[外電] 湖人需要抓穩自己的節奏

看板Lakers作者 (豆腐)時間16年前 (2008/04/19 04:40), 編輯推噓11(1100)
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EL SEGUNDO — There is a buzz the Lakers feel outside of their locker room now, and it's a merger of their built-up confidence and a community's renewed appreciation. 湖人球員們在更衣室外展現出了跟紅髮以及白鬍子不相上下的霸氣,這可是湖人眾將們 用82場血戰換來的自信以及西區列強對他們的尊敬的總合! As they gathered Thursday as the Western Conference's top-seeded team to begin preparations for their Sunday playoff opener against the Denver Nuggets, Kobe Bryant, who lives in Newport Coast, spoke of drivers pulling up next to his car at stoplights and honking at him, waving and cheering. 星期四 Kobe 在開車去參加這個西區第一名的球隊的練習時,某些球迷正好紅燈的時候 停在他旁邊,這些球迷對Kobe按了喇吧,不斷向Kobe揮手、加油。 Bryant has been noticed before, but he said he can safely report no one these days is honking only to give him an obscene gesture. Asked when the last time he got that treatment, Bryant thought for a long time before saying: "Not for a while. Not for a while." 想當然爾,Kobe以前也有在街上被認出來的情況過,但是他現在可以很放心的說這些日 子以來他不用擔心有人會按喇叭對他比中指。當Kobe被問到最後一次被這麼對待的是 什麼時候,Kobe 在絞盡腦汁後說:「唉?有一段時間了...」 That speaks to the positive vibe Bryant and the Lakers have resurrected since their tumultuous offseason. 這很顯然反映出了,Kobe跟湖人隊早已從那如同災難的暑假,重生了。 Such excitement will make it more challenging for the Lakers to maintain control on the court inside a frenzied Staples Center, something Coach Phil Jackson has tasked as job one in this series. 當然這些狂熱的新能量不一定對湖人在球場上的控制力有好處,這可是菲爾爺爺本系列 戰首要目標呢。 "We want to play our game, but we don't want to encourage their pace," Jackson said of the Nuggets. 「做自己,好自在。(  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ」教頭說,「但是我們不想要讓金塊打出他們的 節奏。」 Denver finished No. 2 in the NBA in points scored and points allowed — behind only Golden State on both counts — and will play lax defense at times to encourage quicker opponent shot selection. 金塊本季在得分排行榜上很高:平均得分、平均被得分皆是聯盟第二,兩項都輸給勇士, 為了打快節奏,他們有時會放鬆防守。 Jackson freed the Lakers to run more this season, especially in home games, but he hopes there will be timely restraint in this series by his players, though young guards Jordan Farmar and Sasha Vujacic can thrive in up-tempo situations. Phil本季解放了湖人的快攻,特別是在主場,讓他們偶而打出類似太陽的快打炫風模式。 但關於本系列戰,Phil希望湖人能夠記得「慢慢來,比較快」,雖然年輕球員如Jordan 跟Sasha能夠在快速的比賽中發揮出不錯的身手。 "Seventy percent of their (the Nuggets') shots happen in the first half of the 24-second clock," said Jackson, who believes strongly in the controlling the flow of games. 「金塊隊 70% 的投籃都發生在投籃時間內前12秒。(□_□+)」非常相信節奏是一 切的傑克森說。 "So that tells you something right away. For us, if we just sit on that ball another two or three seconds, it changes the timing of how the game is played." 「所以,只要我們多坐在球上幾秒鐘,整個球賽都不一樣了耶 ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿」 Jackson said he still has work to do in shoring up the Lakers' transition defense, and it'll have to be sound team defense for the Lakers to control Allen Iverson and Carmelo Anthony. Phil也說他還需要多磨練湖人的快攻防守,湖人也需要擺出很不錯的團隊防守才能 壓注 AI 跟 Melo的進攻。 Iverson was third in the NBA in scoring (26.4 points per game) and Anthony was fourth (25.7), the fifth time in 50 years that two teammates finished in the top four in scoring. AI 跟 Melo本季分別在得分排行榜上是第三、四名,平均26.4分以及25.7分,這是50年 來第五次兩個隊友在得分排行榜上各站前四名其中兩個位置。 Jackson said it will be important not to let a third Denver player have a big scoring game. 跟對Chris Paul的戰術一樣,Phil說了不能讓這兩個人以外的球員爆氣。 NOTES Bryant, who is friendly with Anthony, said about Anthony's arrest Monday on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol being a possible distraction for Denver: "I don't think what he's going through is that big of a deal, personally. That's not something that's going to weigh for weeks or whatever; maybe for a day or so." 跟Melo交情不錯的老大說星期一Melo酒駕被抓到的事不是什麼大事, 對他的影響不會超過兩三天的。 Anthony was stopped by police after weaving his car on an interstate early Monday morning. He was arrested after failing a series of sobriety tests. Blood tests are expected back by month's end. The All-Star forward apologized Tuesday. … Bryant has been booed at times in Denver since his 2003 sexual assault charge that was later dropped but said about that issue: "I just play." … Kobe自從03年後在丹佛的球場,就常常被噓,Kobe表示「不管如何,我都會認真打球。」 If the Lakers advance, they would face the Utah-Houston winner in the second round. Said Jackson: "I like our bracket." 如果湖人晉級的話,他們將對上 爵士或是火箭,菲爾說了..「我喜歡這樣我們的賽程啦~」 Contact the writer: kding@ocregister.com 很理性的一篇,應該不需要慫恿大家去寫信給作者 ( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/19 04:47, , 1F
04/19 04:47, 1F

04/19 05:20, , 2F
還沒睡 推~~
04/19 05:20, 2F

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04/19 06:05, 3F

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04/19 07:58, 4F

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04/19 15:38, 10F

04/19 16:29, , 11F
推慢慢來比較快 XDD
04/19 16:29, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #182GSix3 (Lakers)