[轉錄][外絮] Gasol Has Inside Perspective on Lake …

看板Lakers作者 (....)時間14年前 (2010/03/08 18:57), 編輯推噓86(860121)
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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板] 作者: psdc258 (秀) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] Gasol Has Inside Perspective on Lakers' Recent Woes 時間: Mon Mar 8 18:52:45 2010 http://is.gd/9WwEq (篇幅過長,只翻譯部分) Gasol Has Inside Perspective on Lakers' Recent Woes 對於湖人悲慘的現況,身為局內人的Gasol有著自己的見解。 - When things start to unravel -- like they clearly are with the Los Angeles Lakers -- perspective can be a funny thing. 當事情愈來愈糟糕 -- 正是指洛杉磯湖人隊所經歷的三連敗 -- 此時隊員間不同的觀點是種值得探討的事。 - Kobe Bryant seems to think there's nothing wrong with the first three-game losing streak in more than two years. After all, he scored 39, 26 and 34 points, respectively, in those three games. Kobe在這兩年來首次的三連敗中表現得沒什麼異狀,他自己似乎也這樣認為,這三場 比賽他依序得到39,26以及34分。 - Pau Gasol, who has averaged less than 14 points in the three losses, has a different take. He believes the defending NBA champions have been thrown out of sync because one guy again has become too dominant in the offense 而在這三場比賽平均得不到14分的Gasol卻不這麼想,他認為這隻衛冕軍的球隊節奏 因為一個傢伙的過於強勢主導而失控。 - And guess who that guy would be? 讓我們猜猜這個人是誰? - Kobe is a great player, the best offensive player out there ... but at the same time, we need to find some balance with our interior game, develop it a little more, moving the ball and changing sides,'' Gasol said gingerly, knowing he was treading on sacred territory by questioning Bryant and the offense of coach Phil Jackson. "We need to get focused on that a little more, to find balance, to find some flow.'' 「Kobe是一個很棒的球員,他的進攻能力獨步聯盟…但我們應該平衡內線與外圍的進攻 比例,將球多做傳導…」Gasol委婉的說,他很明白這樣的話可能會惹惱Kobe與Phil。 「我們需把注意力放在進攻平衡這點上,找回我們的節奏。」 - In the fourth quarter alone Sunday, Bryant took 16 shots and hit seven. Gasol made three of his four, yet three of those four shots came only after offensive rebounds from Bryant misses. His only other shot was a dunk off a Bryant pass. There was hardly any offense run through him in the fourth. - 在今天比賽的第四節,Kobe出手了16次且得手了7球,Gasol則是4投中3,其中有3球還是 他奮力搶得進攻籃板再放進的,另外一球灌籃得手是來自於Kobe的傳球,他在第四節幾乎 沒有參與進球隊的進攻戰術。 - He averaged 18.9 points last season, which is two points more than he is averaging this season. He is getting fewer shots, too. In these three losses -- in Miami, in Charlotte, in Orlando -- he took a combined 38 shots. Bryant, conversely, took 79 shots. - Gasol在上個賽季平均18.9分,比這個賽季多了2分,他的出手機會也同樣的變少,在這波 三連敗中,他總計出手了38次,Kobe則是79次。 - Bryant, so confident in his talents, missed five games last month with a ankle injury, and the Lakers went 4-1 in his absence. Since his return, they are 4-4. Kobe還是那個對自己有無限自信的Kobe -- 他在上個月因腳踝受傷缺席了五場比賽,湖人 卻打出了四勝一負的戰績,在他回來後,戰績變為四勝四負。 - Gasol isn't the only one beginning to question the recent direction. Ron Artest, their big offseason acquisition, is having the worst offensive season of his career. He made only two of 10 shots Sunday. Gasol不是唯一對球隊現況感到無所適從的,Ron本季的進攻表現是生涯最差,他在今天的 比賽僅僅只有10投2中。 - "It's a different situation for me with Kobe here. In the past, I was always the second option, or first option [offensively],'' he said. "I'm still trying to find way on this team. I'm going to find my way. All this is practice for me now. It's a new style of play. I have to master my role.'' 「跟Kobe一起打球的情況和以往是完全不同的,在過去,我總是球隊中的第一第二進攻 選擇…」Artest說。「我還在努力尋找在球隊中的定位,每一場比賽我都努力練習,我 必須扮演好自己的角色。」 - 大家吃飽了嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/08 18:53,
03/08 18:53

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03/08 18:55,
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03/08 18:55,
03/08 18:55

03/08 18:55,
Gasol引戰 水桶一個月~
03/08 18:55

03/08 18:56,
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03/08 18:56,
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03/08 18:56,
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03/08 18:56,
獸尻嗎= =? 不過好像沒被吹T的樣子
03/08 18:56

03/08 18:56,
03/08 18:56

03/08 18:57,
Gasol跟Artest引戰 快水桶
03/08 18:57

03/08 18:57,
03/08 18:57
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/08 18:57, , 1F
orz... 大概要戰翻天了....看看就好
03/08 18:57, 1F

03/08 18:58, , 2F
03/08 18:58, 2F

03/08 18:58, , 3F
動作蠻快的 剛看到就轉過來了
03/08 18:58, 3F

03/08 18:58, , 4F
03/08 18:58, 4F

03/08 18:58, , 5F
03/08 18:58, 5F

03/08 19:00, , 6F
如果三連戰是悲慘 但是細看三連戰的內容 魔術我沒看到
03/08 19:00, 6F

03/08 19:00, , 7F
魔術是強隊 輸就算了 但熱火、山貓的比賽內容 很抱歉
03/08 19:00, 7F

03/08 19:00, , 8F
就說有心結啦 一哥之爭 有Kobe在場上Gasol就會持續擺爛
03/08 19:00, 8F

03/08 19:00, , 9F
Kobe的確需要調整 但是Gasol的狀況也實在很差
03/08 19:00, 9F

03/08 19:00, , 10F
我覺得誰都沒有說話的資格 每個都要先檢討自已吧...
03/08 19:00, 10F

03/08 19:01, , 11F
之前能贏現在輸 實力不如人 狀態也是實力之一
03/08 19:01, 11F

03/08 19:01, , 12F
對熱火、山貓 全隊打球的心態導致連敗 現在才來說內外
03/08 19:01, 12F

03/08 19:02, , 13F
攻擊次數不均 你媽的我覺得很靠腰....如果湖人是認真
03/08 19:02, 13F

03/08 19:02, , 14F
03/08 19:02, 14F

03/08 19:02, , 15F
打但三連敗再來靠腰 我都沒意見....
03/08 19:02, 15F

03/08 19:03, , 16F
要內鬨了嗎?= =
03/08 19:03, 16F

03/08 19:03, , 17F
03/08 19:03, 17F

03/08 19:04, , 18F
03/08 19:04, 18F

03/08 19:04, , 19F
如果認真打球但三連敗 再來檢討內外次數 我很ok 但明
03/08 19:04, 19F

03/08 19:04, , 20F
03/08 19:04, 20F

03/08 19:04, , 21F
03/08 19:04, 21F
還有 146 則推文
03/08 22:09, , 168F
數據可以解釋成兩種方向 ...
03/08 22:09, 168F

03/08 22:10, , 169F
而我所說的完整資料是 像是KOBE 一場比賽中
03/08 22:10, 169F

03/08 22:10, , 170F
一個PLAY持球平均時間 傳球機率 最後5秒球回到他手上
03/08 22:10, 170F

03/08 22:10, , 171F
出手的次數 balabala這種box看不到的數據...
03/08 22:10, 171F

03/08 22:11, , 172F
還有像是球導近禁區 由GASOL ODOM BYNUM單打的效率
03/08 22:11, 172F

03/08 22:17, , 173F
03/08 22:17, 173F

03/08 22:26, , 174F
說實話 kobe進攻威脅性沒話說 但有時真的出手不恰當
03/08 22:26, 174F

03/08 22:27, , 175F
03/08 22:27, 175F

03/08 22:28, , 176F
03/08 22:28, 176F

03/08 22:29, , 177F
不要在自己欺騙自己了 Gasol有軟的時候 但他說的也沒錯
03/08 22:29, 177F

03/08 22:29, , 178F
03/08 22:29, 178F

03/08 22:29, , 179F
看看0708年kobe的解讀比賽即打比賽的方式 跟現在比起來
03/08 22:29, 179F

03/08 22:29, , 180F
03/08 22:29, 180F

03/08 22:30, , 181F
03/08 22:30, 181F

03/08 22:45, , 182F
03/08 22:45, 182F

03/08 22:45, , 183F
03/08 22:45, 183F

03/08 22:46, , 184F
03/08 22:46, 184F

03/08 22:47, , 185F
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03/08 22:47, , 186F
03/08 22:47, 186F

03/08 23:00, , 187F
03/08 23:00, 187F

03/08 23:00, , 188F
03/08 23:00, 188F

03/08 23:05, , 189F
推GASOL 一點也不軟阿
03/08 23:05, 189F

03/08 23:07, , 190F
GASOL變了 但要球你也要打得進去阿 Kobe手痛也不想自己來
03/08 23:07, 190F

03/08 23:12, , 191F
gaso還是軟 但他說的沒錯
03/08 23:12, 191F

03/08 23:26, , 192F
03/08 23:26, 192F

03/08 23:35, , 193F
Gasol還叫軟喔 沒Gasol湖人之前鳥成什麼樣......XD
03/08 23:35, 193F

03/08 23:49, , 194F
說他軟不是說他弱 這是先天上體型的劣勢 太單薄
03/08 23:49, 194F

03/08 23:59, , 195F
03/08 23:59, 195F

03/09 00:30, , 196F
約簽了 可以開始放話了 = =
03/09 00:30, 196F

03/09 09:58, , 197F
03/09 09:58, 197F

03/09 09:59, , 198F
1. Kobe是很樂於給球的 只是關鍵時候你他X的隊友就軟手
03/09 09:59, 198F

03/09 10:00, , 199F
2. 外線失守導致內線防守壓力大
03/09 10:00, 199F

03/09 10:03, , 200F
3. 必須想辦法提升7呎長人的破壞性跟牽制力->內外搭配
03/09 10:03, 200F

03/09 10:06, , 201F
4. 個人覺得戰術呆板 不是說三角不威 而是現在只有一角
03/09 10:06, 201F

03/09 11:33, , 202F
以kobe的個性 下一場可能會變成助攻模式 自己刻意不出手
03/09 11:33, 202F

03/09 12:12, , 203F
03/09 12:12, 203F

03/09 12:27, , 204F
我不覺得姐姐有說錯些什麼.. 我先是湖人迷才是老大迷.. 但是
03/09 12:27, 204F

03/09 12:28, , 205F
有的時候 老大會破壞全隊組織進攻這是事實
03/09 12:28, 205F

03/09 17:18, , 206F
嘎獸哪裡軟我不懂? 我一點都不覺得他說錯了
03/09 17:18, 206F

03/09 19:05, , 207F
03/09 19:05, 207F
文章代碼(AID): #1BbDWImP (Lakers)