萬 其他球員都不用錢嗎
03/24 17:16, 146F

03/24 17:18, , 147F
03/24 17:18, 147F

03/24 17:22, , 148F
03/24 17:22, 148F

03/24 17:39, , 149F
這篇重點是主動權在buss身上 也沒說buss希望得到LBJ吧
03/24 17:39, 149F

03/24 17:44, , 150F
一堆人在哪邊說沒有不可能 如果lbj有放話說願意領個中產
03/24 17:44, 150F

03/24 17:44, , 151F
求冠 那還比較有可能= =
03/24 17:44, 151F

03/24 20:19, , 152F
03/24 20:19, 152F

03/24 20:20, , 153F
加上湖人這塊招牌 標準搖錢樹XDDDD
03/24 20:20, 153F

03/24 20:38, , 154F
本來還以為Gasol合約敲定後kobe的應該很快 不知道拖啥
03/24 20:38, 154F

03/24 20:40, , 155F
03/24 20:40, 155F

03/24 21:06, , 156F
2300~2500吧 不過前提是明年是健康的 暑假該休息動刀了吧
03/24 21:06, 156F

03/24 21:22, , 157F
03/24 21:22, 157F

03/24 21:24, , 158F
03/24 21:24, 158F

03/24 21:28, , 159F
我覺得考量KOBE的商業價值 2500以上是合理的...
03/24 21:28, 159F

03/24 21:43, , 160F
03/24 21:43, 160F
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