[外電] Signing of Artest surprised NBA general managers too

看板Lakers作者 (阿茂)時間14年前 (2009/10/12 23:11), 編輯推噓36(36025)
留言61則, 29人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://0rz.tw/p9bFU Signing of Artest surprised NBA general managers too NBA GMs:(/‵ Д′)/~ By Mike Penner October 12, 2009 Lakers fans weren't the only ones surprised by the team's off-season signing of Ron Artest. According to an NBA.com survey, the league's general managers consider the Artest acquisition the most surprising move of the off-season, beating out Vince Carter being traded to the Orlando Magic. The general managers, who couldn't vote for any players or coaches on their own teams, voted Artest the toughest player in the league (42%). Next toughest? Kobe Bryant with 25%. 湖人簽下阿泰的新聞不只讓湖人迷受驚,其他球隊的GM也紛紛趕至行天宮收驚,因為 這震驚度甚至超過Carter被交易到魔術隊的新聞。在不能投票給自己球隊的球員和教 練的前提下,GM們票選NBA最tough的男人,第一名是阿泰(42%)。想知道第二名是誰嗎? Kobe Bryant(25%) Predictably, the Lakers fared well in the survey, chosen as the team most likely to win the NBA title in 2009-10. Bryant was No. 2 (behind LeBron James) in the voting for most valuable player and the top choice to take the last shot with a game on the line. Phil Jackson was voted the league's best coach, unseating last season's winner, the Spurs' Gregg Popovich. The Clippers will be heartened to know they weren't forgotten. They were voted the second-most improved team behind Washington, and the drafting of Blake Griffin was ranked No. 6 among player acquisitions most likely to have an impact during the coming season. 正如同NBA版的名言:湖人 不意外 湖人被選為新球季最可能拿下冠軍的球隊,Kobe在MVP票選排名第二(LBJ第一),禪師擠 下馬刺的波哥被選為最可能拿下最佳教練的第一名。 另一支洛城球隊也不差,快艇被選為實力進步第二名的球隊(僅次於巫師),選到狀元郎 Blake Griffin也被認為是第六佳足以改變球隊實力的補強。 Trivia time Who was the first player in NBA history to miss 5,000 free throws in his career? 猜猜看,誰是NBA史上第一個累計錯失5000個罰球的球員? Staying in the now Now that Shaquille O'Neal has begun exhibition play with his new Cleveland teammates, he has decided the Cavaliers are the best team he has ever been with. "It's probably the best team I've ever played on, on paper anyway," he said. "I've always been on management to get me the power forward I've needed and the shooters I've needed." This neglects the 1999-00 Lakers, who finished with a 67-15 record en route to the title, as well as two other Lakers champions. Just more grist for the mill leading up to the Lakers-Cavaliers showdown on Christmas Day. 世界上最擅長操控帆船的NBA球員:Shaquille‧見風轉舵‧O'Neal 大歐在熱身賽時表示,騎士是他所待過最棒的球隊。大歐:「這可能是我所待過最好的 球隊,我一直球隊中渴望能有我所需要的強力前鋒和射手。」 這段話完全忽略了2000年取得67勝15敗並取得三連霸的湖人隊,也讓湖人與騎士隊的聖 誕大戰更加受人矚目。 (按:湖人三連霸時期的大歐需要強力前鋒和射手嗎?XD) Trivia answer Wilt Chamberlain. 解答時間:大帥張伯倫是史上第一個錯失5000個罰球的球員,可別被上面那段誤導聯想到 大歐囉~ -- 阿泰和大歐真的是娛樂性十足~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/12 23:21, , 1F
好一個 Shaquille‧見風轉舵‧O'Neal 哈哈
10/12 23:21, 1F

10/12 23:26, , 2F
10/12 23:26, 2F

10/12 23:29, , 3F
Kobe:Ron,你好硬~~ Artest:Kobe,你也好硬 >///<
10/12 23:29, 3F

10/12 23:44, , 4F
10/12 23:44, 4F

10/12 23:51, , 5F
10/12 23:51, 5F

10/13 00:11, , 6F
他們兩個都好硬 我喜歡^.<
10/13 00:11, 6F

10/13 00:21, , 7F
10/13 00:21, 7F

10/13 02:00, , 8F
10/13 02:00, 8F

10/13 02:00, , 9F
哈 不過大歐這樣說也是合理啦 畢竟他還沒退休 還在ꔠ
10/13 02:00, 9F

10/13 02:00, , 10F
打球 總不能去騎士說湖人好吧~~
10/13 02:00, 10F

10/13 02:01, , 11F
大歐心中完美陣容:歐 PF 射手 射手 射手 LBJ:......
10/13 02:01, 11F

10/13 07:50, , 12F
10/13 07:50, 12F

10/13 11:48, , 13F
10/13 11:48, 13F

10/13 12:07, , 14F
講實在的 說gasol贏KG反而奇怪吧
10/13 12:07, 14F

10/13 12:09, , 15F
10/13 12:09, 15F

10/13 12:09, , 16F
我是不認為Gasol也比KG強啦 但Gasol還能持續進步
10/13 12:09, 16F

10/13 12:13, , 17F
10/13 12:13, 17F

10/13 12:15, , 18F
好玩就好 好玩就好
10/13 12:15, 18F

10/13 12:18, , 19F
10/13 12:18, 19F

10/13 12:31, , 20F
光是Gasol被拿來和KG戰,就讓人感動到快哭出來了 XD
10/13 12:31, 20F

10/13 12:39, , 21F
Gasol是個更好的團隊球員 我心中Gasol比KG更適合湖人
10/13 12:39, 21F

10/13 12:40, , 22F
一個人強沒用 能讓球隊更強才是好球員
10/13 12:40, 22F

10/13 13:05, , 23F
說KG比Gasol強我覺得沒啥問題 球隊贏球是靠全體球員
10/13 13:05, 23F

10/13 13:06, , 24F
配合 我是覺得沒差
10/13 13:06, 24F

10/13 13:35, , 25F
科 不要這季又報銷就好笑了
10/13 13:35, 25F

10/13 14:02, , 26F
10/13 14:02, 26F

10/13 14:15, , 27F
10/13 14:15, 27F

10/13 15:04, , 28F
報銷 並不會好笑....
10/13 15:04, 28F

10/13 17:31, , 29F
那位p兄喔 應該是隨著KG過去的綠皮KG骨
10/13 17:31, 29F

10/13 17:33, , 30F
10/13 17:33, 30F

10/13 17:40, , 31F
Hi,大家好。 各位可以去看看我去年以前的文章
10/13 17:40, 31F

10/13 17:40, , 32F
10/13 17:40, 32F

10/13 17:56, , 33F
10/13 17:56, 33F

10/13 17:57, , 34F
假人甩掉就不交女朋友了? 反正女生都會提分手
10/13 17:57, 34F

10/13 17:57, , 35F
10/13 17:57, 35F

10/13 17:57, , 36F
也不管有的女生是優質不公主 反正只知道只有女生會對你提
10/13 17:57, 36F

10/13 17:58, , 37F
10/13 17:58, 37F

10/13 17:58, , 38F
10/13 17:58, 38F

10/13 18:05, , 39F
賽迷組成成分複雜 會有這種球迷是很正常的
10/13 18:05, 39F

10/13 18:06, , 40F
他也只推這幾句啦 你沒看到NBA板都變成了他嗆人的個板嗎XD
10/13 18:06, 40F

10/13 18:21, , 41F
你被罵干我屁事 遷怒其它球迷就是不對 無聊
10/13 18:21, 41F

10/13 18:22, , 42F
我只能說被罵活該 阿
10/13 18:22, 42F

10/13 18:36, , 43F
好啦permoon秀秀,KG比Gasol強啦 XD
10/13 18:36, 43F

10/13 19:47, , 44F
10/13 19:47, 44F

10/13 20:52, , 45F
10/13 20:52, 45F

10/13 20:53, , 46F
10/13 20:53, 46F

10/13 20:54, , 47F
10/13 20:54, 47F

10/13 22:10, , 48F
屁話不要講到這邊來好嗎 你想表達什麼?
10/13 22:10, 48F

10/13 22:10, , 49F
10/13 22:10, 49F

10/13 22:59, , 50F
10/13 22:59, 50F

10/14 00:37, , 51F
10/14 00:37, 51F

10/14 01:09, , 52F
茂哥 有些人說不聽的
10/14 01:09, 52F

10/14 03:27, , 53F
呵呵 發牢騷發來這了 要回去找媽媽尋溫暖嗎?
10/14 03:27, 53F

10/14 06:50, , 54F
原來某p就是壺獼啊....他自己說的 哈哈
10/14 06:50, 54F

10/14 07:47, , 55F
竟然跑到湖版來念了= =
10/14 07:47, 55F

10/14 09:35, , 56F
沒關係?說得好像很委屈 你們本來就一類
10/14 09:35, 56F

10/14 10:03, , 57F
老肥冷靜 不值啊不值
10/14 10:03, 57F

10/14 13:50, , 58F
10/14 13:50, 58F

10/14 15:24, , 59F
" 小白 " 這個字本身就已經跟 " 優質" 扯不上關係了吧 = =
10/14 15:24, 59F

10/14 22:24, , 60F
10/14 22:24, 60F

10/16 20:43, , 61F
d=( ̄︶ ̄)=b
10/16 20:43, 61F
文章代碼(AID): #1AqqSHye (Lakers)