[外電] 東西強權都開始窮兵黷武了

看板Lakers作者時間15年前 (2009/07/04 01:20), 編輯推噓20(2004)
留言24則, 18人參與, 最新討論串1/1
這跟文章標題完全沒關係 囧 http://www.latimes.com/sports/la-sp-lakers3-2009jul03,0,7602019.story L.A. and Houston essentially make a swap of free-agent forwards. By Mike Bresnahan and Broderick Turner July 3, 2009 In what essentially became a swap of free-agent forwards, the Lakers agreed to contract terms with former Houston Rockets forward Ron Artest while the Rockets reached an agreement with Trevor Ariza on a Thursday that proved to be as unpredictable and impulsive as, well, the Lakers' newest acquisition. (LA時間)禮拜四的這筆交易其實就是兩隊互換了三號球員:湖人簽下了Artest,而火箭 也跟Ariza達成了共識。這個結果,包含湖人打家劫舍的成果,不但在預料之外,也來得 十分突然。 Artest, who will be 30 in November, is a formidable defender with scoring skills who enjoys the Los Angeles lifestyle almost as much as the Lakers took pleasure in bringing him into their fold. 十一月即將三十歲的Artest是個令人生畏的防守者,有著進攻能力同時也很熱愛LA的生 活方式;就如同湖人很開心的把他娶回家一樣。 He agreed to a three-year deal worth about $18 million, giving the Lakers two of the NBA's top defenders: Kobe Bryant was a first-team All-Defensive selection last season while Artest was second team. 簽下了三年1800萬的合約之後,湖人將抬出地獄級的鋒線防守陣容:年度防守第一隊的 Kobe加上第二隊的Artest。 (妖獸:妖獸...) Artest was a presence in the courtside seats for some of the Lakers' games in the NBA Finals, sticking out among the actors, producers and business moguls who will now presumably cheer for him when the Lakers resume play after winning the franchise's 15th championship a few weeks ago. Artest在總冠軍系列其中幾場有出現在場邊,甚至比那些演員製作人等等的更加突出。 現在幾週前還在等冠軍的這些人不久之後都會是他的加油團。 He averaged 17.1 points, 5.2 rebounds and 4.3 assists for the Rockets last season and didn't seem upset about taking a pay cut after making $7.4 million last season. Artest上季平均17.1分,5.2板,4.3助攻,而他似乎也不太在意跟上一季的740萬比起 來,新的薪水似乎少了一些。 "I am very excited to finally be going to L.A.," Artest said in a statement. "For years now, the Lakers have expressed interest in having me play for them, but we could never get the stars to align. I'm finally a Laker and I can't wait to get on the court with Kobe, Pau [Gasol] and the rest of the team, and play for Phil [Jackson]. 「俺來LA挺嗨的啊,」Artest說,「好幾年了嘿,湖人一直都想找俺來打球的啦,只是 合約搞不太定。俺現在總算來湖人,等不及想跟老對手們在場上一起打球啦。」 "I look forward to helping the Lakers defend their championship, and it will be great to finally not get booed in the Staples Center." 「俺現在可是很期待衛冕拿戒指的,而且終於不用在Staples被噓了」 Artest cannot officially sign the contract until the league's weeklong moratorium on announcing free-agent signings ends next Wednesday. Artest在下週三之前,由於聯盟規定的一週時間暫時還不能正式簽約。 The Lakers can't comment specifically on signing free agents until the moratorium ends, but the addition of Artest ended their pursuit of Ariza, who agreed to a five-year deal worth about $33 million with Houston a few hours after the Lakers came to terms with Artest. 湖人目前不能對於簽約有任何評論,但Artest的加入讓他們不再繼續追求正妹。 Ariza幾個小時前在湖人確定要拿下Artest之後,跟火箭定下了五年3300萬的價碼。 "I am happy with my decision," Ariza told The Times. "I'm glad this all worked out. The Rockets are going to give me a chance to improve my game and that's all you can ask for." Ariza:「我對於下了這個決定很開心,也很高興這做法行得通。火箭現在會給我一個機會 來讓自己的球技更加精進,而有這樣的機會也應該感到滿足了。」 Ariza played in all 82 regular-season games and stepped up his game in the playoffs, averaging 11.3 points while shooting a stellar 47.6% from three-point range. He also had memorable steals of two inbounds passes late in Games 1 and 3 of the Western Conference finals against Denver. Ariza打滿了本季82場並且在季後賽表現突出,平均11.3分並且保持了47.6%的三分命 中率。他還在西區冠軍戰對上金塊的時候演出了神偷戲碼。 Ariza's agent, David Lee, said the 24-year-old forward passed up a more lucrative contract offer from another team to go to Houston. That team was believed to be Toronto. Ariza的經紀人David Lee說現在他自己比較夯...呃不是,說這個24歲的前鋒放棄了一 個更肥的約而選擇來到火箭,據說金主是暴龍。 "It was never about the money," Lee said. "It was about going someplace where you felt appreciated." David Lee:「這跟錢無關,我只要千萬合約...不是,重點是你要去一個能被賞識的地 方打球。」 The courtship of Artest began with a phone call from Magic Johnson, continued over the phone with Jackson and ended during a seal-the-deal lunch Thursday with Lakers owner Jerry Buss. 追求Artest的第一步是Magic的邀約電話,Phil後續接手,最後由Jerry Buss尾刀在禮拜 四拿下了Artest。 Jackson has always admired Artest from afar and believes he can coach Artest despite the player's sometimes irregular behavior. Phil暗戀Artest很久了,也相信他可以好好的調教調皮的Artest。 (咦 這是代表他想要拿第11個戒指嗎) Artest offered mutual respect on Thursday. "I had a great talk today with Phil," Artest said. "I'm a huge fan of his and I can't wait to show him what I can do." Artest禮拜四表達了他的敬重之意。 「俺跟主人薩馬講了很多話,主人是俺的偶像,俺要讓主人知道俺到底有幾兩重>///<」 Bryant is a longtime supporter of Artest and even begged the Lakers to trade for him a few years ago, though the two had some brush-ups last season that demonstrated first-hand the unpredictability of Artest. Kobe一直以來都是Artest的支持者,甚至幾年前曾經要求老闆搞來Artest;雖然這兩個 人上一季也展現出了Artest的不確定性。 In Game 2 of the West semifinals between the Lakers and Rockets, Artest was called for an over-the-back foul, complained to the referee, ran across the court to Bryant and got in the face of the Lakers' guard. Artest was angry that Bryant elbowed him while the two were jostling underneath the basket. 在西區準決賽系列中,Artest被吹了一個over-the-back(從背後伸手,跟reaching差不 多意思,反正就只是個犯規)的犯規,跟裁判抱怨之後又一股腦的衝到Kobe面前。Artest 對於兩人在禁區緊密交纏的時候Kobe尻了他一個拐子十分不滿。 After they were separated, Artest pointed at Bryant and then pointed at his own neck, indicating where the blow had landed. 在他們兩人藕斷絲連的分開之後,Artest指了指Kobe,跟他脖子不久前被尻到的地方。 Artest was ejected from the game and said afterward, "I told Kobe, 'You've got to relax. You're hitting the wrong person. Don't you know you're hitting Ron Artest?' " Artest因此被驅逐出場,事後表示,「俺告訴Kobe,你打球還打人啊,不要惹老子啊, 俺可是Ron Artest。」 Two months before that, Artest began trash-talking to Bryant in a regular-season game. Bryant responded by scoring 31 points in the second half of a 102-96 Lakers victory. 在那之前兩個月,Artest在例行賽中也對Kobe講了一些垃圾話。Kobe的回應是半場31分 以及一個大大的W。 "It wasn't much of a battle," Bryant said. "I kicked his [butt]" Artest answered by saying, "We are not friends out there at all. After the season, we might play pickup games or something like that. Not now." Kobe:「我只是打爆他而已,沒什麼。」 Artest:「場上無父子。要打開心的季後再說,現在別想。」 At the very least, Lakers practices should be more entertaining next season. In case the Lakers hadn't shaken their lack-of-toughness image by winning the championship, adding the barrel-chested Artest won't hurt. He is 6 feet 7, 260 pounds and afraid of practically no one. 至少下季湖人的練習會有趣一點。 如果湖人拿了冠軍還沒改變他們軟啪啪的形象的話,加一個熱血硬漢進來也不錯。 他可是個六呎七,260磅而且不知畏懼為何物的男人。 He gained several years' worth of notoriety as the centerpiece of one of the NBA's darkest moments, the infamous brawl in 2004 that involved the Indiana Pacers, Detroit Pistons and numerous fans. 他近幾年的偉大名聲,主要是建立在奧本山戰役中他的汗馬功勞。2004年的這場戰役之 中,參與的有蹓馬,活塞跟鋪天蓋地的球迷。 Artest, then with the Pacers, went into the crowd after a beverage was thrown at him and later punched a fan. He was suspended for a total of 86 games, the longest penalty for a physical altercation in NBA history. Off the court, he received a year's probation for pleading no contest to assault charges. 當時還在蹓馬的Artest在被球迷用飲料罐暗箭傷人之後,一馬當先衝進由球迷組成的亂軍 之中勇戰敵將並將其一拳烙倒,勇冠三軍!之後他被禁賽86場,創下NBA又一個紀錄。在場 外,他則是受到一年緩刑,期間不能犯任何傷害罪。 The Lakers have now allocated roughly $81.5 million toward 11 players on next season's payroll, which puts them roughly $10 million into luxury-tax territory. 湖人現在在11名球員身上花了8150萬,也讓他們將要付出1000萬的豪華稅。 The Lakers were conscious of the tax heading into the off-season, so it remains to be seen who else they pursue. By getting Artest with the mid-level exception, a spending tool for teams that are over the salary cap, the Lakers have only a handful of possibilities remaining beyond a trade. 湖人方面已經了解稅務狀況,所以剩下的就是要簽誰的問題了。用中產例外簽下Artest 之後,湖人在交易之外的選擇已經所剩不多。 A large payday for free-agent forward Lamar Odom has all but disappeared, though he could still sign a one-year deal with the team and try free agency again next season when more teams will have money to spend. The Lakers have also maintained contact with free-agent guard Shannon Brown and have agreed to talk again today. Odom(的經紀人)想要的大肥約差不多已經消失了,但他還是可以簽一年短約然後明年再 去大家都沒錢的自由市場晃晃。湖人也跟Shannon Brown保持了聯繫,雙方決定今天(LA 時間)要洽談相關事宜。 -- 穆托姆博的全名至今是個謎,據說光他的姓氏就有55個單詞,「穆托姆博」只是他家族姓 氏中的一部分,這還不包括他本人的名字。現在坊間最流行的一個版本稱穆托姆博的全名 是「Dikembe Mutombo Mpolondo Mukamba Jean-Jacque Wamutombo」,但這個名字並沒有 得到穆大叔本人的首肯。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/04 01:22, , 1F
阿泰 : 敵將 雷霸龍 討取~!
07/04 01:22, 1F

07/04 01:24, , 2F
原PO剛上線就翻文好認真 湖人版有你真好T^T
07/04 01:24, 2F

07/04 01:26, , 3F
07/04 01:26, 3F

07/04 01:29, , 4F
David Lee那什麼鬼話....
07/04 01:29, 4F

07/04 01:31, , 5F
經紀人講的話聽聽就好 最好不是為了錢
07/04 01:31, 5F

07/04 01:32, , 6F
假設經紀人可以抽合約的8趴 這代表6M他可以抽48萬 當然是錢
07/04 01:32, 6F

07/04 01:32, , 7F
07/04 01:32, 7F

07/04 01:34, , 8F
Lee,不會玩就不要玩,底牌不過是 two pairs 想偷機XD
07/04 01:34, 8F

07/04 01:35, , 9F
07/04 01:35, 9F

07/04 01:35, , 10F
07/04 01:35, 10F

07/04 01:36, , 11F
年薪800-900季中把Adam丟出去還是給出手的 這是好消息
07/04 01:36, 11F

07/04 01:37, , 12F
07/04 01:37, 12F

07/04 01:39, , 13F
07/04 01:39, 13F

07/04 01:40, , 14F
好文推!!! 希望暑假練習不要自己人弄傷自己人
07/04 01:40, 14F

07/04 01:40, , 15F
翻的不錯 推
07/04 01:40, 15F

07/04 01:40, , 16F
07/04 01:40, 16F

07/04 01:45, , 17F
07/04 01:45, 17F

07/04 01:47, , 18F
07/04 01:47, 18F

07/04 05:02, , 19F
Phil 一直需要能幹髒活的SF! Pinpen 後的Ron他會很喜歡的
07/04 05:02, 19F

07/04 08:14, , 20F
07/04 08:14, 20F

07/04 08:14, , 21F
07/04 08:14, 21F

07/04 11:10, , 22F
"It was never about the money,"
07/04 11:10, 22F

07/04 16:07, , 23F
07/04 16:07, 23F

07/04 18:24, , 24F
老二到底留不留得住啊 = =
07/04 18:24, 24F
文章代碼(AID): #1AJZtDRs (Lakers)