[外電] A-Train’s Back On Track

看板Lakers作者 (打起精神來Max!)時間15年前 (2008/09/29 00:27), 編輯推噓50(50040)
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原文:A-Train’s Back On Track Andrew Bynum says he’s 110 percent. 網址:http://slamonline.com/online/2008/09/a-trains-back-on-track/ 作者:Matt Caputo Missing a large chunk of any season because of an injury is never a good look. Missing more than half of a season in which your team made it all the way to the finals just flat out “sucks.” The case of Andrew Bynum, the Laker big man who missed 47 games over a knee injury last season, was made more disheartening by the fact that the 7-footer began making the serious strides scouts thought he would. 不論什麼時候因傷錯過比賽都不會是件好事,尤其在你的球隊進軍總冠 軍賽你卻錯過了大半個球賽肯定是令人賭爛的。這件事就發生在湖人的七呎 大個霸男身上,去年,他因為膝蓋受傷而錯過了四十七場比賽,更令人沮喪 的是他那時正大幅進步著。 SLAM recently caught up with Bynum, who was in Cali preparing for the start of training camp. SLAM 雜誌最近接洽了 Bynum,這時他正在加州為季前訓練營做準備。 SLAM: So tell me, what was your off-season like? SLAM:「那來談談你這個暑假(off-season,季外時間,我都翻暑假) 過得怎麼樣?」 Andrew Bynum: The off-season was pretty cool. We actually did a lot of things. We started with the track every morning, then we went to weights, then we went to basketball. We did that for about a month and a half straight down in Atlant a7b a. And before that, obviously, I was in rehab in New York City with a guy named Bob Panerello, who does great work. And, you know, I’ve just really been trying to get my knee right. 霸男:「這個暑假真是太酷了!我們做了很多事,我們一早就開始做重 量訓練,然後量體重,接著開始練球。日復一日的重複了整個月,其中一半 是在亞特蘭大訓練營完成的。在這之前,我則是在紐約透過 Bob Panerello 的協助來復健,他真的很棒 >_^b 然後,你知道的,我正努力的讓我的膝蓋 健康。」 SLAM: Do you feel you’re going to be 100 percent to start the season? SLAM:「你覺得你能夠用 100%的力量來迎接這個新的球季嗎?」 AB: Yes. I’m going to be, probably, 110 percent, cause we’ve just been working hard. I can jump an inch higher than before. It feels great, actually. I think it might even be stronger than before the surgery cause we were actually able to focus strengthening the leg, which is something I’ve never really done before. So, the surgery went well, and I think I’m 100 percent. 霸男:「當然,我肯定會的,甚至可能是 110% 就像戶愚呂那樣!因為 我們非常的努力,我比以前跳得更高了(一英吋),人也更帥了(誤)。這 感覺真是太棒了,因為手術的原因,讓我花很多時間在腿部的肌力加強上, 這是以前沒能做到的,我想我比以前更強大了!所以,手術結果是好的,我 想我百分之百恢復了。」 SLAM: What kind of things have you been doing to get your knee stronger? SLAM:「你做了什麼來加強你膝蓋的力量?」 AB: Well, we started out with a lot of ice. And isometric contractions which are just basic contractions of the muscle and then we were able to go to partial squats and one legged partial squats and, as it got stronger, we started to add a little bit of lateral movement in, some hops, some agility drills. After that, we progressed into full-blown squats, jogging, and we went to running. Once I was able to run, that’s when I felt comfortable with the situation in my leg and, you know, just kept building from there. 霸男:「嗯,我們一開始用了一堆冰塊(我是冰系的),然後透過基礎 的肌肉收縮訓練復健(這段我不是專業的不會翻 Orz)。接著我就可以稍微 彎曲膝蓋了,然後補血到可以單腳彎曲。等到他變得更強壯以後,開始加入 一些橫向移動、單腳跳、靈敏訓練,然後循序漸進的加入完全的蹲、慢跑、 正常跑步。當我能夠跑步時,我感覺我的小腿狀況非常的好,接下來的訓練 都建立在這樣的基礎上~」 isometric contractions:

09/29 01:07,
isometric contractions等長收縮 就是只有肌肉出力但沒有做
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出動作 例如腳抵著牆壁然後對牆出力 這是最基礎的肌力訓練
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通常剛開完刀的病人會立刻開始做 以避免肌肉萎縮
09/29 01:11
SLAM: What skills have you been working on away from getting your knee ready? Is there anything you can’t do? SLAM:「在你的膝蓋好之前,你都在訓練什麼技巧?有什麼是你現在做 不到的嗎?」(前面都說百分之百了,這是套話嗎?) AB:: I can do everything. Basically, this off-season I’ve been focusing on dribbling skills and developing a 15-20 foot shot, which should be able to free me up a bit more so I’ll be able to face up against defenders and be able to make moves against them. cause it kind of got to a point where people were trying to take the middle away from me. So now if I open up, and I see that they’re sagging off, I can pop a little J and they’ ll have to play me honestly. And it’s just easier. 霸男:「我現在可以做任何事。基本上,季外我專注在加強我的運球技 巧,並把我的投籃範圍延伸到 15~20 呎。這讓我的攻擊範圍更廣大,我有 更大的機會可以甩開防守者。以前我在中距離拿到球,根本沒人要鳥我,現 在,因為我有了中距離,當我在中距離,他們就必須留在我身邊,而我做個 假動作就可以長驅直入籃下,這讓比賽簡單多了。」 SLAM: Was it hard for you to see your teammates advance in the Playoffs without you? SLAM:「你的隊友在你缺席的情況下在季後賽打得這麼好,你會不會覺 得很尷尬?」 AB: Nah, not necessarily. I knew we were gonna be a good team. When I got hurt, we were number one in the West and then obviously by picking up Pau we were able to keep doing what we needed to do. So, I wasn’t surprised by the fact that we made it as far as we did. But I was surprised by, more than anything, how we lost. That was a shocker to me. 霸男:「感覺尷尬是沒有必要的,我知道我們是隻很棒的球隊,在我受 傷前,我們是西區第一,後來我們交易來了嘎獸,補足了我們需要的。所以 對於後來的表現我並不感到訝異。我真正感到驚訝的是後來我們輸掉了總冠 軍系列,那真是令我感到震驚!」 SLAM: What do you feel like were the deciding factors in you guys not getting past the Celtics? SLAM:「你覺得湖人輸給塞爾提克隊的關鍵因素是什麼?」 AB: The deciding factor, obviously, was team defense. We had none. We had a 4b8 guy, at one point, drive coast-to-coast and dunk the ball with no one touching him. Right down the middle of the court. 霸男:「我想關鍵就是防守,靠,我們真的有防守嗎?我們曾經讓一個 人在沒有任何接觸下從中場就直接一條龍的切入灌籃。」 SLAM: Do you think the outcome of the Finals would have changed, had you gotten a chance to play? SLAM:「你覺得如果你能在冠軍賽出賽,結果會有什麼改變嗎?」 AB: I hear that all the time, but I think that with myself in there, we would have been stronger defensively, but I was in there the first two games. I just don’t know. I definitely know that this year I’m much more confident, I’m stronger than I was and I’m definitely going to be ready this year to play anybody and everybody who’s out there. 霸男:「我聽到這樣的假設很多次了,我想如果我在的話我們的防守會 更強,但我只在場邊看了兩場比賽我不知道結果會怎樣。但我確信今年我更 有自信了,我變得比以前更強壯,也準備好面對各式各樣的對手!」 SLAM: Vegas has the Lakers picked to win the whole thing. Is that scary for you? SLAM:「拉斯維加斯的賭盤說湖人會拿到冠軍,這樣的說法讓你感到驚 慌嗎?」 AB: Nah, that’s not scary. It’s the respect that we’ve been given. And now the thing for us to do is go out there and show that we deserve that respect. It’s not scary in the least. 霸男:「嗯,我並不感到驚慌,那樣的言論是種對我們付出的尊重,現 在唯一要做的就是去證明我們值得那樣的敬重,這樣想就不會對那些言語感 到驚慌。」 SLAM: Some people think once you return that the Lakers have no excuse not to win the title. Do you feel that at all? Is there any pressure? SLAM:「有人說當你回到湖人,湖人就再也沒有任何藉口拿不到冠軍, 別人這樣說對你會不會造成很大的壓力?」 AB: We’re expected to win it. I expect nothing less from us as a team. We’ve been together now for three years—everybody should pretty much know the triangle, know everybody’s strengths and weaknesses, and we just gotta be there for one another. That’s the only thing that we haven't done in the past, and I think that will change this year. 霸男:「我們希望得到冠軍,我想冠軍就是一隻團隊的最終目標。我們 在一起三年了,每個人都很了解三角戰術的運作,也了解每個人的優勢與不 足,我們必須團結在一起互相幫助對方。冠軍,是唯一過去我們還沒做到的 ,而我想這件事在今年就將改變。」 SLAM: How does that make you feel, knowing that a few years ago you were in high school, and now people are putting a lot of weight on your shoulders to win the championship and to be a big part of the Lakers’ success? SLAM:「幾年前你還只是個白目高中生,現在你已經是湖人成功的一份 子,世界上還有許多人將湖人奪冠的擔子壓在你身上,談談你的感覺吧~」 AB: It makes me feel great, actually. To know that the trainers, they’re expecting things from me and they’re behind me. That’s what I do everyday: go out and work hard and just try to be ready for it. It’s a great difference between high school and now. Cause you have a franchise that’s waiting for you to be the star that they hope, and I just think that if I go out there and handle my business on the court and play hard everyday then I think everything will work itself out. 傑尼龜:「這感覺超好的,我不說你不知道,那些訓練師期望我能夠超 進化,並且在背後支持我。以下是我的一天:出門然後努力訓練,只為了變 得更好,這和在高中時期有很大的不同。人家說能力越大、責任越大,你備 受期待也有了責任,而我想只要我日復一日的努力,任何事情都會水到渠成 ,努力都會得到回報。」 SLAM: What is the biggest benefit of playing with Kobe Bryant? SLAM:「和 Kobe 同隊最大的好處是什麼?」 AB: The biggest benefit of playing with Kobe would be that every single game the defensive is 100% geared up towards stopping him. So, you can get a lot of garbage points and definitely there are open spots for easy dunks and things like that. And now, with the acquisition of Pau Gasol, I just think that is even better for everybody else on our team. Cause now it’s like, if you double Kobe, now you got a definite mismatch, cause who’s gonna guard Pau? Or myself, for that matter? I think on the offensive end we’ll be fine. We were able to score a bunch of points last year, and I don’t think that was the problem, the problem was on the defensive end. 霸男:「和 Kobe 同隊最大的好處就是別隊都把防守的矛頭指向他,所 以你就可以有一堆輕鬆得分的機會,像是空檔跳投、沒人防守的灌籃之類的 。現在再加上嘎獸,更是如虎添翼,好比如說,你選擇包夾 Kobe ,那就會 造成錯位,那麼誰來守嘎獸呢?又或著誰來守我呢?誰來守其他人呢?我想 在進攻層面上我們沒有任何問題,去年我們就得了一堆分數,我想進攻不會 是我們的問題,防守才是!」 SLAM: What is gonna be the biggest difference or change for the Lakers this season? SLAM:「今年的湖人和去年有什麼不同?」 AB: The biggest change for the Lakers this season I think will be our defensive mentality. That’s gonna be the biggest change this season, to the fact that we got beat the way we did last year, nobody is happy about that. Second, I think the coaching staff has a whole new defensive scheme for us. Also, I think that guys know now that it requires defense to win championships. I think defense is gonna be the biggest change. 霸男:「我想最大的不同會是防守的熊庹,這會有很大的不同,上季的 那種難堪的經驗沒人高興的起來,卻也讓我們意識到防守的重要。其次,教 練團有了全新的防守體系,此外,所有人都認同要贏得冠軍就要有防守,我 想防守會是這季最大的改變。 SLAM: Have you gotten a chance to play with Pau at any point during the offseason? SLAM:「在季外你有跟嘎獸一起打球過嗎?」 AB: I haven’t had a chance to play with Pau, actually. It’s gonna be my first time this upcoming training camp. I get asked this question a lot, and I think it’s gonna work great, because on the offensive end, if one of our men has to help the other big, whether I be five and he four I’m four and he’s five, if one of us catches the ball on the block, automatically the other big is gonna be looking over there to help, so that gives a great opportunity to offensively rebound the basketball. And also,due to the fact that we’re both seven feet and have long arms, I think we’ll be able to pass to each other. I think he’s a good passer; I’m an alright passer. So, I think it’ll work good on the offensive end. 霸男:「傑尼龜是不和其他神奇寶貝一起練習的,事實上,訓練營會是 我們的第一次。(羞)我被問到這個問題很多次了,我想我們會運作的很順 暢,在進攻層面上,不論是我四號他五號、還是他四號我五號,我們其中之 一在禁區拿到球,對方的防守球員勢必須要過去幫忙(比方說 Gasol拿到球 ,守霸男的會過去幫忙協防),那就讓我們有很好的機會去爭搶籃板。而且 因為我們都有七呎,人又高又帥(只有嘎獸)手還很長,能夠輕易的傳球給 對方,同時他的傳球能力用過的都說讚,所以在進攻面上我們會很棒。」 On defense, we got kind of a twin tower effect, where we can come into the lane and somebody can try to get past him they already have to alter their shot and I can be there to block it, or vice versa. I think it’ll work great. 霸男接著說:「在防守上,我們有雙塔優勢,如果有人過了嘎獸,我就 在後面給他一份麻辣火鍋!反之亦然,我想我們會很棒的。」 SLAM: What do you feel like the strongest part of your game is right now? SLAM:「你覺得你現在最強的是哪部份?」 AB: I think the strongest part is probably sprinting down the court early and getting deep post position. I think if I get deep post position, there's really nothing anybody can do. I can finish right, left, and just have a variety of different moves I make thanks to Brian Shaw, Gerald Wilkins, and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, also Kurt Rambis, just teaching me every day, working out. 霸男:「我想我最強的在於回防速度,站住低位。一但我佔據了好的位 置,那麼進攻者就很難有什麼作為,我可以終結來自於左右兩邊的攻擊,並 透各種佔位技巧來化解攻勢。這邊我必須特別謝謝不來恩蕭、肌肉威金斯、 賈霸和 Kurt Rambis,他們每天都在教我這些技巧。」 SLAM: Have the veterans been playing pick up ball or anything like that? SLAM:「老將需不需要做些訓練來恢復球感呢?」 AB: Yeah we started playing pick up ball shortly after I got back; I got back September 2, so we’ve been running. The true veterans aren’t really yet—you know, Pau, Kobe, Lamar. They’re working hard individually, doing those types of things. They all played a tremendous amount of minutes. I wanna say yeah, the mid-veterans and young players are all playing pick up. 霸男:「我從九月二號回來就開始訓練以重拾球感--從跑步開始。神 手是不練tk的......呃,嘎獸、Kobe、Odom,他們有自己的訓練方式,他們 都很有經驗了。而剩下的中手、新手則都會參加這樣的訓練。」 SLAM: Who on the Lakers do you feel like you look to the most for advice? SLAM:「誰是湖人中你最常尋求意見的人?」 AB: Actually, Kareem, cause he’s the greatest center to play the game. He’s more of a mentor for me. He actually comes over to the house to break down notes that he has taken on me during the games—what I can do better, things I’m doing pretty well. I think that’s the biggest help for me. 霸男:「通常都是賈霸,因為他是最偉大的中鋒,而我們也有亦師亦友 的關係,他每場比賽都會來看,並紀錄我什麼地方做得不錯、什麼地方可以 做得更好。有他在,真好>_^」 He teaches me about footwork a lot of the time. I have a really bad habit of going to a side of the basket where I’m supposed to use my left hand and trying to shoot it with my right hand. So, he just constantly reminds me, “shoot it with the left, it’s wide open and an easier shot.” As far as defense goes, trying to get there before plays happen; don’t come late; get your body out of the way of an attacking guard so you don't pick up fouls. Just little tidbits and things like that, he just constantly is there reminding me and I think that’s a big help. 霸男:「他花了很多時間教我在禁區裡的腳步,我有個壞習怪就是喜歡 在籃下應該用左手的的時候用右手去投,所以他總是提醒我『用你的左手, 那樣更容易得分,然後你可以得到一大筆鈔票。』;而在防守的時候,『要 想辦法先佔到位,不要漏人,並且和那些後衛保持距離,這樣就不容易犯規 』這些都是很細微的事情,但他就是能注意到並不斷的提醒我,這對我的幫 住真的很大。」 SLAM: Do you ever ask yourself “I didn’t play much with these guys last season. Am I gonna come in and cause any confusion?” SLAM:「你是否曾問過自己『我和他們一起比賽的經驗不足,我的復出 會否造成球隊的混亂?』」 AB: I really doubt that, cause I don’t think the triangle really allows that. Everybody has an assignment within the triangle. So whether you just get plugged in or not, you just have to fill those actions, so I don’t think I’ll have any problem fitting back in where I did last year. 霸男:「對於您提到的:因我不確定三角戰術是否允許這麼做感到徬徨 ,我感到質疑,在三角戰術中每個人都有任務,每個人都像是可供插拔的, 需要做的就是完成那個任務,所以我不認為做去年的工作有什麼問題就是了 ~」 SLAM: The Lakers are doing this “preseason caravan” this year where they plan to play in a bunch of cities in Cali. Are you excited to see more of the state? SLAM:湖人今年將會像香客一樣到處上香......呃,比賽。湖人會到很 多城市,你會對於要到加州許多地方感到興奮嗎? AB: It’s one of the more spread out preseason’s. We have a bunch of games to play in a bunch of cities and I just hope we can win ‘em all and make everybody around us happy. Yeah, I’ve been to Anaheim, but I don’t think I’ve ever been to Fresno. I’ve been to Disney. Vegas, I’ve been there a couple of times. I don't really go for the casinos or anything like that, but it is a pretty cool place to visit. You can go see the shows. This actually is my first time in San Diego. We’re driving down right now. I don’t know what to expect, but I hear it’s a very beautiful place. 霸男:「這是到最多地方打季前賽的一次,我們會到許多城市去參予比 賽,我希望我們能贏,那麼週遭的人都會感到高興。我曾經到過安納翰,但 我沒去過夫勒斯諾市(再加州)。我也去過迪士尼、拉斯維加絲,我曾去過 那裡兩次,但我一點也不喜歡賭場,不過以參觀的角度來說那裡真的很酷, 尤其是那邊的秀超火辣的 ^_<b 。此外,這也會是我第一次去聖地牙哥,我 不知道該期待些什麼,但我聽說那裡很漂亮。」 SLAM: What match up are you looking most forward to next season? SLAM:「你最期待的對手是誰?」 AB: I gotta say I wanna play the Celtics, because I’ve had two of my worst games playing them, so I wanna get back and get and opportunity again. 霸男:「我想和塞爾提克來場比賽,因為上季面對他們的兩場比賽,是 我打得最爛的兩場,我希望能有機會能討回來。」 SLAM: You still go to Quiznos a lot? SLAM:「你還有去 Quiznos (一家餐廳)嗎? AB: [Laughs] Yeah, I still do go to Quiznos a lot, but a bunch of my closest friends have actually been traded away, so now I’m gonna make myself more accessible to my new teammates. 霸男:「科科(笑),我還蠻常去的啊~雖然很多好朋友被交易掉了, 所以我會多去一點好讓自己融入新的隊友中。」 -- ┌這篇文章讓您覺得?────────────────────────────┐ │ │ 一"一 \ / >\\\< ╯ ╰ ∩ ∩ ▁ ▁_< ㄧ ㄧ+ │ ε Δ ╰╯ 北七 亂喔 害羞 莎笅 爽啦 哭爸 XD 科科 └─────────────────────http://album.blog.yam.com/Kreen -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/29 00:35, , 1F
"霸男:"中藏著一個"傑尼龜:" 讓我半夜一直在憋笑!
09/29 00:35, 1F

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09/29 00:42, 4F

09/29 00:43, , 5F
09/29 00:43, 5F

09/29 00:57, , 6F
09/29 00:57, 6F

09/29 01:07, , 7F
isometric contractions等長收縮 就是只有肌肉出力但沒有做
09/29 01:07, 7F

09/29 01:10, , 8F
出動作 例如腳抵著牆壁然後對牆出力 這是最基礎的肌力訓練
09/29 01:10, 8F

09/29 01:11, , 9F
通常剛開完刀的病人會立刻開始做 以避免肌肉萎縮
09/29 01:11, 9F
真強者<( >﹏<)@m

09/29 01:20, , 10F
09/29 01:20, 10F

09/29 01:22, , 11F
09/29 01:22, 11F

09/29 01:36, , 12F
09/29 01:36, 12F

09/29 01:40, , 13F
09/29 01:40, 13F

09/29 01:54, , 14F
09/29 01:54, 14F

09/29 03:02, , 15F
翻得好好!! 可是射程是增加到15-20"呎"
09/29 03:02, 15F

09/29 03:21, , 16F
09/29 03:21, 16F

09/29 06:02, , 17F
應該沒有練出很穩定的中距離吧 嚇嚇人用的XD(你唬我啊)
09/29 06:02, 17F

09/29 06:05, , 18F
09/29 06:05, 18F

09/29 09:18, , 19F
09/29 09:18, 19F

09/29 09:37, , 20F
09/29 09:37, 20F

09/29 10:26, , 21F
09/29 10:26, 21F

09/29 10:26, , 22F
感到興奮嗎? the state means California here
09/29 10:26, 22F

09/29 10:49, , 23F
推翻譯 看的我現在好興奮阿>< 快開始打阿!!!!
09/29 10:49, 23F

09/29 10:57, , 24F
09/29 10:57, 24F

09/29 11:23, , 25F
09/29 11:23, 25F

09/29 11:24, , 26F
尤其是那邊的秀超火辣的 ^_<b
09/29 11:24, 26F

09/29 11:51, , 27F
09/29 11:51, 27F

09/29 12:11, , 28F
09/29 12:11, 28F

09/29 14:08, , 29F
09/29 14:08, 29F

09/29 14:59, , 30F
09/29 14:59, 30F

09/29 15:45, , 31F
神手是不練tk的 (100%完美尾刀?XD)
09/29 15:45, 31F
還有 21 則推文
09/29 20:20, , 53F
09/29 20:20, 53F

09/29 20:39, , 54F
推 (其實我也沒看完 感謝翻譯XD)
09/29 20:39, 54F

09/29 21:06, , 55F
09/29 21:06, 55F

09/29 21:31, , 56F
KOBE 是助跑起跳38英吋 不是垂直起跳
09/29 21:31, 56F

09/29 21:42, , 57F
垂直起跳有38英吋的 大概只有卡特或是喬丹等級的體能
09/29 21:42, 57F

09/29 21:43, , 58F
09/29 21:43, 58F

09/29 22:05, , 59F
根據HOOP Taiwan10月號有做百大彈跳人專欄...
09/29 22:05, 59F

09/29 22:05, , 60F
09/29 22:05, 60F

09/29 22:29, , 61F
推 我看翻譯看到笑了XDD
09/29 22:29, 61F

09/29 22:48, , 62F
網路上很容易查到,Kobe的vertical jump是38英吋幾乎是公認的
09/29 22:48, 62F

09/29 22:48, , 63F
而且那是no step vertical jump,不是one step vertical
09/29 22:48, 63F

09/29 22:49, , 64F
09/29 22:49, 64F

09/30 00:26, , 65F
網路上的數據多有謬誤 不足盡信 這種體能數據參考選秀
09/30 00:26, 65F

09/30 00:28, , 66F
時所測得的數據是比較有根據的 http://0rz.tw/9c4gA
09/30 00:28, 66F

09/30 00:29, , 67F
09/30 00:29, 67F

09/30 00:30, , 68F
35" 當然有機會進步 但當初就是測這個數據) 而歐肥的
09/30 00:30, 68F

09/30 00:31, , 69F
MaxVert則是高達36" 不過這有點年代 數據就不一定正確
09/30 00:31, 69F

09/30 00:32, , 70F
另外VC的NonStepVert是43" MJ的MaxVert是48" 看看就好
09/30 00:32, 70F

09/30 00:34, , 71F
別當真了 根據經驗統計 每年最高差不多就在42,43左右
09/30 00:34, 71F

09/30 00:35, , 72F
09/30 00:35, 72F

09/30 00:38, , 73F
另外spko大你的網頁數據除了KB我覺得太低外 其他我覺
09/30 00:38, 73F

09/30 00:39, , 74F
得估計的差不多 那裏的Vertical Jump就是指MaxVert
09/30 00:39, 74F

09/30 00:40, , 75F
09/30 00:40, 75F

09/30 03:05, , 76F
09/30 03:05, 76F

09/30 04:18, , 77F
KB靠腰跟協調性吃飯 灌籃一樣精彩萬分
09/30 04:18, 77F

09/30 06:50, , 78F
09/30 06:50, 78F

09/30 06:52, , 79F
09/30 06:52, 79F

09/30 10:46, , 80F
09/30 10:46, 80F

09/30 10:48, , 81F
09/30 10:48, 81F

09/30 14:00, , 82F
不用猜了 選秀網頁上VC測得的數據就是NoStepVert是36"
09/30 14:00, 82F

09/30 14:03, , 83F
MaxVert是43" 以體測成績來看 NoStepVert歷來最高就是
09/30 14:03, 83F

09/30 14:05, , 84F
39.5"(N.Young2007) VC'NoStepVert就是36" Max才有43"
09/30 14:05, 84F

09/30 14:19, , 85F
0.0 Nick Young 有這麼屌喔 真是太少看了
09/30 14:19, 85F

09/30 15:11, , 86F
09/30 15:11, 86F

09/30 21:56, , 87F
09/30 21:56, 87F
※ 編輯: Kreen 來自: (10/01 19:03)

10/02 19:37, , 88F
I really doubt that=我不會造成混亂=融入沒問題 的意思
10/02 19:37, 88F

10/02 19:39, , 89F
他懷疑對方的問題 並且說出他不同意的理由(三角分工明確)
10/02 19:39, 89F
THX ※ 編輯: Kreen 來自: (10/03 10:30)

03/20 23:16, , 90F
希望對您有幫助 http://go2.tw/goz
03/20 23:16, 90F
文章代碼(AID): #18tx1QLJ (Lakers)