[外電] Nothing's lost in translation for Gasol

看板Lakers作者 (LamarOdom)時間16年前 (2008/02/04 13:57), 編輯推噓11(1107)
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原作: Mike Bresnahan, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer 來源: http://0rz.tw/573Fd 副標: In any language, he's happy to be joining Lakers, who offer the 7-foot forward-center a chance to win after years of struggling with Grizzlies. WASHINGTON -- Pau Gasol didn't play, but it didn't matter. He was still the story of the day. Pau Gasol今天沒有上場,但無所謂。 他今天仍舊是整個聯盟的焦點。 While much of Los Angeles was asleep Sunday morning, Gasol spoke at a crowded news conference at 7:30 a.m. PST, 90 minutes before the Lakers played the Washington Wizards here. 正當大部分的洛杉磯人都還在睡覺時,Gasol於太平洋標準時間早晨7:30與簇擁的媒體談話 ,而此時正是湖人和巫師開賽前的90分鐘。 The first several questions and answers were in Spanish, but it was still easy for non-Spanish speakers to discern Gasol's happiness, if not relief, to be with the Lakers instead of the Memphis Grizzlies, who traded him to L.A. on Friday. 開頭的幾個問題和答案都是用西班牙文回答,但對於非西班牙用語者還是可以輕易看出 Gasol對於被換到湖人來的喜悅心情。 "The best part is that right away I will have a chance to win," he said in flawless English. "We have the opportunity to go out there and accomplish something great and something special." 他用英文說,"最好的部分還是我將有機會可以贏球,我們將有機會可以一起奮鬥,然後達 成一些偉大與特別的事。" For Gasol, it will have to wait until Tuesday's game at New Jersey. 對Gasol來說,他可能要等到週二對籃網的比賽才會出場。 After crisscrossing the U.S. on Saturday (Memphis to L.A. for a physical, L.A. to Washington to catch up with the team), Gasol sat out Sunday's game, as per Coach Phil Jackson's wishes. 週六以十字的方向橫越美國後(從Memphis->L.A.-->Washington),Gasol依照Phil的指示 在週六的比賽坐板凳。 "We want him to get his feet underneath him and practice [today] and see how he feels," Jackson said. "Let him play with the guys before going in an NBA game." Phil說,"我們希望可以讓他休息一下,然後跟著球隊練習,看他感覺如何。讓他在進入比 賽前可以跟隊友熟悉一下。" Gasol's sore back, which caused him to sit out three of his last four games with the Grizzlies, was also a contributing factor. The condition is not considered serious, although he spent part of the first half of Sunday's game working out with Chip Schaefer and Alex McKechnie of the Lakers' athletic performance staff. Gasol在灰熊時,因為背痛的關係所以在近四場比賽中休息了三場,所以這也是原因之一。 不過狀況看起來不嚴重,雖然他還是在上半場花了一點時間和湖人運動防護員Chip Schaefer與Alex McKechnie做了一些復健工作。 Gasol was on the bench for the second half, wearing a blue blazer over a gray designer T-shirt. Gasol下半場仍舊坐板凳,穿著發亮的藍色上衣底下覆蓋一件灰色T-shirt。 He seemed fine with leaving a team that was 13-33 at the time of the trade and was 0-12 in playoff games in his previous six seasons. 他似乎對於可以離開目前13-33,以及前六季季後賽0-12的球隊感覺還不錯。 "I always consider myself a winner and a competitor, and the last few years in Memphis, I haven't been able to achieve my goals team-wise," he said. "It's been frustrating, but that's the kind of situation I was in." 他說,"我一直認為我自己是個winner、一個競爭者,但過去幾年在灰熊的時光,我並沒有 能達成我自己對球隊見解的任務。這讓人很挫折,但這就是我過去所待的環境。" He had subtly, yet steadily, expressed unhappiness with the direction of the Grizzlies but thought it was to no avail. 他有點閃避,但是很平穩的表達他對灰熊的建隊方向的不滿,而且認為沒有改變。 "At first I had the impression that the Grizzlies, or [owner Michael] Heisley, were asking only, like, star for star [in a trade]. If I was going to go to the Lakers, there's no way that Kobe [Bryant] would go to Memphis. It was just too complicated." "起初我有印象,灰熊或他們的高層有意要以star換star的方式進行交易。假如我若去到 湖人隊,那Kobe就不可能會想去灰熊。感覺上非常相當複雜。" Then came Friday morning. 週五早上 "I was shocked when I got the news after practice," he said. "I was surprised, and now I'm starting to digest everything that's gone on and going to come from now on. I'm definitely excited about everything. . . . I'm happy to be a Laker." 他說,"我在球隊練習完後對於這個消息感到震驚。我很驚訝,而且我開始嘗試消化這些 發生的事情,以及從現在起所發生的每件事情。但我非常確定的感到興奮...我很高興成為 湖人的一員。" The Lakers and Gasol were energized by the trade, but not everybody around the league hailed it. 湖人方面及Gasol都對這個交易感到雀躍,但並非聯盟中的每個人都對這交易表示喝采的。 "I could care less about that," Detroit Pistons forward-center Rasheed Wallace told the Detroit Free Press. ". . . It's got nothing to do with me, it ain't affecting me in no way. If it works for them, good. I'll see them in June." 活塞前鋒R. Wallace對底特律自由通訊社表示,"我對這個沒有很關心。" 這件事情和我 沒啥關係,也影響不了我什麼。如果這對他們來講有用,那好啊,咱們六月見! (做成這交易的也是你Wallace系列的耶= =+, 以後叫你酸蛙XD) Still, the normally stoic Bryant was elated enough to throw in a one-liner when asked if he thought the Lakers were done trading before the Feb. 21 deadline. 當被問到湖人是否會在交易截止日2/21前做成任何交易案時,Kobe很高興的說了幾個笑話 。 "I let [General Manager] Mitch [Kupchak] handle that stuff," he said. "I stopped playing GM over the summer." 他說,"我讓Mitch來操作整個過程,我在暑假後就停止當GM的工作了。XD" Luke Walton returned Sunday after a two-game absence because of a right hip injury. He had four points in 14 minutes. Luke休息兩天後重新回到場上。他在14分鐘出賽裡拿到4分。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/04 14:01, , 1F
02/04 14:01, 1F

02/04 14:07, , 2F
02/04 14:07, 2F

02/04 14:07, , 3F
原PO今天打的不錯喔 這應該是霸男受傷後 我們首次二連
02/04 14:07, 3F

02/04 14:07, , 4F
勝吧 真的是久違的二連勝吶
02/04 14:07, 4F

02/04 14:10, , 5F
get his feet underneath him 休息一下
02/04 14:10, 5F

02/04 14:12, , 6F
it was to no avail 沒有改變
02/04 14:12, 6F

02/04 14:14, , 7F
如果那對他們來說有幫助的話.. 很好阿.. 我們6月見 XDDDD
02/04 14:14, 7F

02/04 14:16, , 8F
希蛙有夠酸 還嗆聲XD
02/04 14:16, 8F

02/04 14:17, , 9F
非常嗆 XD
02/04 14:17, 9F

02/04 14:21, , 10F
I love Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed
02/04 14:21, 10F

02/04 14:22, , 11F
http://0rz.tw/a13Dx <===帥翻天
02/04 14:22, 11F
※ 編輯: OdomLamar 來自: (02/04 14:24)

02/04 14:30, , 12F
02/04 14:30, 12F

02/04 15:04, , 13F
02/04 15:04, 13F

02/04 15:04, , 14F
02/04 15:04, 14F

02/04 15:39, , 15F
02/04 15:39, 15F

02/04 17:25, , 16F
02/04 17:25, 16F

02/04 17:53, , 17F
推辛苦翻譯~ ^^
02/04 17:53, 17F

02/04 21:44, , 18F
02/04 21:44, 18F
文章代碼(AID): #17fgbXg8 (Lakers)