[外電] Lamar Odom says he will play against …

看板Lakers作者 (這一段時間我很OK)時間14年前 (2010/02/11 01:56), 編輯推噓14(1402)
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來源:http://is.gd/85so5 .............................................................................. 重點整理: 1. 二哥真男人表示自己一定會上。 2. 老大還在觀望。 3. 霸男對宅爵不會上。 4. 香濃說灌籃大賽老大是他的傳球員。 5. 老大的下一場例行賽將會是生涯第一千場。 6. 耶穌破紀錄,和賈霸等人相提並論。 .............................................................................. Reporting from Salt Lake City - The Lakers are one game away from the All-Star break and have arrived here either by having gained some momentum or by having limped to this part of the season. 鹽湖城特報、鹽湖城特報: 距離明星週的開始,湖人隊只剩下一場賽事。 這一路走來可以說是越挫越勇,也可以說是顛簸崎嶇。 It all depends on one's perspective. 差別只在你從哪個角度看。 Then again, limping to the finish line may be more apt after Lamar Odom joined the Lakers' injury list and missed practice Tuesday because of a sore right foot. 欸,不過現在看看,說是顛簸可能稍微貼切一些, 畢竟連我們的二哥都加入了傷兵陣容。 Odom got a CT scan and MRI Tuesday that were negative. The Lakers listed Odom, who became a starter because of Andrew Bynum's bruised right hip, as probable for Wednesday night's game against the Utah Jazz. 二哥因為右腳很痠所以禮拜二沒有去練習,後來做了斷層掃描顯示並無大礙。 保險起見,隊上仍不把二哥上場與否的可能性說死。 As Odom stood in the hallway at the team's practice facility Tuesday, with his foot taped and an electronic muscle stimulator connected to his foot, he was adamant about playing against the Jazz. "I'm not missing the game," he said. "I'll be fine. We need the bodies." 不過另一方面呢,週二在球場外的走廊上,我們看到二哥站在那邊, 腿上捆了繃帶還接上了傳說中的電子肌肉鍛鍊器, 真男人 他堅定的表示:「對宅爵的比賽我非上不可!我很好。(因為)隊上需要人手。」 The Lakers basically have played the last two games without injured starters Kobe Bryant and Bynum. 過去兩場比賽隊上少了先發撥比和霸男,好不寂寞。 They won both games, one a stunner because it ended a nine-game losing streak in Portland on Saturday, the other a solid victory over the San Antonio Spurs on Monday night at Staples Center. 但仍然,我們拿下了這兩場比賽。 其中一個真是令人(kb81)非常意外, 因為我們居然在少了撥比和霸男的狀況下終結了玫瑰花園魔咒! 比較起來,另外一場擊敗馬刺隊來就還算穩。 To continue this momentum, the Lakers must win in Salt Lake City in one of the toughest venues in the NBA. 希望湖人隊最好跟著這股氣勢,一舉拿下鹽湖城。 Bryant has a sprained left ankle, and he said after an MRI Monday that it would be a game-time decision whether he plays against the Jazz. Bynum will not play Wednesday. 撥比在週一有做了左腳踝的核磁共振, 上場與否要到時候才會決定,而霸男仍是確定不會上場。 The Lakers face a Jazz team that has won 10 consecutive games at EnergySolutions Arena and has a 22-6 record at home. 宅爵之所以叫宅爵是有他的原因滴! 宅爵在主場已經連贏了十場,主場戰績總計也有22勝6負的好紀錄。 Bryant is still deciding whether to play in the All-Star game Sunday or to rest. If he misses the Jazz game and the All-Star game, Bryant will have rested his ankle for 10 days by the time the Lakers play the Golden State Warriors next Tuesday at Staples Center. 關於明星賽到底要不要上,撥比還在猶豫不決。 但如果他對爵士不上,全明星也不出現,那在對勇士之前他可以休息個整整十天呢! "There is . . . something to be said for going into the break feeling good about where you are as a team," Derek Fisher said. "At the same time, for us, getting healthy is really the focal point regardless of how we're playing. If we're not healthy, what we're experiencing will be short-lived. So, good or bad, having all our guys available will be the key to our success." 老將魚魚語重心長的經驗談: 「當然,在進入假期前能夠清楚扮演好自己在隊上的角色是很好。 但同時,對我們來說,把傷養好還是比什麼都還重要的,甚至比贏球重要。 如果大家不健康,那就算打得很好也是短暫的。 所以...我覺得大家都健康,能被適當的調度,才是成功的關鍵。」 Bryant and Brown 香濃和撥比 Shannon Brown is competing in the dunk contest Saturday night during All-Star weekend, and he said Tuesday that Bryant is going to be his "passer" during the event. 香濃禮拜六晚上有灌籃大賽唷唷唷!他禮拜二說撥比將會是他的傳球員。 "It's going to be very entertaining," Brown said. "I'm anxious to see what the other guys . . . are going to bring to the table." 「一定會很好看的我跟你拍胸脯保證!」香濃這麼說。 「我也迫不急待地想看看其他人會拿出什麼絕活。」 Etc. 關於其他 Bryant's next regular-season game will be the 1,000th of his 14-year career. 老大的下一場例行賽將會是生涯14年以來的第1000場。 . . . Pau Gasol produced a stat line of 21 points, 19 rebounds, eight assists and five blocks against the Spurs and he joined an elite group of players to have accomplished that feat, according to Elias Sports Bureau. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar did it twice. Shaquille O'Neal, CharlesBarkley, Robert Parish and Bob McAdoo did it once. 耶穌在隊馬刺時拿下了21分、19籃板、8助攻和5個火鍋的優異成績, Elias Says專欄表示,這讓耶穌也加入了精英一族! 上一個拿到這樣好成績的是十年前的Shaq,在2000年1月10日, 以湖人身份對戰金塊隊,拿到31分、19籃板、9助攻、5火鍋。 在1973年NBA開始紀錄火鍋數後,僅僅有五位球員有過這樣全方位的表現。 天勾賈霸拿過兩次這樣的成績,Shaq、巴克利、酋長和麥卡度各一次。 .............................................................................. http://espn.go.com/espn/elias?date=20100209 補充資料:Elias Says -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/11 01:56, , 1F
02/11 01:56, 1F

02/11 01:58, , 2F
02/11 01:58, 2F

02/11 01:59, , 3F
空中跳起來轉一圈,傳給香濃第一時間 360 度灌籃嗎?(幻想)
02/11 01:59, 3F

02/11 02:00, , 4F
推一個 老二不上就沒得拼了... 衝阿~ Odom
02/11 02:00, 4F

02/11 02:03, , 5F
Kobe在底線三分線外丟子彈傳球 香農中場衝上去接住爆扣
02/11 02:03, 5F

02/11 02:05, , 6F
裡面偷藏KB81 XD
02/11 02:05, 6F

02/11 02:05, , 7F
接球位置離籃框有點距離稍靠禁區中間一點 感覺很有張力!
02/11 02:05, 7F

02/11 02:07, , 8F
02/11 02:07, 8F

02/11 02:09, , 9F
黑對前面幾樓怎麼看這麼快 我翻很累也 XD
02/11 02:09, 9F
※ 編輯: an413c 來自: (02/11 02:10)

02/11 02:16, , 10F
不然模仿MJ那球罰球補灌好了 隊友們都有戲份...KB罰球XD
02/11 02:16, 10F

02/11 02:18, , 11F
這樣Gasol Odom Artest(火箭) Ariza(火箭)扮演卡位(誤~)
02/11 02:18, 11F

02/11 02:21, , 12F
02/11 02:21, 12F

02/11 08:39, , 13F
02/11 08:39, 13F

02/11 08:58, , 14F
02/11 08:58, 14F

02/11 09:31, , 15F
02/11 09:31, 15F

02/11 09:36, , 16F
02/11 09:36, 16F
文章代碼(AID): #1BSlDFrq (Lakers)