[外電] Odom Shoots the Summer Breeze

看板Lakers作者 (老巴)時間14年前 (2009/09/09 15:17), 編輯推噓36(37114)
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原文:http://www.nba.com/lakers/news/090901_odom_shoots_breeze.html Mike Trudell Lakers Reporter | September 1, 2009 Two months without Lamar Odom’s musings is two months too long for Lakers.com, so we dialed up the lanky lefty for a summer catch-up conversation. 兩個月沒有Odom的新消息對Lakers.com來說實在是太久了 所以我們撥給這個瘦長的左撇子 來聊聊他這夏天的近況 Here's a transcription of our phone conversation with Odom: 以下是透過電話對Odom做的採訪 MT: Well Lamar, we haven’t had a chance to talk in a while, but at least you ’ve been posting Twitpics of you and Denzel Washington or Wladimir Klitschko from your boxing training sessions. Odom: Yeah man, I’ve been boxing in the gym where Denzel trains. I have a great trainer and it’s just waking muscles up in my body that I didn’t know I had. MT(採訪者):hi辣媽 我們有段時間沒跟你聊聊了 你寂寞嗎(誤) 但至少在你做拳擊訓練的 期間你有上傳你跟Denzel Washington及Wladimir Klitschko的照片到你的twitter上 Odam:是的 我在Denzel進行訓練的體育館裡打拳擊 我有個很棒的訓練員並且喚醒了我身 上許多我自己都不知道我有的肌肉 老二變得更粗更硬了?不過依薪水排他已經是老四了 MT: I can appreciate that, because while you’ve joked about playing QB in the NFL or pitching for the Dodgers, boxing might be the toughest sport there is... Odom: It’s combative on a whole different level. You know what I mean? I don ’t think people realize the shape boxers have to be in. It’s an incredible workout from your ankles to your neck. I love it. I was also hoping it might wake my right hand up … if I can throw a strong right hand, it might help me make a right-handed layup. MT:你真猛 打拳擊絕對比你開玩笑說的去NFL打四分衛或去道奇當投手還費勁得多 Odem:那種鬥志激昂的層次絕對不一樣 我想一般人大概不太能理解拳擊手在場上的情形 那是從腳踝到頸部都會發出慘叫的鍛鍊 我喜愛如此老二是M?(爆)我也希望能更加鍛鍊我的 右手 如果我的右手更壯 這有助於我用右手上籃 MT: Fair point. Is this the first time you’ve tried to punch things in an organized manner? Odom: It is the first time I’ve boxed, but I’ve always had an appreciation for the fight game. I’ve always followed it, and the hand-eye coordination you need is incredible. You have to have great lateral movement and be really strong in your core, which is similar to basketball. MT:很合理的觀點 這是你第一次試著運用有系統的方式去扁東西嗎 Odim:這是我第一次嘗試拳擊 但我一直都對格鬥有點心得並應用著 這需要非常好的眼手並 用 你還必須有很好的橫向移動以及有力的骨幹 這跟籃球很相似 MT: I’m trying to picture what kind of fighter you’d be, Lamar. At 6-10, you ’ve got certainly got the length handled. What’s your reach, anyway? You measured it? Odom: Nah … but I’d say … long (insert big Lamar laugh). MT:我在想像你會是個怎樣的鬥士 6-10無疑有十足的高度了 你有測量過你的手臂長度嗎 Odum:痾...我想應該是...很長(笑) MT: Ha, I’d say so. Long, to quite long. Odom: Right? But I have a hell of a jab right now, I’m telling you. I jab with my left, so they’d call me a converted southpaw. I keep my chin cocked, ready for war, and I’m learning how to turn that right-handed punch over. So I’ll work off the jab, throw in the left hook, you know. It’s pretty fun. Just to learn something new and different because I love learning new things. MT:哈 我也會這麼說 很長 相當長 Odan:是吧?但我對於刺拳有個難題 我用左手打刺拳 這跟一般左撇子拳手相反 我豎起下巴 隨時準備上場 我也在練習如何出右拳 所以我先不管左刺拳 而是加強左勾拳 學習不一樣 的新東西很有趣 我喜歡學習新的事物 我突然想到別管身高了 你看我這手臂長度怎樣... MT: So are you more of an endurance fighter, where you’re using your jab and your quickness to wear someone down, or are you trying to set up the haymaker like Manny Pacquiao put on Ricky Hatton? Odom: I’m more of a boxer, definitely not someone who throws haymakers that much. I’d box until I turned the right punch over to knock ‘em out. MT:所以你運用你的刺拳跟敏捷來制服對手 還是你有像Manny Pacquiao制服Ricky Hatton 那樣的強力武器 Oden:我不僅只是個拳擊手 我肯定沒法像那樣拳拳都威力強大 我會繼續打拳直到我的右拳 足以撂倒對手 這段翻不太順QQ MT: Wait a second LO, have you been nailed in the face? Hope not? Odom: No no, I haven’t sparred. I just use it as a workout. I think I’m going to stay away from the sparring, man. MT:你的俏臉有被擊中過嗎 希望沒有 Odin:不 我還沒跟人對打過 我只是用拳擊作為練習 我想我會避免跟人對打 MT: Pshew. I was going to say, we want to make sure you’re not stepping in there with a heavyweight and getting hit in the eye so Mitch and Phil don’t have to worry... Odom: Nah, nah nah. I’m not going to do that. No worries, just an incredible workout is all. MT:我們想確定你應該不會跟個重量級拳手同時站上擂台然後被擊中眼睛之類的吧 庫胖跟 肥爾會擔心的 Odon:不不不 我不會那麼做 別想太多 頂多就是個相當辛苦的訓練 MT: How’s Denzel doing, anyway? Odom: Well you know he’s a New Yorker, so we talk a little Yankees, a little Lakers. I try to do my Denzel impersonation: “King Kong ain’t got nothin’ on me!” from “Training Day.” Denzel’s a cool guy. Some of the people that sit right on the floor that support us all year round, to see them away from the court is fun. Denzel’s a person I look up to because he’s great at what he does, one of the best. MT:Denzel最近如何 Odun:我來模仿他一下好了 "就算金剛也動不了我!!" 這梗出自Denzel的電影 中譯叫震撼教育 Denzel很酷 我很尊敬他 他在他的領域爬到了頂端 中間那句我總覺得跟前後文接不起來= =a MT: What else is going on in your world? Odom: A lot of rest, mostly. I took some time off, but now I’m back in the gym getting ready to try and win our second title. But other than that, my clothing line – Rich Soil – is doing really well. MT:其他你還有做什麼嗎 Obam:多數時間都在休息 我休假了一段時間 現在我回到體育館準備奪得我們的第二個ㄗ ㄍㄐ 此外 我的服裝生產線Rich Soil也做得很好 好像是說Odom投資他從事服裝設計 MT: I was going to ask you about your clothing line, because we talked a lot about clothes last season in various interviews, such as when we sat down and you detailed your love for Capri pants. Odom: Haha, 100 percent not! Come on. The Capri look, I’m not into it for the guys. But we have some cool clothes at richsoilclothing.com. We’re getting ready for a fashion show/convention in Las Vegas, but mostly I’m trying to rest and get ready for camp. MT:我之前就有想談談你的服裝生產線 上一季我們採訪你時就聊過許多衣著的話題 像是你 對Capri的褲子的熱愛 Obem:(前面不太會翻 囧)在richsoilclothing.com有些很棒的衣服 我們已經準備好在拉斯 維加斯結...辦場服裝秀 但多數時間我還是休息並準備參加訓練營 MT: It’s now been over two months since you won your first championship. What comes to mind first as you reflect on it? Odom: Just the whole process. It’s incredible how the mind works, because we put that mindset in place in the beginning of the year, that we were going to win the championship. That was in the air. We used to bring it in and say, “ 1, 2, 3 Ring!” before games, and that’s what we made happen. It wasn’t a surprise for us, even though it was a surreal feeling, and I just want to be able to taste it again. Once you get there, you can’t imagine doing anything else. MT:從你拿到第一枚冠軍戒指後過了兩個月 在你憶起的時候你最先想到什麼 Obim:整個過程 其他人難以想像我們的心路歷程 我們從季初就想著要拿ㄗㄍㄐ 那似乎就 要成為現實 我們在賽前便高喊著"1, 2, 3 Ring!" 然後我們真的辦到了 雖然只是一種預 感 但這樣的結果對我們來說並不意外 而我還想要再品嘗一次那種滋味 一旦你嘗過一次你 不會再想像其它結果的 Odom很愛用incredible MT: Any TV in the summer? Odom: I haven’t really been into TV at all. In the summer time, it’s baseball*. Now we’re into the Little League World Series, my favorite, and football’s starting soon, but that’s about all I watch. MT:暑期有看什麼電視嗎 Obom:我不太看電視 這個夏天我在打棒球 現在正在進行我最愛的小聯盟世界錦標賽 美式 足球也快開打了 我就看這些 MT: So I grew up in Minnesota, but was born in upstate New York and raised on both the Yankees and Twins. Alas, over the years, I’ve taken a lot of heat for my Yankees love. Everyone likes to hate us. Odom: Well, it’s cool. The Yankees are a team that is easy to follow because of their tradition. There are a lot of Lakers fans that are not from L.A., and a lot of Cowboys fans that aren’t from Dallas. You know what I mean? MT:我在明尼蘇達長大 但在紐約北部出生 對洋基和雙城曾經都很關注 但如今我不再那麼 熱愛洋基 大家都討厭邪惡帝國 Obum:洋基是支有歷史的傳統強隊 自然會吸引球迷支持 就如許多湖人迷並非住在LA 許多 牛仔都不是來自達拉斯 你懂我的意思吧 MT: True, but don’t you think I can claim New York because of my family connection there? Odom: Of course. Of course you can. MT:的確 但你不認為我可以因著我的家族連結大方的宣稱我是洋基迷 Oban:你當然可以 MT: I appreciate that. Thank you. Odom: Plus, everybody likes guys in a well-dressed suit, that’s why they put the pinstripes in the Yankees uniform. MT:(廢話) Oben:另外 大家都喜歡穿得體面的傢伙 我想這就是洋基制服有條紋的原因 條紋有比較屌嗎? MT: Good point. I must admit, New York and Minnesota have nothing on the beaches out here in Los Angeles… Odom: As a matter of fact, I rode my bike from Marina del Rey to Malibu the other day. MT:好觀點 我得承認紐約跟明尼蘇達都沒有像洛杉磯這裡的海灘 Obin:事實上不久前我才騎車從Marina del Rey去Malibu(皆為加州地名) 我看不太懂他們話與話間的關聯耶... MT: Marina del Rey to Malibu, Lamar?? That’s like 20 miles! Odom: Right before Malibu, where the path stops. Ha. You know. MT:從Marina del Rey到Malibu??那有20英里遠耶!約32km Obon:就騎到沒路為止 你知道的 MT: Well … OK. That’s pretty far, still. I’ll bike from the Marina to Manhattan Beach sometimes, which is like eight miles, and that’s no small trek. Odom: Yeah. It was a good ride. But I love the beach. I go down and rent a mountain bike, then get busy. MT:嗯...真遠 我有時也會從Marina騎到曼哈頓海灘大概8英里吧 路途也不輕鬆 這邊可不是紐約的曼哈頓 Obun:那路程很棒 我愛海灘 我會去租台越野車然後趴趴走 閒聊可以不用翻嗎〒△〒 常常考驗的不是我的英文而是中文 而且有些語意很難懂 MT: That’s a pretty heavily-trafficked area that you’re biking through. I know people are recognizing you. Odom: People love the Lakers, you know what I’m saying? They appreciate what we did, and we did it for the city. I get my share of love … I’ve been in L.A. since 1999. MT:你騎經的都是交通壅塞的地區 我想那邊的人都開始認得你了 0dom:人們都愛湖人 他們欣賞我們所做的 而我們也愛這個城市 從1999年後我就待在LA MT: I believe it. You told me before we started recording that you’re at lunch right now eating a Greek salad, a turkey burger, pita bread and lemonade … But have I ever told you that I’ve been the No. 1 supporter of Hershey’s Cookies and Cream candy bar for about seven years now? I didn’t know until this season that it was your favorite, and wondered if my respect and love for the bar was the impetus behind your getting involved? Odom: Haha, that definitely wasn’t it. That definitely wasn’t it. But it is my favorite, and is my focal point when I’m at the gas station or the grocery store. MT:我想也是如此 在我們開始記錄的午餐前你就告訴我了 但我有告訴過你我是這7年來 Hershey的Cookies and Cream糖果棒的No.1贊助者嗎 直到這季我都不知道那是你的最愛 不知道我對這糖果棒的支持與熱愛是不是也影響到你了呢 0don:哈 並不是 你想太多了 但那是我的最愛 也是我到加油站和雜貨店時視線的焦點 加油站也有賣?= =a MT: With you. Hey let’s talk about when you first met Ron Artest in Queens. Odom: Our friendship started at age 12 when we started playing for the same basketball program, Brooklyn-Queens Express. That brought us together and we’ ve been friends ever since. We’re from two different parts of Queens – which is the biggest borough of New York City. I’m from Jamaica Queens, and he’s from Long Island City, a historic housing project called Queens Bridge. It’s a big basketball community and a small one at the same time, so it was a really special opportunity for me to play with Elton (Brand, also from New York, for the Clippers) and (Ron signing in L.A.) is one of the reasons why I stayed put. MT:來談談你跟阿部...阿泰在紐約皇后區第一次見面的情形吧 0den:我們的友誼始於12歲時我們都在Brooklyn-Queens Express打球 這是街籃組織嗎?Brooklyn即紐約布魯克林區 從那之後我們一直都是朋友 我們來自皇后區(紐約市最大的行政區)的不同區域 我來自 Jamaica Queens 他來自Long Island City 能有機會跟Elton Brand(同為NY出身)以及蓉蓉 一起打球真的很不尋常 這也是我想留在這裡的原因之一 MT: OK LO, final topic today: Twitter. You do a really good job of connecting with your fans from your @RealLamarOdom account. Odom: I like it because the person that you would consider a fan that you usually don’t get to talk to, you can interact with him or her. I think that ’s important to what we do. If you’re a popular person who’s known by name or face, it’s cool to be able to participate. It really brings people together. MT:好了辣媽 今天最後的主題了 Twitter 你的@RealLamarOdom帳號跟球迷們建立了良好的 溝通管道 0dam:我喜歡Twitter 他讓我跟平時很少有機會接觸的球迷們互動 我想這對於一名球員來 說也很重要 我想名人們要是都能加入那是件很棒的事 Twitter真的把人們連結在一起 MT: No argument here. So Lamar, if I see a 6-10 bald dude on a mountain bike next time I hit the beach path, I’ll make sure to say hello. Odom: That’s right. Take care Mike. MT:這點無庸置疑 辣媽 下次要是我在往海灘的路上看到一個6-10騎著越野車的禿頭老兄我 會記得跟他打招呼的 0bam:沒錯 保重啦Mike 有看請推oldfat的筆電明天一定拿得回來 今天我已經不抱希望了... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/09 15:23, , 1F
09/09 15:23, 1F

09/09 15:24, , 2F
will smith才是horry吧
09/09 15:24, 2F

09/09 15:25, , 3F
靠 我搞錯人了XDDD
09/09 15:25, 3F

09/09 15:28, , 4F
09/09 15:28, 4F

09/09 15:29, , 5F
對啊 超辛苦的XD
09/09 15:29, 5F

09/09 15:33, , 6F
09/09 15:33, 6F

09/09 15:35, , 7F
King Kong ain’t got "shit" on me!!
09/09 15:35, 7F

09/09 15:37, , 8F
09/09 15:37, 8F

09/09 15:44, , 9F
09/09 15:44, 9F

09/09 15:45, , 10F
09/09 15:45, 10F

09/09 16:02, , 11F
推~ odom全族都接受訪問了 XD
09/09 16:02, 11F

09/09 16:07, , 12F
09/09 16:07, 12F

09/09 16:10, , 13F
oldfat的筆電明天一定拿得回來 老肥魂!!
09/09 16:10, 13F

09/09 16:10, , 14F
(O0)d(aeiou)(mn) 一次到位XD
09/09 16:10, 14F

09/09 16:15, , 15F
09/09 16:15, 15F

09/09 16:20, , 16F
推oldfat的筆電明天一定拿得回來 美國很多加油站都有超商
09/09 16:20, 16F

09/09 16:21, , 17F
09/09 16:21, 17F

09/09 16:34, , 18F
震撼教育中那句好像翻成"就算金剛也動不了我!!" 超帥!>//<
09/09 16:34, 18F

09/09 16:37, , 19F
推外電 oldfat的筆電明天一定拿得回來
09/09 16:37, 19F

09/09 16:41, , 20F
阿靠 不小心按成噓 耍白癡 推回來
09/09 16:41, 20F

09/09 17:03, , 21F
oldfat的筆電明天一定拿得回來 補推~
09/09 17:03, 21F

09/09 17:49, , 22F
09/09 17:49, 22F

09/09 18:25, , 23F
09/09 18:25, 23F

09/09 18:26, , 24F
另外Malibu有名的就是沙灘,陽光,比基尼 還有鋼鐵人她家
09/09 18:26, 24F

09/09 18:26, , 25F
oldfat的筆電明天一定拿得回來 補一下
09/09 18:26, 25F

09/09 18:51, , 26F
09/09 18:51, 26F

09/09 18:57, , 27F
09/09 18:57, 27F
※ 編輯: oldfat 來自: (09/09 19:06)

09/09 19:13, , 28F
09/09 19:13, 28F

09/09 19:22, , 29F
oldfat的筆電明天一定拿得回來 ^^
09/09 19:22, 29F

09/09 19:37, , 30F
oldfat的筆電明天一定拿得回來 拍拍
09/09 19:37, 30F

09/09 19:54, , 31F
09/09 19:54, 31F

09/09 20:39, , 32F
09/09 20:39, 32F

09/09 20:39, , 33F
訪問了這麼多人 就是沒有Odom XDrz
09/09 20:39, 33F

09/09 22:38, , 34F
09/09 22:38, 34F

09/09 22:43, , 35F
09/09 22:43, 35F

09/09 23:07, , 36F
09/09 23:07, 36F

09/09 23:57, , 37F
09/09 23:57, 37F

09/10 00:00, , 38F
09/10 00:00, 38F

09/10 00:09, , 39F
09/10 00:09, 39F

09/10 00:24, , 40F
推老二變的更粗更硬了! 老肥筆電怎啦?
09/10 00:24, 40F

09/10 07:18, , 41F
好長啊! 辛苦了~
09/10 07:18, 41F

09/10 08:48, , 42F
09/10 08:48, 42F

09/10 09:33, , 43F
09/10 09:33, 43F

09/10 10:00, , 44F
09/10 10:00, 44F

09/10 10:00, , 45F
09/10 10:00, 45F

09/10 18:30, , 46F
老肥的筆電就跟亞里沙一樣 再也回不來了QQ )誤
09/10 18:30, 46F

09/10 19:03, , 47F
09/10 19:03, 47F

09/10 23:02, , 48F
09/10 23:02, 48F

09/11 17:02, , 49F
09/11 17:02, 49F

09/11 17:31, , 50F
推老肥 祝你的筆電早日回到你手上^^
09/11 17:31, 50F

09/12 01:20, , 51F
Denzel耶 在LA真好 推oldfat的筆電明天一定拿得回來
09/12 01:20, 51F

09/15 22:04, , 52F
09/15 22:04, 52F
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