[外電] West arms race continues

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作者: smaillove (I'm who I'm) 看板: Lakers 標題: [外電] West arms race continues 時間: Thu Feb 14 22:18:06 2008 主標:West arms race continues 西區軍備競賽持續上演 副標:Mavericks trying to add Kidd, after Lakers get Gasol and Suns pick up O'Neal. 在湖人拿到耶穌, 太陽拿到大鯊魚後, 連小牛都想把接生小孩弄來. 網址:http://0rz.tw/e13Fu 作者:Mike Bresnahan, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer MINNEAPOLIS -- The Lakers keep improving. So does the Western Conference, apparently. 湖人持續改善他們的裝備. 西區其他球隊顯然也想跟進. (根據其他外電顯示, 一切都是老二害的, 老二害霸男受傷, 霸男受傷害湖人弄來耶穌, 弄來耶穌害太陽弄來大鯊魚..... 老二OS: 甘我屁事....) The trade that could send Jason Kidd from New Jersey to Dallas would mark the third big headline in the West this month, along with Pau Gasol to the Lakers and Shaquille O'Neal to Phoenix. 小牛想要把接生小孩從籃網弄來可能是這個月以來, 自耶穌和大鯊魚的交易案以來第三起 重量級的交易案. The Lakers undeniably made the first big splash by acquiring Gasol on Feb. 1, but they could have more company. 不可否認地, 湖人從2月1號把耶穌弄來掀起了第一波的滔天巨浪後, 很有可能會 讓其他球隊加入軍備競賽. Kidd was on the verge of being traded Wednesday for four players, two first-round draft picks and cash, but former Lakers forward Devean George reportedly exercised his right to block the trade. 禮拜三的時候, 接生小孩以1換4+小牛2個第一輪選秀權+現金的交易案已經被擺在談判桌的 邊緣等簽字了, 但是前湖人球員孔令奇行使他的蟾蜍陷阱卡否決了這次交易. Whatever happens, the Mavericks are obviously trying to keep pace in the West. 不管發生什麼事, 可以肯定的是小牛想跟其他西區球隊拼了. "If one team gets better, then you should expect that every team wants to get better," Lakers forward Lamar Odom said. 老二說 " 如果一支球隊變的更強, 那麼你可以預期其他每支球隊也都想變的更強." Or, as a league source said, "Everybody's in panic mode now." 根據聯盟不知名的人士說到 "現在每個人的神經都很緊繃." It's a trade that would benefit both teams, Lakers Coach Phil Jackson said diplomatically. 禪師油條的說這是一個對雙方都有利的交易. "I was a Devin Harris fan, so I'm happy to see him in the East, personally," Jackson said of the up-and-coming point guard. "I think they'll miss him, but this is a trade that brings a lot of veteran leadership to Dallas." 禪師說 "我是小哈的球迷, 就我本人來說, 我很高興看到他被送到東區去, 我想小牛會失 去小哈, 但是這個交易會為小牛帶來許多的經驗和領導能力." (禪師阻止接生小孩來西區的黑暗兵法?) The Lakers, for their part, are not expected to make any more moves before next Thursday's trade deadline. 對湖人來說, 下個禮拜四交易截止日前他們不會再有任何動作了. "Unless something knocks us out, for sure," Jackson said. 禪師說 "當然, 除非有可以把我們嚇死的東西出現." Another reason Jackson wants to get home -- to see first-hand the recovery stages of Trevor Ariza and Andrew Bynum. 禪師另外一個想回家的原因是, 想要得到霸男跟血滴子傷勢的第一手資料. Ariza, sidelined by a broken bone in his right foot, and Bynum, out because of a knee injury, are not expected back until at least mid-March, according to guidelines released by the team at the time of their injuries. 根據球隊之前的說法, 血滴子不小心踩到漁夫導致右腳骨折, 霸男不小踩到老二導致膝 蓋腫脹, 至少要到三月中才能歸隊. "Trevor's out of a boot and doing pretty well," Jackson said. "Andrew's still working hard, but there's still progress to be made there. I haven't heard whether the swelling's entirely out yet." 禪師說 "血滴子骨折恢復的情形良好, 霸男持續地復健, 但是還有待更加努力. 我還沒有 聽到報告說他膝蓋的腫脹已經完全消了." Center Chris Mihm underwent surgery Wednesday to have a screw removed from his right heel. He will be out about six weeks. 神奇小明在禮拜三進行手術移除他右腳的骨釘. 他大概還要六個禮拜才能回來. Jackson said there was "a chance" Mihm could return in time to play at the end of the regular season, if not playoffs. 禪師說 " 如果沒有意外的話, 那是一個可以讓小明趕上正規季賽尾聲的機會" "We're happy that he's making a move toward something positive," Jackson said. "It just didn't seem to be working out the other way. We're hopeful this is going to work." 禪師說 " 我們很高興看到他把他的心態轉到正面積極的態度, 我們不希望看到沮喪消極 的他, 我們相信手術可以幫他再次回到球場." The 30-minute procedure was performed by Dr. Bert Mandelbaum of the Santa Monica Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Group. 小明的手術只花了30分鐘, 由一個叫做Bert Mandelbaum的醫生操刀. The players aren't the only ones feeling tired from the final few days of their road trip. 球員不是唯一在客場之旅的尾聲感到疲憊的人. Assistant coach Brian Shaw was in charge of preparing game reports for four of the Lakers' last five games. 助理教練老蕭, 再最後五場比賽中為球員做了其中四場的賽前簡報. The team's four assistants -- Shaw, Kurt Rambis, Jim Cleamons and Frank Hamblen -- divvied up the other 29 NBA teams before the season, each taking charge of seven or eight teams. This was just a case of bad timing for Shaw, who was given Atlanta, Orlando, Charlotte and Minnesota. 球隊的四個助理教練, 老蕭, Kurt Rambis, Jim Cleamons and Frank Hamblen, 在這季之 前把聯盟中其他29支球隊重新分配, 一個人分到7.8支球隊不等, 只是對老蕭來說這次客場 比較衰, 因為老鷹 魔術 山貓 灰狼剛好都是他所負責準備的球隊. "It's been kind of hectic," he said. "I had basically a month without any games leading up to this road trip, but it wasn't like I could say, 'I'm going to get these reports done early' because the teams are constantly changing -- people are going out with injuries, they're changing lineups and putting new stuff in. You kind of have to watch it fresh." 老蕭說 " 這讓我忙到一個極至, 基本上在這段客場之旅前的一個月我根本就沒有事情可以 做, 但是我可以告訴你我不喜歡這樣. 我必須提前把這些簡報準備好, 因為對手 可能會有大小不斷地變化, 可能有人會被從傷兵名單中被拿出來, 也可能有新的人被放進 去. 你必須不斷更新這些資訊. The Lakers won three of the four games in which Shaw prepared reports, but it didn't make the road feel shorter. 在老蕭做簡報的四場比賽中湖人拿下了三勝, 但是這沒有讓漫長的客場之旅感到有比較 縮短. "I'm very ready to go home," he said. "This is the longest trip I've been on since I've been associated with the NBA. We've gone from the cold to the hot, back to the cold again. It's just time to get back." 老蕭說 "我已經打包好準備要回家了, 這是我在NBA擔任助理教練以來最長的客場之旅, 我們從寒冷的地方到炎熱的地方, 又從炎熱的地方回到寒冷的地方. 是該回家的 時候啦~" Cognizant of what happened to Vladimir Radmanovic last All-Star break, Jackson offered some words of wisdom to the players before they scattered for four days. 大家還記得上個明星賽休兵期狼人做了什麼好事嗎?? 禪師在球員開始休兵四天前,給球員 提供了幾個充滿智慧的字. "Stay off the ski slopes," he said wryly. 禪師酸酸地說 "給我離滑雪板遠一點" (暗, 超好笑的XD) 不好意思拖搞了XD 有錯請指正 謝謝~ (差點又和老二翻到同一篇XD) -- 每段旅行終究會有結束的一天,但是微笑會永遠留在我們心頭                     http://www.wretch.cc/blog/smaillove   28天5300公里的長征,299個鄉鎮,299份微笑,299份感動,邀你一起來體驗 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: smaillove 來自: (02/14 22:20)

02/14 22:21, , 1F
給我離滑雪板遠一點 XDDD
02/14 22:21, 1F

02/14 22:22, , 2F
Stay off the ski slopes!!
02/14 22:22, 2F

02/14 22:22, , 3F
02/14 22:22, 3F

02/14 22:23, , 4F
Stay off the ski slopes
02/14 22:23, 4F

02/14 22:23, , 5F
02/14 22:23, 5F

02/14 22:23, , 6F
Stay off the 老二的腳 = =|||
02/14 22:23, 6F

02/14 22:24, , 7F
連在一起看是 滑雪板 雪橇 那類的意思
02/14 22:24, 7F

02/14 22:25, , 8F
禪詩真幽默XDDD Stay off the ski slopes!!
02/14 22:25, 8F

02/14 22:26, , 9F
02/14 22:26, 9F

02/14 22:27, , 10F
02/14 22:27, 10F

02/14 22:28, , 11F
02/14 22:28, 11F

02/14 22:28, , 12F
02/14 22:28, 12F

02/14 22:29, , 13F
02/14 22:29, 13F

02/14 22:35, , 14F
02/14 22:35, 14F

02/14 22:36, , 15F
這篇有趣 Stay off the ski slopes!! XD
02/14 22:36, 15F

02/14 22:47, , 16F
Rad:"今年去玩衝浪好了...." 囧
02/14 22:47, 16F

02/14 22:49, , 17F
樓上推了我想推的東西 XDDDD (-σ ‵▽′)-σ
02/14 22:49, 17F

02/14 23:06, , 18F
02/14 23:06, 18F

02/14 23:12, , 19F
02/14 23:12, 19F

02/14 23:12, , 20F
當老二的腳踏上滑雪板時 會發生什麼事呢?
02/14 23:12, 20F

02/14 23:16, , 21F
02/14 23:16, 21F

02/14 23:16, , 22F
02/14 23:16, 22F

02/14 23:18, , 23F
不過踩到老二比較有感覺~ XD
02/14 23:18, 23F

02/14 23:21, , 24F
XD 狼人最好皮繃緊一點 不過滑雪真的很危險
02/14 23:21, 24F

02/14 23:21, , 25F
Kwame的膝蓋兇手才是Ben Wallace
02/14 23:21, 25F

02/14 23:23, , 26F
02/14 23:23, 26F

02/14 23:24, , 27F
推Stay off the ski slopes!!...
02/14 23:24, 27F

02/14 23:38, , 28F
應該是 stay off the ski slopes....and Odom
02/14 23:38, 28F

02/14 23:50, , 29F
02/14 23:50, 29F

02/15 00:05, , 30F
Ending 好笑XDD
02/15 00:05, 30F

02/15 00:40, , 31F
02/15 00:40, 31F

02/15 13:00, , 32F
02/15 13:00, 32F

02/15 20:55, , 33F
02/15 20:55, 33F
文章代碼(AID): #17j4sXvt (Lakers)