[外電] Trevor Ariza finds right fit with th …

看板Lakers作者 (高掛免戰牌)時間15年前 (2009/06/03 15:06), 編輯推噓23(2304)
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Traded by Orlando in November in 2007 while struggling with his role, he is showing the skills that L.A. saw in him. He's come up big in playoffs with three-point shooting and game-turning steals. 為了上場時間糾結不已的時候於2007年11月被魔術交易至湖人的阿里扎(Trevor Ariza), 越來越彰顯出洛杉磯人對其大為青睞的諸多特質。他憑著自己強硬的三分和終結比賽的搶 斷逐漸成為湖人在季後賽中的一大殺手鑭。 The Lakers are looking for redemption in the NBA Finals. In many ways, so is Trevor Ariza. 湖人意欲在總決賽中王者歸來,多方面看來,Ariza都是助湖人重振雄風一名要員。 The Lakers' starting small forward was jettisoned by the Orlando Magic in November 2007, deemed a non-fit for an offense that required shooters, not stoppers, under the system of newly hired Coach Stan Van Gundy. 這位湖人的現任首發小前鋒因被認為不適應他們的進攻體系而被魔術於2007.11月放棄, 在魔獸新任主教練斯坦范甘迪(Stan Van Gundy)的執教體系下,他們的進攻更需要一個狙 擊手而非阻擊手。 The Lakers saw a hint of potential in Ariza and sent Brian Cook and Maurice Evans to the Magic for Ariza, a trade that surprised several Lakers players who were close friends of Cook and Evans. 湖人卻獨具慧眼的發現Ariza的很多「一般人我不告訴他」的潛質,並送Brian Cook和 Maurice Evans去魔術換來了他,不過這個交易當時讓不少與Cook和Evans私交甚密的湖人 隊友大為震驚。 Orlando seemed torn. A story in the Orlando Sentinel the day of the trade referred to Ariza as a "promising player" and quoted Magic General Manager Otis Smith as saying "He's one of 'my kids.' " 奧蘭多貌還挺撕心裂肺——當天「奧蘭多哨兵報」報道交易情況時把Ariza形容為「前途 無量的球員」,並在其中引述魔術經理奧提斯史密斯(Otis Smith)的話說他「是我的一個 愛子。」 Van Gundy, however, was less fond of Ariza in his comments."Trevor was in a tough situation," he said at the time. "I hope he finds the right situation. I think it was a good move for us." 不過,范甘迪(Van Gundy)的論述中對Ariza就遠遠沒有那個憐憫愛惜的味道了。「Ariza不 在狀態上」他那時如此說。「希望他到湖人能找到好狀態,我認為這是一個皆大歡喜的離 別。」 Neither Cook nor Evans is still with the Magic. Cook was traded to Houston a few months ago for Rafer Alston. Evans signed with Atlanta as a free agent last July. Cook和Evans現在已經雙雙飛離了魔術,前者於幾個月前被送到休斯頓換來了拉夫阿爾斯通 (Rafer Alston),而後者在去年六月份以自由人身份簽到了亞特蘭大老鷹隊。 Ariza, obviously, is still with the Lakers, averaging 11.4 points and shooting 50% from three-point range in the playoffs, putting him third among players with 20 or more attempts behind the arc in the playoffs. He also had game-turning steals twice against Denver in the Western Conference finals. 當然大家都看到了,Ariza還悠哉的呆在湖人,季後賽拿到場均11.4分和五成的三分命中率 的成績單,使他成為季後賽中三分出手次數超過20的第三人。當然,Ariza在對陣金塊的西 部決賽中,還有兩次扭轉乾坤的搶斷,福星高照哇。 Now he gets to show what he can do against his former team in the NBA Finals, which begin Thursday at Staples Center. 接下來,他要在週四於Staples Center開打的決賽中,向他的老東家施展雄威。 "I made a lot of friends there," Ariza said. "But now it's business." 「我在那裡廣交好友,」Ariza講,「但可惜現在只能各為其主了。」 Not long after Van Gundy was hired in June 2007 to coach Orlando, he met with Ariza in Los Angeles. Van Gundy said Ariza would be an important part of his plans in Orlando, but it didn't work out that way, for a variety of reasons. The Magic ended up signing sharp-shooter Rashard Lewis to a six-year, $118-million free-agent contract in July 2007. Van Gundy於2007年六月份接手魔術主教練職位之後不久,在洛杉磯見到了Ariza,他本來 說Ariza將會是他的戰術系統中重要的一員,可惜後來因種種原因並未奏效。後來魔術於 2007年六月以一份六年1.18億元的自由球員合同簽下了致命射手Rashard Lewis。 Van Gundy also ended up wanting a solid shooter at small forward, which wasn't a big part of Ariza's game at the time. He was reduced to limited minutes as a defensive specialist. Van Gundy當然是樂意小前鋒位置有一個穩定的射手,而這恰恰是Ariza當時不出彩的地方 ,結果作為一個專長防守的球員,他的上場時間被縮短至可憐的幾分鐘。 After averaging 8.9 points and 4.4 rebounds in 22.4 minutes a game under Coach Brian Hill in 2006-07, Ariza was averaging only 3.3 points and 10.5 minutes under Van Gundy when he was traded to the Lakers three weeks into the 2007-08 season. 06-07賽季裡,在當時的教練布萊恩希爾(Brian Hill)手下,Ariza平均每場上場22.4分鐘 ,拿下8.9分和4.4籃板,到了Van Gundy這裡,他場均只打10.5分鐘得到區區3.3分,終於 在07-08賽季開打前的三星期被交易到湖人。 Ariza was asked Monday if he had any hard feelings toward Van Gundy. 週一時Ariza被問到有沒有對Van Gundy不爽。 "It's not about me, or one person in this series. It's about a team," Ariza said. "I think he's a good coach. I didn't fit into his style of play, and that's fine with me. You're not going to fit into everybody's system." 他的回答是:「這不是我個人的問題,或者說不是某一個人的事,事情關係到整個球隊。 我認為他是一個好教練,只是我不適合他的執教風格,沒關係的啦,我肯定不可能各種風 格都能適應。」 The Lakers certainly don't harbor any hard feelings about the trade, particularly after Ariza worked dutifully on his outside shot last summer. Despite all the buzz about Orlando's outside shooting, Ariza is showing better accuracy than any of the Magic's three-point shooters in the playoffs. 湖人對本次交易當然是大爽特爽,尤其是在Ariza去年夏天刻苦練習外圍投籃之後。儘管 魔術的外線投籃為人津津樂道,但是Ariza季後賽中表現出的投籃卻比魔術的任何一名三 分射手都來的更精準。 "For a lot of people in the league, this is a young guy who came out early [from UCLA] and bounced around from New York to Orlando, had some issues early with injures and playing time," Lakers Coach Phil Jackson said. "Here he is now as a starter that's a solid performer. We think of him as a night-in, night-out performer for us." 「對於聯盟中的很多人來說,他是一個早早的從(UCLA)大學進入聯盟打球的年輕人,由 最初去了紐約到後來轉投奧蘭多,他過早的經歷了傷病和上場時間等問題,」湖人教練菲 爾傑克遜(Phil Jackson)說,「現在他是我們的首發陣容中的一顆穩定的棋子,他的表現 對於我們非常重要。」 Getting defensive 防守起來 It's not official yet, but it looks as if the Lakers have settled on a defensive plan for an Orlando team that made it this far with a strong post presence, in Dwight Howard, and an array of perimeter shooters. 雖然並未公開表示,但是湖人看起來已經制定了一個防守計劃,來迎接魔獸和一群外線機 關鎗鑄造的強大的魔術。 In the front court, Andrew Bynum will guard Howard, Ariza will guard Hedo Turkoglu and, perhaps the key match-up of the series, Pau Gasol will try to stay with Rashard Lewis. 前場中有Bynum防守魔術,而Ariza會去跟Turkoglu——沒準這會是該系列賽最為關鍵的一 個對峙組合,至於Rashard Lewis,則交給Pau Gasol來壓制。 Lewis is a 6-foot-10 power forward, but he does most of his work from the outside. He led the league with 220 three-pointers in the regular season. 他們的大前Rashard Lewis身高六尺十吋,不過他大多都是在外線得分,常規賽中他投中了 聯盟最多的220個三分球。 "Most of the power forwards in this league, they move around 15, 18 feet in," Gasol said. "With Lewis, you got to work 18 feet out all the way out to the three-point line, even deeper. So you have to be aware of that. That changes a little bit of your moves and your instincts. Hopefully during these couple of days, I'm going to get used to that and make sure he doesn't get clean looks and good shots at the basket." 「聯盟中的大多數大前鋒都會游離於離籃筐15到18英尺的地方」Gasol說,「Lewis就另類 了,你必須追著他跑18英尺到三分線,甚至更遠。所以你一定要清楚這一點,稍微改變一 下腳步移動和直覺判斷。還好,這幾天裡我會努力適應這些並確保到時候他不會輕鬆瞟到 籃框並將球扔進。」 In the post, Bynum collected nine fouls in two regular-season games against Howard, but Jackson didn't seem overly concerned about foul trouble. 之前的常規賽中,Bynum對抗Howard時,兩場比賽裡吃到多達9個犯規,不過禪師貌似並 沒有太糾結他的犯規麻煩問題。 "We have three big guys with solid bodies that could play him," Jackson said. 「我們有三個強壯的巨塔來輪番陪他(魔獸)耍,」禪師如是說。 In other words, third-string center DJ Mbenga might get some time in this series after averaging only 2.5 minutes a game in the Western finals. 這就是說,沒準西部決賽中平均只出現2.5分鐘的湖人第二號替補中鋒DJ Mbenga在總決賽 中又有機會登場了。 轉自:http://www.kobechina.com.cn/thread-59977-1-1.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/03 15:09, , 1F
Ariza的外線是到湖人才練起來的 是吧?
06/03 15:09, 1F

06/03 15:09, , 2F
06/03 15:09, 2F

06/03 15:10, , 3F
06/03 15:10, 3F

06/03 15:33, , 4F
另外一隻擱淺了嗎 XDD
06/03 15:33, 4F

06/03 15:36, , 5F
06/03 15:36, 5F

06/03 15:43, , 6F
06/03 15:43, 6F

06/03 15:44, , 7F
06/03 15:44, 7F

06/03 15:46, , 8F
怎麼想都不可能跟上他= =應該一切就過了
06/03 15:46, 8F

06/03 15:53, , 9F
Odom守比較好吧 速度 高度都還OK阿
06/03 15:53, 9F

06/03 16:12, , 10F
06/03 16:12, 10F

06/03 17:20, , 11F
BYNUM 先拿去守魔獸,爆了正常,沒爆賺到。GASOL 也會分
06/03 17:20, 11F

06/03 17:21, , 12F
到很多守魔獸的時間。兩千萬給 ODOM 守,Hedo 給Ariza 守
06/03 17:21, 12F

06/03 18:18, , 13F
開賽Gasol守到Lewis是絕對沒問題的了 重點是禁區的籃板
06/03 18:18, 13F

06/03 18:19, , 14F
要保護好 這點不論是Odom或Gasol去對到Lewis都一樣
06/03 18:19, 14F

06/03 18:22, , 15F
06/03 18:22, 15F

06/03 18:24, , 16F
06/03 18:24, 16F

06/03 19:03, , 17F
06/03 19:03, 17F

06/03 19:24, , 18F
06/03 19:24, 18F

06/03 19:42, , 19F
06/03 19:42, 19F

06/03 21:21, , 20F
樓上說的 兩分跟三分互暴我們還輸一分耶
06/03 21:21, 20F

06/03 21:22, , 21F
06/03 21:22, 21F

06/03 21:49, , 22F
GASOL要守到2000....不樂觀 2000的切入很不錯的
06/03 21:49, 22F

06/03 22:14, , 23F
06/03 22:14, 23F

06/03 22:58, , 24F
06/03 22:58, 24F

06/04 00:34, , 25F
BYNUM是守魔獸不是魔術喔~ :P
06/04 00:34, 25F

06/04 00:37, , 26F
06/04 00:37, 26F

06/04 02:48, , 27F
06/04 02:48, 27F
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