[外電] Shannon Brown不作重訓的八卦

看板Lakers作者時間15年前 (2009/07/01 19:48), 編輯推噓32(32017)
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《基因決定我灌你》 http://my.lakers.com/blogs/2009/06/30/wait-shannon-brown-doesnt-lift-weights/ Wait … Shannon Brown Doesn’t Lift Weights? Published by Mike Trudell on June 30, 2009 in Off-Season, Podcast and Shannon Brown . When you watch “Forrest Gump,” it takes just a few seconds to realize that Tom Hanks can do a bit of acting. 看阿甘正傳的時候,你只要花幾秒鐘就知道Tom Hanks演技真的很好。 Observe President Obama give a speech, tune in to see Albert Pujos hit a baseball or listen to Jay-Z perform one of his songs, and your conclusion makes itself in a flash. 看歐巴馬的演講,Albert Pujos的打擊跟聽Jay-Z的歌,也都只需要一瞬間就能評斷。 That’s about how long it takes to notice that Shannon Brown is some kind of a freakish athlete, and upon further consideration, literally one of the world ’s best. 要注意到Shanon Brown是個運動怪咖也只需要一瞬間。 如果再想一下,他可能是世界上最好的運動員之一。 Surely if you observe the raw, explosive nature of Brown’s body movements going up and down the basketball floor, it’s easy to imagine an extensive weight lifting and training program that’s been followed for years and maximized in the NBA. After all, this is the guy you saw raise up to destroy a Mario West layup attempt in February and climb over the outstretched arms of Chris Andersen for a hammer dunk in the Western Conference Finals. 如果你有注意到Brown在場上活蹦亂跳飛天遁地的表現, 很自然的就會覺得他多年來大概都在大量重訓, 進了NBA之後更是有過之而無不及。 畢竟這傢伙二月把Mario West的上籃整個蓋得稀巴爛, 還在鳥人頭上用力的刻下了一行「IN YOUR FACE BABY」。 His 44.5-inch vertical - measured prior to his rookie season at the Lakers’ predraft camp - was in part of gift of genetics, but it would be assumed that Brown’s well-muscled arms didn’t just appear from nowhere. We assume he lifts some serious weights. Right? 根據新人年在湖人的體測,他有著44.5吋的垂直跳躍力(豈不是跟VC差不多 金妖獸)。 雖然這跟基因脫不了關係,但是肌肉總不會憑空長出來。 所以我們可以猜測他應該做了很激烈的重訓吧? (土方:肌肉不但會憑空生出來,還會讓人中毒呢。) Not really. In fact, late in the season, Brown explained to us that while he did do some lifting in high school and at Michigan State, he has basically stayed away from weight training since entering the NBA. 並沒有啦。 事實上,這一季接近尾聲的時候, Brown說他以前在Michigan州大是有作一點重訓, 不過進NBA之後就躲得遠遠的。 Huh? “Whatever Shannon accomplishes or doesn’t accomplish in the NBA is not going to be for lack of athleticism, and the risks involved with trying to be too clever with him would be ridiculous,” explained Lakers Director of Athletic Performance, Chip Schaefer. “We’re very open ended and we like to listen to the athletes, so when Shannon came … I had no problem with him sticking to (his program).” 哩共下? 「不管他在NBA會不會有成就,都絕對跟體能沒有半點關聯,」 湖人的體能教練Chip Schaefer如是說。 「我們是很開明的,也會去聽選手們的意見, 所以當Shannon來的時候...我完全對他自己的訓練方式沒意見。」 (Chip:你們通通都這個體能我就要失業了) Schaefer, who’s in charge of the team’s strength and conditioning, instead worked to supplement Brown’s routine with some fine tuning. Accordingly, to get a better understanding of why Brown sticks mostly to push ups and does little to nothing with his legs, we sat down with Schaefer for a podcast: 採訪我就約略寫一下大意,原文請自己去聽...囧a 問:對於重訓/Shannon現在沒怎麼做的想法 答:Shannon對於重訓沒這麼喜歡,所以也不強迫他調整訓練內容 問:他是個很好的運動員,也有自己的想法 答:選進這個小菜鳥的歷史、訓練營這傢伙有多猛云云 問:本來以為給每個人都有因應體能的獨立訓練計畫 但其實你們似乎沒做那麼多? 答:他的天賦好的很誇張,不管未來有沒有成就,都不會跟體能不夠好有關 問:如何去判斷一個球員體能/天賦夠不夠好 答:有時候可以看數據但,有時候數據只是一部分,身體狀況是可以被訓練改善的 問:調整訓練內容的方式跟時機? 答:為了提比賽中的升續戰力有時會減少訓練量 再補上一個別人寫的,Shannon下一季的功課: http://lakersoffire.com/2009/06/24/off-season-outlook-shannon-brown/ * Study geometery. One of the biggest problems most new Lakers have is learning the triangle offense; this is especially true of the Laker point guards. Brown isn’t even really a point guard, so he has a much steeper learning curve then most. Part of the reason he wasn’t utilized more is because his presence on the floor limits the Lakers’ offensive sets. If Brown really wants to take a stranglehold of the back-up point guard position, he is going to have to know the triangle cold to remove that disadvantage. (話說geometery我查不到,好像是geometry拼錯了,所以我就當geometry吧) 1. 唸幾何(XD)。對於大多數湖人的新成員來說學習三角都是個問題,尤其是控衛們。 更何況Brown根本不算控衛,所以他要學的又比其他人更多更快。他沒更加的被重用 有一部分的原因就是他在場上的時候,進攻的變化就變少了。如果Brown真的想要鞏 固他替補控衛(老魚:科科)的位置的話,他得要先把三角融會貫通來消除這個缺點。 Bynum:哈啾 * Don’t get too comfy. Shannon should be ecstatic to have finally found a hoops home for himself, but he better not get too used to it. He is currently third on the depth chart at point guard with a number of rumors linking the Lakers to drafting yet another floor general in tomorrow’s draft. If Brown starts taking his roster spot for granted and loses his tenacity, he might end up having to get that passport renewed after all. 2. 不要爽過頭。 Shannon對於終於能找到一個適合的隊伍應該要感到開心,但最好不 要視為理所當然。他現在的位子是控衛第三席,而且外面還有湖人要搞來某小孩的 風聲。如果Brown把他的位置視為理所當然,因而失去了他原本表現出的韌性的話, 他有可能還是被迫要換張新護照(新球衣吧XD)。 Farmar:哈啾 * Become an actual point guard. As I pointed out earlier, Brown is really a shooting guard masquerading as a point guard. The triangle offense doesn’ t call for a playmaker at the point, but he needs to know something about running an offense and develop a passing mentality rather than shooting every chance he gets. 3. 成為一個真正的控衛。就如同我之前所指出的,Brown實質上是一個SG。三角進攻 不需要控衛位置放一個playmaker,但他得知道怎麼去跑位跟培養出傳球的正確心 態,而不是拿到球就噴了。 Sasha:哈啾,Machine gets the ball Machine shoots Machine hang out with Kobe * Don’t be stupid. This one goes without saying, but Brown better not go and get cocky and try and parlay his post-season success into a slightly higher payday with some other team. Brown has to know that the Lakers’ system is uniquely suited to his skill set and bolting for a little bit more cash seems destined only to land him with a team that doesn’t know how to user him, putting him right back where he was to start this year. (user him害我笑了 這個作者的spelling真的很爛) 4. 不要耍白痴。這是廢話啦,但他最好不要太囂張把季後賽的小成功加油添醋去跟 其他隊搶錢。Brown得知道湖人的戰術體系剛好跟他的球技可以搭配,而為了一點 錢跑去一些不知道怎麼用他的球隊的話,就完全在走回頭路了。 Ariza:哈啾 -- "Satan's not in a guitar pick, he's inside all of us. In here, in your hearts. He's what makes us not want to go to work, or exercise, or tell the truth. He's what makes us want to party and have sex with each other all night long. He's that little voice in your mind that says 'Fuck you' to the people you hate." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: doodoohow 來自: (07/01 20:06)

07/01 19:56, , 1F
07/01 19:56, 1F

07/01 19:58, , 2F
07/01 19:58, 2F

07/01 19:59, , 3F
07/01 19:59, 3F

07/01 20:05, , 4F
不重訓可以跳那麼高.....怪物= =
07/01 20:05, 4F

07/01 20:07, , 5F
做Air Alert做到受傷還沒屁用 這傢伙實在太過分了啊TwT
07/01 20:07, 5F

07/01 20:15, , 6F
假設適當重訓他該不會跳到籃板上面去吧= = 蜘蛛人...
07/01 20:15, 6F

07/01 20:18, , 7F
doo 那個我目前做到第5週,感覺還不錯,身體有變輕說
07/01 20:18, 7F

07/01 20:18, , 8F
07/01 20:18, 8F

07/01 20:24, , 9F
我做到大概第八第九週的時候狀況最好 大概過框7-8公分
07/01 20:24, 9F

07/01 20:25, , 10F
不過11週不知道為什麼膝蓋就開始痛 於是我就中斷了
07/01 20:25, 10F

07/01 20:29, , 11F
07/01 20:29, 11F

07/01 20:30, , 12F
07/01 20:30, 12F

07/01 20:30, , 13F
我之前作重訓,兩個禮拜膝蓋就在痛了= ="
07/01 20:30, 13F

07/01 20:31, , 14F
我173 所以資優生都不唸書是不是這個道理
07/01 20:31, 14F

07/01 20:33, , 15F
07/01 20:33, 15F

07/01 20:35, , 16F
我之前做過類似的 不過都沒跳變高 第一歩速度倒是變快
07/01 20:35, 16F

07/01 20:36, , 17F
doo 他應該不是問身高(誤)
07/01 20:36, 17F

07/01 20:37, , 18F
07/01 20:37, 18F

07/01 20:38, , 19F
07/01 20:38, 19F

07/01 20:38, , 20F
想請問一下~做Air Alert可以在家裡不穿鞋做嗎??
07/01 20:38, 20F

07/01 20:38, , 21F
07/01 20:38, 21F

07/01 20:39, , 22F
盡量不要不穿鞋吧 鞋子可以幫助緩衝
07/01 20:39, 22F

07/01 20:43, , 23F
千萬不要不穿鞋 囧 沒緩衝太傷了!!!
07/01 20:43, 23F

07/01 20:53, , 24F
哈啾! ( > 3 <)
07/01 20:53, 24F

07/01 21:02, , 25F
不穿鞋很痛= =..膝蓋痛就別做了 會受傷
07/01 21:02, 25F

07/01 21:04, , 26F
Shannon Brown:我天生神力阿~
07/01 21:04, 26F

07/01 21:32, , 27F
一定要穿鞋跳= = 正常人不穿鞋跳保證很快進醫院= =
07/01 21:32, 27F

07/01 21:35, , 28F
又不是公園的阿伯可以狂鉤射不用跳...= =
07/01 21:35, 28F

07/01 21:36, , 29F
07/01 21:36, 29F

07/01 21:41, , 30F
以前可以...現在太胖了扣不到 好幾年沒練重量了
07/01 21:41, 30F

07/01 21:42, , 31F
07/01 21:42, 31F

07/01 21:44, , 32F
我從來沒把球灌進去過 以前到是可以抓框 小學OK的XD
07/01 21:44, 32F

07/01 21:47, , 33F
現在只能欺負小學生 懶的練球都狂放槍 囧
07/01 21:47, 33F

07/01 21:54, , 34F
我只能Alley-oop...layup 囧
07/01 21:54, 34F

07/01 21:58, , 35F
我現在目標是控衛 帶球過半場XD
07/01 21:58, 35F

07/01 21:58, , 36F
哈哈!!謝謝~~ 看來要穿鞋比較安全~~~
07/01 21:58, 36F

07/01 22:03, , 37F
我現在只能放槍 什麼都不能做 囧
07/01 22:03, 37F

07/01 23:19, , 38F
07/01 23:19, 38F

07/01 23:25, , 39F
我的只是目標 目前只能買水= =
07/01 23:25, 39F

07/01 23:28, , 40F
07/01 23:28, 40F

07/02 00:55, , 41F
07/02 00:55, 41F

07/02 09:27, , 42F
這篇的笑點在於一直有人 哈啾!!!
07/02 09:27, 42F

07/02 12:26, , 43F
07/02 12:26, 43F

07/02 12:34, , 44F
07/02 12:34, 44F

07/02 14:14, , 45F
做重訓還真的有差耶 沒做(腿部)之前頂多過框10公分
07/02 14:14, 45F

07/02 14:15, , 46F
做了大概四五次之後 整個過框一隻手掌(20公分)
07/02 14:15, 46F

07/02 14:15, , 47F
然後 就可以把球塞進去了 不過我都操腿操很大就是了
07/02 14:15, 47F

07/02 14:20, , 48F
但是 姿勢正確遠勝過任何"掙扎 耍帥"的重量倒是真的
07/02 14:20, 48F

07/02 16:37, , 49F
LBJ有做啦 都PO在網路上了
07/02 16:37, 49F
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