[外電] Gasol Still Happily in Shock

看板Lakers作者 (歐歐卡爾歐歐)時間16年前 (2008/02/22 21:01), 編輯推噓21(2102)
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原文位址 http://www.hoopsworld.com/Story.asp?story_id=7518 Gasol Still Happily in Shock 耶穌對於交易至湖人仍感到快樂 This is not how to endear yourself to your new teammates: In a lighter moment following a recent morning practice, Pau Gasol won the Los Angeles Lakers halfcourt-shot contest (and $100 from each player) by hitting nothing but net on his first try. "And I won the 3-point shooting contest too with the big men," Gasol crowed happily. 首先這不是耶穌獲得隊員們喜愛的方法:在本月一個較輕的早晨例行訓練中,耶穌贏得了 半場投籃的比賽(和每個隊員的100塊),耶穌在比賽中首次嘗試就是個漂亮的空心球囉 (真神,不知道老大投的如何 ) "我同時也贏得大隻佬的三分賽唷!(得意)" 耶穌快樂地說著 But this, well, this is how to absolutely endear yourself to your new Lakers teammates: hitting 13 of 19 shots and gashing the rebuilt Phoenix Suns for 29 points. 但這個,恩~~無疑是贏得隊友們喜愛的好方法:全場19投13中並靠29分的表現熄滅太陽!! These days, it's hard to tell who's happier – the rebuilt, retooled Lakers or Gasol. Gasol has the look of a player reinvigorated by being freed from a hopeless situation (Memphis) and thrust upon one with dynamic possibilities (Los Angeles). 這些日子中,很難去說誰比較快樂--對於重新組建後的湖人或是耶穌而言,耶穌再次振作 了起來,因為耶穌從沒有明天的孟斐斯來到了生氣蓬勃和備受信賴的洛杉磯。 "There are so many things to be happy about that we'd be here all day talking about them," Gasol gushed. "Just the excitement being in a situation where winning is expected and is possible again makes me the happiest guy in the NBA." "在這個地方有很多的事情讓我感到很開心,開心的事讓我可以說上一天呢!" 耶穌滔滔不絕地說著 "處於一個很有機會和可能贏球的球隊是很開心的事情,這讓我NBA最快樂的男人呢!" And what about the happiness the Gasol heist from Memphis has provided the Lakers players? There are no more mutterings from Kobe Bryant, who truly believes he has a chip in the big game again with Gasol to form a potent one-two punch (or one-two-three when Andrew Bynum returns). Gasol's presence - not to mention his 29 points - helped Kobe have enough space to score 41 points on Wednesday and state his case as the league's Most Valuable Player. 而湖人球員們怎麼看待這次把Gasol搶劫過來的交易呢?已不再抱怨的Kobe由衷地認為 他和Gasol配合將成為強力的雙箭頭使得湖人又有贏得大賽的籌碼(或是拜嫩回來後組成 的三箭頭 (案: 老大把Odom老二擺哪裡 哭哭) ) 單只耶穌的存在(更遑論他29分的貢獻)便可幫助Kobe有足夠的空間在星期三的比賽 取得41分並說明Kobe有足以得到MVP的實力。 And how about what Gasol's addition has done for Lamar Odom, who was never entirely comfortable being the Lakers second scorer? Now, he can hit the cracks and holes in the defense and clean up the garbage around the rim. On Wednesday, like last week's triple-double against Minnesota, there was another example of Odom being the glue guy the Lakers need with his 22 points and 11 rebounds. 而關於耶穌的加入對於湖人隊的老二Odom(這位常年在不舒適的情況下打拼的第二得分手) 又是個怎樣的光景呢?現在,老二在防守上可以承受的對方撞擊和補防,並且包攬場上的 垃圾活。禮拜三的比賽老二得了22分11籃板,這場比賽老二對湖人隊的幫助就像對灰狼 的那場大三元一樣,湖人隊需要老二成為膠水人。(得分就交給老大和耶穌吧!) As for Gasol, he said he was literally in a form of shock in the days after his Feb. 1 trade from the woeful Grizzlies to the Lakers. In a matter of minutes, Gasol went from a team near the bottom of the rugged Western Conference to one very near the top of the heap. 對於耶穌,他中肯地覺得他在2月1號的交易變動中從悲哀的灰熊來到了湖人。 耶穌在交易瞬間從西區戰績谷底的球隊來到頂端的湖人隊。 "Obviously it's a big change and hard to tell your mind that you are going from never winning to the pressure and expectation of winning every night," a giddy Gasol said. "Obviously, this is exactly what I wanted. I love it and I'm thrilled." "無疑地這對我而言是個大變化,同時也很難形容在灰熊隊時從未贏球卻每晚承受壓力和 期待贏球的感覺"耶穌樂昏頭地說著"當然,這是我真正想要的,我對於這次轉隊很興奮。 He had asked for a trade last year, feeling the situation in Memphis was a hopeless one. What little talent was around him was green and raw, and the fan base had become disenchanted, basically giving up on the franchise. And what fans who did remain blamed Gasol for the Grizzlies freefall from playoff contender, ripping him on talk radio and at games with their boos. 耶穌去年在灰熊時曾經要求被交易,當時他覺得孟斐斯是個毫無希望的地方。當時有很多 青澀的未來巨星和耶穌同隊,同時孟斐斯球迷們對耶穌已不抱期望,並從基本上放棄了支 持。同時球迷們指摘耶穌在季後賽的無能為力,並在廣播上罵耶穌或是賽場旁噓耶穌。 (耶穌好可憐 哭哭) And not surprisingly, his game suffered in Memphis. Clearly one of the NBA's most well-rounded big men, Gasol often looked passive and in a malaise as Memphis lost one game after another. And even with a new coach (Marc Iavaroni) and a few injections of talent (Darko Milicic and Mike Conley) this season, little changed in Memphis. 因此不意外,耶穌在孟斐斯的比賽逐漸變糟了。這位聯盟中完美的長人-耶穌,在灰熊日 復一日的輸球中變得日益消沉。這種情況甚至在新教練Marc Iavaroni和一些潛力新秀 在本季的加入(Darko Milicic and Mike Conley)也只改變了一些些。 Gasol had all but given up hope for a reprieve when Memphis general manager Chris Wallace caved on a terribly one-sided deal. An expiring deal (Kwame Brown), a rookie point guard (Javaris Crittenton), a retired player (Aaron McKie) and two picks (2008 and '10) for the immensely talented Gasol speaks of the depths the Grizzlies have hit. 當灰熊經理Chris Wallace著手一個不對稱的交易時,Gasol已經幾乎放棄了在NBA奮鬥的 希望,此時交易產生了,一個將到期的合同(Kwame Brown),一個新秀控衛(Javaris Crittenton),一個退休球員(Aaron McKie)和兩個第一輪選秀權(2008 和2010)換來了 在灰熊處於谷底的出色球員耶穌 "This trade is what I've been wishing for a couple of years now," Gasol admitted. "I didn't see myself having much possibility for growth in Memphis. That was frustrating as a competitor. But here I have hope again. I have the opportunity again and I want to make the best of it right away." "這個交易一直是我這些年來想要得到的" 耶穌承認了此點 "我看不到我在孟斐斯的發展空間,這對於一個競技者來說是令人洩氣的。但在這裡我 又再次有了希望,我又有了一次機會去登峰造極" With the Lakers, Gasol looks reborn. He is playing off Bryant beautifully, hitting mid-range jumpers and rolling to the rim off picks. And Gasol is even playing with a discernible fire again, attacking the basket with force and dunking in traffic. 在湖人隊,耶穌看起來像是重生一樣。耶穌和老大的搭配很完美,無論是中距離或是檔切 配合上(playing off 看不大懂),同時耶穌知道何時該他出手,並且猛烈的轟炸籃框。 It should be noted that Shaquille O'Neal, Jason Kidd and Mike Bibby all lost their debuts with their new teams following blockbuster trades. Those trades received considerable amounts of hype, and rightly so. 另外關注到大歐、Kidd和Bibby上,他們各在其轟動的交易後失去了初夜,這些交易得到 了過於誇大的宣傳,也確實如此(只宣傳過於誇大)。 But considering how the L.A.-Memphis trade has dramatically changed the dynamics of the Lakers and given new life to Gasol, this trade will have the most impact of any in the West's arms race. 這次湖人和灰熊的交易除了戲劇性地改變了湖人的活力和賦予耶穌新生外,這次交易也將 對西區的軍備競賽造成強大的衝擊。 Deep down, I'm not sure the Suns and Mavericks are championship contenders any longer, not after getting O'Neal and Kidd too late in their careers. But as for the Lakers, they are very much in a mix of teams that includes the Spurs, Jazz and Hornets - quite possibly even at the top of it. 最後,我不確定太陽和小牛可以成為總冠軍的競爭者,因為他們只擁有生涯晚年的大歐 和Kidd,但相對於湖人,他們非常有希望成為總冠軍(包含馬刺、爵士、黃蜂),湖人甚至 比上述隊伍更有希望衝擊總冠軍。 And that, indeed, makes Gasol and his new teammates very happy. 然後,事實上,這次交易使得耶穌和他的隊友們都感到高興。 --- 破英文 還請版友海涵。 有錯誤的地方請幫我糾正 大家教學相長一下 感激不盡 ^O^ -- ▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▂▂ ▅▅▅ ▄▄▄▄ ▆▆▆ ▂▂▂▄▄ ╭──╮──╮ ╭╮─╮───╮ ╭──╮ ╭╮ ╭──╮ ╭──╮ ╮│ │╭╮│ ││ ╱ │ ─ │ ─ │ ││ │╭╮│╭╮│ │╰╯│ │╰╯│ │ ╲ ╭╮│ │ ┌╮╯ │╰─╮│╰╯│ │╰╯│ ──╯ ──╯╯─╯ ╰─╯╰╯ ╰─╯╰╯ ╰──╯──╯ ╰──╯ ▅▅▂▂▂▂ ▄▄▄▄▄▂▂▂▄▂▂▂▂▂▅▅▅▅▂▂▄▄▂▂▂▂ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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02/22 21:05, 1F

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※ 編輯: OOKARLOO 來自: (02/22 21:17)

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02/22 21:51, , 10F
有看有推 感謝
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02/22 22:13, , 13F
推 感謝翻譯
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02/22 23:07, , 15F
案: 老大把Odom的老二擺哪裡 哭哭
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02/22 23:24, , 16F
推謝謝翻譯 美金100對他們來說是小錢吧 XD
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以前球員遲到要被Phil罰5元美金 他說球員是非常不願意
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掏錢的...... 沒想到練球竟然賭100美金這麼大......
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文章代碼(AID): #17liUyL4 (Lakers)