[外電] 關鍵時刻,湖人發現少了什麼和少了什麼人

看板Lakers作者 (總板文字獄)時間14年前 (2010/02/20 04:11), 編輯推噓23(23011)
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標題:In crunch time, Lakers find something, and someone, missing 關鍵時刻,湖人發現少了什麼和少了什麼 And the winner of the who would take the last-second shot to win a game for the Lakers without Kobe Bryant is Derek Fisher. 在湖人老大缺陣的情況下,究竟誰來絕殺呢?得獎的是...老魚! Well, if you can call the dying duck he threw up against the Boston Celtics on Thursday at Staples Center a shot, anyway. 當然啦,如果你能把老魚丟死鴨出去的動作稱為一個投籃...就隨便啦... It never had a chance, and the Lakers blew a golden opportunity to beat their bitter rivals without Bryant, not to mention pick up a game on the Cleveland Cavaliers for the best record in the NBA, which remains a 1 -game deficit. 從來就沒機會,湖人把老大缺陣還能幹掉最懷恨的競爭對手(賽賽)的黃金機會... 就這樣給吹了。更別說可以把跟聯盟龍頭的騎士差距拉成一場勝差。 The Celtics' 87-86 victory was a moral victory of sorts for the Lakers, who stayed close to an Eastern Conference power and had a chance to win it at the end without their best player. 賽賽一分險勝,湖人也雖敗猶榮啦。湖人在沒有最棒的球員情況下, 還能跟東區聯盟的強大勢力打到要靠絕殺,就差那麼一點點... That's saying a lot, especially with the proud Celtics playing with a definite sense of urgency as they try to chase down the Cavaliers in the east. 但這意義可重大了,尤其是對驕傲的賽賽來說,他們在東區正緊追著騎士後頭 The Celtics are showing age, wear and tear, and they clearly aren't the best team in the East any longer. 賽賽老態現出,變舊又是洞,他們也不再是東區最強的隊。 But they still have three of the best players in the game in their starting lineup, and motivated as they are to close the gap on Cleveland you can bet they will play inspired basketball the rest of the way. 賽賽先發中,仍有NBA最好的球員其中之3,他們更積極地想要拉近跟騎士的差距 你可以賭他們接下來的賽事中,會打出令人感動的比賽。 Not that they need any added incentive playing in Los Angeles, against their long-time rivals. 這並不是說他們不需要在洛杉磯有任何額外的激勵,跟他們長期的競爭對手輸贏。 The Lakers have every right to feel good just to have been in the game in the closing seconds. But they proved one obvious thing to anyone who was fooled by their 4-0 record without Bryant, or to those who felt they played better - or were better - without him. When it comes to crunch time, they still need Bryant on the floor. 湖人絕對有權利在比賽最後的時候自我感覺良好,但他們只是更證明了一件明顯的事: 對任何被在老大缺陣還能4連勝給唬爛的人,或那些覺得少了老大打更好, 甚至球隊更好的人。當關鍵時刻,還是需要老大的。 There is a reason he's widely considered the most clutch player in the game right now, and why the ball always finds its way to him in game-winning situations. 有個原因為何老大被普遍認為:關鍵先生,和為何在絕殺時候球總是會找到他。 He delivers. 老大辦的到! Bryant's teammates have always grumbled that he can dominate the ball too much - from back in the day to the present time - but ever notice how they never say a word when he always wants it with the game on the line? 老大的隊友總是對老大持球太久發牢騷,不管是過去還是現在,卻沒發現到 當老大在危險,想要幹球的時候,自己卻一語不發。 Why would they? He typically comes through in those situations. 他們幹嘛需要?老大總是把事情搞定啊! The Lakers didn't need clutch during their four wins without Bryant, easily handling Portland, San Antonio, Utah and Golden State in games they were never challenged. 湖人在過去這4場沒啥關鍵時刻,他們根本沒被挑戰到。 On Thursday, they did. 但今晚,碰到釘子了。 The problem was Bryant was in the locker room getting treatment on his injured left ankle, and no one else had the goods to get it done when it counted. 現在問題是:老大在更衣室裡好好地治療他的左腳踝,而沒有其他人能搞定它。 That was painfully obvious over the final 2:24 of the game, when the Lakers failed to score a single basket. Neither did the Celtics, which only exasperated the situation. 在比賽最後2分24秒是令人如此痛苦的明顯,湖人一球都沒進。 賽賽也一樣,但這情況只是更讓人激怒。 The Lakers had four chances to take a lead, and squandered every one of them. Fisher missed a layup. Shannon Brown misfired on a 21-footer. Pau Gasol turned the ball over with a bad pass. And finally, Fisher missed in the closing seconds on a 20-footer. Think Bryant wouldn't have made a difference at some point over those final two minutes? 湖人有次機會領先唷,但全給浪費了。 1.老魚自殺上籃 2.香濃21呎跳投沒進 3.姊姊鳥傳失誤 最終的 4.老魚20呎絕殺失敗。 想想老大有可能在最後這兩分鐘,不改變這種情況嗎? Lakers coach Phil Jackson said about not having Bryant, "Our thought process is, why couldn't we hit some of those shots when were wide open? Why do we take a turnover down the stretch? It was a situation where we thought we had a couple of good looks." 爺爺對缺少老大表示:「我們認為啦,為啥我們那些空檔都進不了?為啥我們會失誤? 這幾球情況我們認為我們看起來都不錯。」 Still think they play better without Bryant, or are better without him? 仍然認為湖人隊沒有老大打得比較好,或甚至是支更好的球隊嗎? To be sure, there was a lot to be happy about with the Lakers performance, 可以肯定,湖人的表現還是有值得開心的事, They came back from a 10-point second-half deficit to take an 84-80 lead in the fourth quarter. 他們從半場落後10分,到第四節還能一度以84-80領先。 Ron Artest had 15 points and eight rebounds and limited Paul Pierce to 11 points. Gasol had 22 points, Andrew Bynum had 14 points and nine rebounds. 阿泰15分8籃板,還限制住PP只得11分!姊姊22分,霸男14分9籃板。 They had the Celtics on the run, they put Staples Center into a frenzy with their comeback, and put themselves in position to win a big game. 他們讓賽賽不得不跑起來,他們讓釘書針中心對他們趕上沸騰起來, 讓他們自己有機會贏得這場大比賽。 But when it came right down to it, they had no one to rely on when it counted most. 但他們隨即就走下坡了,他們在關鍵時刻沒有人可以倚賴 Fisher has hit his share of big shots in the past, even won a game or two with a clutch shot. But Bryant was always with him on the floor, taking the pressure off him, creating better shots for him. Fisher didn't have that Thursday, the Celtics focusing on him as soon as he got the ball with 2.2 seconds left, and never letting him get a clean look. 老魚幹過不少經典致勝球,不只贏過一兩場絕殺勝。但老大始終都陪在他身邊, 幫他吸怪,幫他製造更好的投籃機會。但今晚的老魚沒有老大陪伴,賽賽在老魚 勝2.2秒拿到球後,很快的找上他,也從未讓他有好的空間出手。 It was a game the Lakers could have won, should have won. But when you don't have your best player, could have and should have are a far way off from did. 這本來是場湖人能奪勝的比賽,應該要贏的。但當你沒有最棒的球員的時候, "可能"跟"應該"可就差得遠了。 The Lakers are a good team without Bryant. But they aren't a great team. That was proved at Staples Center on Thursday. 沒有老大,湖人是支好球隊。但不是支偉大的強隊。今晚便證明了一切。 來源: http://0rz.tw/hlrik -- 祝老大早日傷癒復出 也祝我心中今日老大第一替補早日傷癒復出-Sasha -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: liouandy 來自: (02/20 04:17)

02/20 04:36, , 1F
02/20 04:36, 1F

02/20 04:56, , 2F
02/20 04:56, 2F

02/20 07:33, , 3F
02/20 07:33, 3F

02/20 10:07, , 4F
02/20 10:07, 4F

02/20 10:09, , 5F
02/20 10:09, 5F

02/20 10:13, , 6F
其實殺殺一直帶傷上陣 XD 希望醫肩傷順便心病也治一下
02/20 10:13, 6F

02/20 10:41, , 7F
底下那篇自d了 被揭穿 科科
02/20 10:41, 7F

02/20 10:55, , 8F
02/20 10:55, 8F

02/20 10:59, , 9F
luke也不知是整季報銷 還是安怎 沒什麼消息
02/20 10:59, 9F

02/20 11:10, , 10F
02/20 11:10, 10F

02/20 11:19, , 11F
這些打得太好了...^^ 推~~~~
02/20 11:19, 11F

02/20 11:26, , 12F
02/20 11:26, 12F

02/20 11:30, , 13F
02/20 11:30, 13F

02/20 11:32, , 14F
02/20 11:32, 14F

02/20 11:45, , 15F
刻意要吐老大的本來就是為反對而反對 何必太認真
02/20 11:45, 15F

02/20 11:45, , 16F
運動激情最美 不過還是帶點理性比較好啦
02/20 11:45, 16F

02/20 12:07, , 17F
總闆很激情啊 XD
02/20 12:07, 17F

02/20 12:41, , 18F
02/20 12:41, 18F

02/20 12:53, , 19F
02/20 12:53, 19F

02/20 13:15, , 20F
02/20 13:15, 20F

02/20 13:21, , 21F
02/20 13:21, 21F

02/20 14:40, , 22F
02/20 14:40, 22F

02/20 15:02, , 23F
理理性還可以贏錢 我同事聽我的勸押山貓小牛公路三
02/20 15:02, 23F

02/20 15:03, , 24F
場全贏 贏了五萬 酸戰阿宅? 油錢就養的起了
02/20 15:03, 24F

02/20 17:48, , 25F
02/20 17:48, 25F

02/20 18:15, , 26F
難道沒老大就沒人會最後一擊? 文章有點無聊
02/20 18:15, 26F

02/20 23:29, , 27F
樓上沒看比賽 真的沒人 大家都不太敢投 老魚敢但是亂投
02/20 23:29, 27F

02/20 23:46, , 28F
02/20 23:46, 28F

02/21 00:18, , 29F
老於是個有空檔才算有點把握的射手 沒老大吸怪 湖人又很
02/21 00:18, 29F

02/21 00:18, , 30F
少能再關鍵時刻靠戰術跑出空檔 老魚這樣投實在很難有高
02/21 00:18, 30F

02/21 00:18, , 31F
02/21 00:18, 31F

02/21 03:16, , 32F
02/21 03:16, 32F

02/21 09:58, , 33F
難道少一個人就不會打球? 打nba都沒這本事?
02/21 09:58, 33F

02/21 10:34, , 34F
激將法去激Gasol啊 激板眾有啥用...
02/21 10:34, 34F
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