[外電] 每當Kobe想要的時候

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http://tinyurl.com/ba35h6 問問他的對手,他知道NBA最危險的球員是穿紫色和金色的 Bruce Arthur, National Post Published: Thursday, February 05, 2009 Once a year Kobe Bryant comes to Toronto. This time, he was here on the same night that LeBron James -- Kobe's sole competition for the title of the league's signature player -- was playing Madison Square Garden with his Cleveland Cavaliers, trying to follow Kobe's 61-point performance there on Monday night. LeBron had already said he would not try to top that number, which seemed smart. Kobe一年一度的又來到了多倫多。同一個晚上,LeBron James(唯一能與Kobe爭奪聯盟頭 號球員稱號的人)也帶著他的騎士隊來到了麥迪遜花園球場,準備挑戰Kobe星期一晚上在 同一個地方創造的61分神蹟。但LeBron本人表示他不會嘗試去挑戰這個數字,聽起來似乎 很聰明。 (Of course, half an hour after Kobe scored 14 firstquarter points in Toronto, LeBron scored 20 points firstquarter points in New York.) (當然,當Kobe在多倫多第一節裡就拿下14分的半小時後,LeBron在紐約的第一節也拿下 了20分) It's not a direct competition, but there is a duel between the league's current and future MVP, a proxy war carried out across North America. (Dwyane Wade and Chris Paul are part of the elite quartet, but are relatively overlooked.)Their teams could plausibly meet in the NBA Finals. While James is in full bloom at 24, Kobe remains great at 30. Some players believe that despite LeBron's earth-shaking impact, he is still second best. For now. 這不是直接的競爭,但在聯盟現任以及未來的MVP身上勢必要有一番較勁,而一場"代理戰 爭"也在美國展開(Wade和Chris Paul也是有力的競爭者,但相較之下他們較被忽略)。他 們的球隊很可能會在總冠軍賽上碰頭。屆時James將滿24歲,而Kobe仍然是狀態絕佳的30 歲。許多球員相信僅管LeBron有著令人震撼的表現,但就現在而言,他仍然只能排第二。 "To me, Kobe's the better basketball player," says Toronto Raptor Joey Graham, who played LeBron in Cleveland on Tuesday night, where James scored 33, and guarded Kobe last night. "We kind of almost know what we're going to do against LeBron -- we're going to throw bodies at him, make him try to shoot jumpers. But Kobe, you can't leave him open. And if you throw bodies at him, he's going to get fouled. "對我而言,Kobe是更好的籃球員" 星期二晚上在克里夫蘭防守LeBron,讓他拿下33分, 然後前晚負責防守Kobe的暴龍隊球員Graham說 "我們幾乎知道知道應該怎麼去對抗LeBron ,我們不斷的把身體靠過去,好讓他選擇用跳投進攻。但面對Kobe時,你不能放他空檔。 但如果你的身體太靠近他,你會被做一個老梗犯規" "Kobe has the whole package. He has all the tools. All you can do is try to do your best against him." "Kobe全身上下都是武器。他有全部的技巧。你所能作的就是盡全力去對抗他" The trick is that the Los Angeles Lakers star always tries his best, too, which tends to trump most everybody else. Raptors coach Jay Triano got to see Kobe close up last summer while working for USA Basketball, and came away stunned. 但很遺憾的是這位洛杉磯湖人的球星也都是盡全力來對抗任何人,讓每個防守他的人都被 比了下去。暴龍的教練Jay Triano在去年夏天的奧運有了就近觀察Kobe的機會並被他的表 現所震驚。 "I thought in working with Steve Nash that I'd seen one of the hardest workers in the game as far as the number of repetition of shots," says Triano. "And then when I saw Kobe in the summertime... " "我認為在與Steve Nash合作的時候,看到了盡可能不斷投籃命中的最刁鑽的球員之一" Triano說 "然後,我在暑假看到了Kobe..." There has been plenty of fair criticism of Kobe -- the selfishness, the wars with once-teammate Shaquille O'Neal, the narcissism, the wars with coach Phil Jackson, the ego, and various other synonyms -- but nobody ever said he didn't try. It was that in his quest to become the greatest player of his time, or of all time, he made it all about him. 有許多對於Kobe的挑剔-諸如自私,與前隊友Shaquille O'Neal不合(不是行銷嗎XD),自 我中心,與斐爾傑克遜教練員不合,自尊心,以及其他各式各樣類似的指控,但是,從來 沒有人說過"他不去嘗試"。這也驅使他成為他的世代中最頂級的球員,或者可以說,有史 以來最頂級的球員,因為他是Kobe,所以他做到了。 Jackson has spoken and written extensively of the battles with Kobe, and of trying to get superstars to reconcile the team and the self. Nowadays, he says, Kobe has largely figured it out. Jackson曾對與Kobe不合的事情有延伸的發言和文章,他試著讓球星們在球隊以及私下都 能和解。他說現在Kobe已經更能明白這些事了。 "You know, as long as his focus is how to do this on a particular night," says Jackson. "Sometimes a personal matchup could get him distracted before; an agenda that he might have could affect him in a ball game. The night that he got 81 against Toronto it was one of those nights ... [Toronto was ahead, and] that was a need basis. He can do things like that on a need basis. "你知道嗎?只要他把注意力放在如何打一場特別的比賽" Jackson說 "有時候一種個人的 對戰在賽前就會影響著他,然後讓他打出一場又一場驚奇的比賽。在多倫多的那場81分的 比賽就是這種情形….,這是他的需求所驅使的。他可以照他的需求做到他想做的事" "I think for the most part he knows how the game's going, and figures it out." "我想最主要的原因是他能解讀比賽會如何進行,並理解他" Last night was a need game -- Toronto was playing loose and easy, while L. A. looked like a team dreaming of its championship rematch in Boston tonight. So Kobe, out of necessity, hit the game's biggest basket. He was pretty good. 上一場是個Kobe想拿下的一場比賽-當湖人繼續夢想著追尋總冠軍並在今晚要再次對抗波 士頓,他要讓多倫多輸掉這場球。所以出自於Kobe的需要,他投進了比賽中最重要的一個 投籃。他真的棒呆了。 All told last night, Kobe delivered 36 points, nine rebounds and five assists in Toronto, while LeBron was showing off for 52 points, 10 rebounds and 11 assists in a 107-102 win over the Knicks. Both teams are now 39-9. 談談昨晚,Kobe在多倫多拿下了36分9籃板和5助攻的同時,LeBorn更是炫耀出52分10籃板 11助攻表現,並以帶領球隊以107比102擊敗尼克。兩隊的戰績都是39勝9敗了。(今天是40 勝了!!) In Beijing this summer, on one of the two most talented American teams in history, it was Kobe who broke open the deathly tight gold medal game against Spain, spearheading a 10-0 run with LeBron, Wade, and Paul all on the floor. What did that show? 在今年夏天的北京奧運,有史以來最有天份的第二支美國隊在金牌賽中面對到西班牙,在 比賽來到最關鍵的時刻,是由Kobe打破僵局帶出了一波10比0的小高潮並贏得了比賽,同 一時間在球場上的還有LeBron, Wade和Paul。這說明了什麼? "Maturity," says Lakers forward Pau Gasol, the team's only other all-star. "Wisdom. You know, he's been around a lot longer than the other guys have." "成熟" 湖人的前鋒,也是該球隊另一位全明星Pau Gasol說 "智慧。你知道嗎?他比那些 傢伙在這裡混得更久" That also means that he is running out of time to win more championships. Kobe has three rings, but he and LeBron have won the same number of titles -- and lost the same number of NBA Finals -- without Shaquille O'Neal. LeBron just surpassed Kobe as the youngest player to score 12,000 points, by well over a year (of which Kobe says, "I don't give a rat's ass"). LeBron seems like a lock for MVP. Some say LeBron has become the league's best player. 這也表示他將會用盡所有時間去爭取更多的總冠軍。Kobe有三個戒指,但在沒有 Shquille O'neal的情況下,他跟LeBron贏過一樣多次的總冠軍,也輸過同樣多次的總冠 軍。LeBron才剛打破Kobe的最年輕12000分的球員的紀錄,而且快了一年(但Kobe不在意這 個紀錄)。LeBron看起來很可能會拿到MVP。許多人也說LeBron已經是聯盟最好的球員了。 "No," says Graham flatly. "Not trying to take anything from LeBron, but we were talking about this the other day: [Kobe's] got the same blood Michael Jordan's got. He's breathing the same oxygen. I mean, one day, LeBron, maybe. But right now, he's not on the same level." "錯了," Graham冷冷的說 "不是想佔LeBron的便宜,但我們改天再來談這件事 ,要知道Kobe身上流著跟Michael Jordan同樣的血液。他們呼吸的是一樣的空氣。我的意 思是,或許有一天吧,LeBron做得到。但現在,他還沒到這個水平"(關鍵字終於出現了, 不要轉比較好) "Kobe can [score 61] pretty much any night he feels like it," agrees Gasol. "But that's not our goal. That's not his goal. Our goal is to win a championship, and ultimately it's a team game, and you have to get your teammates involved. And that's how you're going to beat better teams, great teams. Obviously, Kobe can put up big numbers any time he wants to." "Kobe可以在任何比賽拿下很多分數,只要他想" Gasol同意的說 "但那不是我們的目標。 那也不是他的目標。我們的目標是總冠軍,而且這是團隊比賽,你必須要讓隊友融入。這 也是你要打倒其他好球隊,偉大的球隊的方法。顯然地,Kobe在任何時候都可以在計分板 上放上偉大的數字" Indeed, for all the talk over deference and fitting in, Bryant is still scoring at the third-highest rate per minute of his 13-year career, behind only 2005-06 and 2006-07. With centre Andrew Bynum hurt again, the Lakers will have to be a team to return to the Finals, rather than a one-man band. When you ask Kobe about it, he says it is all about the team. It wasn't always thus. 呼應這些尊敬Kobe的言論,他今年仍然拿下了生涯13年內,平均每分鐘得分的第三高,只 比05-06,06-07年少。當中鋒Andrew Bynum再次受傷,湖人更應該做好團隊合作以拿下總 冠軍,而不是一人表演。當你問Kobe這件事時,他會說這都是關於球隊。如此而已。 "We're better," Kobe says. "There have been plenty of team that lost in the Finals that came back the next season with the same team and won." "我們更強了" Kobe說 "有許多輸掉總冠軍的球隊,在隔年又在總冠軍賽碰到同樣的對手 ,並擊敗他們拿下總冠軍" A few minutes after Kobe had left the morning shoot-around, someone mentioned to Jackson that his star pupil has come a long way. Jackson smiled. 在Kobe結束了晨間的投籃練習並離開後,有人跟Jackson說他的明星球員真的有了明顯的 進步了。Jackson露出了陽光般閃耀的笑容。 "Yes," he said. "He has." "是的" 他說 "他進步了" -- 謝謝指正~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/06 17:18, , 1F
02/06 17:18, 1F

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02/06 17:46, , 11F
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※ 編輯: wasibei 來自: (02/06 17:52)

02/06 18:11, , 12F
感動推~~~ 重點是ㄗㄍㄐ!!!
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02/06 18:22, , 13F
感動!!!!!!!! 最後一句很有feel耶!! 翻譯的很不賴呢~
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爹?! XD
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因為都是神等級的血液啊! (神有血嗎...? orz...)
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安西?? 看著你越打越好是我最開心的時候
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