[外電] Lakers forward Lamar Odom sets up th …

看板Lakers作者 (什麼安)時間14年前 (2010/01/03 12:11), 編輯推噓16(1603)
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http://www.latimes.com/sports/la-spw-lakers-web3-2010jan03,0,4235673.story .............................................................................. His big moment came in the third quarter when the Lakers were trying to whittle away at a 15-point halftime deficit. 當湖人隊正面對著半場後落後15分窘境時,糖果人挺身而出了!! His time came in the third when the Lakers needed somebody to make a push, to be an offensive force. 那個時候整個湖人隊欠缺著一個追分的動力,需要一股未知的力量來反敗為勝。 Lamar Odom stepped into the void, scoring 12 of his season-high 20 points in the quarter, helping the Lakers pull out a 109-108 victory over the Sacramento Kings on Friday night at Staples Center. 喇嘛義不容辭的站上崗位,成為關鍵時刻的那股反敗為勝的推力,一口氣在單節 砍下12分,並拿到個人本季單場最高20分。 Much of the credit will go to Kobe Bryant, who made a three-point basket as time expired to give the Lakers the victory. Much of the talk was about Bryant scoring 39 points, 27 in the second half. 然而全世界都在說Kobe是如何如何行了神蹟,讀秒達人完成了不可能的任務。 全世界都在說Kobe在下半場爆氣砍下了27分,整場拿下39分。 But without Odom's contributions in the third, without him taking charge, the Lakers would have been in trouble. 但如果沒有糖果人,如果沒有他站上崗位,沒有他按下反敗的開關,沒有他!!!! 湖人可不見得有機會拿下國王。 "On the court, they always tell you to demand and command the ball," Odom said. "Today I was just trying to find those open lanes to rebound the basketball, to push it and just to make my own play." 「在場上就是要掌控球,」糖果人說。「今天我所做的只是找空檔,搶籃板,想辦法去 控制局勢把球打好。」 Odom finished with a double-double, his 10 rebounds being another factor in the game. 糖果人拿到了雙十,這10個籃板在比賽中扮演著重要的角色。 He was seven-for-11 shooting from the field and he also had three assists and one blocked shot in 36 minutes. 兩分11投7中、三助攻一火鍋,糖果人在場上待了36分鐘。 But when the game began, it didn't look as if Odom would be productive. 但其實剛開場的時候,誰想得到他會拿到Double-double呢? Lakers Coach Phil Jackson lamented about the fact that Odom played almost 18 minutes in the first half and had scored only four points, missing three of his four shots. 菲爾爺爺還滿不爽在上半場喇嘛待了18分鐘,4投僅中1。 "It was basically wasted minutes out there in the first half," Jackson said. "It's kind of how we felt like. I think he brought his energy up a lot [in the third]." 爺爺這麼說:「講難聽點,上半場他根本就是浪費時間,噢,不,這是實話。 不過在第三節他突然又振作了起來。」 Odom wasn't on the attack in the first half, and only he knows why. 糖果人在上半場不知道是睡著了還是糖果吃不夠,只有他自己知道。 "In the first half, I'm focusing on getting the ball and getting it to Pau [Gasol] and Drew [Bynum] and Kobe is aggressive offensively," Odom said. "So the rest of us have got to find our way into the game. 「上半場...我主要是想要把球傳給耶穌和霸男,而Kobe積極得想要拿分,」糖果人說 「下半場就是要想辦法殺回去。」 "If you take three or four shots and miss them, then so be it. The rest of us have to find a way to help the team somewhere else. I've got to find my own flow into the game." 「投了三、四球都沒進,又怎樣?仍然要想辦法去幫助球隊振作,必須要找回在場上 的節奏。」 He did in the third. 然後在第三節他找到了。 Odom drove hard to the basket for a dunk. He followed that with a three-pointer off a pass from Bryant. He scored on a driving layup while being fouled. Odom made the free throw for a three-point play. Odom hustled for an offensive rebound and scored on a put-back. 喇嘛切到籃下然後灌籃。喇麻從Kobe手上接過球並砍下三分。喇麻單手上籃並拿下三分打。 喇麻搶下籃板後再以迅雷不及掩耳的速度把球放進籃內。 The Lakers quickly had closed to within four points, all because Odom had stepped up his game to score 10 consecutive points in the third. 一眨眼就剩下四分差,這一切要歸功於糖果人勇者無懼地一連砍下十分! "I just wanted to make my one play," Odom said. "It's not about being aggressive. I always say I'm the only guy that cannot be aggressive but get 15 rebounds and get those in the trenches. I think offensively I have to just make my own plays and not wait for the ball to get swung." 「不只是更積極,我總說全隊只有我沒有辦法真的有多激進,但還是拿下15個籃板XD 我想在攻擊面就是要主動點創造機會而不是等球來。」 Odom made all four of his shots in the third quarter. He made his only three-pointer and all all three of his free throws. He also had four rebounds and an assist in the period, playing all 12 minutes. That's what Jackson wants to see more out of Odom. "He kind of wants me to find my way," Odom said. "He wants me to shoot the ball just too kind of keep myself involved in the ballgame." .............................................................................. 後面三段有點跳針我又覺得喇麻講話很難翻所以我不翻了... 很多地方想不到確切的文字如果有不適當還請大家多多指教 -- 喇麻歐登我愛你 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/03 12:13, , 1F
豆頁 扌隹 口刺 口麻
01/03 12:13, 1F

01/03 12:13, , 2F
01/03 12:13, 2F
耶謝謝。 ※ 編輯: an413c 來自: (01/03 12:17)

01/03 12:16, , 3F
01/03 12:16, 3F

01/03 12:25, , 4F
每場都這麼打就好了 有時候絕得他打的很聰明 有時候很笨
01/03 12:25, 4F

01/03 12:34, , 5F
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01/03 12:38, , 6F
老媽要找出手機會真的不是那麼容易 KOBE、耶穌、霸男都在
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01/03 12:39, , 7F
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01/03 12:54, , 9F
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01/03 13:49, , 13F
為什麼要翻譯成糖果人 這會讓我想到某年的狀元
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01/04 09:43, , 19F
01/04 09:43, 19F
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