[外電] Jackson weighs in on O'Neal trade, P …

看板Lakers作者 (I'm who I'm)時間16年前 (2008/02/11 15:03), 編輯推噓20(2007)
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主標:Jackson weighs in on O'Neal trade, Parker 副標:The Lakers coach says the shift to Phoenix could reinspire O'Neal. Jackson also talks frankly about Smush Parker's drawbacks. 原作者:Mike Bresnahan, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer 網址:http://0rz.tw/f43zE MIAMI -- The Lakers breezed through Miami over the weekend, a city serving as a constant reminder of their recent past. 湖人在這個週末造訪邁阿密, 一個沉醉在他們最近美好過往的城市. (後一句不太確定) Even though Shaquille O'Neal was traded last week to Phoenix, there was still enough talk about him and former Lakers starter Smush Parker to keep the Miami relevancy streak alive. 即使上個禮拜大鯊魚被交易到鳳凰城, 但是依舊有許多討論的聲浪, 而湖人的前球員 旋轉門依舊穿著邁阿密的球衣. (後面relevancy streak alive不確定) Jackson, who coached O'Neal for five seasons with the Lakers, added his thoughts to the trade viewed by many as a reaction to the Lakers' acquisition of Pau Gasol. 禪師, 在湖人和大鯊魚合作了五季, 針對熱火和太陽的交易案發表了他的觀點,就像其他 球隊對湖人拿到耶穌後的反應那樣. "I can't imagine that [O'Neal] wanted to pick up and move again," Jackson said. "I don't think that fit into his scheme of the way he wanted to live his life. But I do think it will re-energize him. I think he has got something to prove again, and I think it could be good for him." 禪師說 "我不能想像大鯊魚希望收拾行李而且再次遷移(搬家), 我不認為他想離開他所習 慣的生活. 但是我認為這可以使他再次受到激勵. 我認為他必須拿出一些東西再次證明, 我認為這對他來說是有益的. " Why did Phoenix give up four-time All-Star Shawn Marion and take a chance on a soon-to-be 36-year-old with a long list of injury problems? 為什麼太陽要拿曾經入選明星隊過四次的楊宗緯,去冒險換來一個即將36歲又長時間待在 傷兵名單裡面的麻煩? "They're willing to take that risk," Jackson said. "I guess if you've been in the position they've been in the last three years and you haven't gotten to the Finals, you have to wonder about your strategy." 禪師說 "他們願意冒這個風險, 我猜如果你的球隊連續三年打進季後賽卻拿不到總冠軍, 你必須去重新思考你的戰略. O'Neal has not played since Jan. 21 because of a hip injury, but Jackson expected him to be in the lineup when the Lakers and Suns meet Feb. 20 in Phoenix. 大鯊魚從1/21就因為他屁屁的傷勢進入傷兵名單, 但是禪師希望他可以在2/20湖人對上 太陽的時候歸隊上場. Jackson also talked openly about Parker, who flamed out in his second season with the Lakers and signed a two-year, $4.7-million contract with Miami before this season. He played only nine games before being suspended indefinitely in November after an alleged altercation with a valet-parking attendant. 禪師也坦白的談起旋轉門, 一個在他個人的第二季和湖人惡言相向的傢伙, 在本季之前和 熱火簽了一份4.7M/2year的合約. 他只打了九場比賽, 就在11月因為停車糾紛被無限期的 坐板凳. "I had hopes for Smush in my exit meeting with him last year, talked to him about trying to get himself motivated in a way that might be different than what he'd done in the past," Jackson said. "I just don't know what went wrong. I haven't stayed close enough to that situation. 禪師說 "最後一次見面的時候我對他還有一些期待. 我告訴他希望他能 做出一些改變,希望他可以比以前更加積極, 我不知道哪裡出了錯. 現在我對他的情況也不是很了解. (謝某S大指正) "But Smush can get on the backside of an issue and make it worse,unfortunately. He was the kind of kid that if he got a bad call in a game, he might let it affect him for two minutes and then get a technical two minutes because it would kind of burn, ignite and the ember wouldn't go away." "不幸地是,旋轉門他可以讓事情變的更糟糕. 當他在比賽中因為裁判不利的吹判, 他可能會讓這個挫折影響他兩分鐘, 然後因為他的腦衝血讓他在兩分鐘內吃了個T. It has been 10 days since the Gasoltrade, but reactions are still trickling in. Count San Antonio Coach Gregg Popovich among those that disapproved of it. 耶穌的交易案完成十天後,依舊有人在發揮碎碎唸的嘴炮功..... "What they did in Memphis is beyond comprehension," he told SI.com "There should be a trade committee that can scratch all trades that make no sense. I just wish I had been on a trade committee that oversees NBA trades. I'd like to elect myself to that committee. I would have voted no to the L.A. trade." Popovich was then told that Memphis General Manager Chris Wallace had challenged NBA executives to criticize the deal publicly instead of spreading unattributed opinions comparable to what Wallace called "pillow talk." Said Popovich: "Well, there you go. I'm on the record." 波波的嘴炮請參閱11273.11275篇 After further review, the Lakers are leaning toward keeping DJ Mbenga in case Chris Mihm isn't ready to play after the All-Star break, a team source said. 球隊中有人透漏, 神奇小明沒辦法在明星賽後回到球場上, 所以剛果人可能會續簽 Mihm has been sidelined since Dec. 23 because of bursitis in his right heel and a sore Achilles' tendon. He has been taking part in individual workouts with team trainers, but a definite return date has not been established. The Lakers would have to sign Mbenga for the rest of the season after the expiration of his second 10-day contract, probably for the prorated amount of the league minimum of $427,163. 小明在因為黏液囊炎和阿基里斯腱拉傷從12/23就沒有上場過了, 他正跟著訓練員努力 復健中, 但是什麼時候會回來並沒有一個確定的日期. (真慘....) 所以湖人在剛果人第二個10天約滿後,可能將簽下剛果人撐完這一個球季, 大概會用聯盟薪資下限的0.42M(42萬美金)簽下. 有錯請指正 謝謝~ -- 2007夏天最熱血的環島,三個颱風、山崩、路毀、橋斷、水淹也阻擋不了我們 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/smaillove 28天5300公里,走訪全台299個鄉鎮,尋找299份微笑與299份感動 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: smaillove 來自: (02/11 15:05)

02/11 15:05, , 1F
02/11 15:05, 1F

02/11 15:12, , 2F
為啥改叫楊宗緯?! 不懂笑點
02/11 15:12, 2F

02/11 15:13, , 3F
02/11 15:13, 3F

02/11 15:15, , 4F
02/11 15:15, 4F

02/11 15:17, , 5F
好耶 剛果便宜又有拼勁
02/11 15:17, 5F

02/11 15:17, , 6F
02/11 15:17, 6F

02/11 15:34, , 7F
與其打打停停 不如安心養傷
02/11 15:34, 7F

02/11 15:35, , 8F
02/11 15:35, 8F

02/11 15:50, , 9F
02/11 15:50, 9F

02/11 15:54, , 10F
02/11 15:54, 10F

02/11 15:54, , 11F
02/11 15:54, 11F

02/11 16:06, , 12F
小明看來要掰了 剛果人加油!!
02/11 16:06, 12F

02/11 16:07, , 13F
02/11 16:07, 13F

02/11 16:28, , 14F
02/11 16:28, 14F

02/11 17:11, , 15F
02/11 17:11, 15F

02/11 17:20, , 16F
02/11 17:20, 16F
※ 編輯: smaillove 來自: (02/11 17:27)

02/11 17:52, , 17F
02/11 17:52, 17F

02/11 17:56, , 18F
不行 他不夠帥= =+
02/11 17:56, 18F

02/11 18:30, , 19F
02/11 18:30, 19F

02/11 19:45, , 20F
02/11 19:45, 20F

02/11 20:36, , 21F
02/11 20:36, 21F

02/11 20:45, , 22F
簽巴 零用錢是一定要花完的!
02/11 20:45, 22F

02/11 23:01, , 23F
我也贊成簽,不要期待 Mihm 了
02/11 23:01, 23F

02/11 23:08, , 24F
剛果人的最低薪資應該有 0.79M 吧?
02/11 23:08, 24F

02/12 02:12, , 25F
剛果人要留下來唷!! 感覺他雖然還沒打出自己的價值
02/12 02:12, 25F

02/12 02:14, , 26F
02/12 02:14, 26F

02/12 06:13, , 27F
剛果人那段 是為了避免小明回不來 所以才傾向去簽剛果人
02/12 06:13, 27F
文章代碼(AID): #17h_DAqk (Lakers)