Re: [閒聊] 球隊高層的態度

看板Lakers作者 (Thaddeus Yong)時間17年前 (2007/06/20 15:11), 編輯推噓16(16035)
留言51則, 18人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Day 21 Lakers spokesman John Black said the team was contacted about the video before Bryant first requested to be traded on May 30. "It doesn't change our stance at all," Black said a day after saying essentially the same thing -- that the team has no plans to trade the two-time defending NBA scoring champion. 由此可得知,湖人管理階層本來就不太在意這種事情發生,知道有 Kobe 有可能 要求交易了,為什麼不直接詢問本人呢? "These people called us about a month ago, they told us they wanted to sell it, we told them we had no interest in buying it," Black said. "That's the end of the story. There's been no further contact between them and us." 美國湖迷也是智障,偷拍還想賣錢,真不知道腦子裝什麼,管理階層不買是理所當然。 現在影片在網路兩塊美金就可點選觀看,而結果呢,Kobe 正式成為 LA 的全民公敵了。 回顧一下管理階層在幹嘛,Day 1 為 Kobe 提出交易要求,時間點有可能記錯。 Day 0 Man, hearing something like that, which is not true, and which comes from the "inside" is totally frustrating. The fact of the matter is that many people don't know what really went down when I was approaching free agency because I have stayed quiet about it this whole time. 因為"insider"這個緣故,Kobe 跟球迷的談話才會說球團烏煙瘴氣,結果被偷拍。 Day 2 Lakers owner Jerry Buss spoke with Bryant by telephone a day after the trade request and issued a statement saying: "We will continue to pursue every avenue possible to improve our team with [Bryant] as the cornerstone." 在事前得知事情發生的可能,不理不睬。事後發生了,過了一天多才透過電話嘴泡 到底能展現多少誠意?那些話說了三年了。 "Unbelievable," Bryant said. "I called [Lakers general manager] Mitch Kupchak [yesterday] morning to give him a heads-up, to let him know I was going to say I wanted to be traded. That seemed like the right thing to do. So don't act all surprised when the news comes out. 球團這時還在裝傻,裝作看到報導很震驚,然而兩天前卻已經知道類似的訊息。 Day 3 "They said the press release was from San Diego, so I guess he's in the vicinity. When I talked to [coach] Phil [Jackson yesterday] morning, he told me Buss was going to China in a day or so. "I've heard nothing from him." Phil 出面和 Kobe 談話,緩和了情緒。不過 Kobe 說 Buss 並沒跟他接觸過。 那麼 Buss 說的那些消息是自high嗎?Well,請看下個部份。 Then Buss hopped on a jet to China for a vacation that will last about a month – not exactly hands-on overseeing of an organization in turmoil, but at least having played a much-needed game of one-on-one with his team’s superstar. 之後 Buss 馬上搭上了飛機到中國渡假....。 The result has been a controversy spawning more than 500 e-mails from season-ticket holders to pour into Lakers headquarters – with 90 percent of them imploring the club not to trade Bryant. 500 名季票持有者寄信給高層們,九成要求湖人不要交易 Kobe。 Day 4 在與 Phil 談完後 Kobe 安靜了好一陣子。 Artest is going to LA. No wait, Chicago. And that is where Jermaine O’Neal is going, too. Unless he comes to LA. Or New York. And what about KG trades, or Kobe for that matter. Maybe they can both play together in Chicago or New York. 此時一堆白痴乳摸開始出現。 Day 7 Kobe postseason grumble, everyone and their uncle requiring surgery, Jeannie vs. Jim, Kobe wants Jerry, Lakers "Insider," followed by Bryant taking control of the nation's radio space like Orson Wells with War of the Worlds, demanding, kind of demanding, maybe demanding, then re-demanding a trade. 白爛的家族肥皂劇上演。 Day 14 The Jermaine O'Neal talks have hit a snag, apparently because the Lakers don't want to include Lamar Odom and Andrew Bynum (along with Kwame Brown) in a deal that would return O'Neal and Troy Murphy. Kobe 安靜了兩週後,主要是和家庭一塊到處遊玩。同時球團停止了與溜馬交涉的可能。 Day 16 Owner and player met face-to-face last Friday in Barcelona, and while Black declined to reveal details, the Los Angeles Times and Riverside Press-Enterprise quoted sources as saying Bryant still wanted out. Buss 在中國閒晃了兩週後,心血來潮的拜訪在西班牙的 Kobe,Kobe 說他依舊想走。 Day 17 "You want to win. We want to win," Buss said in the letter. "We are on the same page. During my 28 years of ownership the Lakers have been to the playoffs 26 times. Lakers teams under my ownership have gone to the finals 12 times and won eight championships. Merely qualifying for the playoffs is certainly an accomplishment; however, we all want more. That said, and we know this from experience, making it to the [NBA] finals is never easy, and winning it all is even harder. "Our goal has been, and remains to be, to build the Lakers into a team that can regularly compete for championships. I believe that we have always shown a willingness to do what needs to be done and spend what needs to be spent to deliver you championship caliber basketball. We remain committed to that philosophy." Buss 寄了一封內容豐富的信件給所有持有季票球迷,內容是鼓舞球迷之類的話。 對於 Kobe 一事完全不提。他好像還在中國...... Day 20 Kupchak declined further comment, saying, "I think enough has been said." 發表言論中,對於 Kobe 一事毫無談論,那到底說過了什麼有用的話? The 61-year-old Jackson has one year left on his $30 million, three-year contract. Kupchak said he has had talks with Jackson regarding an extension since the season ended. 在這種關頭,把重點放在 Phil 的續約,腦子到底想什麼? 除非他們真的在醞釀所有人未知的驚人交易,能不讓 Odom、Bynum 一次瓦解,否則 到現在為止,高層真的沒有作過一件有意義的事情。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

06/20 15:32, , 1F
06/20 15:32, 1F

06/20 16:46, , 2F
06/20 16:46, 2F

06/20 17:06, , 3F
06/20 17:06, 3F

06/20 17:16, , 4F
我想Buss是拖一天算一天吧 他根本不想處理這燙手山芋
06/20 17:16, 4F

06/20 17:21, , 5F
06/20 17:21, 5F

06/20 18:06, , 6F
06/20 18:06, 6F

06/20 18:06, , 7F
06/20 18:06, 7F

06/20 18:07, , 8F
06/20 18:07, 8F

06/20 18:08, , 9F
06/20 18:08, 9F

06/20 18:24, , 10F
大家可能跟制服組都滿熟的 都知道他們沒在作事 目前為止
06/20 18:24, 10F

06/20 18:26, , 11F
06/20 18:26, 11F

06/20 18:28, , 12F
Kupchak現在說什麼你都會覺的是屁話吧 你早主觀認定了
06/20 18:28, 12F

06/20 18:28, , 13F
是不用到處說給人聽 但是連對Kobe都不肯說嗎?
06/20 18:28, 13F

06/20 18:29, , 14F
他說我們會持續追求可能而有幫助的交易 你就說嘴泡
06/20 18:29, 14F

06/20 18:30, , 15F
06/20 18:30, 15F

06/20 18:31, , 16F
請問你跟他很熟嗎 你知道他們沒有交談嗎? 那Meeting是假的?
06/20 18:31, 16F

06/20 18:35, , 17F
不太在意會渡假到一半去找KB Meeting? 自找麻煩嗎 -o-?
06/20 18:35, 17F

06/20 18:36, , 18F
我打錯了 見面確實是Kobe要求的..是麻煩找上Buss
06/20 18:36, 18F

06/20 18:36, , 19F
06/20 18:36, 19F

06/20 18:38, , 20F
這個Rumor連被證實的需要都存在吧 .... ?
06/20 18:38, 20F

06/20 18:39, , 21F
C'mon 就不能理性點 Just wait and see 嗎? 一定要煽動人心
06/20 18:39, 21F

06/20 18:40, , 22F
喔差點上當 我沒說麻煩是KB 而是指老Buss大可不必親自出面
06/20 18:40, 22F

06/20 18:43, , 23F
好吧 管理階層很用心..我等著看 period
06/20 18:43, 23F

06/20 18:46, , 24F
我也沒這麼說 請你不要再亂解讀..等一下又有人來扣帽子..
06/20 18:46, 24F

06/20 18:52, , 25F
Period and Peace
06/20 18:52, 25F

06/20 20:45, , 26F
06/20 20:45, 26F

06/20 20:46, , 27F
06/20 20:46, 27F

06/20 20:47, , 28F
06/20 20:47, 28F

06/20 20:53, , 29F
06/20 20:53, 29F

06/20 20:54, , 30F
湖人今年一定要做補強,如果LO kb Bynum都無法順利交易,那我
06/20 20:54, 30F

06/20 20:55, , 31F
06/20 20:55, 31F

06/20 20:56, , 32F
06/20 20:56, 32F

06/20 20:57, , 33F
06/20 20:57, 33F

06/20 20:58, , 34F
06/20 20:58, 34F

06/20 20:58, , 35F
06/20 20:58, 35F

06/20 21:01, , 36F
推tco態度 同樣制服組是否真的腦殘、不在乎我也持保留態度
06/20 21:01, 36F

06/20 21:02, , 37F
一片紛亂真反而是需要保持理性、耐性 不用過度去解讀什麼
06/20 21:02, 37F

06/20 21:04, , 38F
我想我們沒有人是真的和KB 制服組很熟 so just wait and see
06/20 21:04, 38F

06/20 21:04, , 39F
06/20 21:04, 39F

06/20 21:09, , 40F
06/20 21:09, 40F

06/20 21:21, , 41F
06/20 21:21, 41F

06/20 21:26, , 42F
06/20 21:26, 42F

06/20 21:34, , 43F
06/20 21:34, 43F

06/20 23:32, , 44F
06/20 23:32, 44F

06/21 00:00, , 45F
06/21 00:00, 45F

06/21 00:01, , 46F
06/21 00:01, 46F

06/21 00:11, , 47F
06/21 00:11, 47F

06/21 00:25, , 48F
不過等待的這段期間,只能說...I become so numb ~~~
06/21 00:25, 48F

06/21 06:56, , 49F
只能說無言= =
06/21 06:56, 49F

06/21 10:24, , 50F
to 樓樓樓上 同意你的話 但別誤用"宅"字罵人
06/21 10:24, 50F

06/21 11:27, , 51F
06/21 11:27, 51F
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